using FrontendWebApi.Models; using iTextSharp.text; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Newtonsoft.Json; using NPOI.HPSF; using NPOI.SS.Formula.Functions; using NPOI.SS.UserModel; using NPOI.Util; using NPOI.XSSF.UserModel; using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Agreement.JPake; using Repository.BackendRepository.Interface; using Repository.FrontendRepository.Interface; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace FrontendWebApi.ApiControllers { //[Route("api/[controller]")] //[ApiController] public class OperationController : MyBaseApiController { private readonly IBackendRepository backendRepository; private string operationFileSaveAsPath = ""; public OperationController(IBackendRepository backendRepository) { this.backendRepository = backendRepository; operationFileSaveAsPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot", "upload", "operation"); } [HttpPost] public async Task>> MaiSysList() { ApiResult> apiResult = new ApiResult>(); List main_system_list = new List(); try { var sqlString = @$"SELECT * FROM variable WHERE system_type = @main_system_type AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY system_priority, created_at desc"; var param = new { @main_system_type = main_system_type }; main_system_list = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString, param); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = main_system_list; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } [HttpPost] public async Task>> SubSysList([FromBody] string main_system_tag) { ApiResult> apiResult = new ApiResult>(); List sub_system_list = new List(); try { var sqlString = @$"SELECT v2.* FROM variable v2 JOIN variable v1 ON v2.system_parent_id = AND v1.system_type = @main_system_type AND v1.deleted = 0 WHERE v2.system_type = @sub_system_type AND v2.deleted = 0 AND v1.system_value = @main_system_tag ORDER BY v2.system_priority, v2.created_at desc"; var param = new { @main_system_type = main_system_type, @sub_system_type = sub_system_type, @main_system_tag = main_system_tag }; sub_system_list = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString, param); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = sub_system_list; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 地區列表 /// /// [HttpPost] public async Task>> AreaList() { ApiResult> apiResult = new ApiResult>(); List bl = new List(); try { var sqlString = @$"select system_value as device_area_tag, system_key as area_name from variable where system_type = 'area' and deleted = 0"; bl = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString, null); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = bl; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 東別列表 /// /// [HttpPost] public async Task>> BuiList([FromBody] BuildingList b) { ApiResult> apiResult = new ApiResult>(); List bl = new List(); try { var sqlString = @$"select building_tag as device_building_tag, b.full_name as building_name from building b where deleted = 0 and area_tag = @device_area_tag group by b.full_name, building_tag"; bl = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString, new { @device_area_tag = b.device_area_tag }); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = bl; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 樓層列表 /// /// [HttpPost] public async Task>> FloList([FromBody] BuildingList b) { ApiResult> apiResult = new ApiResult>(); List bl = new List(); try { var sqlString = @$"select full_name as device_floor_tag from floor where deleted = 0 and building_tag = @device_building_tag group by full_name"; bl = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString, new { @device_building_tag = b.device_building_tag }); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = bl; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 設備列表 /// /// [HttpPost] public async Task>> DevList([FromBody] BuildingList bl) { ApiResult> apiResult = new ApiResult>(); List d = new List(); try { var sqlString = @$"select device_number, concat(device_floor_tag, ' ', device_last_name, ' ', device_serial_tag) as device_name from device where deleted = 0 and device_area_tag = @device_area_tag and device_building_tag = @device_building_tag and device_floor_tag = @device_floor_tag and d.device_system_tag = @main_system_tag and d.device_name_tag = @sub_system_tag "; var param = new { @device_building_tag = bl.device_building_tag, @device_floor_tag = bl.device_floor_tag, @device_area_tag = bl.device_area_tag, @main_system_tag = bl.main_system_tag, @sub_system_tag = bl.sub_system_tag }; d = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString, param); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = d; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 汇出excel (work_type: null=廠商, 1=保養, 2=維修) /// /// [HttpPost] public FileResult OpeExportExcel([FromBody] byte? work_type) { var workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(); #region excel設定 IFont font12 = workbook.CreateFont(); font12.FontName = "新細明體"; font12.FontHeightInPoints = 12; ICellStyle style12 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); style12.SetFont(font12); style12.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; style12.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; IFont font12Times = workbook.CreateFont(); font12Times.FontName = "Times New Roman"; font12Times.FontHeightInPoints = 12; IFont font18 = workbook.CreateFont(); font18.FontName = "新細明體"; font18.FontHeightInPoints = 18; font18.IsBold = true; ICellStyle styleTitle18 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); styleTitle18.SetFont(font18); styleTitle18.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; styleTitle18.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; ICellStyle styleLeft12 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); styleLeft12.SetFont(font12); styleLeft12.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; styleLeft12.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; ICellStyle styleLine12 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); styleLine12.SetFont(font12); styleLine12.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center; styleLine12.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; styleLine12.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; styleLine12.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; styleLine12.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; styleLine12.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; ICellStyle stylein12 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); stylein12.SetFont(font12Times); stylein12.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Left; stylein12.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; stylein12.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; stylein12.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; stylein12.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; stylein12.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; stylein12.WrapText = true; #endregion if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(work_type.ToString())) { var sqlString = $@"select ofi.*, v2.system_key from operation_firm ofi left join variable v1 on ofi.device_system_category_layer2 = v1.system_value and v1.system_type = @main_system_type and v1.deleted = 0 left join variable v2 on = v2.system_parent_id and ofi.device_system_category_layer3 = v2.system_value and v2.system_type = @sub_system_type and v2.deleted = 0 where ofi.deleted = 0"; var sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("廠商資料"); var operation_firm = backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString, new { @main_system_type = main_system_type, @sub_system_type = sub_system_type }); int RowPosition = 0; #region set cell IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition); sheet.SetColumnWidth(0, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(3, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(4, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(5, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(6, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(7, 4 * 160 * 12); ICell cell = row.CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue("廠商類別"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(1); cell.SetCellValue("廠商名稱"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(2); cell.SetCellValue("聯絡人"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(3); cell.SetCellValue("電話"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(4); cell.SetCellValue("郵箱"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(5); cell.SetCellValue("統一編號"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(6); cell.SetCellValue("備注"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(7); cell.SetCellValue("建立時間"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; #endregion if (operation_firm.Result.Count > 0) { foreach (var of in operation_firm.Result) { RowPosition += 1; row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition); for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { cell = row.CreateCell(i); if (i == 0) { cell.SetCellValue(of.system_key); } if (i == 1) { cell.SetCellValue(; } if (i == 2) { cell.SetCellValue(of.contact_person); } if (i == 3) { cell.SetCellValue(; } if (i == 4) { cell.SetCellValue(; } if (i == 5) { cell.SetCellValue(of.tax_id_number); } if (i == 6) { cell.SetCellValue(of.remark); } if (i == 7) { cell.SetCellValue(of.Created_at); } cell.CellStyle = style12; } } } } else if (work_type == 1) { var sqlString = $@"select opr.*, concat(d.device_floor_tag, ' ', d.device_last_name, ' ', d.device_serial_tag) as device_name, ui.full_name as user_full_name from operation_record opr left join device d on opr.fix_do_code = d.device_number left join userinfo ui on opr.work_person_id = ui.userinfo_guid where opr.deleted = 0 and opr.work_type = 1"; var sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("廠商資料"); var operation_record = backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString, null); List operation_record_file = new List(); if (operation_record.Result.Count > 0) { foreach (var or in operation_record.Result) { sqlString = $@"select * from operation_record_file where record_id = @record_id"; var param = new { @record_id = }; operation_record_file = backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString, param).Result; or.lorf = operation_record_file; } int RowPosition = 0; #region set cell IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition); sheet.SetColumnWidth(0, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(3, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(4, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(5, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(6, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(7, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(8, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(9, 4 * 160 * 12); ICell cell = row.CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue("項目"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(1); cell.SetCellValue("位置"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(2); cell.SetCellValue("表單號"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(3); cell.SetCellValue("設備名稱"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(4); cell.SetCellValue("狀態"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(5); cell.SetCellValue("處理人員"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(6); cell.SetCellValue("預計施工時間"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(7); cell.SetCellValue("檔案上傳"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(8); cell.SetCellValue("完成時間"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(9); cell.SetCellValue("建立時間"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; #endregion foreach (var or in operation_record.Result) { RowPosition += 1; row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cell = row.CreateCell(i); if (i == 0) { cell.SetCellValue(or.work_type_name); } if (i == 1) { cell.SetCellValue(or.location); } if (i == 2) { cell.SetCellValue(or.formId); } if (i == 3) { cell.SetCellValue(or.device_name); } if (i == 4) { cell.SetCellValue(or.status_name); } if (i == 5) { cell.SetCellValue(or.user_full_name); } if (i == 6) { cell.SetCellValue(or.start_time); } if (i == 7) { cell.SetCellValue(or.finish_time); // image } if (i == 8) { cell.SetCellValue(or.finish_time); } if (i == 9) { cell.SetCellValue(or.Created_at); } cell.CellStyle = style12; } } } } else if (work_type == 2) { var sqlString = $@"select opr.*, concat(d.device_floor_tag, ' ', d.device_last_name, ' ', d.device_serial_tag) as device_name, ui.full_name as user_full_name from operation_record opr left join device d on opr.fix_do_code = d.device_number left join userinfo ui on opr.work_person_id = where opr.deleted = 0 and opr.work_type = 2"; var sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("廠商資料"); var operation_record = backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString, null); List operation_record_file = new List(); if (operation_record.Result.Count > 0) { foreach(var or in operation_record.Result) { sqlString = $@"select * from operation_record_file where record_id = @record_id"; var param = new { @record_id = }; operation_record_file = backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString, param).Result; or.lorf = operation_record_file; } int RowPosition = 0; #region set cell IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition); sheet.SetColumnWidth(0, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(3, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(4, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(5, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(6, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(7, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(8, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(9, 4 * 160 * 12); sheet.SetColumnWidth(10, 4 * 160 * 12); ICell cell = row.CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue("項目"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(1); cell.SetCellValue("位置"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(2); cell.SetCellValue("異常代號"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(3); cell.SetCellValue("表單號"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(4); cell.SetCellValue("設備名稱"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(5); cell.SetCellValue("狀態"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(6); cell.SetCellValue("處理人員"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(7); cell.SetCellValue("預計施工時間"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(8); cell.SetCellValue("檔案上傳"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(9); cell.SetCellValue("完成時間"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; cell = row.CreateCell(10); cell.SetCellValue("建立時間"); cell.CellStyle = styleLine12; var j = 0;//row #endregion foreach (var or in operation_record.Result) { RowPosition += 1; row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)//column { cell = row.CreateCell(i); if (i == 0) { cell.SetCellValue(or.work_type_name); } if (i == 1) { cell.SetCellValue(or.location); } if (i == 1) { cell.SetCellValue(or.error_code); } if (i == 3) { cell.SetCellValue(or.formId); } if (i == 4) { cell.SetCellValue(or.device_name); } if (i == 5) { cell.SetCellValue(or.status_name); } if (i == 6) { cell.SetCellValue(or.user_full_name); } if (i == 7) { cell.SetCellValue(or.start_time); } if (i == 8)//image { var image = or.lorf.FirstOrDefault().save_file_name; var extName = "JPG"; //image.Split('.')[1]; var fullPath = Path.Combine(operationFileSaveAsPath, "image1.jpg"); var imageByte = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fullPath); int format = 0; var drawing = sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch(); foreach (var v in Enum.GetNames(typeof(PictureType))) { if (v == extName) format = Convert.ToInt32(Enum.Parse(typeof(PictureType), v)); } if (format != 0) { var pictureIds = workbook.AddPicture(imageByte, format); XSSFClientAnchor anchor = new XSSFClientAnchor(); anchor.Col1 = i; anchor.Row1 = j; var picture = drawing.CreatePicture(anchor, pictureIds); picture.Resize(); } } if (i == 9) { cell.SetCellValue(or.finish_time); } if (i == 10) { cell.SetCellValue(or.Created_at); } cell.CellStyle = style12; j++; } } } } var ms = new NpoiMemoryStream { AllowClose = false }; workbook.Write(ms); ms.Flush(); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return File(ms, "application/", "廠商資料.xlsx"); } #region 廠商 /// /// 廠商資料列表(搜寻) / selection列表 ofl = null /// /// /// public async Task>> OpeFirList([FromBody] OperationFindList ofl) { ApiResult> apiResult = new ApiResult>(); List opList = new List(); string sWhere = ""; try { if (ofl != null) { if (ofl.start_created_at != null || ofl.end_created_at != null) { sWhere += $@" and (ofi.created_at >= ifnull(@start_created_at, ofi.created_at) AND ofi.created_at <= ifnull(@end_created_at, ofi.created_at))"; } //else if ( //{ // sWhere += $@" and convert(of.created_at, DATE) = convert(NOW(), DATE)"; //} //else if (ofl.yesterday) //{ // sWhere += $@" and convert(of.created_at, DATE) = convert(ADDDATE(NOW(), -1), DATE)"; //} if (ofl.sub_system_tag != null || ofl.main_system_tag != null) { sWhere += $@" and (ofi.device_system_category_layer2 = ifnull(@main_system_tag, device_system_category_layer2) AND ofi.device_system_category_layer3 = ifnull(@sub_system_tag, device_system_category_layer3))"; } var sqlString = @$"select ofi.*, v2.system_key from operation_firm ofi left join variable v1 on ofi.device_system_category_layer2 = v1.system_value and v1.system_type = @main_system_type and v1.deleted = 0 left join variable v2 on = v2.system_parent_id and ofi.device_system_category_layer3 = v2.system_value and v2.system_type = @sub_system_type and v2.deleted = 0 where ofi.deleted = 0" + sWhere; var param = new { @sub_system_type = sub_system_type, @start_created_at = ofl.start_created_at, @end_created_at = ofl.end_created_at, @sub_system_tag = ofl.sub_system_tag, @main_system_tag = ofl.main_system_tag }; opList = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString, param); } else { var sqlString = $@"select, from operation_firm where deleted = 0"; opList = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString); } apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = opList; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 廠商資料讀取(搜寻) / selection讀取 ofl = null /// /// /// public async Task> OpeFirRead([FromBody] OperationFindList ofl) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); Operation_Firm opList = new Operation_Firm(); try { var sqlString = @$"select ofi.*, v2.system_key from operation_firm ofi left join variable v1 on ofi.device_system_category_layer2 = v1.system_value and v1.system_type = @main_system_type and v1.deleted = 0 and ofi.device_system_category_layer2 = v1.system_value left join variable v2 on = v2.system_parent_id and ofi.device_system_category_layer3 = v2.system_value and v2.deleted = 0 where ofi.deleted = 0 and = @id"; var param = new { @id = }; opList = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync(sqlString, param); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = opList; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 新增一笔廠商資料 /// /// /// public async Task> SaveOpeFirm([FromBody] Operation_Firm of) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { if (of.tax_id_number != null) { var sWhere = "deleted = 0 AND tax_id_number = @tax_id_number"; var ofo = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync("operation_firm", sWhere, new { @tax_id_number = of.tax_id_number }); if (ofo != null) { apiResult.Code = "0002"; apiResult.Data = "已有相同的统一编号"; return apiResult; } } Dictionary operation_firm = new Dictionary() { { "@deleted", 0 }, { "@device_system_category_layer2", of.device_system_category_layer2 }, { "@device_system_category_layer3", of.device_system_category_layer3 }, { "@name", }, { "@contact_person", of.contact_person }, { "@phone", }, { "@email", }, { "@tax_id_number", of.tax_id_number }, { "@remark", of.remark }, { "@created_by", myUser.userinfo_guid }, { "@created_at", DateTime.Now } }; await backendRepository.AddOneByCustomTable(operation_firm, "operation_firm"); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = "新增成功"; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(of); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 编辑一笔廠商資料 /// /// /// public async Task> EdtOneOpeFirm([FromBody] Operation_Firm of) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { var sWhere = @$"deleted = 0 and id = @id"; var gm = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync("operation_firm", sWhere, new { @id = }); if (gm == null) { apiResult.Code = "0001"; apiResult.Data = "無法找到厂商"; return apiResult; } if (of.tax_id_number != null) { sWhere = "deleted = 0 AND tax_id_number = @tax_id_number and id != @id"; var ofo = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync("operation_firm", sWhere, new { @tax_id_number = of.tax_id_number, @id = }); if (ofo != null) { apiResult.Code = "0002"; apiResult.Data = "已有相同的统一编号"; return apiResult; } } Dictionary operation_firm = new Dictionary() { { "@device_system_category_layer2", of.device_system_category_layer2 }, { "@device_system_category_layer3", of.device_system_category_layer3 }, { "@name", }, { "@contact_person", of.contact_person }, { "@phone", }, { "@email", }, { "@tax_id_number", of.tax_id_number }, { "@remark", of.remark }, { "updated_by", myUser.userinfo_guid }, { "updated_at", DateTime.Now } }; await backendRepository.UpdateOneByCustomTable(operation_firm, "operation_firm", "id = '" + + "'"); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = "修改成功"; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(of); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 廠商---刪除 /// /// /// public async Task> DelOpeFirm([FromBody] Operation_Firm or) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { var sqlString = @$"UPDATE operation_firm SET deleted = 1 WHERE id = @id"; var param = new { @id = }; await backendRepository.ExecuteSql(sqlString, param); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = "刪除成功"; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(or); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } #endregion #region 維修/保養 /// /// 維修/保養 列表(work_type) /// /// /// public async Task>> OpeRecList([FromBody] OperationFindList ofl) { ApiResult> apiResult = new ApiResult>(); List orl = new List(); string sWhere = ""; try { if (ofl.work_type != 1 && ofl.work_type != 2) { apiResult.Code = "0001"; apiResult.Msg = "無此項目類別"; return apiResult; } if (ofl.start_created_at != null || ofl.end_created_at != null) { sWhere += $@" and (opr.created_at >= ifnull(@start_created_at, opr.created_at) AND opr.created_at <= ifnull(@end_created_at, opr.created_at))"; } //else if ( //{ // sWhere += $@" and convert(opr.created_at, DATE) = convert(NOW(), DATE)"; //} //else if (ofl.yesterday) //{ // sWhere += $@" and convert(opr.created_at, DATE) = convert(ADDDATE(NOW(), -1), DATE)"; //} if (ofl.sub_system_tag != null || ofl.main_system_tag != null) { sWhere += $@" and (opr.device_system_category_layer2 = ifnull(@main_system_tag, opr.device_system_category_layer2) AND opr.device_system_category_layer3 = ifnull(@sub_system_tag, opr.device_system_category_layer3))"; } if (ofl.serial_number != null) { sWhere += $@" and opr.formId like '%@formId%'"; } var sqlString = $@"select opr.*, concat(d.device_floor_tag, ' ', d.device_last_name, ' ', d.device_serial_tag) as device_name, ui.full_name as user_full_name from operation_record opr left join device d on opr.fix_do_code = d.device_number left join userinfo ui on opr.work_person_id = ui.userinfo_guid where opr.deleted = 0 and opr.work_type = @work_type" + sWhere; var param = new { @work_type = ofl.work_type, @start_created_at = ofl.start_created_at, @end_created_at = ofl.end_created_at, @sub_system_tag = ofl.sub_system_tag, @main_system_tag = ofl.main_system_tag, @formId = ofl.serial_number }; orl = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString, param); if (orl.Count > 0) { foreach(var or in orl) { sqlString = $@"select * from operation_record_file where record_id = @record_id and deleted = 0"; var oParam = new { @record_id = }; var orfl = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString, oParam); or.lorf = orfl; } } apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = orl; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(ofl); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 維修/保養 讀取(work_type) /// /// /// public async Task> OpeRecRead([FromBody] OperationFindList ofl) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); Operation_Record orl = new Operation_Record(); try { var sqlString = $@"select opr.*, concat(d.device_floor_tag, ' ', d.device_last_name, ' ', d.device_serial_tag) as device_name, ui.full_name as user_full_name from operation_record opr left join device d on opr.fix_do_code = d.device_number left join userinfo ui on opr.work_person_id = where opr.deleted = 0 and = @id"; var param = new { @id = }; orl = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync(sqlString, param); if (orl != null) { sqlString = $@"select * from operation_record_file where record_id = @record_id and deleted = 0"; var oParam = new { @record_id = }; var orfl = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString, oParam); orl.lorf = orfl; } apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = orl; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(ofl); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 維修/保養---新增/編輯 /// /// /// public async Task> SavOpeRecord([FromBody] Operation_Record or) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { var sqlString = $@"select * from operation_record where id = @id"; var param = new { @id = }; var ori = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync(sqlString, param); sqlString = $@"select formId from operation_record where convert(created_at, DATE) = convert(NOW(), DATE) order by id desc limit 1"; var formId = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync(sqlString); formId = formId != null ? "op" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + (Int32.Parse(formId.Substring(10)) + 1) : "op" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "001"; if (ori == null) //create { var new_guid = new Guid(); Dictionary operation_record = new Dictionary() { { "@deleted", 0}, { "@formId", formId}, { "@location", or.location}, { "@location_code", or.location_code}, { "@device_system_category_layer2", or.device_system_category_layer2}, { "@device_system_category_layer3", or.device_system_category_layer3}, { "@work_type", or.work_type}, { "@error_code", or.work_type == 2 ? new_guid.ToString() : null}, { "@fix_do_code", or.fix_do_code }, { "@fix_firm", or.fix_firm}, { "@status", or.status}, { "@work_person_id", or.work_person_id}, { "@start_time", or.start_time}, { "@end_time", or.end_time}, { "@work_time", or.work_time}, { "@finish_time", or.finish_time}, { "@notice", or.notice}, { "@description", or.description}, { "@created_by", myUser.userinfo_guid}, { "@created_at", DateTime.Now} }; await backendRepository.AddOneByCustomTable(operation_record, "operation_record"); if (or.lorf.Count > 0) { foreach(var orf in or.lorf) { sqlString = $@"select id from operation_record where formId = @formId"; var fParam = new { @formId = formId }; var record_id = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync(sqlString, fParam); Dictionary operation_record_file = new Dictionary() { { "@deleted", 0}, { "@record_id", record_id}, { "@ori_file_name", orf.ori_file_name}, { "@save_file_name", orf.save_file_name}, { "@created_by", myUser.userinfo_guid}, { "@created_at", DateTime.Now} }; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(operationFileSaveAsPath)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(operationFileSaveAsPath); new_guid = new Guid(); var fileName = new_guid + "." + orf.ori_file_name.Split('.')[1]; var fullPath = Path.Combine(operationFileSaveAsPath, fileName); using (var stream = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Create)) { orf.file.CopyTo(stream); } await backendRepository.AddOneByCustomTable(operation_record_file, "operation_record_file"); } } apiResult.Data = "新增成功"; } else //edit { Dictionary operation_record = new Dictionary() { { "@location", or.location}, { "@location_code", or.location_code}, { "@device_system_category_layer2", or.device_system_category_layer2}, { "@device_system_category_layer3", or.device_system_category_layer3}, { "@fix_do_code", or.fix_do_code }, { "@fix_firm", or.fix_firm}, { "@status", or.status}, { "@work_person_id", or.work_person_id}, { "@start_time", or.start_time}, { "@end_time", or.end_time}, { "@work_time", or.work_time}, { "@finish_time", or.finish_time}, { "@notice", or.notice}, { "@description", or.description}, { "@updated_by", myUser.userinfo_guid}, { "@updated_at", DateTime.Now} }; await backendRepository.UpdateOneByCustomTable(operation_record , "operation_record", "id = " + + ""); if (or.lorf.Count > 0) { foreach(var orf in or.lorf) { if ( == 0)//create { Dictionary operation_record_file = new Dictionary() { { "@deleted", 0}, { "@formId", or.formId}, { "@ori_file_name", orf.ori_file_name}, { "@save_file_name", orf.save_file_name}, { "@created_by", myUser.userinfo_guid}, { "@created_at", DateTime.Now} }; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(operationFileSaveAsPath)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(operationFileSaveAsPath); var new_guid = new Guid(); var fileName = new_guid + "." + orf.ori_file_name.Split('.')[1]; var fullPath = Path.Combine(operationFileSaveAsPath, fileName); using (var stream = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Create)) { orf.file.CopyTo(stream); } await backendRepository.AddOneByCustomTable(operation_record_file, "operation_record_file"); } else//delete { Dictionary operation_record_file = new Dictionary() { { "@deleted", 1}, }; await backendRepository.UpdateOneByCustomTable(operation_record_file, "operation_record_file", "id = " + + ""); } } } apiResult.Data = "修改成功"; } apiResult.Code = "0000"; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(or); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 維修/保養---刪除 /// /// /// public async Task> DelOpeRecord([FromBody] Operation_Record or) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { var sqlString = $@"select formId from operation_record where id = @id"; var param = new { @id = }; var formId = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync(sqlString, param); sqlString = @$"UPDATE operation_record_file SET deleted = 1 WHERE formId = @formId"; var dParam = new { @formId = formId }; await backendRepository.ExecuteSql(sqlString, dParam); sqlString = @$"UPDATE operation_record SET deleted = 1 WHERE id = @id"; param = new { @id = }; await backendRepository.ExecuteSql(sqlString, param); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = "刪除成功"; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(or); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } #endregion } }