using Backend.Models; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Repository.BackendRepository.Interface; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Backend.Controllers { public class SystemCategoryController : MybaseController { private readonly IBackendRepository backendRepository; public SystemCategoryController(IBackendRepository backendRepository) { this.backendRepository = backendRepository; } public IActionResult Index() { return View(); } /// /// 取得系統大類清單 /// /// [HttpPost] public async Task>> SystemMainList() { ApiResult> apiResult = new ApiResult>(); try { var sWhere = "deleted = 0 AND system_type = @System_type"; var param = new { System_type = main_system_type }; var systemMainList = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync("variable", sWhere, param, "system_priority ASC, created_at DESC"); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = systemMainList; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 取得單一系統大類 /// /// /// [HttpPost] public async Task> GetOneSystemMain(int id) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { string sWhere = @$"deleted = @Deleted AND id = @id"; object param = new { Deleted = 0, id = id}; var systemMain = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync("variable", sWhere, param); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = systemMain; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 新增 / 修改 系統大類資料 /// /// /// [HttpPost] public async Task> SaveSystemMain(VariableInfo post) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { string sWhere = @$"deleted = @Deleted AND id = @id"; object param = new { Deleted = 0, id = }; var systemMain = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync("variable", sWhere, param); if (systemMain == null) { //新增 //獲取最新的大類 sWhere = @$"deleted = @Deleted AND system_type = @System_type"; param = new { Deleted = 0, System_type = main_system_type }; var sOrder = @"id DESC LIMIT 1"; var latestVariable = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync("variable", sWhere, param, sOrder); Dictionary variableMainDic = new Dictionary() { { "@system_type", main_system_type}, { "@system_key", post.System_key}, { "@system_value", post.system_value}, { "@system_remark", "系統類別(第2層)"}, { "@system_priority", latestVariable.system_priority + 1}, { "@created_by", myUserInfo.Userinfo_guid}, { "@created_at", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")} }; await backendRepository.AddOneByCustomTable(variableMainDic, "variable"); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Msg = "新增成功"; } else { Dictionary variableMainDic = new Dictionary() { { "@system_key", post.System_key}, { "@system_value", post.system_value}, { "@updated_by", myUserInfo.Userinfo_guid}, { "@updated_at", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}, }; await backendRepository.UpdateOneByCustomTable(variableMainDic, "variable", "id='" + + "' AND deleted = 0"); var AuthCodes = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync( @$"select AuthCode from auth_page ap join variable sv on ap.ShowView = and sv.system_type = 'device_system_category_layer1' where sv.system_parent_id = '{}'"); if(AuthCodes.Count > 0) { await backendRepository.ExecuteSql($@"UPDATE auth_page SET MainName = '{post.System_key}' WHERE AuthCode IN @authCode;",new { authCode = AuthCodes }); } apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Msg = "修改成功"; } } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(post); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 刪除單一系統大類 /// /// /// [HttpPost] public async Task> DeleteOneSystemMain(int id) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { string sWhere = @$"deleted = @Deleted AND id = @id"; object param = new { Deleted = 0, id = id }; var systemMain = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync("variable", sWhere, param); if (systemMain == null) { apiResult.Code = "9998"; apiResult.Msg = "查無該系統大類"; return apiResult; } //檢查是否有未刪除的區域選單 var sbuildMenu = $@"SELECT b.full_name FROM building_menu bm LEFT JOIN building b ON bm.building_tag = b.building_tag AND b.deleted = 0 WHERE bm.main_system_tag = @System_Value GROUP BY b.full_name"; var buildMenus = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sbuildMenu, new { System_Value = systemMain.system_value }); if (buildMenus.Count > 0) { apiResult.Code = "9997"; apiResult.Msg = "區域選單中尚有棟別正在使用該系統大類,故無法刪除"; apiResult.Data = string.Join("
", buildMenus); return apiResult; } //檢查底下是否有未刪除的系統小類 string sqlSub = @$"SELECT id FROM variable WHERE deleted = @Deleted AND system_parent_id = @id"; object sub_param = new { Deleted = 0, id = id }; var v = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlSub, sub_param); if (v.Count > 0) { apiResult.Code = "9997"; apiResult.Msg = "系統小類中尚有小類正在使用系統大類,故無法刪除"; apiResult.Data = string.Join("
", v.Where(x => == id).Select(x => x.System_key).ToList()); return apiResult; } await backendRepository.DeleteOne(id.ToString(), "variable", "id"); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Msg = "刪除成功"; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + "id=" + id); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 取得系統小類清單 /// /// /// [HttpPost] public async Task>> SystemSubList(int id) { ApiResult> apiResult = new ApiResult>(); try { var sWhere = @"deleted = @Deleted AND system_parent_id = @id"; object param = new { Deleted = 0, id = id}; var systemSubs = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync("variable", sWhere, param, "system_priority ASC, created_at DESC"); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = systemSubs; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 取得單一系統小類 /// /// /// [HttpPost] public async Task> GetOneSystemSub(int id) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { string sWhere = @$"deleted = @Deleted AND id = @id"; object param = new { Deleted = 0, id = id }; var systemSub = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync("variable", sWhere, param); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = systemSub; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 新增 / 修改 系統小類資料 /// /// /// [HttpPost] public async Task> SaveSystemSub(VariableInfo post) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { string sWhere = @$"deleted = @Deleted AND id = @id"; object param = new { Deleted = 0, id = }; var systemSub = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync("variable", sWhere, param); sWhere = @$"deleted = 0 AND system_type = @sub_system_type AND system_value = @system_value"; param = new { sub_system_type = sub_system_type, system_value = post.system_value }; var subV = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync("variable", sWhere, param); if (systemSub == null) { if (subV != null) { apiResult.Code = "0001"; apiResult.Msg = "不可新增相同的系統小類代號。"; return apiResult; } //新增 //產生一組GUID //獲取最新的大類 sWhere = @$"deleted = @Deleted AND system_type = @System_type"; param = new { Deleted = 0, System_type = sub_system_type }; var sOrder = @"id DESC LIMIT 1"; var latestVariable = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync("variable", sWhere, param, sOrder); Dictionary systemSubDic = new Dictionary() { { "@system_type", sub_system_type}, { "@system_key", post.System_key}, { "@system_value", post.system_value}, { "@system_parent_id", post.system_parent_id}, { "@system_remark", "系統類別(第3層)"}, { "@system_priority", latestVariable.system_priority + 1}, { "@created_by", myUserInfo.Userinfo_guid}, { "@created_at", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")} }; await backendRepository.AddOneByCustomTable(systemSubDic, "variable"); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Msg = "新增成功"; } else { if (subV != null) { apiResult.Code = "0001"; apiResult.Msg = "不可修改成相同的系統小類代號。"; return apiResult; } Dictionary systemSubDic = new Dictionary() { { "@system_key", post.System_key}, { "@system_value", post.system_value}, { "@updated_by", myUserInfo.Userinfo_guid}, { "@updated_at", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}, }; await backendRepository.UpdateOneByCustomTable(systemSubDic, "variable", "id='" + + "'"); var AuthCodes = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync( @$"select AuthCode from auth_page ap where ap.ShowView = '{}'"); if (AuthCodes.Count > 0) { await backendRepository.ExecuteSql($@"UPDATE auth_page SET SubName = '{post.System_key}' WHERE AuthCode IN @authCode;", new { authCode = AuthCodes }); } apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Msg = "修改成功"; } } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(post); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } /// /// 刪除單一系統小類 /// /// /// [HttpPost] public async Task> DeleteOneSystemSub(string id) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { string sWhere = @$"deleted = @Deleted AND id = @id"; object param = new { Deleted = 0, id = id }; var systemSub = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync("variable", sWhere, param); if (systemSub == null) { apiResult.Code = "9998"; apiResult.Msg = "查無該系統小類"; return apiResult; } //檢查是否有未刪除的區域選單 var sbuildMenu = $@"SELECT CONCAT(b.full_name, ' - ', sv.system_key) FROM building_menu bm LEFT JOIN building b ON bm.building_tag = b.building_tag AND b.deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN variable sv ON bm.sub_system_tag = sv.system_value AND sv.deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN variable mv ON sv.system_parent_id = AND mv.deleted = 0 WHERE = @id"; var buildMenus = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sbuildMenu, new { id = id }); if (buildMenus.Count > 0) { apiResult.Code = "9997"; apiResult.Msg = "區域選單中尚有選單正在使用該系統小類,故無法刪除"; apiResult.Data = string.Join("
", buildMenus); return apiResult; } //檢查是否有未刪除的系統小類樓層 var ssubSystemFloor = $@"SELECT CONCAT(b.full_name, ' - ', mv.full_name, ' - ', sv.full_name, ' - ', f.full_name) FROM sub_system_floor ssf LEFT JOIN building b ON ssf.building_tag = b.building_tag AND b.deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN variable sv ON sv.system_value = ssf.sub_system_tag AND sv.deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN variable mv ON sv.system_parent_id = AND mv.deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN floor f ON ssf.floor_guid = f.floor_guid AND f.deleted = 0 WHERE = @id AND ssf.deleted = 0"; var subSystemFloor = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sbuildMenu, new { id = id }); if (subSystemFloor.Count > 0) { apiResult.Code = "9997"; apiResult.Msg = "區域選單中尚有樓層正在使用該系統小類,故無法刪除"; apiResult.Data = string.Join("
", subSystemFloor); return apiResult; } //檢查是否有未刪除的設備項目 var sdeviceItem = $@"SELECT di.full_name FROM device_item di INNER JOIN variable sv on di.device_name_tag = sv.system_value WHERE sv.deleted = 0 AND = @id AND di.deleted = 0"; var deviceItems = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sdeviceItem, new { id = id }); if (deviceItems.Count > 0) { apiResult.Code = "9997"; apiResult.Msg = "設備項目中尚有項目正在使用該系統小類,故無法刪除"; apiResult.Data = string.Join("
", deviceItems); return apiResult; } await backendRepository.DeleteOne(id, "variable", "id"); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Msg = "刪除成功"; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + "id=" + id); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } [HttpPost] public async Task> Savedevice_item(Device_item device_Item) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { var main_tag = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync($@"SELECT system_value FROM variable WHERE id = @id", new { id = device_Item.device_system_tag }); var sub_tag = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync($@"SELECT system_value FROM variable WHERE id = @id", new { id = device_Item.device_name_tag }); //檢查是否有未刪除的區域選單 if (device_Item.is_show_riserDiagram == 1) { var sql_show_riserDiagram = $@"SELECT FROM device_item di WHERE != @id AND di.deleted = 0 AND is_show_riserDiagram = 1 and device_system_tag = @device_system_tag and device_name_tag = @device_name_tag"; var deviceItemId = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sql_show_riserDiagram, new { id =, device_system_tag = main_tag, device_name_tag = sub_tag }); if (deviceItemId.Count() > 0) { foreach (var id in deviceItemId) { Dictionary Device_itemDic = new Dictionary() { { "@is_show_riserDiagram", false}, { "@updated_by", myUserInfo.Userinfo_guid}, { "@updated_at", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}, }; await backendRepository.UpdateOneByCustomTable(Device_itemDic, "device_item", "id='" + id + "'"); } } } if ( == 0) { var building = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync("select building_tag from building where deleted = 0;"); var parentPath = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync("select system_value from variable where deleted = 0 and system_type = 'obixStatus'"); List> device_iteDic = new List>(); //新增 foreach (var b in building) { Dictionary Device_itemDic = new Dictionary() { { "@device_system_tag", main_tag}, { "@device_name_tag", sub_tag}, { "@full_name", device_Item.full_name}, { "@points", device_Item.points}, { "@unit", device_Item.unit}, { "@device_building_tag", b}, { "@parent_path", parentPath}, { "@is_link", 1}, { "@is_show", device_Item.is_show}, { "@is_show_riserDiagram", device_Item.is_show_riserDiagram}, { "@is_controll", device_Item.is_controll}, { "@is_bool", device_Item.is_bool}, { "@is_show_history", device_Item.is_show_history}, { "@created_by", myUserInfo.Userinfo_guid}, }; device_iteDic.Add(Device_itemDic); } await backendRepository.AddMutiByCustomTable(device_iteDic, "device_item"); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Msg = "新增成功"; } else { Dictionary Device_itemDic = new Dictionary() { { "@full_name", device_Item.full_name}, { "@points", device_Item.points}, { "@unit", device_Item.unit}, { "@is_show", device_Item.is_show}, { "@is_show_riserDiagram", device_Item.is_show_riserDiagram}, { "@is_controll", device_Item.is_controll}, { "@is_bool", device_Item.is_bool}, { "@is_show_history", device_Item.is_show_history}, { "@updated_by", myUserInfo.Userinfo_guid}, { "@updated_at", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}, }; await backendRepository.UpdateOneByCustomTable(Device_itemDic, "device_item", $"points='{device_Item.points}'"); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Msg = "修改成功"; } } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(device_Item); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } [HttpPost] public async Task>> DeviceItemTable(int id) { ApiResult> apiResult = new ApiResult>(); try { var building_tag = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync($@"select system_value from variable where system_type = 'project_name' and deleted = 0"); var sql = @"SELECT di.* FROM device_item di JOIN variable sv ON di.device_name_tag = sv.system_value JOIN variable mv ON sv.system_parent_id = AND di.device_system_tag = mv.system_value WHERE = @id AND di.deleted = @Deleted and di.device_building_tag = @building_tag and di.is_link = 1"; object param = new { Deleted = 0, id = id, building_tag = building_tag.Split("/")[1] }; var systemSubs = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sql, param); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = systemSubs; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } [HttpPost] public async Task> GetOneDeviceItem(int id) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { string sWhere = @$"deleted = @Deleted AND id = @id"; object param = new { Deleted = 0, id = id }; var Deviceitem = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync("device_item", sWhere, param); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = Deviceitem; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } [HttpPost] public async Task> DeleteOneSystemSubDeviceItem(int id) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { string sWhere = @$"deleted = @Deleted AND id = @id"; object param = new { Deleted = 0, id = id}; var device_Item = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync("device_item", sWhere, param); if (device_Item == null) { apiResult.Code = "9998"; apiResult.Msg = "查無該設備項目"; return apiResult; } await backendRepository.DeleteOne(id.ToString(), "device_item", "id"); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Msg = "刪除成功"; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + "id=" + id); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } public async Task> HaveSamePoints(Checksame post) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { var sql = $@"SELECT * FROM device_item di INNER JOIN variable v ON di.device_name_tag = v.system_value WHERE = @SubId AND != @Id AND points = @Points"; var param = new { SubId = post.subId, Points = post.points, id = }; var point = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync(sql, param); if (point != null) { apiResult.Data = true; } else { apiResult.Data = false; } apiResult.Code = "0000"; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(post); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } public async Task> CheckCanDelete(guidandsubguid post) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { var tags = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync( @$"select * from (select dk.device_building_tag ,dk.device_name_tag,dk.device_system_tag from device_kind dk where dk.device_normal_point_id = @id) dkn union(select dk.device_building_tag, dk.device_name_tag, dk.device_system_tag from device_kind dk where dk.device_close_point_id = @id) union(select dk.device_building_tag, dk.device_name_tag, dk.device_system_tag from device_kind dk where dk.device_error_point_id = @id)", new { id = post.guid}); if (tags.Count == 0) { Deletebool deletebool = new Deletebool() { Delete = false, Reason = "" }; apiResult.Data = deletebool; } else { Deletebool deletebool = new Deletebool() { Delete = true, Reason = "" }; var unionsql = ""; var last = tags.Last(); var sub_system = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync($@"SELECT * FROM variable WHERE id = @id", new { id = post.subguid }); foreach (var tag in tags) { unionsql += $@"select d.building_tag,d.device_system_tag,d.device_name_tag,d.device_last_name from device d where d.device_name_tag = '{sub_system.system_value}' and d.device_building_tag = '{tag.device_building_tag}' and d.device_system_tag = '{tag.device_system_tag}' and d.device_name_tag = '{tag.device_name_tag}' group by d.building_guid,d.main_system_guid,d.sub_system_guid,d.device_name_tag"; if (!last.Equals(tag)) { unionsql += " union "; } } var sql = @$"select mv.system_key msname, b.full_name bname, sv.system_key subname,de.device_last_name as device_name_tag from ({unionsql}) de left join variable mv on mv.system_value = de.device_system_tag and mv.system_type = @main_system_type left join building b on b.building_tag = de.building_tag left join variable sv on sv.system_value = de.device_name_tag and sv.system_type = @sub_system_type"; var param = new { main_system_type = main_system_type, sub_system_type = sub_system_type}; var names = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sql, param); var count = 0; foreach (var name in names) { count++; deletebool.Reason += count.ToString() + "." + name.bname + "-" + name.msname + "-" + name.subname + "-" + name.device_name_tag + "
"; } apiResult.Data = deletebool; } apiResult.Code = "0000"; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(post); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } public async Task> CheckCanSubDelete(string guid) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { var text = ""; var item = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(@$"select device_item_guid from device_item where deleted = 0 and sub_system_guid = '{guid}'"); if(item.Count > 0) { text += "項目還有尚未刪除
"; } var menu = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync($"select sub_system_guid from building_menu where sub_system_guid = '{guid}'"); if (menu.Count > 0) { text += "區域選單還有尚未刪除
"; } Deletebool deletebool = new Deletebool() { Delete = false, Reason = "" }; if (text != "") { deletebool.Delete = true; deletebool.Reason = text; } else { deletebool.Delete = false; } apiResult.Data = deletebool; apiResult.Code = "0000"; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + guid); Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } } }