using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Configuration; using tpDomeWinAPP.Models; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; using Repository.Helper; using Repository.BackendRepository.Interface; using Dapper; namespace tpDomeWinAPP.Service { public class getDeviceSvc { string Connection1 = string.Empty; protected readonly IDatabaseHelper _databaseHelper; protected string UseDB; protected IDbConnection con; private readonly IBackendRepository backendRepository; public getDeviceSvc(string Connection_parame = null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Connection_parame)) { Connection1 = Connection_parame; } else { Connection1 = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbConStr"].ConnectionString; } } public List<Device> getDevices() { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Connection1)) { //CONCAT('{baseURL}', '{deviceKindFilePath}', dk.device_image) AS device_image_url, conn.Open(); var sql = $@"SELECT d.*, d.full_name AS Device_full_name, b.full_name AS Building_full_name, ms.full_name AS Main_system_full_name, ss.full_name AS Sub_system_full_name, f.full_name AS Floor_full_name, dk.device_image, device_image AS device_image_url, dk.device_close_color, dk.device_normal_color, dk.device_error_color, dk.device_normal_flashing, dk.device_close_flashing, dk.device_error_flashing, (SELECT STRING_AGG( ISNULL(system_key, ' '), ',') FROM device_disaster dd JOIN variable v ON v.deleted = 0 AND v.system_type = 'disaster' AND v.system_value = dd.device_system_value WHERE dd.device_guid = d.device_guid ) AS Device_disaster_type_text FROM ( SELECT * FROM device d WHERE -- d.building_guid = @Building_guid -- AND d.main_system_guid = @Main_system_guid -- AND d.sub_system_guid = @Sub_system_guid -- AND d.floor_guid = @Floor_guid AND d.deleted = 0 ) d JOIN building b ON d.building_guid = b.building_guid JOIN main_system ms ON d.main_system_guid = ms.main_system_guid JOIN sub_system ss ON d.sub_system_guid = ss.sub_system_guid JOIN floor f ON d.floor_guid = f.floor_guid LEFT JOIN device_kind dk ON dk.device_building_tag = d.device_building_tag AND dk.device_system_tag = d.device_system_tag -- AND dk.device_floor_tag = d.device_floor_tag AND dk.device_name_tag = d.device_name_tag ORDER BY d.priority ASC, d.device_number ASC "; var devices = conn.Query<Device>(sql).AsList<Device>(); return devices; //var sql_node = $@"SELECT // dn.device_node_guid, // dn.device_guid, // dn.full_name AS Device_node_full_name, // dn.device_node_coordinate, // dn.priority // FROM device_node dn // WHERE dn.deleted = 0 AND dn.device_guid = @device_guid // ORDER BY dn.priority ASC"; //foreach (var device in devices) //{ // device.Device_nodes = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync<DeviceNode>(sql_node, new { device_guid = device.Device_guid }); //} } } #region insert DB public bool clearTb_importData() { bool result = false; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Connection1)) { //CONCAT('{baseURL}', '{deviceKindFilePath}', dk.device_image) AS device_image_url, conn.Open(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; sb.Append($@" truncate table importExcel; truncate table importData_batch;"); try { conn.Execute(sb.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } return result; } public bool insertDB(DataTable dt) { bool result = false; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Connection1)) { //CONCAT('{baseURL}', '{deviceKindFilePath}', dk.device_image) AS device_image_url, conn.Open(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { sb.Append($@" insert importExcel(intro, old_tags, new_tags, floor, device_name, device_note, device_type, device_number, atDateTime) values('" + row["tag_name_zh"].ToString() + "', '" + row["old_tags"].ToString() + "', '" + row["new_tags"].ToString() + "', '" + row["floor"].ToString() + "', '" + row["device_name"].ToString() + "', '" + row["device_note"].ToString() + "', '" + row["device_type"].ToString() + "', '" + row["device_number"].ToString() + "' , getdate());"); i++; try { if (i >= 100) { conn.Execute(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); i = 0; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } if (sb.Length > 0) { conn.Execute(sb.ToString()); } } return result; } public bool insertDB_batch() { bool result = false; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Connection1)) { //CONCAT('{baseURL}', '{deviceKindFilePath}', dk.device_image) AS device_image_url, conn.Open(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append($@" select old_tags, new_tags, tag_no5, serial, tagName from ( select old_tags, new_tags, tagName tag_no5 from importExcel a CROSS APPLY [Func_StringSplit](a.new_tags, '_') where serial = 5 and new_tags like '%~%' ) b CROSS APPLY [Func_StringSplit](b.tag_no5, '~') where serial = 2;"); var batchData = conn.Query<Device_batch>(sb.ToString()); int i = 0; sb.Clear(); foreach (var row in batchData) { var ss = row.tag_no5.Split('~'); int start_num = int.Parse(ss[0]); int end_num = int.Parse(ss[1]); var ss_old = row.old_tags.Split('_'); var ss_new = row.new_tags.Split('_'); string vv5 = string.Empty; //if (row.new_tags == "H_M10_B4F_FCU_001~108") //{ // Console.WriteLine("here"); //} for (int j = 1; j <= end_num; j++) { switch (ss[0].Length) { case 2: vv5 = (j <= 9) ? "0" + j.ToString() : j.ToString(); break; case 3: if (j <= 9) // vv5 = "00" + j.ToString(); vv5 = "0" + j.ToString(); else if (j <= 99) // vv5 = "0" + j.ToString(); vv5 = j.ToString(); else vv5 = j.ToString(); break; } string old_tag = ss_old[0] + "_" + ss_old[1] + "_" + ss_old[2] + "_" + ss_old[3] + "_" + vv5; string new_tag = ss_new[0] + "_" + ss_new[1] + "_" + ss_new[2] + "_" + ss_new[3] + "_" + vv5; sb.Append($@" insert importData_batch(old_tags, new_tags) values('" + old_tag +"', '" + new_tag + "'); "); } try { if (sb.Length > 0) { conn.Execute(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); result = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } try { #region 更新 web 端新匯入的 excel sb.Append($@" update device set device_number_old = device_number where device_number_old is null"); conn.Execute(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); //1.2.更新欄位 device_number_old sb.Append($@" update device set device_system_tag_old = b.tagName from (select device_number, device_number_old, serial, tagName from device a CROSS APPLY [Func_StringSplit](a.device_number, '_') where serial = 2 and device_system_tag_old is null)b where device.device_number_old = b.device_number_old and device_system_tag_old is null"); conn.Execute(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); #endregion sb.Append("delete from importExcel where new_tags like '%~%'"); conn.Execute(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); sb.Append(@"insert importExcel(new_tags, old_tags) select new_tags, old_tags from importData_batch"); conn.Execute(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); #region 製作比對用 table:import_dbTag_niagaraTag #region 判斷 table 是否存在 string s1 = @" CREATE TABLE [dbo].[import_dbTag_niagaraTag]( [device_guid] [varchar](36) NOT NULL, [full_name] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [device_number] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [niagaraTag] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [device_coordinate] [varchar](50) NULL, [device_number_old] [varchar](50) NULL, [device_building_tag] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [device_system_tag] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [device_system_tag_old] [varchar](50) NULL, [device_floor_tag] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [device_name_tag] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [device_serial_tag] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [atDateTime] [smalldatetime] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_import_dbTag_niagaraTag] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [device_guid] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY];"; //string ss = @"IF (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'import_dbTag_niagaraTag')) // BEGIN // drop table import_dbTag_niagaraTag; // END"; sb.Append("truncate table import_dbTag_niagaraTag"); conn.Execute(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); #endregion sb.Append($@" insert import_dbTag_niagaraTag(device_guid, full_name, device_number, niagaraTag, device_coordinate, device_number_old, device_building_tag, device_system_tag, device_system_tag_old, device_floor_tag, device_name_tag, device_serial_tag, atDateTime) select device_guid, full_name, device_number, '', device_coordinate, device_number_old, device_building_tag, device_system_tag, device_system_tag_old, device_floor_tag, device_name_tag, device_serial_tag, getDate() from device where deleted = 0;"); conn.Execute(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); #region update niagara_tags sb.Clear(); sb.Append($@"update import_dbTag_niagaraTag set niagaraTag = b.niagara_tags from [dbo].[import_niagara_tag] b where import_dbTag_niagaraTag.device_number = b.niagara_tags "); conn.Execute(sb.ToString()); #endregion #endregion 製作比對用 table:import_dbTag_niagaraTag sb.Append(@"update import_dbTag_niagaraTag set device_number = b.new_tags, device_system_tag = b.device_system_tag from ( select old_tags, new_tags, serial, tagName as device_system_tag from importExcel a CROSS APPLY [Func_StringSplit](a.new_tags, '_') where serial = 2) b where [import_dbTag_niagaraTag].device_number_old = b.old_tags"); conn.Execute(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); sb.Append(@"update [dbo].[device] set device.device_number = b.new_tags, device_system_tag = b.device_system_tag from ( select old_tags, new_tags, serial, tagName as device_system_tag from importExcel a CROSS APPLY [Func_StringSplit](a.new_tags, '_') where serial = 2) b where [device].device_number_old = b.old_tags"); conn.Execute(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); sb.Append(@"update device_import_ckeck_temp set device_system_tag = b.device_system_tag, device_number = b.device_number from device b where device_import_ckeck_temp.device_building_tag = b.device_building_tag and device_import_ckeck_temp.device_system_tag_old = b.device_system_tag_old and device_import_ckeck_temp.device_number_old = b.device_number_old and device_import_ckeck_temp.device_number <> b.device_number"); conn.Execute(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); sb.Append(@"update device_kind set device_system_tag = b.device_system_tag from device b where device_kind.device_building_tag = b.device_building_tag and device_kind.device_system_tag_old = b.device_system_tag_old and device_kind.device_name_tag = b.device_name_tag"); conn.Execute(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); result = true ; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } return result; } #endregion } }