/* * VOICE COMMAND CONFIG * dependency: js/speech/voicecommand.js */ voice_command = true, /* * Turns on speech as soon as the page is loaded */ voice_command_auto = false, /* * Sets the language to the default 'en-US'. (supports over 50 languages * by google) * * Afrikaans ['af-ZA'] * Bahasa Indonesia ['id-ID'] * Bahasa Melayu ['ms-MY'] * Català ['ca-ES'] * Čeština ['cs-CZ'] * Deutsch ['de-DE'] * English ['en-AU', 'Australia'] * ['en-CA', 'Canada'] * ['en-IN', 'India'] * ['en-NZ', 'New Zealand'] * ['en-ZA', 'South Africa'] * ['en-GB', 'United Kingdom'] * ['en-US', 'United States'] * Español ['es-AR', 'Argentina'] * ['es-BO', 'Bolivia'] * ['es-CL', 'Chile'] * ['es-CO', 'Colombia'] * ['es-CR', 'Costa Rica'] * ['es-EC', 'Ecuador'] * ['es-SV', 'El Salvador'] * ['es-ES', 'España'] * ['es-US', 'Estados Unidos'] * ['es-GT', 'Guatemala'] * ['es-HN', 'Honduras'] * ['es-MX', 'México'] * ['es-NI', 'Nicaragua'] * ['es-PA', 'Panamá'] * ['es-PY', 'Paraguay'] * ['es-PE', 'Perú'] * ['es-PR', 'Puerto Rico'] * ['es-DO', 'República Dominicana'] * ['es-UY', 'Uruguay'] * ['es-VE', 'Venezuela'] * Euskara ['eu-ES'] * Français ['fr-FR'] * Galego ['gl-ES'] * Hrvatski ['hr_HR'] * IsiZulu ['zu-ZA'] * Íslenska ['is-IS'] * Italiano ['it-IT', 'Italia'] * ['it-CH', 'Svizzera'] * Magyar ['hu-HU'] * Nederlands ['nl-NL'] * Norsk bokmål ['nb-NO'] * Polski ['pl-PL'] * Português ['pt-BR', 'Brasil'] * ['pt-PT', 'Portugal'] * Română ['ro-RO'] * Slovenčina ['sk-SK'] * Suomi ['fi-FI'] * Svenska ['sv-SE'] * Türkçe ['tr-TR'] * български ['bg-BG'] * Pусский ['ru-RU'] * Српски ['sr-RS'] * 한국어 ['ko-KR'] * 中文 ['cmn-Hans-CN', '普通话 (中国大陆)'] * ['cmn-Hans-HK', '普通话 (香港)'] * ['cmn-Hant-TW', '中文 (台灣)'] * ['yue-Hant-HK', '粵語 (香港)'] * 日本語 ['ja-JP'] * Lingua latīna ['la'] */ voice_command_lang = 'en-US', /* * Use localstorage to remember on/off (best used with HTML Version * when going from one page to the next) */ voice_localStorage = false; /* * Voice Commands * Defines voice command variables and functions */ if (voice_command) { var commands = { 'show dashboard' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/dashboard.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show inbox' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/inbox.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show graphs' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/flot.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show flotchart' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/flot.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show morris chart' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/morris.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show inline chart' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/inline-charts.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show dygraphs' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/dygraphs.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show tables' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/table.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show data table' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/datatables.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show jquery grid' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/jqgrid.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show form' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/form-elements.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show form layouts' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/form-templates.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show form validation' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/validation.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show form elements' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/bootstrap-forms.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show form plugins' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/plugins.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show form wizards' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/wizards.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show bootstrap editor' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/other-editors.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show dropzone' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/dropzone.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show image cropping' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/image-editor.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show general elements' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/general-elements.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show buttons' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/buttons.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show fontawesome' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/fa.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show glyph icons' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/glyph.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show flags' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/flags.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show grid' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/grid.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show tree view' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/treeview.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show nestable lists' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/nestable-list.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show jquery U I' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/jqui.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show typography' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/typography.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show calendar' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/calendar.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show widgets' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/widgets.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show gallery' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/gallery.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show maps' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/gmap-xml.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show pricing tables' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/pricing-table.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show invoice' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/invoice.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'show search' : function() { $('nav a[href="ajax/search.html"]').trigger("click"); }, 'go back' : function() { history.back(1); }, 'scroll up' : function () { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 100); }, 'scroll down' : function () { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() }, 100);}, 'hide navigation' : function() { if ($.root_.hasClass("container") && !$.root_.hasClass("menu-on-top")){ $('span.minifyme').trigger("click"); } else { $('#hide-menu > span > a').trigger("click"); } }, 'show navigation' : function() { if ($.root_.hasClass("container") && !$.root_.hasClass("menu-on-top")){ $('span.minifyme').trigger("click"); } else { $('#hide-menu > span > a').trigger("click"); } }, 'mute' : function() { $.sound_on = false; $.smallBox({ title : "MUTE", content : "All sounds have been muted!", color : "#a90329", timeout: 4000, icon : "fa fa-volume-off" }); }, 'sound on' : function() { $.sound_on = true; $.speechApp.playConfirmation(); $.smallBox({ title : "UNMUTE", content : "All sounds have been turned on!", color : "#40ac2b", sound_file: 'voice_alert', timeout: 5000, icon : "fa fa-volume-up" }); }, 'stop' : function() { smartSpeechRecognition.abort(); $.root_.removeClass("voice-command-active"); $.smallBox({ title : "VOICE COMMAND OFF", content : "Your voice commands has been successfully turned off. Click on the <i class='fa fa-microphone fa-lg fa-fw'></i> icon to turn it back on.", color : "#40ac2b", sound_file: 'voice_off', timeout: 8000, icon : "fa fa-microphone-slash" }); if ($('#speech-btn .popover').is(':visible')) { $('#speech-btn .popover').fadeOut(250); } }, 'help' : function() { $('#voiceModal').removeData('modal').modal( { remote: "ajax/modal-content/modal-voicecommand.html", show: true } ); if ($('#speech-btn .popover').is(':visible')) { $('#speech-btn .popover').fadeOut(250); } }, 'got it' : function() { $('#voiceModal').modal('hide'); }, 'logout' : function() { $.speechApp.stop(); window.location = $('#logout > span > a').attr("href"); } }; }; /* * SMART VOICE * Author: MyOrange | @bootstraphunt * http://www.myorange.ca */ SpeechRecognition = root.SpeechRecognition || root.webkitSpeechRecognition || root.mozSpeechRecognition || root.msSpeechRecognition || root.oSpeechRecognition; // ref: http://updates.html5rocks.com/2013/01/Voice-Driven-Web-Apps-Introduction-to-the-Web-Speech-API if (SpeechRecognition && voice_command) { // commands are pulled from app.config file // add function to button $.root_.on('click', '[data-action="voiceCommand"]', function(e) { if ($.root_.hasClass("voice-command-active")) { $.speechApp.stop(); //$('#speech-btn > span > a > i').removeClass().addClass('fa fa-microphone-slash'); } else { $.speechApp.start(); //add popover $('#speech-btn .popover').fadeIn(350); //$('#speech-btn > span > a > i').removeClass().addClass('fa fa-microphone') } e.preventDefault(); }); //remove popover $(document).mouseup(function(e) { if (!$('#speech-btn .popover').is(e.target) && $('#speech-btn .popover').has(e.target).length === 0) { $('#speech-btn .popover').fadeOut(250); } }); // create dynamic modal instance var modal = $('<div class="modal fade" id="voiceModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="remoteModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"><div class="modal-dialog"><div class="modal-content"></div></div></div>'); // attach to body modal.appendTo("body"); //debugState if (debugState) { root.console.log("This browser supports Voice Command"); } // function $.speechApp = (function(speech) { speech.start = function() { // Add our commands to smartSpeechRecognition smartSpeechRecognition.addCommands(commands); if (smartSpeechRecognition) { // activate plugin smartSpeechRecognition.start(); // add btn class $.root_.addClass("voice-command-active"); // play sound $.speechApp.playON(); // set localStorage when switch is on manually if (voice_localStorage) { localStorage.setItem('sm-setautovoice', 'true'); } } else { // if plugin not found alert("speech plugin not loaded"); } }; speech.stop = function() { if (smartSpeechRecognition) { // deactivate plugin smartSpeechRecognition.abort(); // remove btn class $.root_.removeClass("voice-command-active"); // sound $.speechApp.playOFF(); // del localStorage when switch if off manually if (voice_localStorage) { localStorage.setItem('sm-setautovoice', 'false'); } // remove popover if visible if ($('#speech-btn .popover').is(':visible')) { $('#speech-btn .popover').fadeOut(250); } } }; // play sound speech.playON = function() { var audioElement = document.createElement('audio'); if (navigator.userAgent.match('Firefox/')) audioElement.setAttribute('src', $.sound_path + 'voice_on' + ".ogg"); else audioElement.setAttribute('src', $.sound_path + 'voice_on' + ".mp3"); //$.get(); audioElement.addEventListener("load", function() { audioElement.play(); }, true); if ($.sound_on) { audioElement.pause(); audioElement.play(); } }; speech.playOFF = function() { var audioElement = document.createElement('audio'); if (navigator.userAgent.match('Firefox/')) audioElement.setAttribute('src', $.sound_path + 'voice_off' + ".ogg"); else audioElement.setAttribute('src', $.sound_path + 'voice_off' + ".mp3"); $.get(); audioElement.addEventListener("load", function() { audioElement.play(); }, true); if ($.sound_on) { audioElement.pause(); audioElement.play(); } }; speech.playConfirmation = function() { var audioElement = document.createElement('audio'); if (navigator.userAgent.match('Firefox/')) audioElement.setAttribute('src', $.sound_path + 'voice_alert' + ".ogg"); else audioElement.setAttribute('src', $.sound_path + 'voice_alert' + ".mp3"); $.get(); audioElement.addEventListener("load", function() { audioElement.play(); }, true); if ($.sound_on) { audioElement.pause(); audioElement.play(); } }; return speech; })({}); } else { $("#speech-btn").addClass("display-none"); } /* * SPEECH RECOGNITION ENGINE * Copyright (c) 2013 Tal Ater * Modified by MyOrange * All modifications made are hereby copyright (c) 2014 MyOrange */ (function(undefined) {"use strict"; // Check browser support // This is done as early as possible, to make it as fast as possible for unsupported browsers if (!SpeechRecognition) { root.smartSpeechRecognition = null; return undefined; } var commandsList = [], recognition, callbacks = { start : [], error : [], end : [], result : [], resultMatch : [], resultNoMatch : [], errorNetwork : [], errorPermissionBlocked : [], errorPermissionDenied : [] }, autoRestart, lastStartedAt = 0, //debugState = false, // decleared in app.config.js //debugStyle = 'font-weight: bold; color: #00f;', // decleared in app.config.js // The command matching code is a modified version of Backbone.Router by Jeremy Ashkenas, under the MIT license. optionalParam = /\s*\((.*?)\)\s*/g, optionalRegex = /(\(\?:[^)]+\))\?/g, namedParam = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g, splatParam = /\*\w+/g, escapeRegExp = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#]/g, commandToRegExp = function(command) { command = command.replace(escapeRegExp, '\\$&').replace(optionalParam, '(?:$1)?').replace(namedParam, function(match, optional) { return optional ? match : '([^\\s]+)'; }).replace(splatParam, '(.*?)').replace(optionalRegex, '\\s*$1?\\s*'); return new RegExp('^' + command + '$', 'i'); }; // This method receives an array of callbacks to iterate over, and invokes each of them var invokeCallbacks = function(callbacks) { callbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback.callback.apply(callback.context); }); }; var initIfNeeded = function() { if (!isInitialized()) { root.smartSpeechRecognition.init({}, false); } }; var isInitialized = function() { return recognition !== undefined; }; root.smartSpeechRecognition = { // Initialize smartSpeechRecognition with a list of commands to recognize. // e.g. smartSpeechRecognition.init({'hello :name': helloFunction}) // smartSpeechRecognition understands commands with named variables, splats, and optional words. init : function(commands, resetCommands) { // resetCommands defaults to true if (resetCommands === undefined) { resetCommands = true; } else { resetCommands = !!resetCommands; } // Abort previous instances of recognition already running if (recognition && recognition.abort) { recognition.abort(); } // initiate SpeechRecognition recognition = new SpeechRecognition(); // Set the max number of alternative transcripts to try and match with a command recognition.maxAlternatives = 5; recognition.continuous = true; // Sets the language to the default 'en-US'. This can be changed with smartSpeechRecognition.setLanguage() recognition.lang = voice_command_lang || 'en-US'; recognition.onstart = function() { invokeCallbacks(callbacks.start); //debugState if (debugState) { root.console.log('%c ✔ SUCCESS: User allowed access the microphone service to start ', debugStyle_success); root.console.log('Language setting is set to: ' + recognition.lang, debugStyle); } $.root_.removeClass("service-not-allowed"); $.root_.addClass("service-allowed"); }; recognition.onerror = function(event) { invokeCallbacks(callbacks.error); switch (event.error) { case 'network': invokeCallbacks(callbacks.errorNetwork); break; case 'not-allowed': case 'service-not-allowed': // if permission to use the mic is denied, turn off auto-restart autoRestart = false; $.root_.removeClass("service-allowed"); $.root_.addClass("service-not-allowed"); //debugState if (debugState) { root.console.log('%c WARNING: Microphone was not detected (either user denied access or it is not installed properly) ', debugStyle_warning); } // determine if permission was denied by user or automatically. if (new Date().getTime() - lastStartedAt < 200) { invokeCallbacks(callbacks.errorPermissionBlocked); } else { invokeCallbacks(callbacks.errorPermissionDenied); //console.log("You need your mic to be active") } break; } }; recognition.onend = function() { invokeCallbacks(callbacks.end); // smartSpeechRecognition will auto restart if it is closed automatically and not by user action. if (autoRestart) { // play nicely with the browser, and never restart smartSpeechRecognition automatically more than once per second var timeSinceLastStart = new Date().getTime() - lastStartedAt; if (timeSinceLastStart < 1000) { setTimeout(root.smartSpeechRecognition.start, 1000 - timeSinceLastStart); } else { root.smartSpeechRecognition.start(); } } }; recognition.onresult = function(event) { invokeCallbacks(callbacks.result); var results = event.results[event.resultIndex], commandText; // go over each of the 5 results and alternative results received (we've set maxAlternatives to 5 above) for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { // the text recognized commandText = results[i].transcript.trim(); if (debugState) { root.console.log('Speech recognized: %c' + commandText, debugStyle); } // try and match recognized text to one of the commands on the list for (var j = 0, l = commandsList.length; j < l; j++) { var result = commandsList[j].command.exec(commandText); if (result) { var parameters = result.slice(1); if (debugState) { root.console.log('command matched: %c' + commandsList[j].originalPhrase, debugStyle); if (parameters.length) { root.console.log('with parameters', parameters); } } // execute the matched command commandsList[j].callback.apply(this, parameters); invokeCallbacks(callbacks.resultMatch); // for commands "sound on", "stop" and "mute" do not play sound or display message //var myMatchedCommand = commandsList[j].originalPhrase; var ignoreCallsFor = ["sound on", "mute", "stop"]; if (ignoreCallsFor.indexOf(commandsList[j].originalPhrase) < 0) { // play sound when match found $.smallBox({ title : (commandsList[j].originalPhrase), content : "loading...", color : "#333", sound_file : 'voice_alert', timeout : 2000 }); if ($('#speech-btn .popover').is(':visible')) { $('#speech-btn .popover').fadeOut(250); } }// end if return true; } } // end for }// end for invokeCallbacks(callbacks.resultNoMatch); //console.log("no match found for: " + commandText) $.smallBox({ title : "Error: <strong>" + ' " ' + commandText + ' " ' + "</strong> no match found!", content : "Please speak clearly into the microphone", color : "#a90329", timeout : 5000, icon : "fa fa-microphone" }); if ($('#speech-btn .popover').is(':visible')) { $('#speech-btn .popover').fadeOut(250); } return false; }; // build commands list if (resetCommands) { commandsList = []; } if (commands.length) { this.addCommands(commands); } }, // Start listening (asking for permission first, if needed). // Call this after you've initialized smartSpeechRecognition with commands. // Receives an optional options object: // { autoRestart: true } start : function(options) { initIfNeeded(); options = options || {}; if (options.autoRestart !== undefined) { autoRestart = !!options.autoRestart; } else { autoRestart = true; } lastStartedAt = new Date().getTime(); recognition.start(); }, // abort the listening session (aka stop) abort : function() { autoRestart = false; if (isInitialized) { recognition.abort(); } }, // Turn on output of debug messages to the console. Ugly, but super-handy! debug : function(newState) { if (arguments.length > 0) { debugState = !!newState; } else { debugState = true; } }, // Set the language the user will speak in. If not called, defaults to 'en-US'. // e.g. 'fr-FR' (French-France), 'es-CR' (Español-Costa Rica) setLanguage : function(language) { initIfNeeded(); recognition.lang = language; }, // Add additional commands that smartSpeechRecognition will respond to. Similar in syntax to smartSpeechRecognition.init() addCommands : function(commands) { var cb, command; initIfNeeded(); for (var phrase in commands) { if (commands.hasOwnProperty(phrase)) { cb = root[commands[phrase]] || commands[phrase]; if ( typeof cb !== 'function') { continue; } //convert command to regex command = commandToRegExp(phrase); commandsList.push({ command : command, callback : cb, originalPhrase : phrase }); } } if (debugState) { root.console.log('Commands successfully loaded: %c' + commandsList.length, debugStyle); } }, // Remove existing commands. Called with a single phrase, array of phrases, or methodically. Pass no params to remove all commands. removeCommands : function(commandsToRemove) { if (commandsToRemove === undefined) { commandsList = []; return; } commandsToRemove = Array.isArray(commandsToRemove) ? commandsToRemove : [commandsToRemove]; commandsList = commandsList.filter(function(command) { for (var i = 0; i < commandsToRemove.length; i++) { if (commandsToRemove[i] === command.originalPhrase) { return false; } } return true; }); }, // Lets the user add a callback of one of 9 types: // start, error, end, result, resultMatch, resultNoMatch, errorNetwork, errorPermissionBlocked, errorPermissionDenied // Can also optionally receive a context for the callback function as the third argument addCallback : function(type, callback, context) { if (callbacks[type] === undefined) { return; } var cb = root[callback] || callback; if ( typeof cb !== 'function') { return; } callbacks[type].push({ callback : cb, context : context || this }); } }; }).call(this); var autoStart = function() { smartSpeechRecognition.addCommands(commands); if (smartSpeechRecognition) { // activate plugin smartSpeechRecognition.start(); // add btn class $.root_.addClass("voice-command-active"); // set localStorage when switch is on manually if (voice_localStorage) { localStorage.setItem('sm-setautovoice', 'true'); } } else { // if plugin not found alert("speech plugin not loaded"); } } // if already running with localstorage if (SpeechRecognition && voice_command && localStorage.getItem('sm-setautovoice') == 'true') { autoStart(); } // auto start if (SpeechRecognition && voice_command_auto && voice_command) { autoStart(); }