using FrontendWebApi.Models; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Repository.BackendRepository.Interface; using Repository.FrontendRepository.Interface; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System; using System.IO; using static FrontendWebApi.Models.Bill; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using System.Text.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; using WkHtmlToPdfDotNet.Contracts; using WkHtmlToPdfDotNet; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using Serilog.Core; using static FrontendWebApi.ApiControllers.TenantBillController; using System.Reflection; // For more information on enabling Web API for empty projects, visit namespace FrontendWebApi.ApiControllers { //[Route("api/[controller]")] //[ApiController] public class TenantBillController //public class TenantBillController : MyBaseApiController { private readonly IBackendRepository backendRepository; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly IConfiguration Configuration; private IWebHostEnvironment _webHostEnvironment; private readonly IConverter _converter; const string TenantListtable = "archive_electric_meter_tenant_list"; const string TenantBilltable = "archive_electric_meter_tenant_bill"; public TenantBillController(IBackendRepository backendRepository, IFrontendRepository frontendRepository, ILogger logger, IConfiguration configuration, IWebHostEnvironment webHostEnvironment, IConverter converter) { this.backendRepository = backendRepository; this._logger = logger; Configuration = configuration; _webHostEnvironment = webHostEnvironment; _converter = converter; } [HttpPost] public async Task>> GetTenantList() { ApiResult> apiResult = new ApiResult>(); List tenantList = new List(); try { var sqlString = $"SELECT tenant_guid,list_id,tenant_name,bill_perKWH,bill_perRCV " + $"from {TenantListtable} order by created_at"; tenantList = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = tenantList; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; //Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } [HttpPost] public async Task> AddOneTenantList([FromBody] TenantList tl) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { var tenant_guid = Guid.NewGuid(); var tenant_name = tl.tenant_name; var bill_perKWH = tl.bill_perKWH; var bill_perRCV = tl.bill_perRCV; var created_at = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); var sqlString = $"INSERT INTO {TenantListtable} (tenant_guid,list_id,tenant_name, bill_perKWH, bill_perRCV, created_by,created_at) " + $"VALUES ('{tenant_guid}','{tl.list_id}','{tenant_name}', {bill_perKWH}, {bill_perRCV},'{tl.created_by}', '{created_at}')"; await backendRepository.ExecuteSql(sqlString); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = "新增成功"; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; if (exception.Message.Contains($" for key 'PRIMARY'")) { apiResult.Msg = "已有相同使用者。"; } //Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } [HttpPost] public async Task> UpdateOneTenantList([FromBody] TenantList tl) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { var updated_at = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); var sqlString = $"UPDATE {TenantListtable} SET " + $"`tenant_name` = '{tl.tenant_name}', " + $"`bill_perKWH` = {tl.bill_perKWH}, " + $"`bill_perRCV` = {tl.bill_perRCV}, " + $"`updated_at` = '{updated_at}' " + $"WHERE `tenant_guid` = '{tl.tenant_guid}'"; await backendRepository.ExecuteSql(sqlString); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = "修改成功"; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; if (exception.Message.Contains($"a foreign key constraint")) { apiResult.Msg = "水電報表仍有該用戶,無法修改名稱。"; } //Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } [HttpPost] public async Task> DelOneTenantList([FromBody] TenantList tl) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { var sqlString = $"delete from {TenantListtable} WHERE tenant_guid = '{tl.tenant_guid}' "; await backendRepository.ExecuteSql(sqlString); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = "刪除成功"; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; if (exception.Message.Contains($"a foreign key constraint")) { apiResult.Msg = "水電報表仍有該用戶,無法刪除。"; } //Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } [HttpPost] public async Task>> GetTenantBill([FromBody] TenantBill tb) { ApiResult> apiResult = new ApiResult>(); List tenantBill = new List(); try { string tableType = tb.tableType; string building_tag = tb.building_tag; string ElecOrWater = tableType == "elec" ? "E4" : "W1"; string sqlString = null; if (building_tag == "ALL") { sqlString = $"SELECT bill_id,a.device_number,a.full_name,start_timestamp,end_timestamp,result,bill,tenant_name,tenant_guid " + $"from {TenantBilltable} a join device b on a.device_number =b.device_number" + $"where a.device_name_tag = '{ElecOrWater}' "; } else if (building_tag == "D2") { sqlString = $"SELECT bill_id,a.device_number,a.full_name,start_timestamp,end_timestamp,result,bill,tenant_name,tenant_guid " + $"from {TenantBilltable} a join device b on a.device_number =b.device_number " + $"where device_building_tag = 'D1' and a.device_name_tag = '{ElecOrWater}' || device_building_tag = 'D2' and a.device_name_tag = '{ElecOrWater}'"; } else { sqlString = $"SELECT bill_id,a.device_number,a.full_name,start_timestamp,end_timestamp,result,bill,tenant_name,tenant_guid " + $"from {TenantBilltable} a join device b on a.device_number =b.device_number " + $"where device_building_tag = '{building_tag}' and a.device_name_tag = '{ElecOrWater}' "; } tenantBill = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = tenantBill; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; //Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } [HttpPost] public async Task> UpdateTenantBill([FromBody] TenantBill tb) { ApiResult apiResult = new ApiResult(); try { string bill_per = tb.tableType == "elec" ? "bill_perKWH" : "bill_perRCV"; var updated_at = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); var start_timestamp = tb.start_timestamp; var end_timestamp = tb.end_timestamp; string sqlString = null; string startMonth = ""; string endMonth = ""; if (start_timestamp != "" && end_timestamp != "") { startMonth = tb.start_timestamp.Split("-")[0] + tb.start_timestamp.Split("-")[1]; endMonth = tb.end_timestamp.Split("-")[0] + tb.end_timestamp.Split("-")[1]; } else { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "請選擇日期。"; return apiResult; } if (startMonth == endMonth) { sqlString = $"UPDATE {TenantBilltable} " + $"set tenant_name = (SELECT tenant_name from archive_electric_meter_tenant_list WHERE tenant_guid = '{tb.tenant_guid}'), start_timestamp = '{start_timestamp}',end_timestamp = '{end_timestamp}' , " + $"result= " + $"(select sum(sub_result) " + $"from archive_electric_water_meter_day_{startMonth} " + $"WHERE device_number = '{tb.device_number}' and start_timestamp BETWEEN '{start_timestamp}' and '{end_timestamp}' " + $"GROUP BY device_number) , " + $"bill = " + $"ROUND(result *(SELECT {bill_per} from {TenantListtable} WHERE tenant_guid = '{tb.tenant_guid}') ), " + $"updated_at = '{updated_at}', " + $"tenant_guid = '{tb.tenant_guid}' " + $"WHERE device_number = '{tb.device_number}'"; } else { //sqlString = // $"UPDATE {TenantBilltable} " + // $"set tenant_name = (SELECT tenant_name from archive_electric_meter_tenant_list WHERE tenant_guid = '{tb.tenant_guid}'), start_timestamp = '{start_timestamp}',end_timestamp = '{end_timestamp}' , " + // $"result= " + // $"(SELECT sum(sub_result) " + // $"FROM ( " + // $" SELECT start_timestamp,device_number, sub_result " + // $" FROM archive_electric_water_meter_day_{startMonth} " + // $" WHERE device_number = '{tb.device_number}' " + // $" UNION ALL " + // $" SELECT start_timestamp,device_number, sub_result " + // $" FROM archive_electric_water_meter_day_{endMonth} " + // $" WHERE device_number = '{tb.device_number}' " + // $") combined_result " + // $"WHERE start_timestamp BETWEEN '{start_timestamp}' and '{end_timestamp}' " + // $"GROUP BY device_number) ," + // $"bill = " + // $"ROUND(result *(SELECT {bill_per} from {TenantListtable} WHERE tenant_guid = '{tb.tenant_guid}') ), " + // $"updated_at = '{updated_at}', " + // $"tenant_guid = '{tb.tenant_guid}' " + // $"WHERE device_number = '{tb.device_number}'"; apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "請選擇同一個月份"; } await backendRepository.ExecuteSql(sqlString); apiResult.Code = "0000"; apiResult.Data = "修改成功"; } catch (Exception exception) { apiResult.Code = "9999"; apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。"; //Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return apiResult; } [HttpPost] public async Task OutputTenantBill() { List outputBill = new List(); try { string sqlString = $@"SELECT a.tenant_name,a.start_timestamp,a.end_timestamp,bill_perKWH,bill_perRCV, SUM(CASE WHEN device_name_tag = 'E4' THEN result ELSE 0 END) AS elec_result, SUM(CASE WHEN device_name_tag = 'W1' THEN result ELSE 0 END) AS water_result, SUM(CASE WHEN device_name_tag = 'E4' THEN bill ELSE 0 END) AS elec_bill, SUM(CASE WHEN device_name_tag = 'W1' THEN bill ELSE 0 END) AS water_bill, SUM(bill) AS total_bill FROM archive_electric_meter_tenant_bill a JOIN archive_electric_meter_tenant_list b on a.tenant_guid = b.tenant_guid GROUP BY a.tenant_name HAVING SUM(bill) != 0"; outputBill = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync(sqlString); string filePath = CreateOutputForm(outputBill); byte[] file = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath); return new FileContentResult(file, "application/pdf") { FileDownloadName = "水電報表.pdf" }; } catch (Exception exception) { //Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message); } return new FileContentResult(new byte[0], "application/pdf") { FileDownloadName = "Empty.pdf" }; } public string CreateOutputForm(List outputBill) { try { string htmlStr = this.getOutputFormHtmlStr(outputBill); string filepath = Configuration.GetValue("FilePath:OutputForm"); if (!Directory.Exists(filepath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(filepath); _logger.LogInformation("file CreateOutputForm path: " + filepath); } var nowString = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8).ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"); //Random r1 = new System.Random(); //string r2 = r1.Next(0, 999).ToString("0000"); //string r2 = RandomNumberGenerator.GetInt32(0, 999).ToString("0000"); filepath += $"{nowString}_水電報表.pdf"; var doc = new HtmlToPdfDocument() { GlobalSettings = { ColorMode = ColorMode.Color, //Orientation = Orientation.Landscape, PaperSize = PaperKind.A4, Out = filepath, Margins = new MarginSettings { Unit = Unit.Millimeters, Top = 10, Bottom = 10, Right = 0, Left = 0 }, }, Objects = { new ObjectSettings() { HtmlContent=htmlStr, WebSettings = { DefaultEncoding = "utf-8"}, FooterSettings = new FooterSettings() { Center = "第 [page] 頁 共 [topage] 頁", FontName = "DFKai-sb", }, LoadSettings = new LoadSettings() { JSDelay = 1000, StopSlowScript = false, BlockLocalFileAccess = false, DebugJavascript = true } //HeaderSettings = { FontSize = 9, Right = "Page [page] of [toPage]", Line = true, Spacing = 2.812 } } } }; // _converter.Warning += ConvertWarning; _converter.Convert(doc); //IntPtr converter = _converter.CreateConverter(doc); //_converter.Tools.DestroyConverter(); return filepath; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.ToString()); } } private string getOutputFormHtmlStr(List outputBill) { try { string path = Configuration.GetValue("FilePath:OutputFormTemplate"); //string path = _webHostEnvironment.ContentRootPath + "\\StaticFiles\\import.html"; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(path)) { return ""; } //string cssroot = _webHostEnvironment.ContentRootPath + "\\StaticFiles\\css\\"; string htmlStr = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path); //string vendorscss = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(cssroot + "vendors.bundle.css"); //string appBundelCss = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(cssroot + "app.bundle.css"); //string skinmasterCss = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(cssroot + "skins\\skin-master.css"); string bill = ""; foreach (var item in outputBill) { bill += $"
" + $"
" + $" \"Taipei " + $"


" + $"
" + $"
" + $"


" + $"

用戶: {item.tenant_name}

" + $"

起訖時間: {item.start_timestamp} ~ {item.end_timestamp}

" + $" " + $" " + $" " + $" " + $" " + $" " + $" " + $" " + $" " + $" " + $" " + $"
用電量: {item.elec_result}度單價: {item.bill_perKWH}元/度電費總計: {item.elec_bill}元
用水量: {item.water_result}度單價: {item.bill_perRCV}元/度水費總計: {item.water_bill}元
" + $"
" + $"
" + $"
" + $"


" + $"
" + $" {item.total_bill}元 " + $"
" + $"
" + $"
" + $"
"; } htmlStr = htmlStr.Replace("{{bill}}", bill); return htmlStr; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.ToString()); } } } }