@using Resources @model Qcarbon.ViewModels.DTO.RiskMaterialListViewModel @{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; Layout = "~/Areas/Lca/Views/Shared/_LcaRiskLayout.cshtml"; ViewBag.selected = ""; }
@* header *@ @* header's button style is controlled by header-content-layout, the business logic(ng-show) is controlled here *@
@using (Html.BeginForm()) { @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @Html.HiddenFor(x => x.cmd, new { @id = "cmd" }) @Html.HiddenFor(x=>x.selectedID, new {@id="selectedID"})
@*header content layout provide the general function like mouse over and background image*@
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( Model.selectedID) || Model.selectedModel != null) {
} @*
*@ }
@* end of header *@ @* the body of index *@
@**@ @if (Model.modelList == null || Model.modelList.Count <= 0) { } else { foreach (var rec in Model.modelList) { if (rec.MaterialNo == Model.selectedID) { ViewBag.selected = "selected"; } else { ViewBag.selected = ""; } @**@ } }
@Resource.MaterialNo @Resource.RAMC3EMaterialSpec (kg) @Resource.RAMC3EMaterialActivityUnit @Resource.RAMC3EMaterialPCS @Resource.RAMC3EMaterialScalar (@Resource.KgCO2e) @Resource.RAMC3EMaterialActivity @Resource.RAMC3EMaterialQty (@Resource.KgCO2e)DQI
@rec.MaterialNo @rec.MaterialSpec.ToString("F04") @rec.Unit @rec.AnnualPurchaseAmount @rec.KgCO2e.ToString("F10") @rec.ActivityIntensity.ToString("F04") @rec.Emission.ToString("F04")
@* end of the body of index *@ @**@