using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.Entity; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Http; using System.Web.Mvc; using Weee.Supports; using Weee.DAL; using Weee.Models; using Weee.Models.ExtensionMethods; using Weee.Models.Paramemter; using Weee.DataTransferObject; using NPOI.SS.UserModel; // 使用 openxml 匯出 word using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging; using log4net; using Qcarbon.ViewModels.ExcelImportExport.LcaOrganization.excelExportOrgLCAdata; using Qcarbon.ViewModels.ExcelImportExport.LcaOrganization.excelExportOrgLCArisk; using ClosedXML.Excel; using Qcarbon.Interfaces; using Qcarbon.ExcelImportExport.LcaOrganization; using Qcarbon.Interfaces.Database.Lca.Org12.Reports; using Qcarbon.Database.Lca.Org12.Reports; using Qcarbon.ViewModels.ExcelImportExport.LcaOrganization.excelExportOrgList; using NLog; using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity; using static Weee.DataTransferObject.OrganizationLCAReportDTO; using System.Threading; using Qcarbon.Database.Lca.Org12.Reports.excelExportOrgList; using Qcarbon.Interfaces.adminCheck; using Qcarbon.Database.adminCheck; using Qcarbon.ViewModels.admin; using Qcarbon.ViewModels.DTO; using Qcarbon.Database.Lca.Org12.Reports.excelExportOrgList.merged; using Qcarbon.Interfaces.Database.Lca.Prod; using Qcarbon.Interfaces.ExcelImportExport.LcaProduct; using Qcarbon.Database.Lca.Prod; using Qcarbon.ExcelImportExport.LcaProduct; using Qcarbon.ViewModels.ExcelImportExport.LcaProduct.excelExportProdLCAdata; using Qcarbon.ViewModels.ExcelImportExport.LcaProduct.excelExportProdList; using Qcarbon.ViewModels.ExcelImportExport.LcaProduct.excelExportProdSensitivity; using Qcarbon.Database.Lca.Org12; using Qcarbon.Database.Lca.Org36; using Qcarbon.Database.Lca; using Qcarbon.ViewModels.ExcelImportExport.LcaOrganization; using Resources; using Qcarbon.ExcelImportExport.LcaOrganization.excelImportLCAdata; using System.EnterpriseServices; using AutoMapper; namespace Weee.Service { public class WeeeLCADataService : WeeeDataAuthorizeService { //public delegate void UpdateStatusEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e); //public event UpdateStatusEventHandler UpdateStatus; protected IadminCheckService _adminCheckService; protected IcompanyAdminCheckService _companyAdminCheckService; protected LCAcommonService _LCAcommonService; protected Logger log; private readonly EmailService.Service service = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(); public WeeeLCADataService(WeeeDataContext d) : base(d) { _LCAcommonService = new LCAcommonService(d); log = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); } /// /// 產品型盤查狀態變化時 如有完整性 , 一致性之業務邏輯檢查 應於此實作 /// #region Business logic for Product LCA public void ProductLCANewToProcessing(int LCAID, string userName, string baseUrl)//DL-41 { if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorzied"); var LCA = _db.ProductLCAs.Where(x => x.ID == LCAID && x.Status == LCAStatus.New) .Include(x => x.Materials).Single(); var trans = _db.Database.BeginTransaction(); try { foreach (var material in LCA.Materials.Where(x => x.IncludedInInterrogation.HasValue && x.IncludedInInterrogation.Value)) { // create child LCA for each material to send to supplier company var request = new ProductLCAReplyRequest() { SenderCompanyName = CurrentCompany.Name, //Distribute = material.Unit, 無用的欄位,錯誤不匹配的assignment ReceiverCompanyID = material.SupplierCompanyID };//DL-49 if (material.SupplierCompanyEmail != null && material.SupplierCompanyEmail != "") { material.RequestSent = request; service.SendRequestMessaage(material.SupplierCompanyEmail, CurrentCompany.Name, request.RequestLink , request.AnonymousReplyLink, material.PartNumber, material.Name, userName, request.Uid , baseUrl);//DL-41 // to do: send an email link for user to apply } } LCA.Status = LCAStatus.Processing; LCA.StatusHistory.Add(new LCAStatusLog(LCAStatus.Processing, GetUserContext().Name)); _db.SaveChanges(); trans.Commit(); } catch(Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); log.Error(ex); log.Error(CScommon.Exceptions.inner(ex)); log.Error(ex.StackTrace); throw; } Thread.Sleep(0); } public string ProductLCAProcessingToWait(string sourceDir, string targetFile , int LCAID, string userName,string baseUrl, bool changeStatus = true , bool wordReportOnly = true, bool skipAuthorization = false) { if (!skipAuthorization && !AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorzied"); //var qry = _db.ProductLCAs // .Include(x => x.Comments) // .Where(x => x.ID == LCAID //&& x.Status == LCAStatus.Processing // ).FirstOrDefault(); var lca = _db.ProductLCAs .Include(x => x.Comments) .Where(x => x.ID == LCAID //&& x.Status == LCAStatus.Processing ).Single(); if (lca.SnapShotSurveyResult == null) lca.SnapShotSurveyResult = new ProductLCAFabSurveyResult(lca, lca.TargetProduct); lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.Scope1FabResult = lca.GetScopeOnePrimaryFabKgCO2e(); lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.Scope2FabResult = lca.GetScopeTwoPrimaryFabKgCO2e(); lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.Scope3FabResult = lca.GetScopeThreePrimaryFabKgCO2e(); lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.SecondaryWasteResult = lca.WasteSheet.Sum(x => x.KgCO2e); lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.SecondaryWasteTransportResult = lca.WasteTransportSheet.Sum(x => x.KgCO2e); lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.SecondaryDirectMaterialResult = lca.Materials.Where(x => x.MaterialType == MaterialType.DirectMaterial).Sum(x => x.KgCO2e); lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.SecondaryIndirectMaterialResult = lca.Materials.Where(x => x.MaterialType == MaterialType.IndirectMaterial).Sum(x => x.KgCO2e); lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.SecondaryWrapMaterialResult = lca.Materials.Where(x => x.MaterialType == MaterialType.WrapMaterial).Sum(x => x.KgCO2e); var totalTransportPCS = lca.TransportSheet.Sum(x => x.TransportQuantity); totalTransportPCS = totalTransportPCS == 0m ? 1m : totalTransportPCS; lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.SecondaryTransportResult = lca.TransportSheet.Sum(x => x.KgCO2e) / totalTransportPCS; var totalFabResult = lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.Scope1FabResult + lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.Scope2FabResult + lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.Scope3FabResult + lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.SecondaryWasteResult + lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.SecondaryWasteTransportResult; var totalProductResult = lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.SecondaryDirectMaterialResult + lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.SecondaryIndirectMaterialResult + lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.SecondaryWrapMaterialResult + lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.SecondaryTransportResult; var areaFactor = lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.constantFactorInArea; var weightFactor = lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.constantFactorInWeight; var workHourFactor = lca.SnapShotSurveyResult.constantFactorInWorkHour; lca.DistributeKgCO2eInWeight = null; lca.DistributeKgCO2eInArea = null; lca.DistributeKgCO2eInWorkHour = null; lca.DistributeKgCO2e = lca.GetDistributedKgCO2e(); if (areaFactor != null) lca.DistributeKgCO2eInArea = totalFabResult * areaFactor.Value + totalProductResult; if (weightFactor != null) lca.DistributeKgCO2eInWeight = totalFabResult * weightFactor.Value + totalProductResult; if (workHourFactor != null) lca.DistributeKgCO2eInWorkHour = totalFabResult * workHourFactor.Value + totalProductResult; // start of save carbon footprint result if (!wordReportOnly) { var productLcaExcelExporter = new ProductLCAExcelExporter(); var productLcaWorkbook = productLcaExcelExporter.CreateWorkbook(); var productLcaSheet = productLcaExcelExporter.CreateSheet(productLcaWorkbook, "碳足跡結果"); productLcaExcelExporter.CreateInsertableArea(productLcaSheet, 0, 34, 0, 8); productLcaExcelExporter.InsertLcaData(productLcaWorkbook, productLcaSheet, lca); // end of save carbon footprint result SaveExcel(productLcaWorkbook, lca, "CarbonResult", userName, baseUrl); // start of save carbon footprint inventory var inventoryExcelExporter = new ProductLCAInventoryExcelExporter(); var inventoryWorkbook = inventoryExcelExporter.CreateWorkbook(); var carbonDataSheet = inventoryExcelExporter.CreateSheet(inventoryWorkbook, "CO2DATA"); inventoryExcelExporter.CreateInsertableArea(carbonDataSheet, 0, lca.Materials.Count() + 100, 0, 20); MemoryStream chartImage; inventoryExcelExporter.InsertCO2Data(inventoryWorkbook, carbonDataSheet, lca, out chartImage); SaveExcel(inventoryWorkbook, lca, "Inventory", userName, baseUrl); } // end of save carbon footprint inventory // start of generate word report //ExportWordReport(lca, chartImage, userName); string ret = ExportWordReport(lca, sourceDir, targetFile, LCAID, userName, baseUrl); // end if (!changeStatus) // 如果僅產生報表不變更狀態 return ret; lca.Comments.ToList().ForEach(x => x.IsHistory = true); lca.Status = LCAStatus.Waiting; lca.StatusHistory.Add(new LCAStatusLog(LCAStatus.Waiting, GetUserContext().Name)); _db.SaveChanges(); return ret; } public void ProductLCAWaitToRejected(int LCAID) { if (CurrentCompany.CompanyType != typeof(CertificationCompany)) throw new Exception("this action is only avaliable for CertificationCompany"); if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorzied"); var LCA = _db.ProductLCAs.Where(x => x.ID == LCAID && x.Status == LCAStatus.Waiting).Include(x => x.Comments).Single(); LCA.Status = LCAStatus.Rejected; LCA.StatusHistory.Add(new LCAStatusLog(LCAStatus.Rejected, GetUserContext().Name)); // LCA.Comments.ToList().ForEach(x => x.IsHistory = true); _db.SaveChanges(); } public void ProductLCARejectedToProcessing(int LCAID) { if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorzied"); var LCA = _db.ProductLCAs.Where(x => x.ID == LCAID && x.Status == LCAStatus.Rejected).Include(x => x.Comments).Single(); LCA.Status = LCAStatus.Processing; LCA.StatusHistory.Add(new LCAStatusLog(LCAStatus.Processing, GetUserContext().Name)); _db.SaveChanges(); } // create snapShot and generate excel public void ProductLCAWaitToConfirmed(int LCAID) { if (CurrentCompany.CompanyType != typeof(CertificationCompany)) throw new Exception("this action is only avaliable for CertificationCompany"); if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorzied"); var lca = _db.ProductLCAs.Include(x => x.SnapShotSurveyResult) .Where(x => x.ID == LCAID && x.Status == LCAStatus.Waiting).Single(); lca.Status = LCAStatus.Confirmed; lca.StatusHistory.Add(new LCAStatusLog(LCAStatus.Confirmed, GetUserContext().Name)); lca.Comments.ToList().ForEach(x => x.IsHistory = true); _db.SaveChanges(); } public void ProductLCAConfirmedToCompleted(int LCAID) { if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorzied"); var lca = _db.ProductLCAs.Include(x => x.RepliedRequests).Where(x => x.ID == LCAID && x.Status == LCAStatus.Confirmed).Single(); lca.Status = LCAStatus.Completed; lca.StatusHistory.Add(new LCAStatusLog(LCAStatus.Completed, GetUserContext().Name)); _db.SaveChanges(); } #endregion /// /// 組織型盤查狀態變化時 如有完整性 , 一致性之業務邏輯檢查 應於此實作 /// #region Business logic for Organization LCA private string makeupDTOfields(OrganizationLCAReportDTO data , string userID, int LCAID, bool isMergedRpt) { string ret = ""; try { var qry = (from a in _db.LCAs where a.ID == LCAID select a).FirstOrDefault(); data.ReportDate = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); if (qry == null) { ret = $"LCAID {LCAID} 查無資料"; data.RiskAssmtThreshold = 100; } else { data.LCAstartYear = qry.StartDate.Year.ToString(); data.LCAstart = qry.StartDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); data.LCAend = qry.EndDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); data.LCAstarter = qry.LCAStarter; data.LCAstarterDepartment = qry.LCAStarterDepartment; data.LCAstartPhone = qry.LCAStarterPhone; data.LCAstartEmail = qry.LCAStarterEmail; data.RiskAssmtThreshold = qry.GradingScore == 0 ? 100 : qry.GradingScore; data.ListDefaultPurpose = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(qry.ListDefaultPurpose) ? CScommon.ProgramConstants.LIST_DEFAULT_PURPOSE : qry.ListDefaultPurpose; var qry2 = (from a in _db.Companies where a.ID == qry.OwnerID select a).FirstOrDefault(); if (qry2 != null) data.companyAddress = qry2.Address; } var qry3 = (from a1 in _db.LCAs // 基準年資料 from a2 in _db.LCAs // 若當下的資料並非基準年,則先用LCAID取出該資料對應的BaseYearLCAID,已取得對應的基準年資料a1 join b in _db.OrganizationLCAs on a1.ID equals b.ID where (a1.isBaseYear == true && a1.ID == LCAID) || (a1.isBaseYear == true && a1.UserId == userID && a2.ID == LCAID && a1.ID == a2.BaseYearLCAID) select a1) .OrderByDescending(x => x.StartDate).Take(1).FirstOrDefault(); //var qry3 = _db.LCAs.Where(x => x.isBaseYear == true) // .OrderByDescending(x => x.ID).Take(1).FirstOrDefault(); if (qry3 != null) { data.BaseYear = qry3.StartDate.Year; decimal baseYearKgCO2e = 0; var qry4a = _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_WorkHour .Where(x => x.LCAID == qry3.ID); if (qry4a != null) { foreach (var rec in qry4a) baseYearKgCO2e += rec.KgCO2e; } var qry4b = _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_Vehicle .Where(x => x.LCAID == qry3.ID); if (qry4b != null) { foreach (var rec in qry4b) baseYearKgCO2e += rec.KgCO2e; } var qry4c = _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_GasolineEquipment .Where(x => x.LCAID == qry3.ID); if (qry4c != null) { foreach (var rec in qry4c) baseYearKgCO2e += rec.KgCO2e; } var qry4d = _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_Kitchen .Where(x => x.LCAID == qry3.ID); if (qry4d != null) { foreach (var rec in qry4d) baseYearKgCO2e += rec.KgCO2e; } var qry4e = _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_FireEquipment .Where(x => x.LCAID == qry3.ID); if (qry4e != null) { foreach (var rec in qry4e) baseYearKgCO2e += rec.KgCO2e; } var qry4f = _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_Refrigerant .Where(x => x.LCAID == qry3.ID); if (qry4f != null) { foreach (var rec in qry4f) baseYearKgCO2e += rec.KgCO2e; } var qry4g = _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_SteamUsage .Where(x => x.LCAID == qry3.ID); if (qry4g != null) { foreach (var rec in qry4g) baseYearKgCO2e += rec.KgCO2e; } var qry4h = _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_PowerUsage .Where(x => x.LCAID == qry3.ID); if (qry4h != null) { foreach (var rec in qry4h) baseYearKgCO2e += rec.KgCO2e; } data.BaseYearTotalValue = baseYearKgCO2e / 1000; } IEnumerable qry5 = null; if (!isMergedRpt) { var qry5a = (from a in _db.LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactors join b in _db.LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScores on a.ID equals b.FactorId where a.LCAID == LCAID select new RiskAssmtFactorScoreVM { FactorName = a.FactorName, OptionDescription = b.OptionDescription, OptionScore = b.OptionScore }); if (qry5a.Any()) qry5 = qry5a.ToList(); } else { var qry5a = (from a in _db.LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactors join b in _db.LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScores on a.ID equals b.FactorId join e in _db.LCAs on a.LCAID equals e.ID where e.parentLCAID == LCAID select new RiskAssmtFactorScoreVM { FactorName = a.FactorName, OptionDescription = b.OptionDescription, OptionScore = b.OptionScore }); if (qry5a.Any()) qry5 = qry5a.ToList(); } data.RiskAssmtFactorText = "評估因子:"; if (qry5 != null) { string curFactor = ""; string oneFactor = ""; foreach (var rec in qry5) { if (rec.FactorName != curFactor) { if (curFactor != "") data.RiskAssmtFactorText += $"{curFactor}:({oneFactor})"; curFactor = rec.FactorName; oneFactor = $"{rec.OptionDescription},{rec.OptionScore}分;"; } else oneFactor += $"{rec.OptionDescription},{rec.OptionScore}分;"; } data.RiskAssmtFactorText += $"{curFactor}:({oneFactor})"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger log = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); log.Error(ex.StackTrace); ex = CScommon.Exceptions.inner(ex); ret = ex.Message; throw; } return ret; } public void OrganizationLCAProcessingToWait(int LCAID, string userID, string userName, string baseUrl) { if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorzied"); var LCA = _db.OrganizationLCAs .Include(x => x.Comments) .Where(x => x.ID == LCAID && x.Status == LCAStatus.Processing).Single(); //generate word , excel //CFT-89 //string sourceFileName = "OrganizationLCADocTemplate.docx"; //string sourceFilePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "App_Data", sourceFileName); //再發送給查證單位之前,客戶未產生報告書和清冊 //所以在發送給查證單位時一同爲他產生 //if(LCA.CarbonFootprintDocxUrl == null && LCA.InterrogationResultUrl ==null) { string templatePath; try { templatePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Browser_Local/WebFilesRoot"); } catch { templatePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory , "Browser_Local\\WebFilesRoot"); } //Logger log = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); //log.Info($"OrganizationLCAProcessingToWait templatePath={templatePath}"); templatePath = Path.Combine(templatePath, userName); string sourceFilePath = ""; //get user's template var fileFullName = (from u in _db.UserLCADocExcelTemplates join t in _db.DocExcelTemplates on u.TemplateID equals t.ID where u.UserID == userID && t.IsDocDefaultTemplate == true select t.FileName).FirstOrDefault(); //if (fileFullName != null && fileFullName.Trim() != "") //{ // fileFullName = fileFullName.Substring(1); // sourceFilePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, fileFullName); //} //else//用戶未上傳自己的報告書範本,則使用系統默認範本 { string sourceFileName = CScommon.ProgramConstants.OrganizationWordReport;// "OrganizationLCADocTemplate.docx"; sourceFilePath = Path.Combine(templatePath, sourceFileName); } using (var file = System.IO.File.Open(sourceFilePath, FileMode.Open)) using (var cache = new MemoryStream()) using (var excelCache = new MemoryStream()) { var KgToTon = 0.001m; var dto = _db.OrganizationLCAs .Where(x => x.ID == LCAID && x.Status == LCAStatus.Processing) .Select(x => new OrganizationLCAReportDTO() { CompanyName = x.Owner == null ? "" : x.Owner.Name, FabName = x.TargetFab == null ? "" : x.TargetFab.Name, FabAddress = x.TargetFab == null ? "" : x.TargetFab.Address, WorkhourSum = (x.WorkHourSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.WorkHourSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, PowerSum = (x.PowerUsageSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.PowerUsageSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, CarSum = (x.VehicleSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.VehicleSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, GasolineSum = (x.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, KitchenSum = (x.KitchenSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.KitchenSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, FireEQSum = (x.FireEquipmentSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.FireEquipmentSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, RefSum = (x.RefrigerantSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.RefrigerantSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, SteamSum = (x.SteamUsageSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.SteamUsageSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, OthersSum = (x.OtherCompound.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.OtherCompound.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, ScopeOneTotalValue = ((x.WorkHourSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.WorkHourSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.VehicleSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.VehicleSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.KitchenSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.KitchenSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.FireEquipmentSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.FireEquipmentSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.RefrigerantSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.RefrigerantSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.SteamUsageSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.SteamUsageSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.OtherCompound.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.OtherCompound.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) ) * KgToTon, ScopeTwoTotalValue = x.PowerUsageSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.PowerUsageSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e) * KgToTon, Table1Data = x.RefrigerantSheet.Select(y => new OrganizationLCAReportDTO.table1Row() { EquipmentName = y.Factor.Type == null ? "" : y.Factor.Type.DisplayNameTW, RefName = y.Parameter.Type == null ? "" : y.Parameter.Type.DisplayNameTW, Value = y.Factor == null ? 0 : y.Factor.Value }).Distinct().ToList(), CertificationCompanyName = x.VerifyBy == null ? "" : x.VerifyBy.Name }).Single();//DL-75 makeupDTOfields(dto, userID, LCAID, false); var duringDate = _db.OrganizationLCAs .Where(x => x.ID == LCAID && x.Status == LCAStatus.Processing) .Select(x => new { start = x.StartDate, end = x.EndDate }).Single(); dto.DuringInventory = duringDate.start.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " ~ " + duringDate.end.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); var GWPValue = GetGWPValueByLCAID(LCAID); var qry = (from a in _db.UserAccountType where a.UserId == userID select a.tCO2digits).FirstOrDefault(); int digits = 4; if (qry != null) digits = (int)qry; //generate docx file.CopyTo(cache); WordprocessingDocument wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(cache, true); var parser = new OrganizationLCADocParser(wordDocument); Dictionary sixCat = get6categoryKgCO2e(LCAID, false); decimal baseYearTonCO2e = baseYearLCATonCO2e(LCAID, false); parser.ReplaceAllTextTagWithData(dto, digits, sixCat, baseYearTonCO2e, GWPValue); wordDocument.MainDocumentPart.Document.Save(); cache.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); //generate 清冊 var excelExporter = new OrganizationLCAExcelExport(); var workbook = excelExporter.CreateWorkbook(); var lcaSheet = excelExporter.CreateSheet(workbook, "清冊"); excelExporter.CreateInsertableArea(lcaSheet, 0, 20, 0, 10); excelExporter.InsertOrganizationLcaData(workbook, lcaSheet, dto); workbook.Write(excelCache); //end using (var temp = new MemoryStream(excelCache.ToArray())) { var storage = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver.GetService(typeof(Storage.AzureStorage)) as Storage.AzureStorage; //Start CFT-6 //LCA.CarbonFootprintDocxUrl = storage.SaveToAzure(cache, "CarbonFootprint.docx").ToString(); //LCA.InterrogationResultUrl = storage.SaveToAzure(temp, "Lca_Result.xlsx").ToString(); var CarbonFootprintDocxUrl = storage.SaveToAzure(cache, "CarbonFootprint.docx", baseUrl).ToString(); var InterrogationResultUrl = storage.SaveToAzure(temp, "OrgLca_Result.xlsx", baseUrl).ToString(); //Logger log = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); //log.Info($"CarbonFootprintDocxUrl={CarbonFootprintDocxUrl}"); //log.Info($"InterrogationResultUrl={InterrogationResultUrl}"); LCA.CarbonFootprintDocxUrl = CarbonFootprintDocxUrl.Substring(CarbonFootprintDocxUrl.IndexOf("Browser_Local") - 1); LCA.InterrogationResultUrl = InterrogationResultUrl.Substring(InterrogationResultUrl.IndexOf("Browser_Local") - 1); //End CFT-6 } } } //update status LCA.Comments.ToList().ForEach(x => x.IsHistory = true); LCA.Status = LCAStatus.Waiting; LCA.StatusHistory.Add(new LCAStatusLog(LCAStatus.Waiting, GetUserContext().Name)); _db.SaveChanges(); //CFT-17 //send eamil to certification company string CCemail = ""; int companyID = LCA.VerifierCompanyID > 0 ? (int)LCA.VerifierCompanyID : 0; var userInfo = _db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.CompanyID == companyID); if (userInfo != null && userInfo.Email != null && userInfo.Email.Trim() != "") { CCemail = userInfo.Email.Trim(); service.SendMessageToCertificationCompany(CCemail); } //End CFT-17 } protected Dictionary get6categoryKgCO2e(int LCAID, bool isRptMerged) { Dictionary ret = new Dictionary(); orgList6GHGinventoryVM GHGrec; if (!isRptMerged) { orgList6GHGinventoryService _orgList6GHGinventoryService = new orgList6GHGinventoryService(_db); GHGrec = _orgList6GHGinventoryService.generateReportData(LCAID); } else { orgList6GHGinventoryMergeService _orgList6GHGinventoryService = new orgList6GHGinventoryMergeService(_db); GHGrec = _orgList6GHGinventoryService.generateReportData(LCAID); } ret.Add(1, GHGrec.row10.TOTAL); ret.Add(2, GHGrec.row20a.TOTAL + GHGrec.row20b.TOTAL); ret.Add(3, GHGrec.row30.Stotal + GHGrec.row31.Stotal + GHGrec.row32.Stotal + GHGrec.row33.Stotal + GHGrec.row34.Stotal + GHGrec.row35.Stotal); ret.Add(4, GHGrec.row40.Stotal + GHGrec.row41a.Stotal + GHGrec.row41b.Stotal + GHGrec.row42.Stotal + GHGrec.row43.Stotal + GHGrec.row44.Stotal + GHGrec.row45.Stotal); ret.Add(5, GHGrec.row50.Stotal + GHGrec.row51.Stotal + GHGrec.row52.Stotal + GHGrec.row53.Stotal + GHGrec.row54.Stotal); ret.Add(6, GHGrec.row6.Stotal); return ret; } protected int getBaseYearLCAID(int LCAID) { int ret = 0; string sql = $@" select id from ( select a.ID, a.ID oriID from LCAs a where a.isBaseYear=1 union select, a.ID oriID from LCAs a join LCAs b on a.BaseYearLCAID=b.ID where b.isBaseYear=1 ) a where oriID={LCAID} "; var qry = _db.Database.SqlQuery(sql).FirstOrDefault(); if (qry != null) ret = qry; return ret; } /// /// 取得某盤查單盤查表總排碳量 /// /// 目前盤查單號 /// protected decimal baseYearLCATonCO2e(int LCAID, bool rptMerged) { orgLCAdata1resultVM ret; excelExportOrgLCAdataVM dataObj; IexcelExportLCAdataService realData; int baseYearLCAID = 0; if (!rptMerged) { realData = new excelExportLCAdataService(_db); baseYearLCAID = getBaseYearLCAID(LCAID); if (baseYearLCAID == 0) return 0; dataObj = realData.generateReportData(baseYearLCAID); } else { realData = new excelExportLCAmergeDataService(_db); baseYearLCAID = getBaseYearLCAID(LCAID); if (baseYearLCAID == 0) return 0; dataObj = realData.generateReportData(baseYearLCAID); } ret = dataObj._orgLCAdata1resultVM; return ret.totalKgCO2e / 1000; } /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 0: all, 1: 盤查表, 2: 清冊, 3: 報告書, 4: 風險評估表 /// public string OrganizationLCAGenerateReport(WeeeDataContext _db , string sourceDir, string targetFile, int LCAID , string userID, string userName, string baseUrl, int option = 0) { UserAccountType accountType = _db.UserAccountType.Where(x => x.UserId == userID).FirstOrDefault(); int tCO2digits = (int)(accountType.tCO2digits != null ? accountType.tCO2digits : 4); bool inWeb = false; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceDir) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetFile)) { inWeb = true; sourceDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; } bool rptLCAdata = true;//盤查表 //bool rptLCAdata = false;//盤查表 bool rptLCAlist = true;//清冊 bool rptLCAreport = true;//報告書 //bool rptLCArisk = false;//風險評估表 bool rptLCArisk = true;//風險評估表 bool rptMerged = false; switch (option) { case 0://all break; case 1://盤查表 rptLCAlist = false; rptLCAreport = false; rptLCArisk = false; break; case 12://合併清冊 rptMerged = true; rptLCAdata = false; rptLCAreport = false; rptLCArisk = false; break; case 2://清冊 rptLCAdata = false; rptLCAreport = false; rptLCArisk = false; break; case 13://合併報告書 rptMerged = true; rptLCAdata = false; rptLCAlist = false; rptLCArisk = false; break; case 3://報告書 rptLCAdata = false; rptLCAlist = false; rptLCArisk = false; break; case 4://風險評估表 rptLCAdata = false; rptLCAlist = false; rptLCAreport = false; break; default: break; } if (accountType.AccountType == ACCOUNT_TYPE.ORGANICATION12) rptLCArisk = false; string templatePath; try { templatePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Browser_Local/WebFilesRoot"); } catch { templatePath = Path.Combine(sourceDir, "Browser_Local\\WebFilesRoot"); } //Logger log = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); //log.Info($"OrganizationLCAGenerateReport templatePath={templatePath}"); templatePath = Path.Combine(templatePath, userName); if (!inWeb && option == 3) templatePath = sourceDir; //if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) // throw new Exception("not authorzied"); var LCA = _db.OrganizationLCAs .Include(x => x.Comments) .Where(x => x.ID == LCAID //&& x.Status == LCAStatus.Processing ).Single(); var fileFullName = Path.Combine(templatePath , CScommon.ProgramConstants.OrganizationWordReport);// qry.FirstOrDefault(); var storage = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver.GetService( typeof(Storage.AzureStorage)) as Storage.AzureStorage; var KgToTon = 0.001m; OrganizationLCAReportDTO dto; if (!rptMerged) { dto = _db.OrganizationLCAs .Where(x => x.ID == LCAID //&& x.Status == LCAStatus.Processing ) .Select(x => new OrganizationLCAReportDTO() { CompanyName = x.Owner == null ? "" : x.Owner.Name, FabName = x.TargetFab == null ? "" : x.TargetFab.Name, FabAddress = x.TargetFab == null ? "" : x.TargetFab.Address, WorkhourSum = (x.WorkHourSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.WorkHourSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, PowerSum = (x.PowerUsageSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.PowerUsageSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, CarSum = (x.VehicleSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.VehicleSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, GasolineSum = (x.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, KitchenSum = (x.KitchenSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.KitchenSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, FireEQSum = (x.FireEquipmentSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.FireEquipmentSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, RefSum = (x.RefrigerantSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.RefrigerantSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, SteamSum = (x.SteamUsageSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.SteamUsageSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, OthersSum = (x.OtherCompound.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.OtherCompound.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, ScopeOneTotalValue = ((x.WorkHourSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.WorkHourSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.VehicleSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.VehicleSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.KitchenSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.KitchenSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.FireEquipmentSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.FireEquipmentSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.RefrigerantSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.RefrigerantSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.SteamUsageSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.SteamUsageSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e))+ (x.OtherCompound.Count==0 ? 0 : x.OtherCompound.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) ) * KgToTon, ScopeTwoTotalValue = x.PowerUsageSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.PowerUsageSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e) * KgToTon, Table1Data = x.RefrigerantSheet.Select(y => new OrganizationLCAReportDTO.table1Row() { EquipmentName = y.Factor.Type == null ? "" : y.Factor.Type.DisplayNameTW, RefName = y.Parameter.Type == null ? "" : y.Parameter.Type.DisplayNameTW, Value = y.Factor == null ? 0 : y.Factor.Value }).Distinct().ToList(), CertificationCompanyName = x.VerifyBy == null ? "" : x.VerifyBy.Name }).Single();//DL-75 makeupDTOfields(dto, userID, LCAID, rptMerged); //組織邊界設定範圍一覽表 var qryFab = (from a in _db.OrganizationLCAs join b in _db.Fabs on a.FabID equals b.ID where a.ID == LCAID select b).AsQueryable(); if (qryFab.Any()) dto.fabs = qryFab.ToList(); else dto.fabs = new List(); // CFT-263 排放係數管理表 dto.EmitParaMngTableData = new List(); var rowComparer = new OrganizationLCAReportDTO.EmitParaMngTableRowComparer(); dto.EmitParaMngTableData.AddRange( (from a in _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_PowerUsage join b in _db.Parameters on a.ParameterID equals b.ID join c in _db.YearlyParameters on a.ParameterID equals c.ID join d in _db.YearlyParameterTypes on c.TypeID equals d.ID where a.LCAID == LCAID select new { a, b, d } ).ToList().Select(r => new EmitParaMngTableRow(1, "外購電力", r.b.CO2Value, r.b.CH4Value, r.b.N2OValue, r.b.HFCsValue, r.b.PFCsValue, r.b.SF6Value, r.b.NF3Value, r.d.DisplayNameTW, r.d.paraSource, "公噸{gasName}/千度", "能源局公告109年電力係數", 2, "外購電力")).Distinct(rowComparer) ); dto.EmitParaMngTableData.AddRange( (from a in _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_FireEquipment //join b in _db.Parameters on a.ParameterID equals b.ID //join c in _db.NonYearlyParameters on a.ParameterID equals c.ID //join d in _db.NonYearlyParameterTypes on c.TypeID equals d.ID join b in _db.AssessmentReportGWP on a.ARnGWPid equals b.ID join d in _db.LCAs on a.LCAID equals d.ID where a.LCAID == LCAID select new { a, b, d } ).ToList().Select(r => new EmitParaMngTableRow(2, r.a.Name, r.b.CO2Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.CH4Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.N2OValue(r.d.ARversion), r.b.HFCsValue(r.d.ARversion), r.b.PFCsValue(r.d.ARversion), r.b.SF6Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.NF3Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.ingredientName, r.b.paraSource, "公噸{gasName}/公噸", CScommon.ProgramConstants.ipccAR6, 1, "逸散 (F)")).Distinct(rowComparer) ); dto.EmitParaMngTableData.AddRange( (from a in _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_GasolineEquipment join b in _db.Parameters on a.ParameterID equals b.ID join c in _db.YearlyParameters on a.ParameterID equals c.ID join d in _db.YearlyParameterTypes on c.TypeID equals d.ID where a.LCAID == LCAID && d.warmGasType == WarmGasType.固定源 select new { a, b, d } ).ToList().Select(r => new EmitParaMngTableRow(3, r.a.Name, r.b.CO2Value, r.b.CH4Value, r.b.N2OValue, r.b.HFCsValue, r.b.PFCsValue, r.b.SF6Value, r.b.NF3Value, r.d.DisplayNameTW, r.d.paraSource, "公噸{gasName}/公秉", CScommon.ProgramConstants.ipccAR6, 1, "固定 (E)")).Distinct(rowComparer) ); dto.EmitParaMngTableData.AddRange( (from a in _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_Kitchen join b in _db.Parameters on a.ParameterID equals b.ID join c in _db.YearlyParameters on a.ParameterID equals c.ID join d in _db.YearlyParameterTypes on c.TypeID equals d.ID where a.LCAID == LCAID && d.warmGasType == WarmGasType.製程 select new { a, b, d } ).ToList().Select(r => new EmitParaMngTableRow(4, r.a.Name, r.b.CO2Value, r.b.CH4Value, r.b.N2OValue, r.b.HFCsValue, r.b.PFCsValue, r.b.SF6Value, r.b.NF3Value, r.d.DisplayNameTW, r.d.paraSource, "公噸{gasName}/公秉", CScommon.ProgramConstants.ipccAR6, 1, "製程 (P)")).Distinct(rowComparer) ); dto.EmitParaMngTableData.AddRange( (from a in _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_Kitchen join b in _db.Parameters on a.ParameterID equals b.ID join c in _db.YearlyParameters on a.ParameterID equals c.ID join d in _db.YearlyParameterTypes on c.TypeID equals d.ID where a.LCAID == LCAID && d.warmGasType == WarmGasType.固定源 select new { a, b, d } ).ToList().Select(r => new EmitParaMngTableRow(4, r.a.Name, r.b.CO2Value, r.b.CH4Value, r.b.N2OValue, r.b.HFCsValue, r.b.PFCsValue, r.b.SF6Value, r.b.NF3Value, r.d.DisplayNameTW, r.d.paraSource, "公噸{gasName}/公秉", CScommon.ProgramConstants.ipccAR6, 1, "固定 (E)")).Distinct(rowComparer) ); dto.EmitParaMngTableData.AddRange( (from a in _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_Refrigerant //join b in _db.Parameters on a.ParameterID equals b.ID //join c in _db.NonYearlyParameters on a.ParameterID equals c.ID //join d in _db.NonYearlyParameterTypes on c.TypeID equals d.ID join b in _db.AssessmentReportGWP on a.ARnGWPid equals b.ID join d in _db.LCAs on a.LCAID equals d.ID where a.LCAID == LCAID select new { a, b, d } ).ToList().Select(r => new EmitParaMngTableRow(5, r.a.Name, r.b.CO2Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.CH4Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.N2OValue(r.d.ARversion), r.b.HFCsValue(r.d.ARversion), r.b.PFCsValue(r.d.ARversion), r.b.SF6Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.NF3Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.ingredientName, r.b.paraSource, "公噸{gasName}/公噸", CScommon.ProgramConstants.ipccAR6, 1, "逸散 (F)")).Distinct(rowComparer) ); dto.EmitParaMngTableData.AddRange( (from a in _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_Vehicle join b in _db.Parameters on a.ParameterID equals b.ID join c in _db.YearlyParameters on a.ParameterID equals c.ID join d in _db.YearlyParameterTypes on c.TypeID equals d.ID where a.LCAID == LCAID select new { a, b, d } ).ToList().Select(r => new EmitParaMngTableRow(6, r.a.Name, r.b.CO2Value, r.b.CH4Value, r.b.N2OValue, r.b.HFCsValue, r.b.PFCsValue, r.b.SF6Value, r.b.NF3Value, r.d.DisplayNameTW, r.d.paraSource, "公噸{gasName}/公秉", CScommon.ProgramConstants.ipccAR6, 1, "移動 (T)")).Distinct(rowComparer) ); } else//合併報表 { var qry = _db.OrganizationLCAs .Where(x => x.parentLCAID == LCAID //&& x.Status == LCAStatus.Processing ) .Select(x => new OrganizationLCAReportDTO() { CompanyName = x.Owner == null ? "" : x.Owner.Name, FabName = x.TargetFab == null ? "" : x.TargetFab.Name, FabAddress = x.TargetFab == null ? "" : x.TargetFab.Address, WorkhourSum = (x.WorkHourSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.WorkHourSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, PowerSum = (x.PowerUsageSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.PowerUsageSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, CarSum = (x.VehicleSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.VehicleSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, GasolineSum = (x.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, KitchenSum = (x.KitchenSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.KitchenSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, FireEQSum = (x.FireEquipmentSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.FireEquipmentSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, RefSum = (x.RefrigerantSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.RefrigerantSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, SteamSum = (x.SteamUsageSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.SteamUsageSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, OthersSum = (x.OtherCompound.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.OtherCompound.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) * KgToTon, ScopeOneTotalValue = ((x.WorkHourSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.WorkHourSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.VehicleSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.VehicleSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.KitchenSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.KitchenSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.FireEquipmentSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.FireEquipmentSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.RefrigerantSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.RefrigerantSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.SteamUsageSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.SteamUsageSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) + (x.OtherCompound.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.OtherCompound.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e)) ) * KgToTon, ScopeTwoTotalValue = x.PowerUsageSheet.Count == 0 ? 0 : x.PowerUsageSheet.Sum(y => y.KgCO2e) * KgToTon, Table1Data = x.RefrigerantSheet.Select(y => new OrganizationLCAReportDTO.table1Row() { EquipmentName = y.Factor.Type == null ? "" : y.Factor.Type.DisplayNameTW, RefName = y.Parameter.Type == null ? "" : y.Parameter.Type.DisplayNameTW, Value = y.Factor == null ? 0 : y.Factor.Value }).Distinct().ToList(), CertificationCompanyName = x.VerifyBy == null ? "" : x.VerifyBy.Name }).AsQueryable();//DL-75 var qry2 = qry.ToList(); dto = new OrganizationLCAReportDTO(); foreach (var rec in qry2) { dto.CompanyName = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rec.CompanyName) ? "" : rec.CompanyName; dto.FabName = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rec.FabName) ? "" : rec.FabName; dto.FabAddress = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rec.FabAddress) ? "" : rec.FabAddress; dto.WorkhourSum += rec.WorkhourSum; dto.PowerSum += rec.PowerSum; dto.CarSum += rec.CarSum; dto.GasolineSum += rec.GasolineSum; dto.KitchenSum += rec.KitchenSum; dto.FireEQSum += rec.FireEQSum; dto.RefSum += rec.RefSum; dto.SteamSum += rec.SteamSum; dto.OthersSum+= rec.OthersSum; dto.ScopeOneTotalValue += rec.ScopeOneTotalValue; dto.ScopeTwoTotalValue += rec.ScopeTwoTotalValue; dto.CertificationCompanyName = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rec.CertificationCompanyName) ? "" : rec.CertificationCompanyName; if (dto.Table1Data == null) dto.Table1Data = new List(); foreach (var rec2 in rec.Table1Data) dto.Table1Data.Add(rec2); } makeupDTOfields(dto, userID, LCAID, rptMerged); //組織邊界設定範圍一覽表 var qryFab = (from a in _db.LCAs join b in _db.OrganizationLCAs on a.ID equals b.ID join c in _db.Fabs on b.FabID equals c.ID where a.parentLCAID == LCAID select c).AsQueryable(); if (qryFab.Any()) dto.fabs = qryFab.ToList(); else dto.fabs = new List(); // CFT-263 排放係數管理表 dto.EmitParaMngTableData = new List(); var rowComparer = new OrganizationLCAReportDTO.EmitParaMngTableRowComparer(); //const string ipccAR6 = @"IPCC AR6係數"; const string ipccAR6 = @"溫室氣體排放係數管理表6.0.4版"; dto.EmitParaMngTableData.AddRange( (from a in _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_PowerUsage join b in _db.Parameters on a.ParameterID equals b.ID join c in _db.YearlyParameters on a.ParameterID equals c.ID join d in _db.YearlyParameterTypes on c.TypeID equals d.ID join e in _db.LCAs on a.LCAID equals e.ID where e.parentLCAID == LCAID select new { a, b, d } ).ToList().Select(r => new EmitParaMngTableRow(1, "外購電力", r.b.CO2Value, r.b.CH4Value, r.b.N2OValue, r.b.HFCsValue, r.b.PFCsValue, r.b.SF6Value, r.b.NF3Value, r.d.DisplayNameTW, r.d.paraSource, "公噸{gasName}/千度", "能源局公告109年電力係數", 2, "外購電力")).Distinct(rowComparer) ); dto.EmitParaMngTableData.AddRange( (from a in _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_FireEquipment //join b in _db.Parameters on a.ParameterID equals b.ID //join c in _db.NonYearlyParameters on a.ParameterID equals c.ID //join d in _db.NonYearlyParameterTypes on c.TypeID equals d.ID join b in _db.AssessmentReportGWP on a.ARnGWPid equals b.ID join d in _db.LCAs on a.LCAID equals d.ID where d.parentLCAID == LCAID select new { a, b, d } ).ToList().Select(r => new EmitParaMngTableRow(2, r.a.Name, r.b.CO2Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.CH4Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.N2OValue(r.d.ARversion), r.b.HFCsValue(r.d.ARversion), r.b.PFCsValue(r.d.ARversion), r.b.SF6Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.NF3Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.ingredientName, r.b.paraSource, "公噸{gasName}/公噸", ipccAR6, 1, "逸散 (F)")).Distinct(rowComparer) ); dto.EmitParaMngTableData.AddRange( (from a in _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_GasolineEquipment join b in _db.Parameters on a.ParameterID equals b.ID join c in _db.YearlyParameters on a.ParameterID equals c.ID join d in _db.YearlyParameterTypes on c.TypeID equals d.ID join e in _db.LCAs on a.LCAID equals e.ID where e.parentLCAID == LCAID && d.warmGasType == WarmGasType.固定源 select new { a, b, d } ).ToList().Select(r => new EmitParaMngTableRow(3, r.a.Name, r.b.CO2Value, r.b.CH4Value, r.b.N2OValue, r.b.HFCsValue, r.b.PFCsValue, r.b.SF6Value, r.b.NF3Value, r.d.DisplayNameTW, r.d.paraSource, "公噸{gasName}/公秉", ipccAR6, 1, "固定 (E)")).Distinct(rowComparer) ); dto.EmitParaMngTableData.AddRange( (from a in _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_Kitchen join b in _db.Parameters on a.ParameterID equals b.ID join c in _db.YearlyParameters on a.ParameterID equals c.ID join d in _db.YearlyParameterTypes on c.TypeID equals d.ID join e in _db.LCAs on a.LCAID equals e.ID where e.parentLCAID == LCAID && d.warmGasType == WarmGasType.製程 select new { a, b, d } ).ToList().Select(r => new EmitParaMngTableRow(4, r.a.Name, r.b.CO2Value, r.b.CH4Value, r.b.N2OValue, r.b.HFCsValue, r.b.PFCsValue, r.b.SF6Value, r.b.NF3Value, r.d.DisplayNameTW, r.d.paraSource, "公噸{gasName}/公秉", ipccAR6, 1, "製程 (P)")).Distinct(rowComparer) ); dto.EmitParaMngTableData.AddRange( (from a in _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_Kitchen join b in _db.Parameters on a.ParameterID equals b.ID join c in _db.YearlyParameters on a.ParameterID equals c.ID join d in _db.YearlyParameterTypes on c.TypeID equals d.ID join e in _db.LCAs on a.LCAID equals e.ID where e.parentLCAID == LCAID && d.warmGasType == WarmGasType.固定源 select new { a, b, d } ).ToList().Select(r => new EmitParaMngTableRow(4, r.a.Name, r.b.CO2Value, r.b.CH4Value, r.b.N2OValue, r.b.HFCsValue, r.b.PFCsValue, r.b.SF6Value, r.b.NF3Value, r.d.DisplayNameTW, r.d.paraSource, "公噸{gasName}/公秉", ipccAR6, 1, "固定 (E)")).Distinct(rowComparer) ); dto.EmitParaMngTableData.AddRange( (from a in _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_Refrigerant //join b in _db.Parameters on a.ParameterID equals b.ID //join c in _db.NonYearlyParameters on a.ParameterID equals c.ID //join d in _db.NonYearlyParameterTypes on c.TypeID equals d.ID join b in _db.AssessmentReportGWP on a.ARnGWPid equals b.ID join d in _db.LCAs on a.LCAID equals d.ID where d.parentLCAID == LCAID select new { a, b, d } ).ToList().Select(r => new EmitParaMngTableRow(5, r.a.Name, r.b.CO2Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.CH4Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.N2OValue(r.d.ARversion), r.b.HFCsValue(r.d.ARversion), r.b.PFCsValue(r.d.ARversion), r.b.SF6Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.NF3Value(r.d.ARversion), r.b.ingredientName, r.b.paraSource, "公噸{gasName}/公噸", ipccAR6, 1, "逸散 (F)")).Distinct(rowComparer) ); dto.EmitParaMngTableData.AddRange( (from a in _db.LCACommonSurveyForm_Vehicle join b in _db.Parameters on a.ParameterID equals b.ID join c in _db.YearlyParameters on a.ParameterID equals c.ID join d in _db.YearlyParameterTypes on c.TypeID equals d.ID join e in _db.LCAs on a.LCAID equals e.ID where e.parentLCAID == LCAID select new { a, b, d } ).ToList().Select(r => new EmitParaMngTableRow(6, r.a.Name, r.b.CO2Value, r.b.CH4Value, r.b.N2OValue, r.b.HFCsValue, r.b.PFCsValue, r.b.SF6Value, r.b.NF3Value, r.d.DisplayNameTW, r.d.paraSource, "公噸{gasName}/公秉", ipccAR6, 1, "移動 (T)")).Distinct(rowComparer) ); } // (外購能源上游生產) 外購電力,CO2 公噸 / 千度,此項例外,資料庫沒有,固定是0.0923,就如範例中固定加入到最後一項 dto.EmitParaMngTableData.Add(new EmitParaMngTableRow() { Order = 7, EquipmentName = "外購能源 上游生產 (電)", ParameterTypeName = "外購電力", CO2Value = 0.0923000000M, Unit = "公噸{gasName}/千度", InfoSource = "碳足跡計算服務平台", EmitSourceCategory = 4, EmitSourceType = "外購電力 上游" }); dto.EmitParaMngTableData = dto.EmitParaMngTableData.Distinct().ToList(); var duringDate = _db.OrganizationLCAs .Where(x => x.ID == LCAID //&& x.Status == LCAStatus.Processing ) .Select(x => new { start = x.StartDate, end = x.EndDate }).Single(); //報告書 string companyName = CompanyNameByLCAID(LCAID); if (rptLCAreport && fileFullName != null && fileFullName.Trim() != "") { //fileFullName = fileFullName.Substring(1); string sourceFilePath = Path.Combine(sourceDir, fileFullName); var qry = (from a in _db.UserAccountType where a.UserId == userID select a.tCO2digits).FirstOrDefault(); int digits = 4; if (qry != null) digits = (int)qry; //Logger log = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); //log.Error("App_Error", context.Exception); //log.Info($"OrganizationLCAGenerateReport sourceFilePath={sourceFilePath}"); using (var file = System.IO.File.Open(sourceFilePath, FileMode.Open)) using (var wordMemoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { dto.DuringInventory = duringDate.start.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " ~ " + duringDate.end.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); { file.CopyTo(wordMemoryStream); WordprocessingDocument wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(wordMemoryStream, true); var parser = new OrganizationLCADocParser(wordDocument); //實際變更報告書內容處 //rptMerged 合併報告書 Dictionary sixCat = get6categoryKgCO2e(LCAID, rptMerged); decimal baseYearTonCO2e = baseYearLCATonCO2e(LCAID, rptMerged); var GWPValue = GetGWPValueByLCAID(LCAID); parser.ReplaceAllTextTagWithData(dto, digits, sixCat, baseYearTonCO2e,GWPValue); wordDocument.MainDocumentPart.Document.Save(); wordMemoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); //IexcelExportLCAdataService realData; //realData = new excelExportLCAdataService(_db); //excelExportOrgLCAdataVM dataObj = // realData.generateReportData(LCAID); string filename = $"{companyName}_報告書{LCAID}.docx"; if (inWeb) { var CarbonFootprintDocxUrl = storage.SaveToAzure(wordMemoryStream, filename, baseUrl, userName).ToString(); //Logger log = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); //log.Info($"CarbonFootprintDocxUrl 2={CarbonFootprintDocxUrl}"); LCA.CarbonFootprintDocxUrl = CarbonFootprintDocxUrl.Substring(CarbonFootprintDocxUrl.IndexOf("Browser_Local") - 1); } else { FileStream fs = new FileStream(targetFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); wordMemoryStream.WriteTo(fs); fs.Close(); LCA.CarbonFootprintDocxUrl = ""; } } } } //產生清冊 if (rptLCAlist) { _adminCheckService = new adminCheckService(_db, userID); _companyAdminCheckService = new companyAdminCheckService(_db, userID); if (!_adminCheckService.adminCheckPass())//若未能規避權限控管檢查 { try { AdminAccess aa = _adminCheckService.getAdminAccess(); if (aa == null) throw new Exception("伺服器尚未匯入金鑰,請洽系統管理員處理"); int listReportQuantity = _adminCheckService.getListReportQuantity(); if (listReportQuantity >= aa.listReportLimit && aa.listReportLimit != -1) throw new Exception( $"盤查清冊數({listReportQuantity})已達或超過全站限制" + $"({aa.listReportLimit}),請系統管理員更新金鑰限制重新匯入"); companyAdminAccessVM uaaVM = _companyAdminCheckService .getCompanyAdminAccessVM( _companyAdminCheckService.userId2companyID(userID)); int listReportQuantityByUserId = _companyAdminCheckService.getListReportQuantityByUserId(userID); if (listReportQuantityByUserId >= uaaVM.listReportLimit && uaaVM.listReportLimit != -1) throw new Exception($"盤查清冊數({listReportQuantityByUserId})已達或超過公司限制" + $"({uaaVM.listReportLimit}),請公司管理員更新限制重新嘗試"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); log.Error(CScommon.Exceptions.inner(ex)); log.Error(ex.StackTrace); throw; } } // 產生盤查表 Thomas Mao string reportTemplateRootPath; reportTemplateRootPath = Path.Combine(templatePath, CScommon.ProgramConstants.OrganizationExcelList); if (!File.Exists(reportTemplateRootPath)) throw new Exception($"{userName} {CScommon.ProgramConstants.OrganizationExcelList}不存在!"); XLWorkbook workBook; if (!rptMerged) { IexcelExportOrgListWrapper reportWrapper = new excelExportOrgListWrapper(templatePath); IexcelExportOrgListService realData; realData = new excelExportOrgListService(_db); excelExportOrgListVM dataObj; dataObj = realData.generateReportData(LCAID); dataObj._orgList2CalculationVM.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; dataObj._orgList4UncertaintyVMdomestic.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; dataObj._orgList4UncertaintyVMforeign.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; dataObj._orgList5DataQualityVM.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; workBook = reportWrapper.generateReport(dataObj); } else { IexcelExportOrgMergeListService realData; IexcelExportOrgMergeListWrapper reportWrapper = new excelExportOrgMergeListWrapper(templatePath); realData = new excelExportOrgMergeListService(_db); excelExportOrgMergeListVM dataObj; dataObj = realData.generateReportData(LCAID); if (dataObj._orgList2CalculationLstVM != null) { foreach (var rec in dataObj._orgList2CalculationLstVM) rec.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; } dataObj._orgList4UncertaintyVMdomestic.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; dataObj._orgList4UncertaintyVMforeign.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; dataObj._orgList5DataQualityVM.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; workBook = reportWrapper.generateReport(dataObj); } using (var LCAdataMemoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { workBook.SaveAs(LCAdataMemoryStream); // 更新清冊url Thomas Mao using (var LCAdataRptMS = new MemoryStream(LCAdataMemoryStream.ToArray())) { var InterrogationResultUrl = storage.SaveToAzure(LCAdataRptMS , $"{companyName}_清冊{LCAID}.xlsx", baseUrl, userName).ToString(); //Logger log = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); //log.Info($"InterrogationResultUrl={InterrogationResultUrl}"); LCA.InterrogationResultUrl = InterrogationResultUrl.Substring( InterrogationResultUrl.IndexOf("Browser_Local") - 1); LCA.listReportGeneratedTime = DateTime.Now; } } } //產生盤查表 if (rptLCAdata) { // 產生盤查表 Thomas Mao string reportTemplateRootPath; reportTemplateRootPath = Path.Combine(templatePath, CScommon.ProgramConstants.OrganizationExcelLCAdata); if (!File.Exists(reportTemplateRootPath)) throw new Exception($"{userName} {CScommon.ProgramConstants.OrganizationExcelLCAdata}不存在!"); IexcelExportLCAdataWrapper reportWrapper = new excelExportLCAdataWrapper(templatePath); IexcelExportLCAdataService realData; realData = new excelExportLCAdataService(_db); excelExportOrgLCAdataVM dataObj = realData.generateReportData(LCAID); dataObj._orgLCAdata1resultVM.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; XLWorkbook workBook = reportWrapper.generateReport(dataObj); using (var LCAdataMemoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { workBook.SaveAs(LCAdataMemoryStream); // 更新盤查表url Thomas Mao using (var LCAdataRptMS = new MemoryStream(LCAdataMemoryStream.ToArray())) { var LCAdataRptUrl = storage.SaveToAzure(LCAdataRptMS, $"{companyName}_盤查表{LCAID}.xlsx", baseUrl, userName).ToString(); LCA.LCAdataRptUrl = LCAdataRptUrl.Substring(LCAdataRptUrl.IndexOf("Browser_Local") - 1); } } } //產生風險評估報表 if (rptLCArisk) { string reportTemplateRootPath; reportTemplateRootPath = Path.Combine(templatePath, CScommon.ProgramConstants.OrganizationExcelLCArisk); //風險評估表 if (!File.Exists(reportTemplateRootPath)) throw new Exception($"{userName} {CScommon.ProgramConstants.OrganizationExcelLCArisk}不存在!"); IexcelExportLCAriskWrapper reportWrapper = new excelExportLCAriskWrapper(templatePath); IexcelExportLCAriskService realData; realData = new excelExportLCAriskService(_db); excelExportOrgLCAriskVM dataObj = realData.generateReportData(LCAID); dataObj._orgLCArisk1lifeCycleVM.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; dataObj._orgLCArisk4listContentVM.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; XLWorkbook workBook = reportWrapper.generateReport(dataObj); workBook.Worksheet("生命週期流程圖及評估").Cell($"B2").Value = $"{companyName}產品生命週期流程圖"; using (var LCAriskMemoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { workBook.SaveAs(LCAriskMemoryStream); using (var LCAriskRptMS = new MemoryStream(LCAriskMemoryStream.ToArray())) { var LCAriskRptUrl = storage.SaveToAzure(LCAriskRptMS, $"{companyName}_風險評估表{LCAID}.xlsx", baseUrl, userName).ToString(); LCA.LCAriskRptUrl = LCAriskRptUrl.Substring(LCAriskRptUrl.IndexOf("Browser_Local") - 1); } } } //End CFT-6 _db.SaveChanges(); if (!inWeb && option == 3) return ""; string url = ""; string actPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority; //string fullPath = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString(); string protocolName;// = fullPath.Substring(0, fullPath.IndexOf("//") + 2); if (HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection) protocolName = "https://"; else protocolName = "http://"; actPath = protocolName + actPath; //ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MvcApplication)); //log.Info($"WeeeLCADataService OrganizationLCAGenerateReport actPath={actPath}"); //log.Info($"IsSecureConnection={HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection}"); log.Info($"org report baseUrl={baseUrl} actPath={actPath}"); if (LCA.InterrogationResultUrl != null) { if (rptLCAlist) url = actPath + baseUrl + LCA.InterrogationResultUrl.Trim(); if (rptLCAreport && LCA.CarbonFootprintDocxUrl != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url)) url += ","; url += actPath + baseUrl + LCA.CarbonFootprintDocxUrl; } } else { if (rptLCAreport && LCA.CarbonFootprintDocxUrl != null) { url = actPath + baseUrl + LCA.CarbonFootprintDocxUrl.Trim(); } } if (rptLCAdata) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url)) url += ","; url += actPath + baseUrl + LCA.LCAdataRptUrl; } if (rptLCArisk) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url)) url += ","; url += actPath + baseUrl + LCA.LCAriskRptUrl; } return url; } //產品型盤查表 public string ProductLCAdataGenerateReport(WeeeDataContext _db , string sourceDir, string targetFile, int LCAID , string userID, string userName, string baseUrl) { string url = ""; string companyName = CompanyNameByLCAID(LCAID); UserAccountType accountType = _db.UserAccountType.Where(x => x.UserId == userID).FirstOrDefault(); int tCO2digits = (int)(accountType.tCO2digits != null ? accountType.tCO2digits : 4); bool inWeb = false; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceDir) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetFile)) { inWeb = true; sourceDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; } string templatePath; try { templatePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Browser_Local/WebFilesRoot"); } catch { templatePath = Path.Combine(sourceDir, "Browser_Local\\WebFilesRoot"); } //Logger log = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); //log.Info($"OrganizationLCAGenerateReport templatePath={templatePath}"); templatePath = Path.Combine(templatePath, userName); if (!inWeb )//&& option == 3) templatePath = sourceDir; var LCA = _db.ProductLCAs//.OrganizationLCAs .Include(x => x.Comments) .Where(x => x.ID == LCAID //&& x.Status == LCAStatus.Processing ).Single(); var fileFullName = Path.Combine(templatePath , CScommon.ProgramConstants.OrganizationWordReport);// qry.FirstOrDefault(); var storage = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver.GetService( typeof(Storage.AzureStorage)) as Storage.AzureStorage; // 產生盤查表 Thomas Mao string reportTemplateRootPath; reportTemplateRootPath = Path.Combine(templatePath, CScommon.ProgramConstants.ProductExcelLCAdata); if (!File.Exists(reportTemplateRootPath)) throw new Exception($"{userName} {CScommon.ProgramConstants.OrganizationExcelLCAdata}不存在!"); IexcelExportProdLCAdataService realData; IexcelExportProdLCAdataWrapper reportWrapper; realData = new excelExportProdLCAdataService(_db); reportWrapper = new excelExportProdLCAdataWrapper(templatePath); excelExportProdLCAdataVM dataObj = realData.generateReportData(LCAID); //dataObj._orgLCAdata1resultVM.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; XLWorkbook workBook = reportWrapper.generateReport(dataObj); using (var LCAdataMemoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { workBook.SaveAs(LCAdataMemoryStream); // 更新盤查表url Thomas Mao using (var LCAdataRptMS = new MemoryStream(LCAdataMemoryStream.ToArray())) { var LCAdataRptUrl = storage.SaveToAzure(LCAdataRptMS, $"{companyName}_產品盤查表{LCAID}.xlsx", baseUrl, userName).ToString(); LCA.LCAdataRptUrl = LCAdataRptUrl.Substring(LCAdataRptUrl.IndexOf("Browser_Local") - 1); } } var protocolName = ""; if (HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection) protocolName = "https://"; else protocolName = "http://"; string actPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority; actPath = protocolName + actPath; url = actPath + baseUrl + LCA.LCAdataRptUrl; return url; } //產品型清冊 public string ProductListGenerateReport(WeeeDataContext _db , string sourceDir, string targetFile, int LCAID , string userID, string userName, string baseUrl) { string url = ""; string companyName = CompanyNameByLCAID(LCAID); UserAccountType accountType = _db.UserAccountType.Where(x => x.UserId == userID).FirstOrDefault(); int tCO2digits = (int)(accountType.tCO2digits != null ? accountType.tCO2digits : 4); bool inWeb = false; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceDir) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetFile)) { inWeb = true; sourceDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; } string templatePath; try { templatePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Browser_Local/WebFilesRoot"); } catch { templatePath = Path.Combine(sourceDir, "Browser_Local\\WebFilesRoot"); } //Logger log = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); //log.Info($"OrganizationLCAGenerateReport templatePath={templatePath}"); templatePath = Path.Combine(templatePath, userName); if (!inWeb)//&& option == 3) templatePath = sourceDir; var LCA = _db.ProductLCAs//.OrganizationLCAs .Include(x => x.Comments) .Where(x => x.ID == LCAID //&& x.Status == LCAStatus.Processing ).Single(); var fileFullName = Path.Combine(templatePath , CScommon.ProgramConstants.OrganizationWordReport);// qry.FirstOrDefault(); var storage = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver.GetService( typeof(Storage.AzureStorage)) as Storage.AzureStorage; // 產生盤查表 Thomas Mao string reportTemplateRootPath; reportTemplateRootPath = Path.Combine(templatePath, CScommon.ProgramConstants.ProductExcelList); if (!File.Exists(reportTemplateRootPath)) throw new Exception($"{userName} {CScommon.ProgramConstants.OrganizationExcelLCAdata}不存在!"); IexcelExportProdListService realData; IexcelExportProdListWrapper reportWrapper; realData = new excelExportProdListService(_db); reportWrapper = new excelExportProdListWrapper(templatePath); excelExportProdListVM dataObj = realData.generateReportData(LCAID); //dataObj._orgLCAdata1resultVM.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; XLWorkbook workBook = reportWrapper.generateReport(dataObj); using (var LCAdataMemoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { workBook.SaveAs(LCAdataMemoryStream); // 更新盤查表url Thomas Mao using (var LCAdataRptMS = new MemoryStream(LCAdataMemoryStream.ToArray())) { var LCAdataRptUrl = storage.SaveToAzure(LCAdataRptMS, $"{companyName}_產品清冊{LCAID}.xlsx", baseUrl, userName).ToString(); LCA.LCAdataRptUrl = LCAdataRptUrl.Substring(LCAdataRptUrl.IndexOf("Browser_Local") - 1); } } var protocolName = ""; if (HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection) protocolName = "https://"; else protocolName = "http://"; string actPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority; actPath = protocolName + actPath; url = actPath + baseUrl+ LCA.LCAdataRptUrl; return url; } //敏感度分析 public string ProductSensitivityGenerateReport(WeeeDataContext _db , string sourceDir, string targetFile, int LCAID , string userID, string userName, string baseUrl) { string url = ""; string companyName = CompanyNameByLCAID(LCAID); UserAccountType accountType = _db.UserAccountType.Where(x => x.UserId == userID).FirstOrDefault(); int tCO2digits = (int)(accountType.tCO2digits != null ? accountType.tCO2digits : 4); bool inWeb = false; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceDir) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetFile)) { inWeb = true; sourceDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; } string templatePath; try { templatePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Browser_Local/WebFilesRoot"); } catch { templatePath = Path.Combine(sourceDir, "Browser_Local\\WebFilesRoot"); } //Logger log = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); //log.Info($"OrganizationLCAGenerateReport templatePath={templatePath}"); templatePath = Path.Combine(templatePath, userName); if (!inWeb)//&& option == 3) templatePath = sourceDir; var LCA = _db.ProductLCAs//.OrganizationLCAs .Include(x => x.Comments) .Where(x => x.ID == LCAID //&& x.Status == LCAStatus.Processing ).Single(); var fileFullName = Path.Combine(templatePath , CScommon.ProgramConstants.OrganizationWordReport);// qry.FirstOrDefault(); var storage = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver.GetService( typeof(Storage.AzureStorage)) as Storage.AzureStorage; string reportTemplateRootPath; reportTemplateRootPath = Path.Combine(templatePath, CScommon.ProgramConstants.ProductSensitivity); if (!File.Exists(reportTemplateRootPath)) throw new Exception($"{userName} {CScommon.ProgramConstants.OrganizationExcelLCAdata}不存在!"); IExcelExportProdSensitivityService realData; IexcelExportProdSensitivityWrapper reportWrapper; realData = new ExcelExportProdSensitivityService(_db); reportWrapper = new excelExportProdSensitivityWrapper(templatePath); excelExportProdSensitivityVM dataObj = realData.generateReportData(LCAID); //dataObj._orgLCAdata1resultVM.tCO2digits = tCO2digits; XLWorkbook workBook = reportWrapper.generateReport(dataObj); using (var LCAdataMemoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { workBook.SaveAs(LCAdataMemoryStream); // 更新url using (var LCAdataRptMS = new MemoryStream(LCAdataMemoryStream.ToArray())) { var LCAdataRptUrl = storage.SaveToAzure(LCAdataRptMS, $"{companyName}_敏感性分析{LCAID}.xlsx", baseUrl, userName).ToString(); LCA.LCAdataRptUrl = LCAdataRptUrl.Substring(LCAdataRptUrl.IndexOf("Browser_Local") - 1); } } var protocolName = ""; if (HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection) protocolName = "https://"; else protocolName = "http://"; string actPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority; actPath = protocolName + actPath; url = actPath + baseUrl + LCA.LCAdataRptUrl; return url; } internal void SaveCertificationZipFile(int LCAID, string filePath) { var LCA = _db.LCAs.Where(x => x.ID == LCAID).Single(); if(LCA != null) { LCA.CertificationFeedbackZipUrl = filePath; _db.SaveChanges(); } } public void OrganizationLCAWaitToRejected(int LCAID) { if (CurrentCompany.CompanyType != typeof(CertificationCompany)) throw new Exception("this action is only avaliable for CertificationCompany"); if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorzied"); var LCA = _db.OrganizationLCAs.Where(x => x.ID == LCAID && (x.Status == LCAStatus.Waiting || x.Status==LCAStatus.Completed)).Include(x => x.Comments).Single(); LCA.Status = LCAStatus.Rejected; LCA.StatusHistory.Add(new LCAStatusLog(LCAStatus.Rejected, GetUserContext().Name)); // LCA.Comments.ToList().ForEach(x => x.IsHistory = true); _db.SaveChanges(); } public void OrganizationLCARejectedToProcessing(int LCAID) { if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorzied"); var LCA = _db.OrganizationLCAs.Where(x => x.ID == LCAID && x.Status == LCAStatus.Rejected).Include(x => x.Comments).Single(); LCA.Status = LCAStatus.Processing; LCA.StatusHistory.Add(new LCAStatusLog(LCAStatus.Processing, GetUserContext().Name)); _db.SaveChanges(); } public void OrganizationLCAWaitToConfirmed(int LCAID) { if (CurrentCompany.CompanyType != typeof(CertificationCompany)) throw new Exception("this action is only avaliable for CertificationCompany"); if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorzied"); var LCA = _db.OrganizationLCAs.Where(x => x.ID == LCAID && x.Status == LCAStatus.Waiting).Single(); LCA.Status = LCAStatus.Confirmed; LCA.StatusHistory.Add(new LCAStatusLog(LCAStatus.Confirmed, GetUserContext().Name)); LCA.Comments.ToList().ForEach(x => x.IsHistory = true); _db.SaveChanges(); } public void OrganizationLCAConfirmedToCompleted(int LCAID) { if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorzied"); var LCA = _db.OrganizationLCAs.Where(x => x.ID == LCAID && x.Status == LCAStatus.Confirmed).Single(); LCA.Status = LCAStatus.Completed; LCA.StatusHistory.Add(new LCAStatusLog(LCAStatus.Completed, GetUserContext().Name)); _db.SaveChanges(); } public void OrganizationLCANewToCompleted(int LCAID) { if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorzied"); var LCA = _db.OrganizationLCAs.Where(x => x.ID == LCAID && x.Status == LCAStatus.New).Single(); LCA.Status = LCAStatus.Completed; LCA.StatusHistory.Add(new LCAStatusLog(LCAStatus.Completed, GetUserContext().Name)); _db.SaveChanges(); } /// /// 盤查單位拒絕擔任該盤查單之盤查單位 /// /// public void LCARefuse(int LCAID) { if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorzied"); var LCA = _db.LCAs.Where(x => x.ID == LCAID).Single(); LCA.VerifierCompanyID = null; _db.SaveChanges(); } public void LcaChangeScheduledVerificationDate(int LCAID, DateTime? scheduledVerificationDate = null) { if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorzied"); var LCA = _db.LCAs.Where(x => x.ID == LCAID).Single(); LCA.ScheduledVerificationDate = scheduledVerificationDate; _db.SaveChanges(); } public bool CheckOrganizationBaseYearIsCorrect(OrganizationLCA lca, string userID) { // 是否為基準年 if (!lca.isBaseYear) { // 非基準年的話,確認基準年盤查單的建立者是否為本人,且必須勾選為基準年 if (!_db.LCAs.Where(x => x.UserId == userID && lca.BaseYearLCAID == x.ID && x.isBaseYear).Any()) return false; } return true; } #endregion #region Get list public IEnumerable GetReceivedRequests(string userName)//DL-50 { var replyRequests = _db.ProductLCAReplyRequests .Include(x => x.RepliedByWhichLCA) .Include(x => x.SentByWhichMaterial) .Where(x => x.ReceiverCompanyID == CurrentCompany.ID) ; //.ToList(); var qry = replyRequests .Where(x => x.SentByWhichMaterial.SupplierCompanyName.ToLower().Trim() == userName.ToLower().Trim()) .AsQueryable(); var result = qry .OrderByDescending(x => x.CreatedDate) //.ThenBy(x => x.SentByWhichMaterial.PartNumber) .ToList(); return result; //end } public IEnumerable GetLCAs(string UserId="") { IEnumerable ret; if (UserId=="") ret = _db.LCAs .Where(x => x.OwnerID == CurrentCompany.ID) .OrderByDescending(x => x.ID) .ToList(); else ret = _db.LCAs .Where(x => x.UserId == UserId) .OrderByDescending(x => x.ID) .ToList(); //Start CFT-54 int userType = UserAccountType != null ? (int)UserAccountType.AccountType : 0; //if(userType != 2) //{ // ret = (from r in ret // where !(from pl in _db.ProductLCAs select pl.ID).Contains(r.ID) // select r).ToList(); //} //End CFT-54 return ret; } //DL-51 public IEnumerable GetLCAsForUser(string UserName) { //根据log获取当前用户创建的盘查 var logs = (from log in _db.LCAStatusLogs where log.WhoDidThis.Trim().ToLower() == UserName.Trim().ToLower() group log by log.LCA into rg select (from l in rg orderby l.ID ascending select l).FirstOrDefault());//.ToList(); var result = (from lca in _db.LCAs.Local join l in logs on lca.ID equals l.LCAID select lca).ToList(); //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userID)) //{ // result = result.Where(x => x.UserId == userID); // return result.ToList(); //} //Start CFT-54 int userType = UserAccountType != null ? (int) UserAccountType.AccountType : 0; //if (userType != 2) //{ // result = (from r in result // where !(from pl in _db.ProductLCAs select pl.ID).Contains(r.ID) // select r).ToList(); //} //End CFT-54 return result; } //DL-51 public IEnumerable GetRequestForUser(string UserName, string Name, IEnumerable sendRequests) { //根据log获取当前用户发送的盘查指令 var logs = (from log in _db.LCAStatusLogs where (log.WhoDidThis.Trim().ToLower() == UserName.Trim().ToLower() || log.WhoDidThis.Trim().ToLower() == Name.Trim().ToLower()) group log by log.LCA into rg select (from l in rg orderby l.ID ascending select l).FirstOrDefault()).ToList(); var result = (from r in sendRequests join m in _db.ProductLCAProductSurveyForm_Material.Local on r.ID equals m.ID join l in logs on m.LCAID equals l.LCAID select r).ToList(); return result; } #endregion #region Get and Save detail public Type GetLCAType(int id) { return _db.LCAs.Find(id).LCAType; } public LCA GetLCA(int id) { if (AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(id)) { LCA ret = _db.LCAs.Find(id); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ret.ListDefaultPurpose)) ret.ListDefaultPurpose = CScommon.ProgramConstants.LIST_DEFAULT_PURPOSE; return ret; } throw new Exception("not authorized"); } public ProductLCA GetProductLCA(int id) { if (AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(id)) { return _db.ProductLCAs.Find(id); } throw new Exception("not authorized"); } public ProductLCA GetProductLCAWithInclude(int id) { if (AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(id)) { return _db.ProductLCAs.Include(x => x.Materials) .Include(x => x.Materials.Select(y => y.AssignedParameter)) .Include(x => x.Materials.Select(y => y.AssignedParameterType)) .Include(x => x.Materials.Select(y => y.RequestSent.ReceiveBy)) .Include(x => x.WorkHourSheet) .Include(x => x.PowerUsageSheet) .Include(x => x.WaterUsageSheet) .Include(x => x.WasteSheet) .Include(x => x.WasteSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter)) .Include(x => x.WasteSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Type)) .Include(x => x.TransportSheet) .Include(x => x.TransportSheet.Select(y => y.NonYearlyParameter)) .Include(x => x.TransportSheet.Select(y => y.NonYearlyParameter.Type)) .Include(x => x.WasteTransportSheet) //.Include(x => x.WasteTransportSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter)) //.Include(x => x.WasteTransportSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Type)) .Include(x => x.VehicleSheet) .Include(x => x.VehicleSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter)) .Include(x => x.VehicleSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Area)) .Include(x => x.VehicleSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Type)) .Include(x => x.GasolineEquipmentSheet) .Include(x => x.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter)) .Include(x => x.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Area)) .Include(x => x.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Type)) .Include(x => x.KitchenSheet) .Include(x => x.KitchenSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter)) .Include(x => x.KitchenSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Area)) .Include(x => x.KitchenSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Type)) .Include(x => x.RefrigerantSheet) .Include(x => x.RefrigerantSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter)) .Include(x => x.RefrigerantSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Type)) .Include(x => x.RefrigerantSheet.Select(y => y.Factor)) .Include(x => x.RefrigerantSheet.Select(y => y.Factor.Type)) .Include(x => x.FireEquipmentSheet) .Include(x => x.FireEquipmentSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter)) .Include(x => x.FireEquipmentSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Type)) .Include(x => x.SteamUsageSheet) .Include(x => x.SteamUsageSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter)) .Include(x => x.SteamUsageSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Type)) .Include(x => x.OtherCompoundSheet) .Include(x => x.OtherCompoundSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter)) .Include(x => x.OtherCompoundSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Type)) .Where(x => x.ID == id).Single(); } throw new Exception("not authroized"); } public OrganizationLCA GetOrganizationLCA(int id) { if (AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(id)) { return _db.OrganizationLCAs.Find(id); } throw new Exception("not authorized"); } public OrganizationLCA GetOrganizationLCAWithInclude(int id) { if (AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(id)) { return _db.OrganizationLCAs .Include(x => x.PowerUsageSheet) .Include(x => x.VehicleSheet) .Include(x => x.VehicleSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter)) .Include(x => x.VehicleSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Area)) .Include(x => x.VehicleSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Type)) .Include(x => x.RefrigerantSheet) .Include(x => x.RefrigerantSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter)) .Include(x => x.RefrigerantSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Type)) .Include(x => x.RefrigerantSheet.Select(y => y.Factor)) .Include(x => x.RefrigerantSheet.Select(y => y.Factor.Type)) .Include(x => x.SteamUsageSheet) .Include(x => x.SteamUsageSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter)) .Include(x => x.SteamUsageSheet.Select(y => y.Parameter.Type)) .Where(x => x.ID == id).Single(); } throw new Exception("not authroized"); } public bool isOrgLCA(int LCAID) { bool ret = false; var qry = (from a in _db.LCAs join b in _db.OrganizationLCAs on a.ID equals b.ID where a.ID == LCAID select a.ID).FirstOrDefault(); if (qry != null && qry>0) ret = true; return ret; } public bool isProdLCA(int LCAID) { bool ret = false; var qry = (from a in _db.LCAs join b in _db.ProductLCAs on a.ID equals b.ID where a.ID == LCAID select a.ID).FirstOrDefault(); if (qry != null && qry>0) ret = true; return ret; } public decimal[] GetRptLCAdata(int LCAID) { IexcelExportLCAdataService realData; realData = new excelExportLCAdataService(_db); excelExportOrgLCAdataVM dataObj = realData.generateReportData(LCAID); var ret = new decimal[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if (!isOrgLCA(LCAID)) return ret; //固定式燃燒之直接排放 ret[0] = dataObj._orgLCAdata1resultVM.fuels固定KgCO2e; //移動式燃燒之直接排放 ret[1] = dataObj._orgLCAdata1resultVM.fuels移動KgCO2e; //工業製程之直接排放量及移除量 ret[2] = dataObj._orgLCAdata1resultVM.fuels製程KgCO2e; //人為系統中釋放之溫室氣體的直接逸散性排放 ret[3] = dataObj._orgLCAdata1resultVM.workHrKgCO2e+ dataObj._orgLCAdata1resultVM.rfgKgCO2e + dataObj._orgLCAdata1resultVM.fireKgCO2e + dataObj._orgLCAdata1resultVM.othersKgCO2e; //土地使用、土地使用變更和林業的直接排放和移除 ret[4] = 0; return ret; } public decimal[] GetRptList(int LCAID) { IexcelExportOrgListService realData; realData = new excelExportOrgListService(_db); excelExportOrgListVM dataObj = realData.generateReportData(LCAID); //var data = (from l in _db.LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_LifecycleAssmts // where l.category != null && l.GHGinventoryItemNo != null && l.LCAID == LCAID // group l by l.category into g // select new { category = g.Key, sum = g.Sum(x=>x.EmissionT)}).ToList(); // select sum(EmissionKg), category //from LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_LifecycleAssmt //where category is not null and GHGinventoryItemNo is not null // and LCAID = 494 //group by category //order by category var ret = new decimal[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if (!isOrgLCA(LCAID)) return ret; //第一類排放 ret[0] = dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row10.TOTAL; //第二類排放 ret[1] = //dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row21.CO2 + dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row22.CO2; dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row21.TOTAL+ dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row22.TOTAL; //第三類排放 ret[2] = //data.Where(x => x.category == "3").Any() ? data.Where(x => x.category == "3").First().sum : (decimal)0.00; dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row31.Stotal + dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row32.Stotal + dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row33.Stotal + dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row34.Stotal + dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row35.Stotal; //第四類排放 ret[3] = //data.Where(x => x.category == "4").Any() ? data.Where(x => x.category == "4").First().sum : (decimal)0.00; dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row41a.Stotal + dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row41b.Stotal + dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row42.Stotal + dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row43.Stotal + dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row44.Stotal + dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row45.Stotal; //第五類排放 ret[4] = //data.Where(x => x.category == "5").Any() ? data.Where(x => x.category == "5").First().sum : (decimal)0.00; dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row51.Stotal + dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row52.Stotal + dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row53.Stotal + dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row54.Stotal; //第六類排放 ret[5] = //data.Where(x => x.category == "6").Any() ? data.Where(x => x.category == "6").First().sum : (decimal)0.00; dataObj._orgList6GHGinventoryVM.row6.Stotal; return ret; } public string RecalculateProductLCA(int LCAID, bool dueToARchange ) { string err = ""; // 如果AR4-6版本變更,那麼 // 若ARversion為null,那麼parameterID來自於Nonyearlyparameter // 反之,則parameterID來自AssessmentReportGWP,然後由ARversionGuid,去AssessmentReportVersion抓出新的parameterID // 然後再重算 // RecalculateProductLCA Org12RecalculateService o12rs = new Org12RecalculateService(_db); err = o12rs.proceedRecalculate(LCAID); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(err)) return err; ProdRecalculateService prs= new ProdRecalculateService(_db); err = prs.proceedRecalculate(LCAID); return err; } public ProductLCA SaveProductLCA(ProductLCA ToBeSave) { ToBeSave.OwnerID = CurrentCompany.ID; if (ToBeSave.ARversion == null) ToBeSave.ARversion = "AR6"; var entry = _db.Entry(ToBeSave); bool recalculate = false; if (ToBeSave.ID == 0) { //business logic , if pcrid is null means that this lca do not need to send Request to others //therefore we assign status to processing , rather then using the status update api to do this task //if (ToBeSave.PCRID == null) ToBeSave.Status = LCAStatus.Processing; if (ToBeSave.PCRID == null) ToBeSave.Status = LCAStatus.New; entry.State = EntityState.Added; } else if (AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(ToBeSave.ID)) { var lcastatus = _db.ProductLCAs .Where(x => x.ID == ToBeSave.ID) .Select(x => x.Status) .FirstOrDefault(); var ARversion = _db.ProductLCAs .Where(x => x.ID == ToBeSave.ID) .Select(x => x.ARversion) .FirstOrDefault(); if (ARversion!=ToBeSave.ARversion) recalculate = true; if (lcastatus == LCAStatus.New || lcastatus == LCAStatus.Processing) { entry.State = EntityState.Modified; entry.Property(x => x.LCAStarter).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.LCAStarterDepartment).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.LCAStarterJob).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.LCAStarterPhone).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.LCAStarterEmail).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.FabProductionArea).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.FabProductionHour).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductProductionPcs).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductProductionHour).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.FabProductionWeight).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.Description).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.VerifierCompanyID).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.parentLCAID).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationFireEquipment).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductProductionEconomic).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationWorkHour).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationPowerUsage).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationWaterUsage).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationWaste).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationWasteWater).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationWasteTransport).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationVehicle).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationGasolineEquipment).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationKitchen).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationFireEquipment).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationRefrigerant).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationSteamUsage).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationOtherCompound).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationTransportUpstream).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x => x.ProductAllocationTransportDownstream).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x=>x.ARversion).IsModified = true; } } _db.SaveChanges(); string err = ""; if (recalculate) { err = RecalculateProductLCA(ToBeSave.ID, true); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(err)) throw new Exception(err); } return ToBeSave; } public string RecalculateOrganizationLCA(int LCAID, bool dueToARchange) { string err = ""; // 如果AR4-6版本變更,那麼 // 若ARversion為null,那麼parameterID來自於Nonyearlyparameter // 反之,則parameterID來自AssessmentReportGWP,然後由ARversionGuid,去AssessmentReportVersion抓出新的parameterID // 然後再重算 // RecalculateOrganizationLCA Org12RecalculateService o12rs = new Org12RecalculateService(_db); err = o12rs.proceedRecalculate(LCAID); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(err)) return err; Org36RecalculateService o36rs = new Org36RecalculateService(_db); err = o36rs.proceedRecalculate(LCAID); return err; } public OrganizationLCA SaveOrganizationLCA(OrganizationLCA ToBeSave) { ToBeSave.OwnerID = CurrentCompany.ID; //ToBeSave.LCAStarterUserName = UserName;//CFT-25 var entry = _db.Entry(ToBeSave); if (ToBeSave.ARversion == null) ToBeSave.ARversion = "AR6"; bool recalculate = false; bool isAdd = false; if (ToBeSave.ID == 0) { //Company.HasLCAs.Add(ToBeCreated); ToBeSave.Status = LCAStatus.Processing; entry.State = EntityState.Added; isAdd = true; } else if (AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(ToBeSave.ID)) { var lcastatus = _db.OrganizationLCAs .Where(x => x.ID == ToBeSave.ID) .Select(x => x.Status) .FirstOrDefault(); var ARversion = _db.OrganizationLCAs .Where(x => x.ID == ToBeSave.ID) .Select(x => x.ARversion) .FirstOrDefault(); if (ARversion != ToBeSave.ARversion) recalculate = true; if (lcastatus == LCAStatus.New || lcastatus == LCAStatus.Processing) { entry.State = EntityState.Modified; entry.Property(x => x.Status).IsModified = false; entry.Property(x => x.FabID).IsModified = false; //entry.Property(x => x.VerifierCompanyID).IsModified = false; // CFT-833 entry.Property(x => x.StartDate).IsModified = false; entry.Property(x => x.EndDate).IsModified = false; entry.Property(x => x.CreatedDate).IsModified = false; entry.Property(x => x.parentLCAID).IsModified = true; entry.Property(x=>x.ARversion).IsModified = true; } } _db.SaveChanges(); if (isAdd) { var defaultFactors = GetDefaultAssmtFactor(ToBeSave.ID); _db.LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactors.AddRange(defaultFactors); _db.SaveChanges(); } string err = ""; if (recalculate) { err = RecalculateOrganizationLCA(ToBeSave.ID, true); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(err)) throw new Exception(err); } return ToBeSave; } public List GetDefaultAssmtFactor(int LCAID) { var ret = new List(); ret.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactor() { LCAID = LCAID, FactorName = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactor1 }); ret[0].FactorScores.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScore() { OptionDescription = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactorScore1_1, OptionScore = 10 }); ret[0].FactorScores.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScore() { OptionDescription = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactorScore1_2, OptionScore = 5 }); ret[0].FactorScores.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScore() { OptionDescription = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactorScore1_3, OptionScore = 1 }); ret.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactor() { LCAID = LCAID, FactorName = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactor2 }); ret[1].FactorScores.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScore() { OptionDescription = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactorScore2_1, OptionScore = 10 }); ret[1].FactorScores.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScore() { OptionDescription = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactorScore2_2, OptionScore = 5 }); ret[1].FactorScores.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScore() { OptionDescription = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactorScore2_3, OptionScore = 1 }); ret.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactor() { LCAID = LCAID, FactorName = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactor3 }); ret[2].FactorScores.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScore() { OptionDescription = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactorScore3_1, OptionScore = 10 }); ret[2].FactorScores.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScore() { OptionDescription = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactorScore3_2, OptionScore = 5 }); ret[2].FactorScores.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScore() { OptionDescription = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactorScore3_3, OptionScore = 1 }); ret.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactor() { LCAID = LCAID, FactorName = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactor4 }); ret[3].FactorScores.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScore() { OptionDescription = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactorScore4_1, OptionScore = 5 }); ret[3].FactorScores.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScore() { OptionDescription = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactorScore4_2, OptionScore = 3 }); ret[3].FactorScores.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScore() { OptionDescription = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactorScore4_3, OptionScore = 1 }); ret.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactor() { LCAID = LCAID, FactorName = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactor5 }); ret[4].FactorScores.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScore() { OptionDescription = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactorScore5_1, OptionScore = 5 }); ret[4].FactorScores.Add(new LCARiskAssmtSurveyForm_AssmtFactorScore() { OptionDescription = Resource.DefaultAssmtFactorScore5_2, OptionScore = 1 }); return ret; } public IEnumerable GetMaterials(string userName)//DL-49 DL-50 { //var supplier = _db.Suppliers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower().Trim() == userName.ToLower().Trim()); var materials = _db.ProductLCAProductSurveyForm_Material.Where(x => x.SupplierCompanyName.ToLower().Trim() == userName.ToLower().Trim()).ToList(); return materials; } #endregion #region For reply request public ProductLCAReplyRequest ApplyRepliedRequest(Guid requestID) { var request = _db.ProductLCAReplyRequests .Include(x => x.SentByWhichMaterial.OwnerLCA) .Where(x => x.Uid == requestID) .Single(); var material = request.SentByWhichMaterial; var lca = material.OwnerLCA; if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(request.SendLCAID)) throw new Exception("not auhtorized"); if (request.CanBeApply && lca.Status == LCAStatus.Processing) { material.oriKgCO2e = material.KgCO2e; //material.oriHighLevelAnalyzeResult = material.HighLevelAnalyzeResult; material.modifyTime = DateTime.Now; material.ParameterValue = request.RepliedValue.Value; material.KgCO2e = material.ActivityIntensity * material.ParameterValue; material.KgCO2e_BOM = material.ActivityIntensity_BOM * material.ParameterValue; material.ParameterSource = 1; // 如果回覆盤查的帳號是自己或是自己的子帳號,就會顯示”特定廠址數據”。 if (lca.OwnerID == request.ReceiverCompanyID ) material.ParameterSource = 3; //material.HighLevelAnalyzeResult = request.RepliedValue.Value* material.Quantity; request.AcceptReplyDate = DateTime.Now; _db.SaveChanges(); } return request; } public ProductLCAReplyRequest ReplyRequest(Guid RequestID, int LCAID, ProductLCAReplyRequest.DivideByOptions divideby) //public ProductLCAReplyRequest ReplyRequest(Guid RequestID, int LCAID) { if (AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(LCAID)) { var request = _db.ProductLCAReplyRequests .Where(x => x.Uid == RequestID && x.ReceiverCompanyID == CurrentCompany.ID) .Single(); var lca = _db.ProductLCAs.Find(LCAID); if (request.CanBeReplied && lca.CanReplyOtherRequest) { // 用來計算單位個數的排碳量 decimal ratio = lca.ProductProductionPcs > 0 ? (decimal)lca.ProductProductionPcs : 1; //if (divideby == ProductLCAReplyRequest.DivideByOptions.byWeight) //{ // request.RepliedValue = lca.DistributeKgCO2eInWeight / ratio; //} //else if (divideby == ProductLCAReplyRequest.DivideByOptions.byArea) //{ // request.RepliedValue = lca.DistributeKgCO2eInArea / ratio; //} //else if (divideby == ProductLCAReplyRequest.DivideByOptions.byWorkHour) //{ // request.RepliedValue = lca.DistributeKgCO2eInWorkHour / ratio; //} // 不需要再額外選統一的分配方式 而是依照各功能各自的分配方式做計算 request.RepliedValue = lca.DistributeKgCO2e;// Thomas 1/20, 註解掉是因為lca.DistributeKgCO2e會是null,若不是要確定一下怎麼算出來的 request.DivideBy = divideby; request.ReplyDate = DateTime.Now; request.RepliedLCAID = LCAID; } else if (!lca.CanReplyOtherRequest) { request.RepliedValue = null; request.RepliedLCAID = LCAID; } _db.SaveChanges(); return request; } return null; } public void DeleteRequest(Guid Uid) { var request = _db.ProductLCAReplyRequests.Where(x => x.Uid == Uid).Single(); if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(request.SendLCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorized"); if (request.CanBeDelete) { _db.ProductLCAReplyRequests.Remove(request); _db.SaveChanges(); } } //public void ResendRequest(Guid Uid) //{ // var request = _db.ProductLCAReplyRequests // .Include(x => x.SentByWhichMaterial) // .Where(x => x.Uid == Uid) // .Single(); // if (!AuthorizedLCAs.Contains(request.SendLCAID)) throw new Exception("not authorized"); // request.LastResentDate = DateTime.Now; // service.SendRequestMessaage(request.MaterialSupplierEmail, CurrentCompany.Name // , request.RequestLink, request.AnonymousReplyLink,request.MaterialPartNumber // , request.MaterialName,"");//DL-41 // _db.SaveChanges(); //} public ProductLCAReplyRequest ResetRequest(int id) { ProductLCAReplyRequest request = _db.ProductLCAReplyRequests.Where(x => x.ID == id).First(); request.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; if (request.AcceptDate != null) { request.AcceptDate = DateTime.Now; } else { request.AcceptDate = null; } request.ReplyDate = null; request.AcceptReplyDate = null; _db.SaveChanges(); return request; } #endregion #region Excel Export private void SaveExcel(IWorkbook workbook, LCA lca, string type , string userName, string baseUrl) { // generate excel report 清冊產生處 ? if (type == "" || type != "Inventory" && type != "CarbonResult") { throw new Exception("Can not save type not exist excel"); } using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { workbook.Write(memoryStream); using (var memoryStream2 = new MemoryStream(memoryStream.ToArray())) { var storage = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver.GetService(typeof(Storage.AzureStorage)) as Storage.AzureStorage; if (type == "Inventory") { //DL-38 var url = storage.SaveToAzure(memoryStream2, "Inventory.xlsx", baseUrl, userName).ToString(); lca.ProductInventoryResultUrl = url.Substring(url.IndexOf("Browser_Local") - 1); //lca.ProductInventoryResultUrl = storage.SaveToAzure(memoryStream2, "Inventory.xlsx").ToString(); } else if (type == "CarbonResult") { //DL-38 var url = storage.SaveToAzure(memoryStream2, "ProdLca_Result.xlsx", baseUrl, userName).ToString(); lca.InterrogationResultUrl = url.Substring (url.IndexOf("Browser_Local") - 1); //lca.InterrogationResultUrl = storage.SaveToAzure(memoryStream2, "Lca_Result.xlsx").ToString(); } } } } #endregion #region Word Export private string ExportWordReport(ProductLCA productLca, string sourceDir , string targetFile, int LCAID, string userName, string baseUrl) { // get tamplate file path string sourceFileName = CScommon.ProgramConstants.ProductWordReport; //string sourceDir = ""; bool inWeb = false; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceDir) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetFile)) { inWeb = true; sourceDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; } string templatePath; try { if (inWeb) templatePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Browser_Local/WebFilesRoot"); else templatePath = Path.Combine(sourceDir, "Browser_Local\\WebFilesRoot"); } catch { templatePath = Path.Combine(sourceDir, "Browser_Local\\WebFilesRoot"); } //Logger log = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); //log.Info($"OrganizationLCAGenerateReport templatePath={templatePath}"); templatePath = Path.Combine(templatePath, userName); if (!inWeb) templatePath = sourceDir; var fileFullName = Path.Combine(templatePath, sourceFileName); //string sourceFilePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory // , "App_Data", sourceFileName); // 從 sourceFilePath 到 targetFile using (var file = System.IO.File.Open(fileFullName, FileMode.Open)) using (var cache = new MemoryStream()) //using (var aa = System.IO.File.Create("../../../CompanyCarbonFootprintReport.docx")) { file.CopyTo(cache); // get new file WordprocessingDocument wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(cache, true); ProductLCADocParser docParser = new ProductLCADocParser(wordDocument , _db); // replace text on file BeReplacedTextDTO beReplacedText = PrepareWordData(productLca); //try { docParser.ReplaceAllTextTagWithData(beReplacedText); } //catch(Exception ex) //{ // log.Error(ex.Message); // log.Error(CScommon.Exceptions.inner(ex)); // log.Error(ex.StackTrace); // throw; //} //docParser.InsertChart(imageStream); docParser.SaveDocument(); cache.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var storage = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver.GetService(typeof(Storage.AzureStorage)) as Storage.AzureStorage; //DL-38 string productName = ProductNameByLCAID(LCAID); string filename = $"{productName}_產品型報告書{LCAID}.docx"; if (inWeb) { var url = storage.SaveToAzure(cache, filename, baseUrl, userName).ToString(); productLca.CarbonFootprintDocxUrl = url.Substring(url.IndexOf("Browser_Local") - 1); //productLca.CarbonFootprintDocxUrl = storage.SaveToAzure(cache, "CarbonFootprint.docx").ToString(); } else { FileStream fs = new FileStream(targetFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); cache.WriteTo(fs); fs.Close(); productLca.CarbonFootprintDocxUrl = ""; } } string protocolName; if (inWeb && HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection) protocolName = "https://"; else protocolName = "http://"; string ret; if (inWeb) ret= protocolName + System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority + baseUrl + productLca.CarbonFootprintDocxUrl; else ret = productLca.CarbonFootprintDocxUrl; return ret; } private BeReplacedTextDTO PrepareWordData(ProductLCA productLca) { string decimalFormat = "G5"; string percentFormat = "P4"; var surveyResult = productLca.SnapShotSurveyResult; BeReplacedTextDTO beReplacedText = new BeReplacedTextDTO(); //產品型報告書填入欄位 beReplacedText.LCAID = productLca.ID; var product = productLca.TargetProduct; beReplacedText.ProductName = product == null ? "" : product.Name; beReplacedText.PartNumber = product == null ? "" : product.SerialNumber; ; beReplacedText.ProductSpec = product == null ? "" : product.SpecDescription; ; var owner = productLca.Owner; beReplacedText.CompanyName = owner == null ? "" : owner.Name; var fab = productLca.TargetFab; beReplacedText.FabName = fab == null ? "" : fab.Name; beReplacedText.FabAddress = fab == null ? "" : fab.Address; beReplacedText.DuringInventory = productLca.StartDate.ToShortDateString() + " ~ " + productLca.EndDate.ToShortDateString(); var inventoryStageData = productLca.TargetInventoryStageData; beReplacedText.TurnOnHourPerDayInWorkDay = inventoryStageData == null ? "" : inventoryStageData.TurnOnHourPerDayInWorkDay.ToString(); beReplacedText.TurnOnHourPerDayInOffDay = inventoryStageData == null ? "" : inventoryStageData.TurnOnHourPerDayInOffDay.ToString(); beReplacedText.WorkDayPerYear = inventoryStageData == null ? "" : inventoryStageData.WorkDayPerYear.ToString(); beReplacedText.WattInOperation = inventoryStageData == null ? "" : inventoryStageData.WattInOperation.ToString(decimalFormat); beReplacedText.WattInLowOperation = inventoryStageData == null ? "" : inventoryStageData.WattInLowOperation.ToString(decimalFormat); beReplacedText.EnergyConsumption = inventoryStageData == null ? "" : EnergyConsumption(inventoryStageData).ToString(decimalFormat); beReplacedText.UsageStageDescription = inventoryStageData == null ? "" : inventoryStageData.ProductUsageStageDescription; beReplacedText.PowerFactor = inventoryStageData == null ? "" : inventoryStageData.ProductUsageStagePowerFactor.ToString(decimalFormat); beReplacedText.AbandonedStageDescription = inventoryStageData == null ? "" : inventoryStageData.ProductAbandonedStage; var materialProductionAndTransportPhase = CarbonEmissionCalculator.GetMaterialProductionAndTransportPhase(productLca.Materials); beReplacedText.MaterialProductionAndTransportPhase = materialProductionAndTransportPhase.ToString(decimalFormat); var productionPhase = CarbonEmissionCalculator.GetProductionPhase(productLca); beReplacedText.ProductionPhase = productionPhase.ToString(decimalFormat); var devliveryPhase = CarbonEmissionCalculator.GetDeliveryPhase(productLca); beReplacedText.DeliveryPhase = devliveryPhase.ToString(decimalFormat); var usagePhase = inventoryStageData.GetUsageStageCarbonFootprint(); beReplacedText.UsagePhase = usagePhase.ToString(decimalFormat); var abandonedPhase = CarbonEmissionCalculator.GetAbandonedPhase(inventoryStageData); beReplacedText.AbandonedPhase = abandonedPhase.ToString(decimalFormat); beReplacedText.PowerYear = productLca.StartDate != null ? productLca.StartDate.Year.ToString() : ""; var allPhaseCarbonEmission = materialProductionAndTransportPhase + productionPhase + devliveryPhase + usagePhase + abandonedPhase; beReplacedText.AllPhaseCarbonEmission = allPhaseCarbonEmission != 0 ? allPhaseCarbonEmission.ToString(decimalFormat) : "0"; beReplacedText.MaterialProductionAndTransportPhasePercent = allPhaseCarbonEmission != 0 ? (materialProductionAndTransportPhase / allPhaseCarbonEmission).ToString(percentFormat) : "0"; beReplacedText.ProductionPhasePercent = allPhaseCarbonEmission != 0 ? (productionPhase / allPhaseCarbonEmission).ToString(percentFormat) : "0"; beReplacedText.DeliveryPhasePercent = allPhaseCarbonEmission != 0 ? (devliveryPhase / allPhaseCarbonEmission).ToString(percentFormat) : "0"; beReplacedText.UsagePhasePercent = allPhaseCarbonEmission != 0 ? (usagePhase / allPhaseCarbonEmission).ToString(percentFormat) : "0"; beReplacedText.AbandonedPhasePercent = allPhaseCarbonEmission != 0 ? (abandonedPhase / allPhaseCarbonEmission).ToString(percentFormat) : "0"; List allPhaseList = new List(); var maxIndex = 0; var secondMaxIndex = 0; var maxValue = 0m; var secondMaxValue = 0m; allPhaseList.Add(materialProductionAndTransportPhase); allPhaseList.Add(productionPhase); allPhaseList.Add(devliveryPhase); allPhaseList.Add(usagePhase); allPhaseList.Add(abandonedPhase); for (int i = 0; i < allPhaseList.Count; i++) { if (maxValue < allPhaseList[i]) { maxValue = allPhaseList[i]; maxIndex = i; } if (secondMaxValue < allPhaseList[i] && maxValue > allPhaseList[i]) { secondMaxValue = allPhaseList[i]; secondMaxIndex = i; } } List descriptions = new List() { "原物料製造及運輸" , "產品生產製造階段","產品配送階段","產品使用階段","廢棄階段" }; beReplacedText.BiggestCarbonEmissionPhase = descriptions[maxIndex]; beReplacedText.BiggestCarbonEmissionPercent = allPhaseCarbonEmission != 0 ? (allPhaseList[maxIndex] / allPhaseCarbonEmission).ToString(percentFormat) : "0"; beReplacedText.SecondCarbonEmissionPhase = descriptions[secondMaxIndex]; beReplacedText.SecondCarbonEmissionPercent = allPhaseCarbonEmission != 0 ? (allPhaseList[secondMaxIndex] / allPhaseCarbonEmission).ToString(percentFormat) : "0"; var secondDataTypeOfPartsKgCO2e = CarbonEmissionCalculator.GetSecondDataTypeOfPartsKgCO2e(productLca.Materials); beReplacedText.SecondDataTypeOfPartsKgCO2e = secondDataTypeOfPartsKgCO2e.ToString(decimalFormat); beReplacedText.SecondDataTypeOfPartsPercent = allPhaseCarbonEmission != 0 ? (secondDataTypeOfPartsKgCO2e / allPhaseCarbonEmission).ToString(percentFormat) : "0"; var primaryDataTypeOfPartsKgCO2e = CarbonEmissionCalculator.GetPrimaryDataTypeOfPartsKgCO2e(productLca.Materials); beReplacedText.PrimaryDataTypeOfPartsKgCO2e = primaryDataTypeOfPartsKgCO2e.ToString(decimalFormat); beReplacedText.PrimaryDataTypeOfPartsPercent = allPhaseCarbonEmission != 0 ? (primaryDataTypeOfPartsKgCO2e / allPhaseCarbonEmission).ToString(percentFormat) : "0"; var materialScopeOneDistributeKgCO2e = CarbonEmissionCalculator.GetMaterialScopeOneDistributeKgCO2e(productLca.Materials); beReplacedText.MaterialScopeOneDistributeKgCO2e = materialScopeOneDistributeKgCO2e.ToString(decimalFormat); var materialScopeTwoDistributeKgCO2e = CarbonEmissionCalculator.GetMaterialScopeTwoDistributeKgCO2e(productLca.Materials); beReplacedText.MaterialScopeTwoDistributeKgCO2e = materialScopeTwoDistributeKgCO2e.ToString(decimalFormat); var materialScopeThreeDistributeKgCO2e = CarbonEmissionCalculator.GetMaterialScopeThreeDistributeKgCO2e(productLca.Materials); beReplacedText.MaterialScopeThreeDistributeKgCO2e = materialScopeThreeDistributeKgCO2e.ToString(decimalFormat); var snapShotSurveryResult = productLca.SnapShotSurveyResult; var scopeOneFabResult = ""; var scopeTwoFabResult = ""; var scopeThreeFabResult = ""; if (snapShotSurveryResult != null) { scopeOneFabResult = snapShotSurveryResult.Scope1FabResult.ToString(decimalFormat); scopeTwoFabResult = snapShotSurveryResult.Scope2FabResult.ToString(decimalFormat); scopeThreeFabResult = snapShotSurveryResult.Scope3FabResult.ToString(decimalFormat); } beReplacedText.ProductLcaScopeOne = scopeOneFabResult; beReplacedText.ProductLcaScopeTwo = scopeTwoFabResult; beReplacedText.ProductLcaScopeThree = scopeThreeFabResult; var wasteTransportDistributeByHour = CarbonEmissionCalculator.GetWasteTransportDistributeByHour(productLca); beReplacedText.ProductLcaWasteTransportDistributeByHour = wasteTransportDistributeByHour.ToString(decimalFormat); // prepare yearly paramter var vehicleParameters = productLca.VehicleSheet.Select(x => x.Parameter).Distinct(); var vehicleTable = PrepareTable1Data(vehicleParameters); beReplacedText.Table1Data.AddRange(vehicleTable); var gasolineParameters = productLca.GasolineEquipmentSheet.Select(x => x.Parameter).Distinct(); var gasolineTable = PrepareTable1Data(gasolineParameters); beReplacedText.Table1Data.AddRange(gasolineTable); var kitchenParameters = productLca.KitchenSheet.Select(x => x.Parameter).Distinct(); var kitchenTable = PrepareTable1Data(kitchenParameters); beReplacedText.Table1Data.AddRange(kitchenTable); var powerParameters = productLca.PowerUsageSheet.Select(x => x.Parameter).Distinct(); var powerTable = PrepareTable1Data(powerParameters); beReplacedText.Table1Data.AddRange(powerTable); var steamParameters = productLca.SteamUsageSheet.Select(x => x.Parameter).Distinct(); var steamTable = PrepareTable1Data(steamParameters); beReplacedText.Table1Data.AddRange(steamTable); var waterParameters = productLca.WaterUsageSheet.Select(x => x.Parameter).Distinct(); var waterTable = PrepareTable1Data(waterParameters); beReplacedText.Table1Data.AddRange(waterTable); var refrigerantParameterIds = productLca.RefrigerantSheet.Select(x => x.ParameterID2).Distinct(); var refrigerantParameters = _db.NonYearlyParameters.Where(x => refrigerantParameterIds.Contains(x.ID)); var refrigerantTable = refrigerantParameters.Where(x => x != null) .ToList() .Select(x => new Weee.DataTransferObject.BeReplacedTextDTO.TableParameterRow() { Display = x.Type.DisplayName, Value = x.Value, Description = x.Description }); beReplacedText.Table2Data.AddRange(refrigerantTable); var repliedMaterials = productLca.Materials.Where(x => x.RequestSent != null).Select(x => x); var distributeTable = repliedMaterials.Select(x => new Weee.DataTransferObject.BeReplacedTextDTO.TableDistributeRow() { MaterialName = x.Name, SupplierName = x.SupplierCompanyName, DistributionDescription = x.RequestSent.DivideBy.DisplayString() }); beReplacedText.Table3And5Data.AddRange(distributeTable); return beReplacedText; } private decimal EnergyConsumption(InventoryStageData inventoryStageData) { decimal workDayHightOperate = inventoryStageData.WattInOperation * inventoryStageData.TurnOnHourPerDayInWorkDay / 24; decimal workDayLowOperate = inventoryStageData.WattInLowOperation * (24 - inventoryStageData.TurnOnHourPerDayInWorkDay) / 24; decimal offDayHightOperate = inventoryStageData.WattInOperation * inventoryStageData.TurnOnHourPerDayInOffDay / 24; decimal offDayLowOperatie = inventoryStageData.WattInLowOperation * (24 - inventoryStageData.TurnOnHourPerDayInOffDay) / 24; decimal hourOfWorkDayPerYear = inventoryStageData.WorkDayPerYear * 24; decimal hourOfOffDayPerYear = (365 - inventoryStageData.WorkDayPerYear) * 24; decimal energyConsumption = ((workDayHightOperate + workDayLowOperate) * hourOfWorkDayPerYear + (offDayHightOperate + offDayLowOperatie) * hourOfOffDayPerYear) / 1000; return energyConsumption; } private IEnumerable PrepareTable1Data(IEnumerable parameters, string display = "") { return parameters.Where(x => x != null) .Select(x => new Weee.DataTransferObject.BeReplacedTextDTO.TableParameterRow() { Display = display != "" ? display : x.Type.DisplayName, Value = x.Value, Description = x.Description }); } #endregion #region Excel Import Check & Save public List ExcelImportCheckAndSave(int LCAID, excelExportOrgLCAdataVM excelVMobj, out ImportOrganizationLCA importLCA) { var err = new List(); var lca = GetLCAs().Where(x => x.ID == LCAID).FirstOrDefault(); importLCA = new ImportOrganizationLCA(); // 燃料 err.AddRange(ExcelImportCheck_Fuel(LCAID, excelVMobj._orgLCAdata2fuels, lca, ref importLCA)); // 總工時 err.AddRange(ExcelImportCheck_WorkHr(LCAID, excelVMobj._orgLCAdata6workHr, lca, ref importLCA)); // 冷媒設備 err.AddRange(ExcelImportCheck_Refrigerant(LCAID, excelVMobj._orgLCAdata7rfg, lca, ref importLCA)); // 消防設備 err.AddRange(ExcelImportCheck_FireEquipment(LCAID, excelVMobj._orgLCAdata8fire, lca, ref importLCA)); // 其他類關注物質 err.AddRange(ExcelImportCheck_OtherCompound(LCAID, excelVMobj._orgLCAdata9others, lca, ref importLCA)); // 用電量 err.AddRange(ExcelImportCheck_Power(LCAID, excelVMobj._orgLCAdata10elec, lca, ref importLCA)); // 用蒸氣量 err.AddRange(ExcelImportCheck_Steam(LCAID, excelVMobj._orgLCAdata11steamVM, lca, ref importLCA)); return err; } public List ExcelImportCheck_Fuel(int LCAID, orgLCAdata2fuelsVM modelVM, LCA lca, ref ImportOrganizationLCA importLCA) { var err = new List(); // 消防設備 if (modelVM.fuels_rows.Count > 0) { var vehicle = new List(); var kitchen = new List(); var gasolineEquipment = new List(); var config1 = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap(); }); IMapper mapper1 = config1.CreateMapper(); var config2 = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap(); }); IMapper mapper2 = config2.CreateMapper(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modelVM.commonFields.LCAyear.ToString())) { err.Add("'油、氣燃料'年份Year不得為空"); return err; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modelVM.area)) { err.Add("'油、氣燃料'區域Area不得為空"); return err; } var fuelParameter = (from a in _db.YearlyParameters join b in _db.YearlyParameterAreas on a.AreaID equals b.ID join c in _db.YearlyParameterCategories on b.CategoryID equals c.ID join d in _db.YearlyParameterTypes on a.TypeID equals d.ID where (c.Category == Categories.GasolineEquipment || c.Category == Categories.Kitchen || c.Category == Categories.Vehicle) && a.Year.ToString() == modelVM.commonFields.LCAyear.ToString() && modelVM.area.Contains(b.DisplayNameTW) select new { Parameter = a, c.Category, d.DisplayNameTW, d.warmGasType }).AsNoTracking().ToList(); if (fuelParameter == null) { err.Add("'油、氣燃料'查無任何 AR version(s) and GWP 係數"); return err; } for (var i = 0; i < modelVM.fuels_rows.Count; i++) { var category = new Categories(); var add = new LCACommonSurveyForm_Vehicles(); add.LCAID = LCAID; add.ProcessName = modelVM.fuels_rows[i].ProcessName; add.ResponsibleUnit = modelVM.fuels_rows[i].ResponsibleUnit; add.Name = modelVM.fuels_rows[i].Name; add.Scalar = modelVM.fuels_rows[i].Scalar; add.Description = modelVM.fuels_rows[i].Description; add.Evidence = modelVM.fuels_rows[i].Evidence; var errStr = ""; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(add.Name)) errStr += "設備名稱不得為空。"; if (add.Scalar < 0) errStr += "盤查期間使用量需大於等於0。"; add.KgCO2e = add.Scalar; if (!fuelParameter.Any(x => x.DisplayNameTW.Contains(modelVM.fuels_rows[i].paraName) && x.warmGasType == modelVM.fuels_rows[i].warmGasType )) errStr += "該燃料不存在。"; else { var parameters = fuelParameter.Where(x => x.DisplayNameTW.Contains(modelVM.fuels_rows[i].paraName)).ToList(); if(parameters.Count > 1) { // 移動源預設給車輛設備 if (modelVM.fuels_rows[i].warmGasType == WarmGasType.移動源) parameters = parameters.OrderBy(x => x.Category != Categories.Vehicle).ToList(); // 非移動源柴油預設給柴油設備 else if (modelVM.fuels_rows[i].paraName.Contains("柴油")) parameters = parameters.OrderBy(x => x.Category != Categories.GasolineEquipment).ToList(); // 其餘皆預設給油氣燃料 else parameters = parameters.OrderBy(x => x.Category != Categories.Kitchen).ToList(); } add.ParameterID = parameters[0].Parameter.ID; add.KgCO2e *= parameters[0].Parameter.Value; category = parameters[0].Category; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errStr)) err.Add("'油、氣燃料'當中第" + (i + 1) + "筆資料有誤:" + errStr); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errStr)) { if (category == Categories.Vehicle) vehicle.Add(add); else if (category == Categories.Kitchen) kitchen.Add(mapper1.Map(add)); else if (category == Categories.GasolineEquipment) gasolineEquipment.Add(mapper2.Map(add)); } } importLCA.VehicleSheet = vehicle; importLCA.KitchenSheet = kitchen; importLCA.GasolineEquipmentSheet = gasolineEquipment; } return err; } public List ExcelImportCheck_WorkHr(int LCAID, orgLCAdata6workHrVM modelVM, LCA lca, ref ImportOrganizationLCA importLCA) { var err = new List(); if (!modelVM.workHourTypeDirect.Any(x => x.Scalar > 0) && !modelVM.workHourTypeIndirect.Any(x => x.Scalar > 0)) return err; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modelVM.commonFields.LCAyear.ToString())) { err.Add("'糞肥管理-邊界範圍總工時'年份Year不得為空"); return err; } var spvalue = _db.NonYearlyParameters .Where(y => y.Type.Category.Category == Weee.Models.Paramemter.Categories.Septic) .Where(y => !y.IsHistory) .Where(y => y.Type.DisplayNameTW != "GWP") .AsNoTracking() .Select(y => y.Value) .AsEnumerable() .Multiply(); var GWP_CH4 = (from a in _db.AssessmentReportGWP where a.chemicalFormula == "CH4" select a).FirstOrDefault(); if (GWP_CH4 != null && lca.ARversion != null) { if (lca.ARversion == "AR4") spvalue *= GWP_CH4.AR4GWP100; else if (lca.ARversion == "AR5") spvalue *= GWP_CH4.AR5GWP100; else // if (lca.ARversion == "AR6") // 預設AR6 spvalue *= GWP_CH4.AR6GWP100; } var finalWorkHrList = new List(); var workHr = modelVM.workHourList; for (int j = 0; j < workHr.Count; j++) { var oneWorkHrList = workHr[j]; for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { finalWorkHrList.Add(new LCACommonSurveyForm_WorkHours()); finalWorkHrList[i + j * 12].Index = i + 1; finalWorkHrList[i + j * 12].LCAID = LCAID; finalWorkHrList[i + j * 12].WorkerNumber = oneWorkHrList[i].WorkerNumber; finalWorkHrList[i + j * 12].AverageHourPerDay = oneWorkHrList[i].AverageHourPerDay; finalWorkHrList[i + j * 12].WorkDay = oneWorkHrList[i].WorkDay; finalWorkHrList[i + j * 12].Type = oneWorkHrList[i].Type; finalWorkHrList[i + j * 12].WorkHourPeopleType = oneWorkHrList[i].WorkHourPeopleType; finalWorkHrList[i + j * 12].Scalar = finalWorkHrList[i].WorkerNumber * finalWorkHrList[i].AverageHourPerDay * finalWorkHrList[i].WorkDay; finalWorkHrList[i + j * 12].KgCO2e = finalWorkHrList[i].Scalar * spvalue; } } importLCA.WorkHourSheet = finalWorkHrList; /* // 總工時 - 直接人員 var workHrDirect = new List(); if (modelVM.workHourTypeDirect.Count == 12) { if (workHrDirect.Count < 12) for (var i = workHrDirect.Count; i < 12; i++) workHrDirect.Add(new LCACommonSurveyForm_WorkHours()); for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { workHrDirect[i].Index = i + 1; workHrDirect[i].LCAID = LCAID; workHrDirect[i].WorkerNumber = modelVM.workHourTypeDirect[i].WorkerNumber; workHrDirect[i].AverageHourPerDay = modelVM.workHourTypeDirect[i].AverageHourPerDay; workHrDirect[i].WorkDay = modelVM.workHourTypeDirect[i].WorkDay; workHrDirect[i].Type = LCACommonSurveyForm_WorkHours.WorkHourType.Direct; workHrDirect[i].Scalar = modelVM.workHourTypeDirect[i].Scalar; workHrDirect[i].KgCO2e = workHrDirect[i].Scalar * spvalue; } } // 總工時 - 間接人員 var workHrIndirect = new List(); if (modelVM.workHourTypeIndirect.Count == 12) { if (workHrIndirect.Count < 12) for (var i = workHrIndirect.Count; i < 12; i++) workHrIndirect.Add(new LCACommonSurveyForm_WorkHours()); for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { workHrIndirect[i].Index = i + 1; workHrIndirect[i].LCAID = LCAID; workHrIndirect[i].WorkerNumber = modelVM.workHourTypeIndirect[i].WorkerNumber; workHrIndirect[i].AverageHourPerDay = modelVM.workHourTypeIndirect[i].AverageHourPerDay; workHrIndirect[i].WorkDay = modelVM.workHourTypeIndirect[i].WorkDay; workHrIndirect[i].Type = LCACommonSurveyForm_WorkHours.WorkHourType.Indirect; workHrIndirect[i].Scalar = modelVM.workHourTypeIndirect[i].Scalar; workHrIndirect[i].KgCO2e = workHrIndirect[i].Scalar * spvalue; } } workHrDirect.AddRange(workHrIndirect); importLCA.WorkHourSheet = workHrDirect;*/ return err; } public List ExcelImportCheck_Refrigerant(int LCAID, orgLCAdata7rfgVM modelVM, LCA lca, ref ImportOrganizationLCA importLCA) { var err = new List(); // 冷媒設備 if (modelVM.rfg_rows.Count > 0) { var refrigerantUsage = new List(); var refrigerantParameter1 = (from a in _db.AssessmentReportGWP where a.GWPtype == GWPparameterType.Refrigerant select a).AsNoTracking().ToList(); var refrigerantParameter2 = (from a in _db.NonYearlyParameters join b in _db.NonYearlyParameterTypes on a.TypeID equals b.ID join c in _db.NonYearlyParameterCategories on b.CategoryID equals c.ID where c.Category == Categories.Refrigerant select new{ Parameter = a, typeName = b.DisplayNameTW }).AsNoTracking().ToList(); if (refrigerantParameter1 == null) { err.Add("'含冷媒/製冷劑之設備'查無任何 AR version(s) and GWP 係數"); return err; } if (refrigerantParameter2 == null) { err.Add("'含冷媒/製冷劑之設備'查無任何係數"); return err; } for (var i = 0; i < modelVM.rfg_rows.Count; i++) { var add = new LCACommonSurveyForm_Refrigerants(); add.LCAID = LCAID; add.ProcessName = modelVM.rfg_rows[i].ProcessName; add.ResponsibleUnit = modelVM.rfg_rows[i].ResponsibleUnit; add.Name = modelVM.rfg_rows[i].Name; add.ModelNumber = modelVM.rfg_rows[i].ModelNumber; add.TotalNumber = modelVM.rfg_rows[i].TotalNumber; add.Scalar = modelVM.rfg_rows[i].Scalar; add.UsedMonth = modelVM.rfg_rows[i].UsedMonth; add.Description = modelVM.rfg_rows[i].Description; var errStr = ""; if (add.TotalNumber < 0) errStr += "全廠台數需大於等於0。"; if (add.Scalar < 0) errStr += "單台冷煤原始填充量需大於等於0。"; if (add.UsedMonth > 12 || add.UsedMonth < 0) errStr += "使用月份須0~12個月。"; add.KgCO2e = add.Scalar * add.TotalNumber * add.UsedMonth / 12; if (!refrigerantParameter1.Any(x => x.ingredientName == modelVM.rfg_rows[i].paraName_refrigerant || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Alias) && x.Alias == modelVM.rfg_rows[i].paraName_refrigerant))) errStr += $"該使用冷煤種類{modelVM.rfg_rows[i].paraName_refrigerant}不存在。"; else { var parameter1 = refrigerantParameter1.Find(x => x.ingredientName == modelVM.rfg_rows[i].paraName_refrigerant || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Alias) && x.Alias == modelVM.rfg_rows[i].paraName_refrigerant)); add.ARnGWPid = parameter1.ID; add.KgCO2e *= getGWPValueByARVersion(parameter1, lca.ARversion); } if (!refrigerantParameter2.Any(x => modelVM.rfg_rows[i].para2Name_equipment.Contains(x.typeName))) errStr += $"該設備類型(排放因子){modelVM.rfg_rows[i].para2Name_equipment}不存在。"; else { var parameter2 = refrigerantParameter2.Find(x => modelVM.rfg_rows[i].para2Name_equipment.Contains(x.typeName)); add.ParameterID2 = parameter2.Parameter.ID; add.KgCO2e *= parameter2.Parameter.Value; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errStr)) err.Add("'含冷媒/製冷劑之設備'當中第" + (i + 1) + "筆資料有誤:" + errStr); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errStr)) refrigerantUsage.Add(add); } importLCA.RefrigerantSheet = refrigerantUsage; } return err; } public List ExcelImportCheck_FireEquipment(int LCAID, orgLCAdata8fireVM modelVM, LCA lca, ref ImportOrganizationLCA importLCA) { var err = new List(); // 消防設備 if (modelVM.fire_rows.Count > 0) { var fireEquipment = new List(); var fireEquipmentParameter = (from a in _db.AssessmentReportGWP where a.GWPtype == GWPparameterType.FireEquipment select a).AsNoTracking().ToList(); if (fireEquipmentParameter == null) { err.Add("'消防設備'查無任何 AR version(s) and GWP 係數"); return err; } for (var i = 0; i < modelVM.fire_rows.Count; i++) { var add = new LCACommonSurveyForm_FireEquipments(); add.LCAID = LCAID; add.ProcessName = modelVM.fire_rows[i].ProcessName; add.ResponsibleUnit = modelVM.fire_rows[i].ResponsibleUnit; add.Name = modelVM.fire_rows[i].Name; add.Quantity = modelVM.fire_rows[i].Quantity; add.Scalar = modelVM.fire_rows[i].Scalar; add.Description = modelVM.fire_rows[i].Description; var errStr = ""; if (add.Quantity < 0) errStr += "數量需大於等於0。"; if (add.Scalar < 0) errStr += "使用/充填量(kg)需大於等於0。"; add.KgCO2e = add.Scalar * add.Quantity; if (!fireEquipmentParameter.Any(x => x.ingredientName == modelVM.fire_rows[i].paraName)) errStr += "該排放源不存在。"; else { var parameter = fireEquipmentParameter.Find(x => x.ingredientName == modelVM.fire_rows[i].paraName); add.ARnGWPid = parameter.ID; add.KgCO2e *= getGWPValueByARVersion(parameter, lca.ARversion); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errStr)) err.Add("'消防設備'當中第" + (i + 1) + "筆資料有誤:" + errStr); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errStr)) fireEquipment.Add(add); } importLCA.FireEquipmentSheet = fireEquipment; } return err; } public List ExcelImportCheck_OtherCompound(int LCAID, orgLCAdata9othersVM modelVM, LCA lca, ref ImportOrganizationLCA importLCA) { var err = new List(); // 其他類關注物質 if (modelVM.others_rows.Count > 0) { var otherCompound = new List(); for (var i = 0; i < modelVM.others_rows.Count; i++) { var add = new OrganizationLCAFabSurveyForm_OtherCompounds(); add.LCAID = LCAID; add.ProcessName = modelVM.others_rows[i].ProcessName; add.ResponsibleUnit = modelVM.others_rows[i].ResponsibleUnit; add.Name = modelVM.others_rows[i].Name; add.Scalar = modelVM.others_rows[i].Scalar; add.Description = modelVM.others_rows[i].Description; add.ingredientName = modelVM.others_rows[i].paraName; add.CO2Factor = modelVM.others_rows[i].CO2Factor; add.CO2Value = modelVM.others_rows[i].CO2Value; add.KgCO2e = add.Scalar * (decimal)add.CO2Factor; var errStr = ""; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(add.ingredientName)) errStr += "排放源名稱不得為空。"; if (add.Scalar < 0) errStr += "數量需大於等於0。"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errStr)) err.Add("'其他類關注物質'當中第" + (i + 1) + "筆資料有誤:" + errStr); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errStr)) otherCompound.Add(add); } importLCA.OtherCompound = otherCompound; } return err; } public List ExcelImportCheck_Power(int LCAID, orgLCAdata10elecVM modelVM, LCA lca, ref ImportOrganizationLCA importLCA) { var err = new List(); // 用電量 if (modelVM.elecVMcolumns.Count == 12) { if (!modelVM.elecVMcolumns.Any(x => x.Scalar > 0)) return err; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modelVM.commonFields.LCAyear.ToString())) { err.Add("'用電量'年份Year不得為空"); return err; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modelVM.area)) { err.Add("'用電量'區域Area不得為空"); return err; } var powerUsage = new List(); if (powerUsage.Count < 12) for (var i = powerUsage.Count; i < 12; i++) powerUsage.Add(new LCACommonSurveyForm_PowerUsages()); var powerParameter = (from a in _db.YearlyParameters join b in _db.YearlyParameterAreas on a.AreaID equals b.ID join c in _db.YearlyParameterCategories on b.CategoryID equals c.ID join d in _db.YearlyParameterTypes on a.TypeID equals d.ID where c.Category == Categories.Electric && a.Year.ToString() == modelVM.commonFields.LCAyear.ToString() && modelVM.area.Contains(b.DisplayNameTW) && d.DisplayNameTW != CScommon.ProgramConstants.POWER_C4_COEFFNAME select a).AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(); if (powerParameter == null) { err.Add("用電量查無'" + modelVM.area + "-" + modelVM.commonFields.LCAyear.ToString() + "'該係數"); return err; } for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { powerUsage[i].Index = i + 1; powerUsage[i].LCAID = LCAID; powerUsage[i].Area = modelVM.area; powerUsage[i].Year = modelVM.commonFields.LCAyear.ToString(); powerUsage[i].Peak = modelVM.elecVMcolumns[i].Peak; powerUsage[i].HalfPeak = modelVM.elecVMcolumns[i].HalfPeak; powerUsage[i].OffPeak = modelVM.elecVMcolumns[i].OffPeak; powerUsage[i].SaturdayHalfPeak = modelVM.elecVMcolumns[i].SaturdayHalfPeak; powerUsage[i].Scalar = modelVM.elecVMcolumns[i].Scalar; powerUsage[i].ParameterID = powerParameter.ID; powerUsage[i].KgCO2e = powerUsage[i].Scalar * powerParameter.Value; } importLCA.PowerUsageSheet = powerUsage; } return err; } public List ExcelImportCheck_Steam(int LCAID, orgLCAdata11steamVM modelVM, LCA lca, ref ImportOrganizationLCA importLCA) { var err = new List(); // 用蒸氣量 if (modelVM.steamVMcolumns.Count == 12) { if (!modelVM.steamVMcolumns.Any(x => x.Scalar > 0)) return err; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modelVM.commonFields.LCAyear.ToString())) { err.Add("'用蒸氣量'年份Year不得為空"); return err; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modelVM.area)) { err.Add("'用蒸氣量'區域Area不得為空"); return err; } var steamUsage = new List(); if (steamUsage.Count < 12) for (var i = steamUsage.Count; i < 12; i++) steamUsage.Add(new LCACommonSurveyForm_SteamUsages()); var steamParameter = (from a in _db.YearlyParameters join b in _db.YearlyParameterAreas on a.AreaID equals b.ID join c in _db.YearlyParameterCategories on b.CategoryID equals c.ID join d in _db.YearlyParameterTypes on a.TypeID equals d.ID where c.Category == Categories.Steam && a.Year.ToString() == modelVM.commonFields.LCAyear.ToString() && modelVM.area.Contains(b.DisplayNameTW) select a).AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(); if (steamParameter == null) { err.Add("'用蒸氣量'查無'" + modelVM.area + "-" + modelVM.commonFields.LCAyear.ToString() + "'該係數"); return err; } for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { steamUsage[i].Index = i + 1; steamUsage[i].LCAID = LCAID; steamUsage[i].Area = modelVM.area; steamUsage[i].Year = modelVM.commonFields.LCAyear.ToString(); steamUsage[i].Scalar = modelVM.steamVMcolumns[i].Scalar; steamUsage[i].ParameterID = steamParameter.ID; steamUsage[i].KgCO2e = steamUsage[i].Scalar * steamParameter.Value; } importLCA.SteamUsageSheet = steamUsage; } return err; } #endregion private decimal getGWPValueByARVersion(AssessmentReportGWP gwp, string version) { if (version == "AR4") return gwp.AR4GWP100; else if (version == "AR5") return gwp.AR5GWP100; else return gwp.AR6GWP100; } public string CompanyNameByLCAID(int LCAID) { string ret = ""; var qry = (from a in _db.Companies join b in _db.LCAs on a.ID equals b.OwnerID where b.ID == LCAID select a.Name).FirstOrDefault(); if (qry != null) ret = qry; return ret; } public string ProductNameByLCAID(int LCAID) { string ret = ""; var qry = (from a in _db.Products join b in _db.ProductLCAs on a.ID equals b.ProductID where b.ID == LCAID select a.Name).FirstOrDefault(); if (qry != null) ret = qry; return ret; } public Dictionary GetGWPValueByLCAID(int LCAID) { // 取得CH4 N2O GWP在不同AR version的數值 LCAcommon lcaCommonRec = _LCAcommonService.generateReportData(LCAID); var GWPValue = new Dictionary(); var qry4 = (from a in _db.AssessmentReportGWP where a.chemicalFormula == "CH4" || a.chemicalFormula == "N2O" select a); var GWP_CH4 = qry4.FirstOrDefault(x => x.chemicalFormula == "CH4"); var GWP_N2O = qry4.FirstOrDefault(x => x.chemicalFormula == "N2O"); GWPValue.Add("CO2", CScommon.ProgramConstants.GWPco2); if (lcaCommonRec.ARversion == "AR4") { GWPValue.Add("CH4", GWP_CH4 == null ? CScommon.ProgramConstants.GWPch4 : GWP_CH4.AR4GWP100); GWPValue.Add("N2O", GWP_CH4 == null ? CScommon.ProgramConstants.GWPn2o : GWP_N2O.AR4GWP100); } else if (lcaCommonRec.ARversion == "AR5") { GWPValue.Add("CH4", GWP_CH4 == null ? CScommon.ProgramConstants.GWPch4 : GWP_CH4.AR5GWP100); GWPValue.Add("N2O", GWP_CH4 == null ? CScommon.ProgramConstants.GWPn2o : GWP_N2O.AR5GWP100); } else if (lcaCommonRec.ARversion == "AR6") { GWPValue.Add("CH4", GWP_CH4 == null ? CScommon.ProgramConstants.GWPch4 : GWP_CH4.AR6GWP100); GWPValue.Add("N2O", GWP_CH4 == null ? CScommon.ProgramConstants.GWPn2o : GWP_N2O.AR6GWP100); } else { GWPValue.Add("CH4", CScommon.ProgramConstants.GWPch4); GWPValue.Add("N2O", CScommon.ProgramConstants.GWPn2o); } return GWPValue; } } }