angular.module('View.Directive') .directive('file', function () { return { scope: { readFile: '&', /** * Optional property in isolate scope, expect this to be an object with a "show" boolean property. * Will clear the file input when the show property is changed to false. */ displayOption: '=?' }, link: function ($scope, element, attrs) { element.bind('change', function (event) { $scope.file =[0]; $scope.readFile({ file: $scope.file }); }); if (angular.isDefined($scope.displayOption)) { //console.log('displayOption is defined for element, monitor it for changes'); $scope.$watch('', function (newValue) { //console.log('displayOption changed to'); //console.log(newValue); if (angular.isDefined(newValue) && !newValue) { //console.log('displayOption is hidden, clear file input'); element.val(null); } }) } else { //console.log('displayOption is not defined, no need to monitor it for changes'); } } }; });