Sync method to send the IdentityMessage
Expose a way to send messages (i.e. email/sms)
This method should send the message
Represents a message
Destination, i.e. To email, or SMS phone number
Message contents
Interface to generate user tokens
Generate a token for a user with a specific purpose
Validate a token for a user with a specific purpose
Notifies the user that a token has been generated, for example an email or sms could be sent, or
this can be a no-op
Returns true if provider can be used for this user, i.e. could require a user to have an email
Stores a user's phone number
Stores a user's phone number
Interface that exposes basic user management apis
Insert a new user
Update a user
Delete a user
Finds a user
Find a user by name
Set the user's phone number
Get the user phone number
Returns true if the user phone number is confirmed
Sets whether the user phone number is confirmed
Stores information which can be used to implement account lockout, including access failures and lockout status
Returns the DateTimeOffset that represents the end of a user's lockout, any time in the past should be considered
not locked out.
Locks a user out until the specified end date (set to a past date, to unlock a user)
Used to record when an attempt to access the user has failed
Used to reset the access failed count, typically after the account is successfully accessed
Returns the current number of failed access attempts. This number usually will be reset whenever the password is
verified or the account is locked out.
Returns whether the user can be locked out.
Sets whether the user can be locked out.
Stores whether two factor authentication is enabled for a user
Sets whether two factor authentication is enabled for the user
Returns whether two factor authentication is enabled for the user
Stores a user's email
Stores a user's email
Set the user email
Get the user email
Returns true if the user email is confirmed
Sets whether the user email is confirmed
Returns the user associated with this email
Interface that exposes an IQueryable roles
Interface that exposes an IQueryable roles
Interface that exposes basic role management
Create a new role
Update a role
Delete a role
Find a role by id
Find a role by name
IQueryable Roles
Interface that exposes an IQueryable users
Interface that exposes an IQueryable users
IQueryable users
Stores a user's security stamp
Stores a user's security stamp
Set the security stamp for the user
Get the user security stamp
Interface for creating a ClaimsIdentity from an IUser
Create a ClaimsIdentity from an user using a UserManager
Interface for creating a ClaimsIdentity from a user
Create a ClaimsIdentity from an user using a UserManager
Extension methods for RoleManager
Find a role by id
Find a role by name
Create a role
Update an existing role
Delete a role
Returns true if the role exists
Stores a user's password hash
Stores a user's password hash
Set the user password hash
Get the user password hash
Returns true if a user has a password set
Used to validate some basic password policy like length and number of non alphanumerics
Used to validate an item
Validate the item
Ensures that the string is of the required length and meets the configured requirements
Returns true if the character is a digit between '0' and '9'
Returns true if the character is between 'a' and 'z'
Returns true if the character is between 'A' and 'Z'
Returns true if the character is upper, lower, or a digit
Minimum required length
Require a non letter or digit character
Require a lower case letter ('a' - 'z')
Require an upper case letter ('A' - 'Z')
Require a digit ('0' - '9')
Return result for IPasswordHasher
Password verification failed
Success but should update and rehash the password
TokenProvider that generates tokens from the user's security stamp and notifies a user via their email
TokenProvider that generates tokens from the user's security stamp and notifies a user via their email
TokenProvider that generates time based codes using the user's security stamp
This token provider does not notify the user by default
Returns true if the provider can generate tokens for the user, by default this is equal to
Generate a token for the user using their security stamp
Validate the token for the user
Used for entropy in the token, uses the user.Id by default
True if the user has an email set
Returns the email of the user for entropy in the token
Notifies the user with a token via email using the Subject and BodyFormat
Email subject used when a token notification is received
Email body which should contain a formatted string which the token will be the only argument
TokenProvider that generates tokens from the user's security stamp and notifies a user via their phone number
TokenProvider that generates tokens from the user's security stamp and notifies a user via their phone number
Returns true if the user has a phone number set
Returns the phone number of the user for entropy in the token
Notifies the user with a token via sms using the MessageFormat
Message contents which should contain a format string which the token will be the only argument
Validates roles before they are saved
Validates roles before they are saved
Validates a role before saving
Interface that exposes basic role management
Exposes role related api which will automatically save changes to the RoleStore
Exposes role related api which will automatically save changes to the RoleStore
The IRoleStore is responsible for commiting changes via the UpdateAsync/CreateAsync methods
Dispose this object
Create a role
Update an existing role
Delete a role
Returns true if the role exists
Find a role by id
Find a role by name
When disposing, actually dipose the store
Persistence abstraction that the Manager operates against
Used to validate roles before persisting changes
Returns an IQueryable of roles if the store is an IQueryableRoleStore
Interface that maps users to their roles
Interface that maps users to their roles
Adds a user to a role
Removes the role for the user
Returns the roles for this user
Returns true if a user is in the role
Default authentication types values
Default value for the main application cookie used by UseSignInCookies
Default value used for the ExternalSignInAuthenticationType configured by UseSignInCookies
Default value used by the UseOAuthBearerTokens method
Default value for authentication type used for two factor partial sign in
Default value for authentication type used for two factor remember browser
Extensions making it easier to get the user name/user id claims off of an identity
Return the user name using the UserNameClaimType
Return the user id using the UserIdClaimType
Return the user id using the UserIdClaimType
Return the claim value for the first claim with the specified type if it exists, null otherwise
Extension methods for UserManager
Creates a ClaimsIdentity representing the user
Find a user by id
Return a user with the specified username and password or null if there is no match.
Find a user by name
Find a user by email
Create a user with no password
Create a user and associates it with the given password (if one is provided)
Update an user
Delete an user
Returns true if a user has a password set
Add a user password only if one does not already exist
Change a user password
Reset a user's password using a reset password token
This should be the user's security stamp by default
Get the password reset token for the user
Get the current security stamp for a user
Get the confirmation token for the user
Confirm the user with confirmation token
Returns true if the user's email has been confirmed
Generate a new security stamp for a user, used for SignOutEverywhere functionality
Returns true if the password combination is valid for the user
Associate a login with a user
Sync extension
Remove a user login
Gets the logins for a user.
Sync extension
Add a user claim
Remove a user claim
Get a users's claims
Add a user to a role
Add a user to several roles
Remove a user from a role.
Remove a user from the specified roles.
Get a users's roles
Returns true if the user is in the specified role
Get an user's email
Set an user's email
Get an user's phoneNumber
Set an user's phoneNumber
Change a phone number using the verification token
Generate a token for using to change to a specific phone number for the user
Verify that a token is valid for changing the user's phone number
Returns true if the user's phone number has been confirmed
Get a user token for a factor provider
Verify a user factor token with the specified provider
Returns a list of valid two factor providers for a user
Get a user token for a specific purpose
Validate a user token
Notify a user with a token from a specific user factor provider
Returns true if two factor is enabled for the user
Set whether a user's two factor is enabled
Send email with supplied subject and body
Send text message using the given message
Returns true if the user is locked out
Sets whether the user allows lockout
Returns whether the user allows lockout
Returns the user lockout end date
Sets the user lockout end date
Increments the access failed count for the user
Resets the access failed count for the user to 0
Returns the number of failed access attempts for the user
Constants class
ClaimType used for the security stamp by default
Creates a ClaimsIdentity from a User
Creates a ClaimsIdentity from a User
Create a ClaimsIdentity from a user
Convert the key to a string, by default just calls .ToString()
Claim type used for role claims
Claim type used for the user name
Claim type used for the user id
Claim type used for the user security stamp
Stores user specific claims
Stores user specific claims
Returns the claims for the user with the issuer set
Add a new user claim
Remove a user claim
Interface that maps users to login providers, i.e. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft
Interface that maps users to login providers, i.e. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft
Adds a user login with the specified provider and key
Removes the user login with the specified combination if it exists
Returns the linked accounts for this user
Returns the user associated with this login
Abstraction for password hashing methods
Hash a password
Verify that a password matches the hashed password
Interface that exposes basic user management apis
Implements password hashing methods
Hash a password
Verify that a password matches the hashedPassword
Used to validate that passwords are a minimum length
Ensures that the password is of the required length
Minimum required length for the password
A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
Looks up a localized string similar to An unknown failure has occured..
Looks up a localized string similar to Email '{0}' is already taken..
Looks up a localized string similar to Name {0} is already taken..
Looks up a localized string similar to A user with that external login already exists..
Looks up a localized string similar to Email '{0}' is invalid..
Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid token..
Looks up a localized string similar to User name {0} is invalid, can only contain letters or digits..
Looks up a localized string similar to Lockout is not enabled for this user..
Looks up a localized string similar to No IUserTokenProvider is registered..
Looks up a localized string similar to No IUserTwoFactorProvider for '{0}' is registered..
Looks up a localized string similar to Incorrect password..
Looks up a localized string similar to Passwords must have at least one digit ('0'-'9')..
Looks up a localized string similar to Passwords must have at least one lowercase ('a'-'z')..
Looks up a localized string similar to Passwords must have at least one non letter or digit character..
Looks up a localized string similar to Passwords must have at least one uppercase ('A'-'Z')..
Looks up a localized string similar to Passwords must be at least {0} characters..
Looks up a localized string similar to {0} cannot be null or empty..
Looks up a localized string similar to Role {0} does not exist..
Looks up a localized string similar to Store does not implement IQueryableRoleStore<TRole>..
Looks up a localized string similar to Store does not implement IQueryableUserStore<TUser>..
Looks up a localized string similar to Store does not implement IUserClaimStore<TUser>..
Looks up a localized string similar to Store does not implement IUserConfirmationStore<TUser>..
Looks up a localized string similar to Store does not implement IUserEmailStore<TUser>..
Looks up a localized string similar to Store does not implement IUserLockoutStore<TUser>..
Looks up a localized string similar to Store does not implement IUserLoginStore<TUser>..
Looks up a localized string similar to Store does not implement IUserPasswordStore<TUser>..
Looks up a localized string similar to Store does not implement IUserPhoneNumberStore<TUser>..
Looks up a localized string similar to Store does not implement IUserRoleStore<TUser>..
Looks up a localized string similar to Store does not implement IUserSecurityStampStore<TUser>..
Looks up a localized string similar to Store does not implement IUserTwoFactorStore<TUser>..
Looks up a localized string similar to User already has a password set..
Looks up a localized string similar to User already in role..
Looks up a localized string similar to UserId not found..
Looks up a localized string similar to User {0} does not exist..
Looks up a localized string similar to User is not in role..
Represents the result of an identity operation
Failure constructor that takes error messages
Failure constructor that takes error messages
Constructor that takes whether the result is successful
Failed helper method
True if the operation was successful
List of errors
Static success result
Mimimal set of data needed to persist role information
Mimimal set of data needed to persist role information
Id of the role
Name of the role
Represents a linked login for a user (i.e. a facebook/google account)
Provider for the linked login, i.e. Facebook, Google, etc.
User specific key for the login provider
Minimal interface for a user with id and username
Minimal interface for a user with id and username
Unique key for the user
Unique username
UserManager for users where the primary key for the User is of type string
Exposes user related api which will automatically save changes to the UserStore
The IUserStore is responsible for commiting changes via the UpdateAsync/CreateAsync methods
Dispose this object
Creates a ClaimsIdentity representing the user
Create a user with no password
Update a user
Delete a user
Find a user by id
Find a user by user name
Create a user with the given password
Return a user with the specified username and password or null if there is no match.
Returns true if the password is valid for the user
Returns true if the user has a password
Add a user password only if one does not already exist
Change a user password
Remove a user's password
By default, retrieves the hashed password from the user store and calls PasswordHasher.VerifyHashPassword
Returns the current security stamp for a user
Generate a new security stamp for a user, used for SignOutEverywhere functionality
Generate a password reset token for the user using the UserTokenProvider
Reset a user's password using a reset password token
Returns the user associated with this login
Remove a user login
Associate a login with a user
Gets the logins for a user.
Add a user claim
Remove a user claim
Get a users's claims
Add a user to a role
Method to add user to multiple roles
user id
list of role names
Remove user from multiple roles
user id
list of role names
Remove a user from a role.
Returns the roles for the user
Returns true if the user is in the specified role
Get a user's email
Set a user's email
Find a user by his email
Get the email confirmation token for the user
Confirm the user's email with confirmation token
Returns true if the user's email has been confirmed
Get a user's phoneNumber
Set a user's phoneNumber
Set a user's phoneNumber with the verification token
Returns true if the user's phone number has been confirmed
Generate a code that the user can use to change their phone number to a specific number
Verify the code is valid for a specific user and for a specific phone number
Verify a user token with the specified purpose
Get a user token for a specific purpose
Register a two factor authentication provider with the TwoFactorProviders mapping
Returns a list of valid two factor providers for a user
Verify a two factor token with the specified provider
Get a token for a specific two factor provider
Notify a user with a token using a specific two-factor authentication provider's Notify method
Get whether two factor authentication is enabled for a user
Set whether a user has two factor authentication enabled
Send an email to the user
Send a user a sms message
Returns true if the user is locked out
Sets whether lockout is enabled for this user
Returns whether lockout is enabled for the user
Returns when the user is no longer locked out, dates in the past are considered as not being locked out
Sets the when a user lockout ends
Increments the access failed count for the user and if the failed access account is greater than or equal
to the MaxFailedAccessAttempsBeforeLockout, the user will be locked out for the next DefaultAccountLockoutTimeSpan
and the AccessFailedCount will be reset to 0. This is used for locking out the user account.
Resets the access failed count for the user to 0
Returns the number of failed access attempts for the user
When disposing, actually dipose the store
Persistence abstraction that the UserManager operates against
Used to hash/verify passwords
Used to validate users before changes are saved
Used to validate passwords before persisting changes
Used to create claims identities from users
Used to send email
Used to send a sms message
Used for generating reset password and confirmation tokens
If true, will enable user lockout when users are created
Number of access attempts allowed before a user is locked out (if lockout is enabled)
Default amount of time that a user is locked out for after MaxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout is reached
Returns true if the store is an IUserTwoFactorStore
Returns true if the store is an IUserPasswordStore
Returns true if the store is an IUserSecurityStore
Returns true if the store is an IUserRoleStore
Returns true if the store is an IUserLoginStore
Returns true if the store is an IUserEmailStore
Returns true if the store is an IUserPhoneNumberStore
Returns true if the store is an IUserClaimStore
Returns true if the store is an IUserLockoutStore
Returns true if the store is an IQueryableUserStore
Returns an IQueryable of users if the store is an IQueryableUserStore
Maps the registered two-factor authentication providers for users by their id
Validates users before they are saved
Validates users before they are saved
Validates a user before saving
Only allow [A-Za-z0-9@_] in UserNames
If set, enforces that emails are non empty, valid, and unique