Merge branch 'master' of
This commit is contained in:
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
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beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', "Bearer " + cookies.get("JWT-Authorization")) },
success: function (res) {
if (!res || res.code != "0000" || ! {
@ -618,7 +618,6 @@
function callBackFromAllDeviceAlert(res) {
if (historyTable != null) {
let t = $('#alertTable').dataTable();
@ -658,6 +657,7 @@
{ "targets": [5], "width": "5%", "sortable": true },
{ "targets": [6], "width": "5%", "sortable": true },
{ "targets": [7], "width": "5%", "sortable": true },
{ "targets": [8], "width": "5%", "sortable": true },
let columns = [
@ -669,13 +669,6 @@
"title": "異常ID",
"data": "uuid",
"title": "發生時間",
"data": "timestamp",
"render": function (data) {
return new Date(data).toLocaleString('zh-tw', { year: "numeric", month: "2-digit", day: "2-digit", hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit" }), displayDate(data, "datetime");
"title": "異常類別",
"data": "alarmClass",
@ -684,8 +677,23 @@
"title": "設備編號",
"title": "設備名稱",
"data": "sourceName_zh",
render: (data) => {
return allDevices.find(d => d.device_number === data)?.full_name || ""
"title": "設備編號",
"data": "sourceTmp",
"title": "發生時間",
"data": "timestamp",
"render": function (data) {
return new Date(data).toLocaleString('zh-tw', { year: "numeric", month: "2-digit", day: "2-digit", hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit" }), displayDate(data, "datetime");
"title": "異常原因",
@ -732,7 +740,7 @@
function selDevice() {
let url = baseApiUrl + "/operation/DevList";
let lsst = [];
$('a[data-type=alr_sub]').map(function (i, v) { lsst.push($(v).prop('id')); });
$('input[data-type=sub]').map(function (i, v) { lsst.push($(v).prop('id')); });
sendData = {
device_area_tag: pageAct.AreaTag,
device_building_tag: pageAct.buiTag,
@ -779,7 +787,8 @@
function selOpeFir() {
let url = baseApiUrl + "/operation/OpeFirSel";
objSendData.Data = { sub_system_tag: $('a[data-type=alr_sub].btn-info').map(function (i, v) { return $(v).prop('id'); }).toArray() };
objSendData.Data = { sub_system_tag: $('input[data-type=sub]').map(function (i, v) { return $(v).prop('id'); }).toArray() };
ytAjax = new YourTeam.Ajax(url, objSendData, function (res) {
if (!res || res.code != "0000" || ! {
@ -809,7 +818,7 @@
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headers: { "Authorization": 'Bearer ' + cookies.get("JWT-Authorization") },
accept: function (file, done) {
let fileHelper = new YourTeam.Utility.File();
tmpGuidArr = [];
@ -208,11 +208,7 @@
var tarElePath = '';
var sysSubList = [];
var viewer3DNodeIds = [];
@ -227,29 +223,28 @@
var chartDataCnt = { alarmCnt: 0, recCnt: 0, chkedErrCnt: 0, unChkedErrCnt: 0 };
var sysIconList = [
{ mainSys: "EE", subSys: "E1", iconClass: "SVG/fuse-box_white.svg" },
{ mainSys: "EE", subSys: "E2", iconClass: "SVG/electricity_white.svg" },
{ mainSys: "EE", subSys: "E3", iconClass: "SVG/generator_white.svg" },
{ mainSys: "EE", subSys: "E4", iconClass: "SVG/electric-meter_white.svg" }, // 電表
{ mainSys: "LT", subSys: "L1", iconClass: "SVG/creative_white.svg" },
{ mainSys: "ME", subSys: "M5", iconClass: "SVG/air-flow_white.svg" }, // 送排風
{ mainSys: "ME", subSys: "M10", iconClass: "SVG/ice-crystal_white.svg" },
{ mainSys: "ME", subSys: "M12", iconClass: "SVG/leaf_white.svg" },
{ mainSys: "ELEV", subSys: "EL", iconClass: "SVG/lift-sign_white.svg" },
{ mainSys: "FE", subSys: "F1", iconClass: "SVG/fire-hydrant_white.svg" },
{ mainSys: "FE", subSys: "F2", iconClass: "SVG/lamp_white.svg" },// 排煙 0131目前沒有
{ mainSys: "WP", subSys: "W1", iconClass: "SVG/lamp_white.svg" },// 電子水表0131目前沒有
{ mainSys: "WP", subSys: "W2", iconClass: "SVG/gear_white.svg" },
{ mainSys: "WP", subSys: "P1", iconClass: "SVG/water-pollution_white.svg" },
{ mainSys: "S", subSys: "C", iconClass: "SVG/security-camera_white.svg" }, // CCTV
{ mainSys: "S", subSys: "P", iconClass: "SVG/sos_white.svg" }, // 緊急求救
{ mainSys: "S", subSys: "R", iconClass: "SVG/key-card_white.svg" }, // 門禁
{ mainSys: "P", subSys: "PSC", iconClass: "SVG/parking_white.svg" }, // 停管
{ mainSys: "LT", subSys: "L2", iconClass: "SVG/lamp_white.svg" },// 景觀照明 0131目前沒有
{ mainSys: "ME", subSys: "M1", iconClass: "SVG/lamp_white.svg" },// 儲冰 0131目前沒有
{ mainSys: "ME", subSys: "M8", iconClass: "SVG/lamp_white.svg" },// 排油煙0131目前沒有
{ mainSys: "W3", subSys: "W1", iconClass: "SVG/lamp_white.svg" },// 0131目前沒有
{ mainSys: "EE", subSys: "E1", iconClass: "./gif/E1_white.png" },
{ mainSys: "EE", subSys: "E2", iconClass: "./gif/E2_white.png" },
{ mainSys: "EE", subSys: "E3", iconClass: "./gif/E3_white.png" },
{ mainSys: "EE", subSys: "E4", iconClass: "./gif/E4-1_white.png" }, // 電表
{ mainSys: "LT", subSys: "L1", iconClass: "./gif/L1_white.png" },
{ mainSys: "LT", subSys: "L2", iconClass: "./gif/L2_white.png" },// 景觀照明 0131目前沒有
{ mainSys: "ME", subSys: "M1", iconClass: "./gif/M1_white.png" },// 儲冰 0131目前沒有
{ mainSys: "ME", subSys: "M5", iconClass: "./gif/M5-2_white.png" }, // 送排風
{ mainSys: "ME", subSys: "M8", iconClass: "./gif/M8_white.png" },// 排油煙0131目前沒有
{ mainSys: "ME", subSys: "M10", iconClass: "./gif/M10_white.png" },
{ mainSys: "ME", subSys: "M12", iconClass: "./gif/M12_white.png" },
{ mainSys: "ELEV", subSys: "EL", iconClass: "./gif/EL_white.png" },
{ mainSys: "FE", subSys: "F1", iconClass: "./gif/F1_white.png" },
{ mainSys: "FE", subSys: "F2", iconClass: "./gif/lamp_white.png" }, // 排煙 0131目前沒有
{ mainSys: "WP", subSys: "W1", iconClass: "./gif/W1_white.png" },// 電子水表0131目前沒有
{ mainSys: "WP", subSys: "W2", iconClass: "./gif/W2_white.png" },
{ mainSys: "WP", subSys: "P1", iconClass: "./gif/P1_white.png" },
{ mainSys: "S", subSys: "C", iconClass: "./gif/C_white.png" }, // CCTV
{ mainSys: "S", subSys: "P", iconClass: "./gif/P_white.png" }, // 緊急求救
{ mainSys: "S", subSys: "R", iconClass: "./gif/R_white.png" }, // 門禁
{ mainSys: "P", subSys: "PSC", iconClass: "./gif/PSC_white.png" }, // 停管
{ mainSys: "W3", subSys: "W1", iconClass: "./gif/W3_white.png" },// 0131目前沒有
var tempSysSubText = [
@ -265,25 +260,25 @@
{ text: "緊急發電機", mainSys: "EE", subSys: "E3", },//10
{ text: "消防設備", mainSys: "FE", subSys: "F1", }, //11
{ text: "CCTV系統", mainSys: "S", subSys: "C", }, //12
{ text: "緊急求救系統", mainSys: "S", subSys: "P", }, //13
{ text: "門禁系統", mainSys: "S", subSys: "R", }, //14
{ text: "停管系統", mainSys: "P", subSys: "PSC", }, //15
{ text: "送排風系統", mainSys: "ME", subSys: "M5", }, // 2 //16
{ text: "門禁系統", mainSys: "S", subSys: "R", }, //13
{ text: "停管系統", mainSys: "P", subSys: "PSC", }, //14
{ text: "緊急求救系統", mainSys: "S", subSys: "P", }, //15
{ text: "送排風系統", mainSys: "ME", subSys: "M5", }, //16
//{ text: "景觀照明系統", mainSys: "LT", subSys: "L2", },
//{ text: "儲冰系統", mainSys: "ME", subSys: "M1", },
//{ text: "排油煙設備", mainSys: "ME", subSys: "M8", },
// { text: "排油煙設備", mainSys: "ME", subSys: "M8", },
//{ text: "排煙系統", mainSys: "FE", subSys: "F2", },
//{ text: "電子水錶", mainSys: "WP", subSys: "W1", },
//{ text: "熱水系統", mainSys: "W3", subSys: "W1", },
// { text: "熱水系統", mainSys: "W3", subSys: "W1", },
$(document).ready(function () {
function demoSubList() {
@ -294,7 +289,9 @@
if (isExiNames.indexOf(obj.text) == -1 && $("#sysSubBtnList .dev-group").length < 16) {
let iconObj = sysIconList.filter(x => x.mainSys == obj.mainSys && x.subSys == obj.subSys)[0];
strHtml = `<div class="btn-group btn-group-lg col-lg-3 mb-4 dev-group">
<button name="topFunBtn" data-page="alert" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary col-4"><img src="${iconObj.iconClass}" class="w-100"></img></button>
<button name="topFunBtn" data-page="alert" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary col-4 d-flex jusity-content-center">
<img src="${iconObj.iconClass}" class="w-100"></img>
<button id="sysSubCardBtn${obj.subSys}" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-id="${obj.subSys}">${obj.text}</button>
@ -323,7 +320,9 @@
let iconClass = sysIconList.filter(x => x.mainSys == mainSysObj.main_system_tag && x.subSys == subSysObj.sub_system_tag)[0]?.iconClass;
strHtml += `<div class="btn-group btn-group-lg col-lg-3 mb-4 dev-group" data-id="/${pageAct.AreaTag}/${pageAct.buiTag}/${mainSysObj.main_system_tag}/${subSysObj.sub_system_tag}">
<button name="topFunBtn" data-page="alert" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary col-4"><img src="${iconClass}" class="w-100"></img></button>
<button name="topFunBtn" data-page="alert" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary col-4">
<img src="${iconClass}" class="w-100 "></img>
<button id="sysSubCardBtn${subSysObj.sub_system_tag}" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-id="${subSysObj.sub_system_tag}">${subSysObj.full_name}</button>
@ -536,7 +535,9 @@
// 圖表 - 這週與上週用電量 (長條圖)
function chartEveWeeksElec(curWeekData, prevWeekData) {
// console.log( => x.sum), => x.sum))
let eveWeekElecChartCanvas = $('#eveWeekElecChart').get(0).getContext('2d');
let eveWeekElecChartData = {
labels: => dayToChiDay(strToDate(x.timestamp.$cEncStr, "day"))),
datasets: [
@ -566,7 +567,7 @@
// console.log(eveWeekElecChartData)
let eveWeekElecChartOptions = {
maintainAspectRatio: false,
responsive: true,
@ -592,17 +593,20 @@
return isTodayOrYes + "用電量 : " + tooltipItem.value + " kWH";
title: function (tooltipItem) {
let result = tooltipItem[0]?.xLabel.toString();
return result;
// console.log(eveWeekElecChartOptions)
if (eveWeekElecChart == null) {
eveWeekElecChart = new Chart(eveWeekElecChartCanvas, {
data: eveWeekElecChartData,
options: eveWeekElecChartOptions
// console.log(eveWeekElecChart,eveWeekElecChartData, eveWeekElecChartOptions)
} else {
|||| => {
if (dataset.order == 1) {
@ -792,21 +796,28 @@
// 從 baja 訂閱 左下角各系統小類異常狀態
function getAlarmSub(data) {
$.each(, (idx, alaObj) => {
if (alaObj.alarmClass.indexOf("_") != -1) {
let mainSubSys = alaObj.alarmClass.split("_").slice(0, 2).join("/");
$(`[data-id*='${mainSubSys}'] i`).addClass("blink");
const img = $(`[data-id*='${mainSubSys}'] img`)[0].src.split('.')
const { length } = img
img[length - 1] = 'gif'
$(`[data-id*='${mainSubSys}'] img`)[0].src = img.join('.')
// $(`[data-id*='${mainSubSys}'] img`).addClass("blink");
$(`.dev-group i.fa-lightbulb-on.blink`).each((idx, ele) => {
$(`.dev-group img.blink`).each((idx, ele) => {
let devPath = $(ele).parents(".dev-group").data("id");
let sysPath = devPath.split("/").slice(3, 5).join("/");
let alaDevPath = => x.alarmClass?.split("_").slice(0, 2).join("/"));
if (alaDevPath.indexOf(sysPath) == -1) {
const img = $(`[data-id*='${mainSubSys}'] img`)[0].src.split('.')
const { length } = img
img[length - 1] = 'png'
$(`[data-id*='${mainSubSys}'] img`)[0].src = img.join('.')
// $(ele).removeClass("blink");
@ -57,22 +57,22 @@
<button id="ediAutDemBtn" class="btn btn-success"><i class="fal fa-pencil"></i> 編輯</button>
<div class="row align-items-center">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-5">
<p class="card-text color-white pl-5 pr-3 d-flex justify-content-between">
<div class="row align-items-center justify-content-between d-flex flex-column">
<div class="col d-flex">
<p class="card-text color-white d-flex justify-content-between mr-3">
<span><span data-id="contract_capacity"></span> kW</span>
<p class="card-text color-white pl-5 pr-3 d-flex justify-content-between">
<p class="card-text color-white d-flex justify-content-between mr-3">
<span><span data-id="warning_capacity"></span> kW</span>
<p class="card-text color-white pl-5 pr-3 d-flex justify-content-between">
<p class="card-text color-white d-flex justify-content-between mr-3">
<span><span data-id="resetting_value"></span> kW</span>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-7" style=" min-height:250px;">
<div class="col" style=" min-height:250px;">
<canvas class="chart" id="autDemChart"></canvas>
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
if ( > 0) {
// 當 label 還未補齊,則直接替換 array 裡的值,已補齊之後就從後面補值
if ( => x != "").length > 10) {
if ( => x != "").length > 35) {
||||, "Hms"));
} else {
let cnt = => x != "").length;
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@
if ( => x != "").length > 10) {
if ( => x != "").length > 35) {
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
||||, "Hms"));
// 補齊空缺 最多10個
for (let i =; i < 10; i++) {
for (let i =; i < 35; i++) {
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<div class="col-auto">
<div class="form-group">
<input class="form-control" id="his_startdate" data-val="" type="date" name="date" value="">
<input class="form-control" id="getmonth" type="month" style="display: none"/>
<input class="form-control" id="getmonth" type="month" style="display: none" />
<div class="col-auto" id="his_enddate" style="display: none">
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
$.each(, function (index, val) {
if (pageAct.mainStatus) {
strHtml += `<li>
<a href="#" data-filter-tags="${val.full_name.toLowerCase() }" data-maintag="${val.main_system_tag}">
<a href="#" data-filter-tags="${val.full_name.toLowerCase()}" data-maintag="${val.main_system_tag}">
<span class="nav-link-text">${val.full_name}</span>
<ul style="${index == 0 ? `display:block;` : ``}">`;
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
i2 = (val2.device != null && i2 == null) ? index2 : null;
strHtml += `<li>
<a href="#" data-filter-tags="${val2.full_name.toLowerCase() }" data-subtag="${val2.sub_system_tag}">
<a href="#" data-filter-tags="${val2.full_name.toLowerCase()}" data-subtag="${val2.sub_system_tag}">
<span class="nav-link-text">
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
$.each(val2.device, function (index3, val3) {
strHtml += `<li data-tabname="hisListItem">
<a href="#" onClick="setValue('${val3.device_number}', '${val3.full_name}', null)" data-filter-tags="${val3.full_name.toLowerCase() } ${val3.device_serial_tag.toLowerCase()}" data-devnum="${val3.device_number}">
<a href="#" onClick="setValue('${val3.device_number}', '${val3.full_name}', null)" data-filter-tags="${val3.full_name.toLowerCase()} ${val3.device_serial_tag.toLowerCase()}" data-devnum="${val3.device_number}">
<span class="nav-link-text">
@ -247,13 +247,13 @@
$.each(, function (index, val) {
if (index == 0) {
strHtml += `<button onClick="setValue(null, null, '${val.points}', this)" type="button" class="btn btn-info waves-effect waves-themed">${val.full_name} ${val.points}</button>`;
strHtml += `<button onClick="setValue(null, null, '${val.points}', this)" type="button" class="btn btn-info waves-effect waves-themed">${val.full_name || val.points}</button>`;
pageAct.deviceItem = val.points;
pageAct.devicePoiName = val.full_name + ' ' + val.points;
pageAct.deviceComName = val.parent_path;
} else {
strHtml += `<button onClick="setValue(null, null, '${val.points}', this)" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary waves-effect waves-themed">${val.full_name} ${val.points}</button>`;
strHtml += `<button onClick="setValue(null, null, '${val.points}', this)" type="button" class="btn btn-secondary waves-effect waves-themed">${val.full_name || val.points}</button>`;
@ -267,6 +267,8 @@
var edt = new Date(new Date().setDate(sdt.getDate() + 1));
start = start ?? sdt.toLocaleDateString();
end = end ?? edt.toLocaleDateString();
getHistoryDataByBaja(pageAct.deviceNumber + "_" + pageAct.deviceItem,
new Date(start).getTime(),
new Date(end).getTime(),
@ -275,8 +277,10 @@
function callBackFromHistory(res) {
function callBackFromHistory(res = '{"count":0,"data":[]}') {
// console.log("@H1",res)
res = JSON.parse(res);
// console.log("@history",
if (historyTable != null) {
let t = $('#historyTable').dataTable();
@ -379,7 +383,7 @@
date = displayDate(date, type);
let month = date.split('/')[1];
let year = date.split('/')[0];
let day= date.split('/')[2];
let day = date.split('/')[2];
return month + "/" + day + "/" + year;
@ -387,7 +391,8 @@
function loadTable(data) {
if (data) {
$.each(data, function (i, v) {
v.type = pageAct.devicePoiName;
// console.log("loadTable",pageAct.devicePoiName.split(" ")[0])
v.type = pageAct.devicePoiName.split(" ")[0];
@ -412,6 +417,9 @@
"title": "數值",
"data": "value",
"render": function (data) {
if (isNaN(data)) {
return data
return data.roundDecimal(2);
@ -419,6 +427,7 @@
"title": "紀錄時間",
"data": "timestamp",
"render": function (data) {
// console.log(data)
return displayDate(data, "datetime");
@ -376,13 +376,17 @@
function show3DModel(urn) {
launchViewerForHotspot(urn, (viewer, nodeIds) => {
let devDbIds = => x.forge_dbid);
let devDbIds = => x.forge_dbid); // 大類
let subDevDbId = [];
allDevList.forEach(({ device_nodes }) => {
subDevDbId = [...subDevDbId, => n.forge_dbid)]
// 從資料庫設定不可視模型的類型,若沒有取道該小類不可視類型,則套用資料庫設定預設類型
if (forgeInvType) {
setInviForge(forgeInvType, devDbIds);
setInviForge(forgeInvType, [...devDbIds, ...subDevDbId]);
} else {
setInviForge(forgeInvTypeDef, devDbIds);
setInviForge(forgeInvTypeDef, [...devDbIds, ...subDevDbId]);
@ -435,8 +439,10 @@
if (pageAct.sub_system_tag == "W2") {
}, () => {
}, "[name=forgeViewer]");
@ -444,20 +450,24 @@
// 供水系統 - 取得欲染色 dbid
function getWaterNodeId() {
let url = baseApiUrl + "/api/Device/GetForgeNodeIdFromVar";
let sendData = { forgeNodeKey: "water_wupply" };
objSendData.Data = sendData;
ytAjax = new YourTeam.Ajax(url, objSendData, function (res) {
if (!res || res.code != "0000" || ! {
//let url = baseApiUrl + "/api/Device/GetForgeNodeIdFromVar";
//let sendData = { forgeNodeKey: "water_wupply" };
//objSendData.Data = sendData;
//ytAjax = new YourTeam.Ajax(url, objSendData, function (res) {
// if (!res || res.code != "0000" || ! {
} else {
if (!isNaN(parseInt([0]?.system_value))) {
}, null, "POST").send();
// } else {
// if (!isNaN(parseInt([0]?.system_value))) {
// changeColor(parseInt([0]?.system_value))
// }
// console.log(
// }
//}, null, "POST").send();
||||"給水", (nodeIds) => {
}, (e) => { console.log(e) })
function getHotspotPoint(callback = null) {
@ -1410,9 +1410,9 @@ License: You must have a valid license purchased only from (li
"title": "發生/完成時間",
"data": "normalTime",
"render": function (data, type, row) {
return row.timestamp + "<br>" + data;
//"render": function (data, type, row) {
// return row.timestamp + "<br>" + data;
@ -93,20 +93,28 @@ function getAlarmByBaja(startDate_millisecond, endDate_millisecond, isRecover, i
var _index = 0;
var _recoverState = isRecover ? "!= null" : "= null";
var _ackState = isAck ? "= 'acked'" : "= 'unacked'";
/*console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmClass = '" + alarmClass + "' and timestamp.millis > " + startDate_millisecond + " and timestamp.millis < " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp asc")*/
console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmClass = '" + alarmClass + "' and timestamp.millis > " + startDate_millisecond + " and timestamp.millis < " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp asc")
require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackTime, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmClass = '" + alarmClass + "' and timestamp.millis > " + startDate_millisecond + " and timestamp.millis < " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp asc").get()
.then(function (table) {
return table.cursor({
each: function (record) {
_sourceTmp = (record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName')).toString().split('_');
const alarmDisplayName = record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName').split(":")[1] ?? record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName').split(":")[0]
_sourceTmp = alarmDisplayName.split('_');
_bfName = _sourceTmp[1] + "-" + _sourceTmp[4];
_sourceName = _sourceTmp[7] + "-" + _sourceTmp[8];
_ss.push({ buildingFloorName_zh: _bfName, uuid: record.get('uuid'), timestamp: record.get('timestamp').$cEncStr, alarmClass: record.get('alarmClass'), sourceName_zh: _sourceName, msgText: record.get('alarmData').get('msgText'), ackState: record.get('ackState'), normalTime: record.get('normalTime'), ackedTime: record.get('ackTime').$cEncStr })
_sourceName = _sourceTmp.slice(0, 8).join("_");
_sourceTmp = _sourceTmp[7] + "-" + _sourceTmp[8];
if (!_sourceTmp.includes("undefined")) {
_ss.push({ buildingFloorName_zh: _bfName, uuid: record.get('uuid'), timestamp: record.get('timestamp').$cEncStr, alarmClass: record.get('alarmClass'), sourceName_zh: _sourceName, sourceTmp: _sourceTmp, msgText: record.get('alarmData').get('msgText'), ackState: record.get('ackState'), normalTime: record.get('normalTime'), ackedTime: record.get('ackTime').$cEncStr })
after: function () {
_result = { count: _index, data: _ss }
//console.log(552, _result);
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
@ -153,8 +161,8 @@ function getAlarmByBaja(startDate_millisecond, endDate_millisecond, isRecover, i
// });
// }
function getOneDeviceAlarmTop10ByBaja(devicePath, callback) {
var _result = "";
var _ss = "";
var _result = {};
var _ss = [];
var _occurrenceTime = "";
var _normalTime = "";
var _index = 0;
@ -166,28 +174,23 @@ function getOneDeviceAlarmTop10ByBaja(devicePath, callback) {
each: function (record) {
_occurrenceTime = "";
_normalTime = "";
// console.log(record.get('timestamp'),record.get('normalTime') )
var _resultUuid = record.get('uuid').toString().split("-");//43dc7846-bd96-4be2-ab35-f11aec729c60
var _timestampTemp = new Date(record.get('timestamp').toString());
_occurrenceTime += _timestampTemp.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + addzero(_timestampTemp.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "-" + addzero(_timestampTemp.getDate()).toString() + " " + addzero(_timestampTemp.getHours()).toString() + ":" + addzero(_timestampTemp.getMinutes()).toString() + ":" + addzero(_timestampTemp.getSeconds()).toString();
var _occurrenceTime = new Date(record.get('timestamp').$cEncStr).toLocaleString('zh-tw', { year: "numeric", month: "2-digit", day: "2-digit", hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit" });
// _occurrenceTime += _timestampTemp.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + addzero(_timestampTemp.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "-" + addzero(_timestampTemp.getDate()).toString() + " " + addzero(_timestampTemp.getHours()).toString() + ":" + addzero(_timestampTemp.getMinutes()).toString() + ":" + addzero(_timestampTemp.getSeconds()).toString();
//var _occurrenceTime = _timestamp.format("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");//.toLocaleString();
var _normaltime = new Date(record.get('normalTime').toString());
_normalTime += _normaltime.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + addzero(_normaltime.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "-" + addzero(_normaltime.getDate()).toString() + " " + addzero(_normaltime.getHours()).toString() + ":" + addzero(_normaltime.getMinutes()).toString() + ":" + addzero(_normaltime.getSeconds()).toString();
var _normalTime = new Date(record.get('normalTime').$cEncStr).toLocaleString('zh-tw', { year: "numeric", month: "2-digit", day: "2-digit", hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit" });
// _normalTime += _normaltime.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + addzero(_normaltime.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "-" + addzero(_normaltime.getDate()).toString() + " " + addzero(_normaltime.getHours()).toString() + ":" + addzero(_normaltime.getMinutes()).toString() + ":" + addzero(_normaltime.getSeconds()).toString();
var _msgText = record.get('alarmData').get('msgText');// == 1 ? _occurrenceTime : "未確認";
var _ackText = record.get('ackState') == 1 ? _occurrenceTime : "未確認";
if (_index == 0)
_ss += '{"uuid":"' + _resultUuid[0] + '", "msgText":"' + _msgText + '", "ackState":"' + _ackText + '", "timestamp":"' + _occurrenceTime + '", "normalTime":"' + _normalTime + '"}';
_ss += ',{"uuid":"' + _resultUuid[0] + '", "msgText":"' + _msgText + '", "ackState":"' + _ackText + '", "timestamp":"' + _occurrenceTime + '", "normalTime":"' + _normalTime + '"}';
_ss.push({ uuid: _resultUuid[0], msgText: _msgText, ackState: _ackText, timestamp: _occurrenceTime, normalTime: _normalTime })
after: function () {
_result += '{' + '"count": ' + _index + ', "data":[';
_result += _ss + ']';
_result += '}';
_result = JSON.stringify({ count: _index, data: _ss })
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
@ -233,7 +236,7 @@ function getOneSystemAlarmStateByBaja(systemPath, callback) {
var _result = "";
var _ss = "";
var _index = 0;
console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, sourceState, uuid where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + systemPath + "%' order by timestamp desc")
/* console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, sourceState, uuid where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + systemPath + "%' order by timestamp desc")*/
require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, sourceState, uuid where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + systemPath + "%' order by timestamp desc").get()
.then(function (table) {
@ -528,7 +531,7 @@ function getOneDeviceAlarmByBaja(devicePath, callback) {
var _index = 0;
require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + devicePath + "%' order by timestamp desc");
/* console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + devicePath + "%' order by timestamp desc");*/
baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + devicePath + "%' order by timestamp desc").get()
.then(function (table) {
return table.cursor({
@ -542,7 +545,7 @@ function getOneDeviceAlarmByBaja(devicePath, callback) {
after: function () {
_result = { count: _index, data: _ss }
console.log(552, _result);
//console.log(552, _result);
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
@ -561,12 +564,12 @@ function getAllDeviceAlarmByBaja(startDate_millisecond, endDate_millisecond, isR
var _recoverState = isRecover ? "!= null" : "= null";
var _ackState = isAck ? "= 'acked'" : "= 'unacked'";
require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
let startUrl = "";
if (startDate_millisecond) {
startUrl = "timestamp.millis >= " + startDate_millisecond + " and ";
// console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackTime, priority ,ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where " + startUrl + "timestamp.millis <= " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp desc");
require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackTime, priority ,ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where " + startUrl + "timestamp.millis <= " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp desc").get()
.then(function (table) {
@ -574,30 +577,35 @@ function getAllDeviceAlarmByBaja(startDate_millisecond, endDate_millisecond, isR
each: function (record) {
// console.log(record,record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName').split(':'))
let main = {};
console.log(record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName'), record.get('timestamp').$cEncStr)
_sourcePoint = (record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName')).toString().split(':')[0];
_sourceTmp = _sourcePoint.split("_");
// console.log(record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName'),record.get('timestamp').$cEncStr)
const alarmDisplayName = record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName').split(":")[1] ?? record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName').split(":")[0]
_sourceTmp = alarmDisplayName.split('_');
let _bfName = _sourceTmp[1] + "-" + _sourceTmp[4]
let _sourceName = _sourceTmp.slice(0, 8).join("_");
_sourceTmp = _sourceTmp[7] + "-" + _sourceTmp[8];
let _bfName = _sourceTmp[1] + "-" + _sourceTmp[4];
let _sourceName = _sourceTmp[7] + "-" + _sourceTmp[8];
main.buildingFloorName_zh = _bfName;
main.sourceName_zh = _sourceName;
main.uuid = record.get('uuid').$val;
main.timestamp = record.get('timestamp').$cEncStr;
main.alarmClass = record.get('alarmClass');
main.point = _sourcePoint;
main.devicePath = _sourceTmp.slice(0, 8).join("_");;
main.point = _sourceTmp;
main.sourceTmp = _sourceTmp;
main.devicePath = _sourceName;
main.msgText = record.get('alarmData').get('msgText');
main.normalTime = record.get('normalTime');
main.priority = record.get('priority');
main.ackedTime = record.get('ackTime').$cEncStr;
if (!_sourceTmp.includes("undefined")) {
after: function () {
_result.count = _index;
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
@ -620,16 +628,16 @@ function getDeviceAlarmCardByBaja(startDate_millisecond, endDate_millisecond, is
if (startDate_millisecond) {
startUrl = "timestamp.millis >= " + startDate_millisecond + " and ";
console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackTime, priority ,ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where " + startUrl + "timestamp.millis <= " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp desc");
/* console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackTime, priority ,ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where " + startUrl + "timestamp.millis <= " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp desc");*/
baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackTime, priority ,ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where " + startUrl + "timestamp.millis <= " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp desc").get()
.then(function (table) {
return table.cursor({
each: function (record) {
let main = {};
_sourcePoint = (record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName')).toString().split(':')[1];
_sourceTmp = _sourcePoint.split("_");
let _bfName = _sourceTmp[1] + "-" + _sourceTmp[4];
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
// }
function getHistoryDataByBaja(devicePath, startDate_millisecond, endDate_millisecond, deviceName, company, callback) {
var _result = "";
var _ss = "";
var _result = {};
var _ss = [];
var _index = 0;
require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
@ -45,23 +45,37 @@ function getHistoryDataByBaja(devicePath, startDate_millisecond, endDate_millise
.then(function (table) {
return table.cursor({
each: function (record) {
if (_index == 0)
_ss += '{"deviceName":"' + deviceName + '", "value":' + record.get('value') + ', "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '"}';
_ss += ',{"deviceName":"' + deviceName + '", "value":' + record.get('value') + ', "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '"}';
// if (_index == 0)
// _ss += '{"deviceName":"' + deviceName + '", "value":' + record.get('value') + ', "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp').$cEncStr
// + '"}';
// else
// _ss += ',{"deviceName":"' + deviceName + '", "value":' + record.get('value') + ', "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp').$cEncStr
// + '"}';
deviceName: deviceName, value: record.get('value'), timestamp: record.get('timestamp').$cEncStr
after: function () {
_result += '{' + '"count": ' + _index + ', "data":[';
_result += _ss;
_result += ']}';
_result = { count: _index, data: _ss }
// _result += '{' + '"count": ' + _index + ', "data":[';
// _result += _ss;
// _result += ']}';
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
// console.log(_result)
_result = JSON.stringify(_result)
limit: -1,
offset: 0
.catch(() => {
// const res = JSON.stringify({count:0, data:[]})
@ -198,13 +198,15 @@ namespace FrontendWebApi.ApiControllers
var dbsub = await frontendRepository.GetAllAsync<HistoryDBMainSub>(
@$"select distinct v1.system_key main_name, v1.system_value main_system_tag, v2.system_key sub_name, v2.system_value sub_system_tag, v1.system_priority, v2.system_priority,
d.device_number, d.full_name as device_full_name, d.device_serial_tag
d.device_number, d.full_name as device_full_name, d.device_serial_tag ,di.is_show_history device_item_is_show_hsitory
from role_auth a
join auth_page b on a.AuthCode = b.AuthCode
join userinfo c on c.role_guid = a.role_guid
join variable v2 on b.ShowView = and v2.system_type = @sub_system_type
join variable v1 on = v2.system_parent_id and v1.system_type = @main_system_type
join device d on v1.system_value = d.device_system_tag and v2.system_value = d.device_name_tag and d.deleted = 0 and d.visible = 1
join device_item di on d.device_system_tag=di.device_system_tag and d.device_name_tag=di.device_name_tag
and di.is_link = 1
where c.account = @account
order by v1.system_priority, v2.system_priority", new { @account = myUser.account, @sub_system_type = sub_system_type, @main_system_type = main_system_type });
var dbbuilding = await frontendRepository.GetAllAsync<History_Build>(
@ -231,7 +233,7 @@ namespace FrontendWebApi.ApiControllers
History_Sub_system history_Sub_System = new History_Sub_system();
history_Sub_System.full_name = sub.Select(x => x.sub_name).FirstOrDefault();
history_Sub_System.sub_system_tag = sub.Select(x => x.sub_system_tag).FirstOrDefault();
history_Sub_System.is_show_history = sub.Select(x => x.device_item_is_show_hsitory).FirstOrDefault();
var devices = dbsub.Where(x => x.main_system_tag == main.Select(m => m.main_system_tag).FirstOrDefault() && x.sub_system_tag == sub.Select(x => x.sub_system_tag).FirstOrDefault() && x.device_number != null).ToList();
history_Sub_System.device = devices.Count > 0 ? new List<Device>() : null;
@ -244,8 +246,12 @@ namespace FrontendWebApi.ApiControllers
if (history_Sub_System.is_show_history==1)
apiResult.Data.history_Builds = dbbuilding;
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ namespace FrontendWebApi.Models
public string device_item_points { get; set; }
public string device_item_unit { get; set; }
public byte device_item_is_show { get; set; }
public byte device_item_is_show_hsitory { get; set; }
public byte device_item_is_show_riserDiagram { get; set; }
public byte device_item_is_controll { get; set; }
public byte device_item_is_bool { get; set; }
@ -126,6 +127,7 @@ namespace FrontendWebApi.Models
public class History_Sub_system
public byte is_show_history { get; set; }
public string sub_system_tag { get; set; }
public string full_name { get; set; }
public string device_normal_color { get; set; }
@ -655,7 +655,8 @@ namespace Repository.BackendRepository.Implement
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("update device_item set is_show_history=0;");
sb.Append("update device_item set is_show_history= 1" +
sb.Append("update device_item set is_show_history = 1 " +
"WHERE(device_system_tag, device_name_tag, points) IN " +
"(select distinct device_system_tag, device_name_tag, device_point_name From import_niagara_item);");
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sb.ToString());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user