This commit is contained in:
dev02 2022-12-10 16:23:11 +08:00
commit a039591924
12 changed files with 1319 additions and 361 deletions

View File

@ -247,7 +247,12 @@
var elev3DBind = {};
var elev3DOption = {};
var elev3DObj = [];
var timeOutor = null; //刷新 baja 資料 定時器
var timeOuters = [];
var eveDayElecChart = null;
var eveWeekElecChart = null;
var errRecChart = null;
var errChkChart = null;
var sysIconList = [
{ mainSys: "EE", subSys: "E1", iconClass: "fal fa-grip-vertical" },
{ mainSys: "EE", subSys: "E2", iconClass: "fal fa-grip-horizontal" },
@ -268,39 +273,6 @@
// 從數字週數轉為中文週數
function dayToChiDay(num) {
let chiDay = ["週日", "週一", "週二", "週三", "週四", "週五", "週六"];
return chiDay[num];
// 取得現在或前後時間,輸出單位依據 type
function getTimeByType(type = null, cal = 0) {
let now = new Date();
return strToDate(now, type, cal);
// 取得某當下時間或前後時間,輸出單位依據 type
function strToDate(text, type = null,cal = 0) {
let calDay = function (_d, _cal) {
return new Date(_d.getTime() + (cal * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
let tarDate = new Date(text);
let result = 0;
if (type == "year") {
result = calDay(tarDate, cal).getFullYear();
} else if (type == "month") {
result = calDay(tarDate, cal).getMonth();
} else if (type == "date") {
result = calDay(tarDate, cal).getDate();
} else if (type == "day") {
result = calDay(tarDate, cal).getDay();
} else {
result = calDay(tarDate, cal);
return result;
//取得 左下方 各系統小類
function getSubList() {
let url = baseApiUrl + "/api/Device/GetMainSub";
@ -444,7 +416,7 @@
// 圖表 - 今天與昨天用電量 (折線圖)
// 圖表 - 今天與昨天用電量 (長條圖)
function chartEveDaysElec(todayData, yesData) {
let eveDayElecChartCanvas = $('#eveDayElecChart').get(0).getContext('2d');
@ -519,14 +491,25 @@
// This will get the first returned node in the jQuery collection.
if (eveDayElecChart == null) {
eveDayElecChart = new Chart(eveDayElecChartCanvas, {
data: eveDayElecChartData,
options: eveDayElecChartOptions
} else { => {
if (dataset.order == 1) { = todayData? => x.sum);
} else { = yesData? => x.sum);
// 圖表 - 這週與上週用電量 (折線圖)
// 圖表 - 這週與上週用電量 (長條圖)
function chartEveWeeksElec(curWeekData, prevWeekData) {
let eveWeekElecChartCanvas = $('#eveWeekElecChart').get(0).getContext('2d');
@ -598,11 +581,20 @@
// This will get the first returned node in the jQuery collection.
if (eveWeekElecChart == null) {
eveWeekElecChart = new Chart(eveWeekElecChartCanvas, {
data: eveWeekElecChartData,
options: eveWeekElecChartOptions
} else { => {
if (dataset.order == 1) { = => x.sum);
} else { = => x.sum);
// 圖表 - 異常與賦歸圖表 (圓餅圖)
@ -638,11 +630,17 @@
// This will get the first returned node in the jQuery collection.
let errRecChart = new Chart(errRecChartCanvas, {
if (errRecChart == null) {
errRecChart = new Chart(errRecChartCanvas, {
type: "pie",
data: errRecChartData,
options: errRecChartOptions
} else { => { = datas;
// 圖表 - 異常確認與未確認圖表 (圓餅圖)
@ -677,12 +675,18 @@
// This will get the first returned node in the jQuery collection.
let errChkChart = new Chart(errChkChartCanvas, {
if (errChkChart == null) {
errChkChart = new Chart(errChkChartCanvas, {
type: "pie",
data: errChkChartData,
options: errChkChartOptions
} else { => { = datas;
// 從 baja 訂閱 左下角各系統小類異常狀態
@ -694,7 +698,7 @@
/*$(`.dev-group i.fa-lightbulb-on`)*/
getSystemAlarmByBaja((data) => {
$.each(, (idx, alaObj) => {
if (alaObj.alarmClass.indexOf("_") != -1) {
let mainSubSys = alaObj.alarmClass.split("_").slice(0, 2).join("/");
@ -740,13 +744,17 @@
function timeOutGetData() {
timeOutor = setInterval(() => {
let timeOut3s = setInterval(() => {
}, 3000)
let timeOut5m = setInterval(() => {
}, 5 * 60 * 1000)
timeOuters = timeOuters.concat([timeOut3s, timeOut5m]);
function show3DModel() {
launchViewer(pageAct.urn, (viewer, nodeIds) => {
launchViewerNoTools(pageAct.urn, (viewer, nodeIds) => {
nodeIds = Array.from(nodeIds);
$.each(nodeIds, (idx, item) => {
elev3DBind[item[0]] = item[1];
@ -807,7 +815,11 @@
data.device_number = data.device_number_full;
let matchDevice = allEleDevList.filter(x => x.device_number == data.device_number)[0];
let master = matchDevice.device_number.split("_")[5];
let master = matchDevice?.device_number.split("_")[5];
if (!matchDevice) {
if (data.point_name == "CP") {
if (elev3DObj.length != 0) {

View File

@ -2,84 +2,44 @@
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-xl-7">
<div class="btn-group mb-3">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary waves-effect waves-themed">用電管理</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary waves-effect waves-themed">天然氣管理</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary waves-effect waves-themed">水資源管理</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary waves-effect waves-themed">再生能源</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary waves-effect waves-themed active" data-id="0" data-tabname="energyTab">用電管理</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary waves-effect waves-themed" data-id="1" data-tabname="energyTab">天然氣管理</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary waves-effect waves-themed" data-id="2" data-tabname="energyTab">水資源管理</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary waves-effect waves-themed" data-id="3" data-tabname="energyTab">再生能源</button>
<div class="row" >
<div id="eneSubSysList" class="row col-12"></div>
<div id="eneSubSysList" class="row col-12 m-0 p-0"></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-xl-12">
<div id="panel-2" class="panel panel-locked" data-panel-sortable data-panel-collapsed data-panel-close>
<div class="panel-hdr">
空調系統 - 用電狀況
<span id="actSubSysText"></span> - 用電狀況
<div class="panel-container show">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-6">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-6 d-flex flex-column">
<h4 class="p-3">今日耗電量 kWh</h4>
<div class="panel-content poisition-relative" style="min-height: 346.84px;">
<div class="p-1 position-absolute pos-right pos-top mt-3 mr-3 z-index-cloud d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">
<div class="border-faded border-top-0 border-left-0 border-bottom-0 py-2 pr-4 mr-3 hidden-sm-down">
<div class="text-right fw-500 l-h-n d-flex flex-column">
<div class="h3 m-0 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-end">
<div class='icon-stack mr-2'>
<i class="base base-7 icon-stack-3x opacity-100 color-success-600"></i>
<i class="base base-7 icon-stack-2x opacity-100 color-success-500"></i>
<i class="fal fa-arrow-up icon-stack-1x opacity-100 color-white"></i>
<div id="todayElecNoData" class="row justify-content-center align-items-center h-100" style="display:none;">
$44.34 / GE
<span class="m-0 fs-xs text-muted">Increased Profit as per redux margins and estimates</span>
<div class="js-easy-pie-chart color-info-400 position-relative d-inline-flex align-items-center justify-content-center" data-percent="35" data-piesize="95" data-linewidth="10" data-scalelength="5">
<div class="js-easy-pie-chart color-success-400 position-relative position-absolute pos-left pos-right pos-top pos-bottom d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center" data-percent="65" data-piesize="60" data-linewidth="5" data-scalelength="1" data-scalecolor="#fff">
<div class="position-absolute pos-top pos-left pos-right pos-bottom d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center fw-500 fs-xl text-dark">78%</div>
<div style="width:100%; min-height:300px;">
<canvas class="chart" id="todayElecChart"></canvas>
<div id="flot-area" style="width:100%; height:300px;"></div>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-6">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-6 d-flex flex-column">
<h4 class="py-3">用電比較</h4>
<div class="pb-5 pt-3">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 col-xl-3 d-sm-flex align-items-center">
<div class="p-2 mr-3 bg-info-200 rounded">
<span class="peity-bar" data-peity="{&quot;fill&quot;: [&quot;#fff&quot;], &quot;width&quot;: 27, &quot;height&quot;: 27 }">3,4,5,8,2</span>
<div id="elecCompNoData" class="row justify-content-center align-items-center h-100" style="display:none;">
<label class="fs-sm mb-0">Bounce Rate</label>
<h4 class="font-weight-bold mb-0">37.56%</h4>
<div style="width:100%; min-height:300px;">
<canvas class="chart" id="elecCompChart"></canvas>
<div class="col-6 col-xl-3 d-sm-flex align-items-center">
<div class="p-2 mr-3 bg-info-300 rounded">
<span class="peity-bar" data-peity="{&quot;fill&quot;: [&quot;#fff&quot;], &quot;width&quot;: 27, &quot;height&quot;: 27 }">5,3,1,7,9</span>
<label class="fs-sm mb-0">Sessions</label>
<h4 class="font-weight-bold mb-0">759</h4>
<div class="col-6 col-xl-3 d-sm-flex align-items-center">
<div class="p-2 mr-3 bg-success-300 rounded">
<span class="peity-bar" data-peity="{&quot;fill&quot;: [&quot;#fff&quot;], &quot;width&quot;: 27, &quot;height&quot;: 27 }">3,4,3,5,5</span>
<label class="fs-sm mb-0">New Sessions</label>
<h4 class="font-weight-bold mb-0">12.17%</h4>
<div id="flotVisit" style="width:100%; height:208px;"></div>
@ -238,13 +198,18 @@
var subSysList = [];
var subSysElecList = [];
var todayElecChart = null;
var elecCompChart = null;
var elecCardConText = [{ text1: "即時功耗 kW", text2:"佔比 %"},{ text1: "即時功耗 kW", text2:"佔比 %"},{ text1: "即時功耗 kW", text2:"佔比 %"},{ text1: "即時發電功率 kW", text2:"供電佔比 %"}]
$(function () {
// 左上方 系統小類卡片區塊
function getSubSysList() {
function getSubSysList(type = 0) {
subSysList = [];
let url = baseApiUrl + "/api/Device/GetMainSub";
let sendData = {
building_tag: pageAct.buiTag,
@ -258,28 +223,32 @@
$.each(, (index, mainSysObj) => {
$.each(mainSysObj.history_Sub_systems, (index2, subSysObj) => {
if (type == 0 || (type == 3 && mainSysObj.main_system_tag == "ELEV")) {
strHtml += `<div class="col-sm-12 col-xl-4 mb-2">
<div class="card">
<div class="card elecCard cur-poi" data-id="${mainSysObj.main_system_tag}_${subSysObj.sub_system_tag}" data-name="${subSysObj.full_name}">
<div class="card-body">
<h4 class="card-title color-white">${subSysObj.full_name}用電</h4>
<p class="card-text color-white pl-5 pr-3 d-flex justify-content-between">
<span>即時功耗 kW</span>
<span id="imdPow${subSysObj.sub_system_tag}"></span>
<span id="insPow${mainSysObj.main_system_tag}_${subSysObj.sub_system_tag}"></span>
<p class="card-text color-white pl-5 pr-3 d-flex justify-content-between">
<span>佔比 %</span>
<span id="imdPowPer${subSysObj.sub_system_tag}"></span>
<span id="insPowPer${mainSysObj.main_system_tag}_${subSysObj.sub_system_tag}"></span>
}, null, "POST").send();
// 取得 對應系統小類的總電錶
function getElecBySubSysTag() {
let url = baseApiUrl + "/api/Energe/GetElecBySubSysTag";
@ -288,13 +257,259 @@
} else {
subSysElecList =;
}, null, "POST").send();
// 取得 baja 即時資料
function getBajaData() {
$.each(subSysElecList, (idx, subSysObj) => {
let yesterday = displayDate(getTimeByType(null, -1), "date").replaceAll("/", "-") + "T00:00:00";
let tomorrow = displayDate(getTimeByType(null, 1), "date").replaceAll("/", "-") + "T00:00:00";
let prevThirtyDay = displayDate(getTimeByType(null, -30), "date").replaceAll("/", "-") + "T00:00:00";
let lastTimeout = null;
let totalPow = 0;
let loadedCnt = 0;
// 取系統小類 總即時功率 (total)
let devPath = subSysElecList.filter(x => x.mainSubTag == "total")[0]?.system_device_tag?.split("_").slice(0, 8).join("/");
if (devPath) {
getElectricMeterNoweDataByBaja(devPath, (data) => {
data =;
let result = data.filter(x => == "P")[0]?.value;
result = result ? result.roundDecimal(2) : 0;
totalPow = result;
// 每個系統小類 即時功率
$.each(subSysElecList, (idx, elecObj) => {
let devPath = elecObj.system_device_tag?.split("_").slice(0, 8).join("/");
getElectricMeterNoweDataByBaja(devPath, (data) => {
data =;
let result = data.filter(x => == "P")[0]?.value;
result = result ? result.roundDecimal(2) : 0;
$(`#insPowPer${elecObj.mainSubTag}`).text((result / totalPow * 100).roundDecimal(2) + " %");
lastTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 10)
// 無對應資料系統小類
if (idx == subSysElecList.length - 1) {
let mainSubTags = subSysElecList.filter(x => x.mainSubTag);
$(".elecCard [id^=insPow]").each((idx, ele) => {
let tarMainSubTag = $(ele).prop("id").split("insPow")[1];
if (mainSubTags.indexOf(tarMainSubTag) == -1) {
onEvent("click", ".elecCard", function() {
let tarMainSubTag = $(this).data("id");
// 空調系統 今日用電量 (每小時)
let tarDevNum = subSysElecList.filter(x => x.mainSubTag == tarMainSubTag)[0]?.system_device_tag;
if (!tarDevNum) {
getElectricMeterHourDataByBaja(tarDevNum + "_KWH", "Mitsubishi_Sup", yesterday, tomorrow, (data) => {
let todayData = => x.timestamp.$date.$year == getTimeByType("year") && x.timestamp.$date.$month == getTimeByType("month") && x.timestamp.$date.$day == getTimeByType("date"));
// 空調系統 今日與30日內平均用電比較
getElectricMeterDayDataByBaja(tarDevNum + "_KWH", "Mitsubishi_Sup", prevThirtyDay, tomorrow, (data) => {
let curDay = (new Date()).getDay() == 0 ? 7 : (new Date()).getDay();
let eveWeek = [];
let curWeekData = => strToDate(displayDate(new Date(), "date"), null, 0 - (curDay - 1)) <= strToDate(x.timestamp.$cEncStr));
for (let i = 1; i <= curDay; i++) {
let tarDayData = => strToDate(x.timestamp.$cEncStr, "day") == i);
let tarDayElecs = => x.sum);
eveWeek.push(tarDayElecs.sum() / tarDayElecs.length);
chartEveWeeksElec(curWeekData, eveWeek)
function chkBajaLoaded() {
if (loadedCnt == 2) {
// 圖表 - 今天用電量 (折線圖)
function chartTodaysElec(todayData) {
let todayElecChartCanvas = $('#todayElecChart').get(0).getContext('2d');
let curHour = (new Date()).getHours(); = todayData.filter(x => x.timestamp.$time.$hour < curHour);
let todayElecChartData = {
labels: todayData? => x.timestamp.$time.$hour),
datasets: [
type: 'line',
label: '今日用電量',
fill: false,
data: todayData? => x.sum),
borderColor: color.success._500,
backgroundColor: color.success._500,
pointBackgroundColor: color.success._500,
order: 1,
borderWidth: 3,
let todayElecChartOptions = {
maintainAspectRatio: false,
responsive: true,
legend: {
display: true,
scales: {
xAxes: [{
offset: true,
gridLines: { color: color.fusion._500 },
ticks: {
callback: function (value, index, ticks) {
return value
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
min: 0,
beginAtZero: true
tooltips: {
callbacks: {
label: function (tooltipItem) {
return "用電量 : " + tooltipItem.value + " kWH";
title: function (tooltipItem) {
let result = tooltipItem[0].xLabel.toString().padStart(2, "0") + ":00";
return result;
// This will get the first returned node in the jQuery collection.
todayElecChart = new Chart(todayElecChartCanvas, {
data: todayElecChartData,
options: todayElecChartOptions
// 圖表 - 今日與30日內平均用電量比較 (長條圖)
function chartEveWeeksElec(curWeekData, avgData) {
let elecCompChartCanvas = $('#elecCompChart').get(0).getContext('2d');
let elecCompChartData = {
labels: => dayToChiDay(strToDate(x.timestamp.$cEncStr, "day"))),
datasets: [
id: "today",
type: "bar",
label: '今日用電量',
fill: false,
backgroundColor: color.success._500,
borderColor: color.success._500,
pointColor: color.success._500,
pointBackgroundColor: color.success._500,
data: => x.sum),
order: 1,
id: "avg",
type: "bar",
label: '30日內平均用電量',
fill: false,
data: avgData,
order: 2,
let elecCompChartOptions = {
maintainAspectRatio: false,
responsive: true,
legend: {
display: true,
scales: {
xAxes: [{
offset: true,
gridLines: { color: color.fusion._500 },
ticks: {
callback: function (value, index, ticks) {
return value
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
min: 0,
beginAtZero: true
tooltips: {
callbacks: {
label: function (tooltipItem) {
let isTodayOrYes = tooltipItem.datasetIndex == 1 ? "上週" : "本週";
return isTodayOrYes + "用電量 : " + tooltipItem.value + " kWH";
title: function (tooltipItem) {
let result = tooltipItem[0].xLabel.toString();
return result;
// This will get the first returned node in the jQuery collection.
elecCompChart = new Chart(elecCompChartCanvas, {
data: elecCompChartData,
options: elecCompChartOptions
onEvent("yt:tab:change", "[data-tabname=energyTab]", function () {
let type = $(this).data("id");

View File

@ -43,6 +43,21 @@
border-top: 0;
z-index: 2;
.table-compact td{
padding:0.2rem 0.3rem;
#emerTurn tr td:nth-child(2) {
width: 50%;
text-align: center;
justify-content: center;
#emerTurn tr td:nth-child(1) {
<div class="d-flex">
@ -86,7 +101,7 @@
<div id="eleCards" class="row col-12 p-0">
<div class="mt-2 col-8 p-0">
<div class="mt-2 col-8 p-0 d-none">
<!--<div class="pl-3 row">
<button id="resChartZoom" class="btn btn-info mb-2">圖檔重置</button>
@ -111,16 +126,49 @@
<div class="d-flex justify-content-around mt-2">
<div class="col-12 p-2">
<table id="emerTurn" class="table-compact w-100">
<td><label class="mb-0 fs-1-05 w-auto" for="flexRadioDefault1">緊急回歸</label></td>
<td><label id="emerReturnText" class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">未動作</label></td>
<td><span id="emerReturn" class="circle-light bg-secondary"></span></td>
<td><label class="mb-0 fs-1-05 w-auto" for="flexRadioDefault1">群控故障</label></td>
<td><label id="groConFailText" class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">未動作</label></td>
<td><span id="groConFail" class="circle-light bg-secondary"></span></td>
<td><label class="mb-0 fs-1-05 w-auto" for="flexRadioDefault1">緊急電源</label></td>
<td><label id="emerPowerText" class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">未動作</label></td>
<td><span id="emerPower" class="circle-light bg-secondary"></span></td>
<td><label class="mb-0 fs-1-05 w-auto" for="flexRadioDefault1">火災回歸</label></td>
<td><label id="fireReturnText" class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">未動作</label></td>
<td><span id="fireReturn" class="circle-light bg-secondary"></span></td>
<td><label class="mb-0 fs-1-05 w-auto" for="flexRadioDefault1">地震管制</label></td>
<td><label id="earQuaConText" class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">未動作</label></td>
<td><span id="earQuaCon" class="circle-light bg-secondary"></span></td>
<td><label class="mb-0 fs-1-05 w-auto" for="flexRadioDefault1">遠端休止</label></td>
<td><label id="disResText" class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">未動作</label></td>
<td><span id="disRes" class="circle-light bg-secondary"></span></td>
<!--<div class="d-flex justify-content-around mt-2">
<label class="form-check-label h4" for="flexRadioDefault1">
<label class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">緊急回歸</label>
<label id="emerReturnText" class="form-check-label h4" for="flexRadioDefault1">
<label id="emerReturnText" class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">未動作</label>
<span id="emerReturn" class="circle-light bg-secondary"></span>
@ -128,14 +176,10 @@
<div class="d-flex justify-content-around mt-2">
<label class="form-check-label h4" for="flexRadioDefault1">
<label class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">群控故障</label>
<label id="groConFailText" class="form-check-label h4" for="flexRadioDefault1">
<label id="groConFailText" class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">未動作</label>
<span id="groConFail" class="circle-light bg-secondary"></span>
@ -143,14 +187,10 @@
<div class="d-flex justify-content-around mt-2">
<label class="form-check-label h4" for="flexRadioDefault1">
<label class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">緊急電源</label>
<label id="emerPowerText" class="form-check-label h4" for="flexRadioDefault1">
<label id="emerPowerText" class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">未動作</label>
<span id="emerPower" class="circle-light bg-secondary"></span>
@ -158,14 +198,10 @@
<div class="d-flex justify-content-around mt-2">
<label class="form-check-label h4" for="flexRadioDefault1">
<label class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">火災回歸</label>
<label id="fireReturnText" class="form-check-label h4" for="flexRadioDefault1">
<label id="fireReturnText" class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">未動作</label>
<span id="fireReturn" class="circle-light bg-secondary"></span>
@ -173,29 +209,21 @@
<div class="d-flex justify-content-around mt-2">
<label class="form-check-label h4" for="flexRadioDefault1">
<label class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">地震管制</label>
<label id="earQuaConText" class="form-check-label h4" for="flexRadioDefault1">
<label id="earQuaConText" class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">未動作</label>
<span id="earQuaCon" class="circle-light bg-secondary"></span>
<div class="d-flex justify-content-around mt-2">
<label class="form-check-label h4" for="flexRadioDefault1">
<div class="">
<label class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">遠端休止</label>
<label id="disResText" class="form-check-label h4" for="flexRadioDefault1">
<label id="disResText" class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">未動作</label>
<span id="disRes" class="circle-light bg-secondary"></span>
@ -203,19 +231,15 @@
<div class="d-flex justify-content-around mt-2">
<label class="form-check-label h4" for="flexRadioDefault1">
<label class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">RET運轉</label>
<label id="retOpeText" class="form-check-label h4" for="flexRadioDefault1">
<label id="retOpeText" class="mb-0 fs-1-05" for="flexRadioDefault1">未動作</label>
<span id="retOpe" class="circle-light bg-secondary"></span>
<!-- End-右邊功能區 -->
<!-- Modal-Card1 -->
@ -928,6 +952,27 @@
myBaja.setSubscribeDevicesCallBack(function (data) {
try {
if (allDevList.length == 0) {
return false;
data.device_number = data.device_number_full;
let matchDevice = allDevList.filter(x => x.device_number == data.device_number)[0];
let master = matchDevice.device_number.split("_")[5];
//將訂閱值塞入 subSeviceData
if (subSeviceData.findIndex(x => x.device_number == matchDevice.device_number) == -1) {
let obj = {};
obj.device_number = matchDevice.device_number;
let subData = subSeviceData.filter(x => x.device_number == matchDevice.device_number)[0];
if (subData) {
subData[data.point_name] = data.value;
function getValueByName(pointName) {
return data.point_name == pointName ? data.value : null;
@ -943,26 +988,23 @@
function actLightByPoiEx(pointName1, selector, pointName2, exCond) {
if (getValueByName(pointName2) == exCond) {
if (pointName1 == "falseText") {
if (subData[pointName2] == exCond) {
if (subData[pointName1] == "falseText") {
} else {
} else {
if (allDevList.length == 0) {
return false;
data.device_number = data.device_number_full;
let matchDevice = allDevList.filter(x => x.device_number == data.device_number)[0];
let master = matchDevice.device_number.split("_")[5];
if (data.point_name == "ST") {
$(`#${matchDevice.device_number}_card [name=devStatus]`).text(data.value);
@ -1002,6 +1044,7 @@
actLightByPoi("EER", "#earQuaCon");
if (data.point_name == "DNO" || data.point_name == "SP_RCS") {
actLightByPoiEx("SP_RCS", "#disRes", "DNO", "trueText");
@ -1011,18 +1054,7 @@
//將訂閱值塞入 subSeviceData
if (subSeviceData.findIndex(x => x.device_number == matchDevice.device_number) == -1) {
let obj = {};
obj.device_number = matchDevice.device_number;
let subData = subSeviceData.filter(x => x.device_number == matchDevice.device_number)[0];
if (subData) {
subData[data.point_name] = data.value;
// 設置燈色、卡片閃爍
// Card table 更新
@ -1038,7 +1070,6 @@
myBaja.setSubscribeDeviceEndCallBack(function (data) {
let devNumArr = => { return { devNum: x.device_number_full, priority: allDevList.filter(y => y.device_number == x.device_number_full)[0]?.priority } }).DistinctBy("devNum");
devNumArr = devNumArr.oSort("priority");
$.each(devNumArr, (idx, devObj) => {
@ -1142,9 +1173,7 @@
// Card - 設置列表中訂閱內容
function subDeviceSetTable(devNum) {
if (allDevList.filter(x => !x.device_number).length > 0) {
let subData = subSeviceData.filter(x => x.device_number == devNum)[0]
let matchDevice = allDevList.filter(x => x.device_number == devNum)[0];
if (!subData) {
@ -1171,8 +1200,6 @@
elevObj.setElevFloor(matchDevice.device_number, subData["CP"]);
if (elev3DObj.length != 0) {
let elevObj = elev3DObj.filter(x => x.nodeId == elev3DBind[devNum])[0];
if (elevObj && {

View File

@ -7,8 +7,19 @@
<div class="row m-0 mb-3">
<button id="resChartZoom" class="btn btn-info">圖檔重置</button>
<div class="row">
<!-- <div class="row">
<div id="floChart" style="height : 80vh!important;width:100%"></div>
</div> -->
<!-- <div class="row">
<div id="forgeViewer" class="position-absolute" style="width:96%;height:96%;"></div>
</div> -->
<div class="d-flex">
<div class="col-6 my-3">
<div id="floChart" style="height : 80vh!important;width:100%"></div>
<div class="col-6 my-3">
<div id="forgeViewer"></div>
@ -20,6 +31,7 @@
var global_emergency_alarm_device_number = [];
var zoomToggle = 3;
$(function () {
@ -813,4 +825,10 @@
function show3DModel() {
launchViewer("dXJuOmFkc2sub2JqZWN0czpvcy5vYmplY3Q6dnNjb2RlX2ZvcmdlX3Rlc3QvJUUzJTgwJTkwQVJDJUUzJTgwJTkxQjFGXzIwMjJfMTJfMDQubndj", (viewer, nodeIds) => {

View File

@ -2281,7 +2281,13 @@ License: You must have a valid license purchased only from (li
typeof timeOutor != "undefined" ? clearInterval(timeOutor) : ""; // dashboard 定時更新 baja 資料定時器關閉
if (typeof timeOuters != "undefined") {
$.each(timeOuters, (idx, timeOut) => {
timeOuters = [];
$("#app").load(`_${page}.html`, loadCallback);

View File

@ -95,6 +95,26 @@ function launchViewer(urn, callback) {
function launchViewerNoTools(urn, callback) {
var options = {
env: 'AutodeskProduction',
getAccessToken: getForgeToken
Autodesk.Viewing.Initializer(options, () => {
//viewer = new Autodesk.Viewing.GuiViewer3D(document.getElementById('forgeViewer'));
viewer = new Autodesk.Viewing.Viewer3D(document.getElementById('forgeViewer'));
var documentId = 'urn:' + urn;
Autodesk.Viewing.Document.load(documentId, onDocumentLoadSuccess, onDocumentLoadFailure);
$("#forgeViewer").on("autodesk:loaded", function (e, nodeIds) {
callback ? callback(viewer, nodeIds) : "";
function getAllLeafComponents(viewer, callback) {
var cbCount = 0;
var tree;

View File

@ -12,6 +12,78 @@ function addzero(num) {
* @param {any} alarmClass
* @param {any} callback
// function getAlarmByBaja(startDate_millisecond, endDate_millisecond, isRecover, isAck, alarmClass, callback) {
// let _sourceTmp;
// var _result = "";
// var _ss = "";
// var _bfName = "";
// var _sourceName = "";
// var _index = 0;
// var _recoverState = isRecover ? "!= null" : "= null";
// var _ackState = isAck ? "= 1" : "!= 1";
// require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
// baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmClass = '" + alarmClass + "' and timestamp.millis > " + startDate_millisecond + " and timestamp.millis < " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " order by timestamp asc").get()
// .then(function (table) {
// return table.cursor({
// each: function (record) {
// _sourceTmp = (record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName')).toString().split('_');
// _bfName = _sourceTmp[1] + "-" + _sourceTmp[4];
// _sourceName = _sourceTmp[7] + "-" + _sourceTmp[8];
// _ss += ', "' + _index + '": {"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
// _index++;
// },
// after: function () {
// _result += '{' + '"count": ' + _index;
// _result += _ss;
// _result += '}';
// if (typeof callback === 'function') {
// callback(_result);
// }
// }
// });
// });
// });
// }
// function getAlarmByBaja(startDate_millisecond, endDate_millisecond, isRecover, isAck, alarmClass, callback) {
// let _sourceTmp;
// var _result = "";
// var _ss = "";
// var _bfName = "";
// var _sourceName = "";
// var _index = 0;
// var _recoverState = isRecover ? "!= null" : "= null"
// var _ackState = isAck ? "= 1" : "!= 1";
// require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
// baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmClass = '" + alarmClass + "' and timestamp.millis > " + startDate_millisecond + " and timestamp.millis < " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " order by timestamp asc").get()
// .then(function (table) {
// return table.cursor({
// each: function (record) {
// _sourceTmp = (record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName')).toString().split('_');
// _bfName = _sourceTmp[1] + "-" + _sourceTmp[4];
// _sourceName = _sourceTmp[7] + "-" + _sourceTmp[8];
// if (_index == 0)
// _ss += '{"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
// else
// _ss += ',{"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
// _index++;
// },
// after: function () {
// _result += '{' + '"count": ' + _index + ', "data":[';
// _result += _ss;
// _result += ']}';
// if (typeof callback === 'function') {
// callback(_result);
// }
// },
// limit: -1,
// offset: 0
// });
// });
// });
// }
function getAlarmByBaja(startDate_millisecond, endDate_millisecond, isRecover, isAck, alarmClass, callback) {
let _sourceTmp;
var _result = "";
@ -52,59 +124,40 @@ function getAlarmByBaja(startDate_millisecond, endDate_millisecond, isRecover, i
* 取得所有異常資料 by baja
* @param {any} startDate_millisecond
* @param {any} endDate_millisecond
* @param {any} isRecover
* @param {any} isAck
* @param {any} callback
function getAllDeviceAlarmByBaja(startDate_millisecond, endDate_millisecond, isRecover, isAck, callback) {
let _sourceTmp;
var _result = "";
var _ss = "";
var _bfName = "";
var _sourceName = "";
var _index = 0;
var _recoverState = isRecover ? "!= null" : "= null";
var _ackState = isAck ? "= 'acked'" : "= 'unacked'";
require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where timestamp.millis >= " + startDate_millisecond + " and timestamp.millis <= " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp desc");
baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where timestamp.millis >= " + startDate_millisecond + " and timestamp.millis <= " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp desc").get()
.then(function (table) {
return table.cursor({
each: function (record) {
_sourceTmp = (record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName')).toString().split('_');
_bfName = _sourceTmp[1] + "-" + _sourceTmp[4];
_sourceName = _sourceTmp[7] + "-" + _sourceTmp[8];
if (_index == 0)
_ss += '{"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
_ss += ',{"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
after: function () {
_result += '{' + '"count": ' + _index + ', "data":[';
_result += _ss + ']';
_result += '}';
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
limit: -1,
offset: 0
* 取得單一設備最新10筆異常資料 by baja
* @param {any} devicePath
* @param {any} callback
// function getOneDeviceAlarmTop10ByBaja(devicePath, callback) {
// var _result = "";
// var _ss = "";
// var _index = 0;
// //{ "count":2,"data": [{ "time": "2022/11/14 15:00:00", "errId": "0001", "ackCheck": "未確認", "errReason": "燈泡故障" }, { "time": "2022/11/14 15:00:00", "errId": "0002", "ackCheck": "未確認", "errReason": "燈泡故障" }]}
// require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
// baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select top 10 timestamp, ackState, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, sourceState, uuid, alarmData.msgText, normalTime where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + devicePath + "%' order by timestamp desc").get()
// .then(function (table) {
// return table.cursor({
// each: function (record) {
// if (_index == 0)
// _ss += '{"uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '"}';
// else
// _ss += ',{"uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '"}';
// _index++;
// },
// after: function () {
// _result += '{' + '"count": ' + _index +', "data":[';
// _result += _ss+']';
// _result += '}';
// if (typeof callback === 'function') {
// callback(_result);
// }
// }
// });
// });
// });
// }
function getOneDeviceAlarmTop10ByBaja(devicePath, callback) {
var _result = "";
var _ss = "";
@ -152,103 +205,36 @@ function getOneDeviceAlarmTop10ByBaja(devicePath, callback) {
* 取得單一設備異常
* @param {any} devicePath
* @param {any} callback
function getOneDeviceAlarmByBaja(devicePath, callback) {
let _sourceTmp;
var _result = "";
var _ss = "";
var _bfName = "";
var _sourceName = "";
var _index = 0;
require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + devicePath + "%' order by timestamp desc");
baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + devicePath + "%' order by timestamp desc").get()
.then(function (table) {
return table.cursor({
each: function (record) {
_sourceTmp = (record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName')).toString().split('_');
_bfName = _sourceTmp[1] + "-" + _sourceTmp[4];
_sourceName = _sourceTmp[7] + "-" + _sourceTmp[8];
if (_index == 0)
_ss += '{"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
_ss += ',{"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
after: function () {
_result += '{' + '"count": ' + _index + ', "data":[';
_result += _ss + ']';
_result += '}';
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
limit: -1,
offset: 0
* 取得單一設備異常 有時間確認復歸條件
* @param {any} devicePath
* @param {any} startDate_millisecond
* @param {any} endDate_millisecond
* @param {any} isRecover
* @param {any} isAck
* @param {any} callback
function getOneDeviceAlarmWithTimeByBaja(devicePath, startDate_millisecond, endDate_millisecond, isRecover, isAck, callback) {
let _sourceTmp;
var _result = "";
var _ss = "";
var _bfName = "";
var _sourceName = "";
var _index = 0;
var _recoverState = isRecover ? "!= null" : "= null";
var _ackState = isAck ? "= 'acked'" : "= 'unacked'";
require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + devicePath + "%' and timestamp.millis >= " + startDate_millisecond + " and timestamp.millis <= " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp desc");
baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + devicePath + "%' and timestamp.millis >= " + startDate_millisecond + " and timestamp.millis <= " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp desc").get()
.then(function (table) {
return table.cursor({
each: function (record) {
_sourceTmp = (record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName')).toString().split('_');
_bfName = _sourceTmp[1] + "-" + _sourceTmp[4];
_sourceName = _sourceTmp[7] + "-" + _sourceTmp[8];
if (_index == 0)
_ss += '{"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
_ss += ',{"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
after: function () {
_result += '{' + '"count": ' + _index + ', "data":[';
_result += _ss + ']';
_result += '}';
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
limit: -1,
offset: 0
* 在單一系統下取得各個設備的異常狀態
* @param {any} systemPath
* @param {any} callback
// function getOneSystemAlarmStateByBaja(systemPath, callback) {
// var _result = "";
// var _ss = "";
// var _index = 0;
// require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
// baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, sourceState, uuid where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + systemPath + "%' order by timestamp desc").get()
// .then(function (table) {
// return table.cursor({
// each: function (record) {
// _ss += ', "' + _index + '": {"uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "sourceName":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName') + '", "sourceState":"' + record.get('sourceState') + '"}';
// _index++;
// },
// after: function () {
// _result += '{' + '"count": ' + _index;
// _result += _ss;
// _result += '}';
// if (typeof callback === 'function') {
// callback(_result);
// }
// }
// });
// });
// });
// }
function getOneSystemAlarmStateByBaja(systemPath, callback) {
var _result = "";
var _ss = "";
@ -295,6 +281,10 @@ function getOneSystemStateByBaja(systemPath, callback) {
.then(function (table) {
return table.cursor({
each: function (record) {
//if (_index == 0)
// _ss += '{"sourceState":"' + record.get('sourceState') + '"}';
// _ss += '{"sourceState":"' + record.get('sourceState') + '"}';
_ss += '{"sourceState":"' + record.get('sourceState') + '"}';
@ -457,3 +447,193 @@ function getSystemAlarmByBaja(callback) {
// /**
// * 取得單一設備異常
// * @param {any} callback
// */
// //(devicePath, callback)
// function getOneDeviceAlarmByBaja(devicePath, startDate_millisecond, endDate_millisecond, isRecover, isAck, callback) {
// // var _result = "";
// // var _ss = "";
// // var _occurrenceTime = "";
// // var _normalTime = "";
// // var _index = 0;
// let _sourceTmp;
// var _result = "";
// var _ss = "";
// var _bfName = "";
// var _sourceName = "";
// var _index = 0;
// var _recoverState = isRecover ? "!= null" : "= null";
// //local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select ackState from openAlarms where ackState ='acked'
// var _ackState = isAck ? "= 'acked'" : "= 'unacked'";
// //{ "count":2,"data": [{ "time": "2022/11/14 15:00:00", "errId": "0001", "ackCheck": "未確認", "errReason": "燈泡故障" }, { "time": "2022/11/14 15:00:00", "errId": "0002", "ackCheck": "未確認", "errReason": "燈泡故障" }]}
// require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
// console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + devicePath + "%' and timestamp.millis >= " + startDate_millisecond + " and timestamp.millis <= " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp desc");
// baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + devicePath + "%' and timestamp.millis >= " + startDate_millisecond + " and timestamp.millis <= " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp desc").get()
// // console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + devicePath + "%' and alarmClass = '" + alarmClass + "' and timestamp.millis >= " + startDate_millisecond + " and timestamp.millis <= " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp desc");
// // baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + devicePath + "%' and alarmClass = '" + alarmClass + "' and timestamp.millis >= " + startDate_millisecond + " and timestamp.millis <= " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp desc").get()
// //baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, sourceState, uuid, alarmData.msgText, normalTime where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + devicePath + "%' order by timestamp desc").get()
// .then(function (table) {
// return table.cursor({
// each: function (record) {
// _sourceTmp = (record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName')).toString().split('_');
// _bfName = _sourceTmp[1] + "-" + _sourceTmp[4];
// _sourceName = _sourceTmp[7] + "-" + _sourceTmp[8];
// // _occurrenceTime = "";
// // _normalTime = "";
// //var _resultUuid = record.get('uuid').toString().split("-");//43dc7846-bd96-4be2-ab35-f11aec729c60
// // var _timestampTemp = new Date(record.get('timestamp').toString());
// // _occurrenceTime += _timestampTemp.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + addzero(_timestampTemp.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "-" + addzero(_timestampTemp.getDate()).toString() + " " + addzero(_timestampTemp.getHours()).toString() + ":" + addzero(_timestampTemp.getMinutes()).toString() + ":" + addzero(_timestampTemp.getSeconds()).toString();
// // var _normaltime = new Date(record.get('normalTime').toString());
// // _normalTime += _normaltime.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + addzero(_normaltime.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "-" + addzero(_normaltime.getDate()).toString() + " " + addzero(_normaltime.getHours()).toString() + ":" + addzero(_normaltime.getMinutes()).toString() + ":" + addzero(_normaltime.getSeconds()).toString();
// // var _msgText = record.get('alarmData').get('msgText');// == 1 ? _occurrenceTime : "未確認";
// // var _ackText = record.get('ackState') == 1 ? _occurrenceTime : "未確認";
// //_ss += '{"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
// if (_index == 0)
// _ss += '{"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
// //_ss += '{"uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "msgText":"' + _msgText + '", "ackState":"' + _ackText + '", "timestamp":"' + _occurrenceTime + '", "normalTime":"' + _normalTime + '"}';
// else
// _ss += ',{"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
// _index++;
// },
// after: function () {
// _result += '{' + '"count": ' + _index + ', "data":[';
// _result += _ss + ']';
// _result += '}';
// if (typeof callback === 'function') {
// callback(_result);
// }
// },
// limit: -1,
// offset: 0
// });
// });
// });
// }
* 取得單一設備異常
* @param {any} devicePath
* @param {any} callback
function getOneDeviceAlarmByBaja(devicePath, callback) {
let _sourceTmp;
var _result = "";
var _ss = "";
var _bfName = "";
var _sourceName = "";
var _index = 0;
require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + devicePath + "%' order by timestamp desc");
baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where alarmData.sourceName like '%" + devicePath + "%' order by timestamp desc").get()
.then(function (table) {
return table.cursor({
each: function (record) {
_sourceTmp = (record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName')).toString().split('_');
_bfName = _sourceTmp[1] + "-" + _sourceTmp[4];
_sourceName = _sourceTmp[7] + "-" + _sourceTmp[8];
if (_index == 0)
_ss += '{"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
_ss += ',{"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
after: function () {
_result += '{' + '"count": ' + _index + ', "data":[';
_result += _ss + ']';
_result += '}';
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
limit: -1,
offset: 0
function getAllDeviceAlarmByBaja(startDate_millisecond, endDate_millisecond, isRecover, isAck, callback) {
let _sourceTmp;
var _result = "";
var _ss = "";
var _bfName = "";
var _sourceName = "";
var _index = 0;
var _recoverState = isRecover ? "!= null" : "= null";
var _ackState = isAck ? "= 'acked'" : "= 'unacked'";
require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
console.log("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where timestamp.millis >= " + startDate_millisecond + " and timestamp.millis <= " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp desc");
baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select timestamp, ackState, alarmClass, alarmClassDisplayName, alarmValue, alarmData, alarmData.sourceName, uuid, alarmData.msgText, alarmData.numericValue, alarmData.presentValue, alarmData.status, alarmData.toState, normalTime from openAlarms where timestamp.millis >= " + startDate_millisecond + " and timestamp.millis <= " + endDate_millisecond + " and normalTime " + _recoverState + " and ackState " + _ackState + " order by timestamp desc").get()
.then(function (table) {
return table.cursor({
each: function (record) {
_sourceTmp = (record.get('alarmData').get('sourceName')).toString().split('_');
_bfName = _sourceTmp[1] + "-" + _sourceTmp[4];
_sourceName = _sourceTmp[7] + "-" + _sourceTmp[8];
if (_index == 0)
_ss += '{"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
_ss += ',{"buildingFloorName_zh":"' + _bfName + '", "uuid":"' + record.get('uuid') + '", "timestamp":"' + record.get('timestamp') + '", "alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "sourceName_zh":"' + _sourceName + '", "msgText":"' + record.get('alarmData').get('msgText') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
after: function () {
_result += '{' + '"count": ' + _index + ', "data":[';
_result += _ss + ']';
_result += '}';
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
limit: -1,
offset: 0
* [首頁] 圓餅圖資料 - 全部的異常
* @param {any} callback
function getAlarmForChartDataByBaja(callback) {
var _result = "";
var _ss = "";
var _index = 0;
require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|alarm:|bql:select alarmClass, ackState, normalTime where isAlarm").get()
.then(function (table) {
return table.cursor({
each: function (record) {
if (_index == 0)
_ss += '{"alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
_ss += ',{"alarmClass":"' + record.get('alarmClass') + '", "ackState":"' + record.get('ackState') + '", "normalTime":"' + record.get('normalTime') + '"}';
after: function () {
_result += '{' + '"count": ' + _index + ', "data":[';
_result += _ss;
_result += ']}';
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
limit: -1,
offset: 0

View File

@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ var ordPath; //當前點選選單的tag用來抓出設備路徑例如:旅
let baja_subscribe_alarm_callback_func; //設定 alarm BQL訂閱之後要回傳的Function
let baja_subscribe_end_alarm_callback_func; //設定 alarm BQL訂閱結束之後要回傳的Function
var ordPathForAlarm; //當前點選選單的tag用來抓出alarm路徑
let baja_subscribe_electricmeter_callback_func;
let baja_subscribe_end_electricmeter_callback_func;
var ordPathForElectricmeter;
var startPageLoading; // 開始 loading
var endPageLoading; // 開始 loading
//window.baja = null;
@ -57,6 +62,25 @@ function subscriptionAlarms() {
function subscriptionElectricmeter() {
// 用BQL的方式去訂閱
this.setSubscribeElectricmeterByBql = function (tempOrdPath) {
// BQL去訂閱回傳的Function
this.setSubscribeElectricmeterCallBack = function (callBackFunc) {
if (callBackFunc != undefined && callBackFunc != null) {
baja_subscribe_electricmeter_callback_func = callBackFunc;
// BQL訂閱結束回傳的Function
this.setSubscribeElectricmeterEndCallBack = function (callBackFunc) {
if (callBackFunc != undefined && callBackFunc != null) {
baja_subscribe_end_electricmeter_callback_func = callBackFunc;
function MyBaja() {
// 取得使用者帳號
this.setMyUserAccount = function (callBackFunc = null) {
@ -351,6 +375,154 @@ function BajaSubscribeAlarmsByBql(ordPathForAlarm) {
* 使用者透過BQL指定路徑去訂閱 electricmeter
function BajaSubscribeElectricmeterByBql(ordPathForElectricmeter) {
require(['baja!'], function (baja) {
//console.log("進入Function 準備執行BQL訂閱");
startPageLoading ? startPageLoading() : ""
var init_start = new Date(;
var sub = new baja.Subscriber();
sub.attach('changed', function (prop) {
if (prop.getName() === 'out') {
var out_value = this.getOutDisplay();
var target_device_number = this.$parent.getDisplayName().split('_').slice(0, 5).join('_');
var point_name = this.getDisplayName();
var facets_split = this.getFacets1().$cEncStr.split('|');
var facets_arr = [];
facets_split.forEach(function (item, index) {
var facets = facets_arr.reduce((obj, cur) => ({ ...obj, [cur[0]]: cur[1] }), {})
var point_out_split = this.getOutDisplay().split(' ');
let key = Object.keys(facets).find(k => facets[k] === point_out_split[0]);
if (key == undefined) {
key = point_out_split[0];
var modify_target_device = {
"device_number": target_device_number ? target_device_number : null,
//"device_number_full": this.$parent.getSlotPath().$names.join("_"),
"point_name": point_name ? point_name : null,
"value": key
if (baja_subscribe_electricmeter_callback_func != undefined && baja_subscribe_electricmeter_callback_func != null) {
baja_subscribe_electricmeter_callback_func(modify_target_device, true); //第2參數用在平面圖刷新畫面
}, function (err) {
console.log(`local:|foxs:|station:|slot:/${ordPathForElectricmeter.devicePath}|bql:select name, out, out.value, slotPath, facets from control:ControlPoint`);
baja.Ord.make(`local:|foxs:|station:|slot:/${ordPathForElectricmeter.devicePath}|bql:select name, out, out.value, slotPath, facets from control:ControlPoint`)
function (table) {
var tableStart, tableFinish;
var subStart, subFinish;
var component_index = 0;
var total_component_index = 0;
var totalTargetDevice = [];
var readBqlFinish = new Date(;
//console.log("讀取路徑完成-花費時間", (readBqlFinish.getTime() - init_start.getTime()) / 1000 + "sec");
before: function () {
totalTargetDevice = [];
tableStart = new Date(;
render_start = new Date(;
each: function (item, index) {
if (index < 1) {
subStart = new Date(;
$("#sub-number").html(index + 1);
total_component_index = index;
var target_device_number_split = this.getDisplay("slotPath").split('/');
var target_device_number = target_device_number_split[8];
var point_name = this.getDisplay("name");
var facets = this.getDisplay("facets");
var facets_split = facets.split(',');
var facets_arr = [];
facets_split.forEach(function (item, index) {
facets = facets_arr.reduce((obj, cur) => ({ ...obj, [cur[0]]: cur[1] }), {})
var point_out_split = this.getDisplay("out").split(' ');
let key = Object.keys(facets).find(k => facets[k] === point_out_split[0]);
if (key == undefined) {
key = point_out_split[0];
var modify_target_device = {
"device_number": target_device_number ? target_device_number : null,
//"device_number_full": this.getDisplay("slotPath").split("slot:")[1].split('/').slice(1, -1).join("_"),
"point_name": point_name ? point_name : null,
"value": key
if (baja_subscribe_electricmeter_callback_func != undefined && baja_subscribe_electricmeter_callback_func != null) {
baja.Ord.make("local:|foxs:|station:|" + this.getDisplay("slotPath"))
.then(function (component) {
//var target_device_number = component.$parent.getDisplayName().split('_').slice(0, 5).join('_');
//var point_name = component.getDisplayName();
comps: component,
subFinish = new Date(;
$("#sub-time").html((subFinish.getTime() - subStart.getTime()) / 1000 + "sec");
// console.log("訂閱完成時間", (subFinish.getTime() - subStart.getTime()) / 1000 + "sec");
after: function () {
tableFinish = new Date(;
if (baja_subscribe_end_electricmeter_callback_func != undefined && baja_subscribe_end_electricmeter_callback_func != null) {
endPageLoading ? endPageLoading() : ""
//console.log("表格完成時間", (tableFinish.getTime() - tableStart.getTime()) / 1000 + "sec");
limit: -1,
offset: 0
// function getAlarmCountByBaja(callback) {
// var _result = "";
// var _index = 0;

View File

@ -353,3 +353,36 @@ class ElevatorHandler {
// 從數字週數轉為中文週數
function dayToChiDay(num) {
let chiDay = ["週日", "週一", "週二", "週三", "週四", "週五", "週六"];
return chiDay[num];
// 取得現在或前後時間,輸出單位依據 type
function getTimeByType(type = null, cal = 0) {
let now = new Date();
return strToDate(now, type, cal);
// 取得某當下時間或前後時間,輸出單位依據 type
function strToDate(text, type = null, cal = 0) {
let calDay = function (_d, _cal) {
return new Date(_d.getTime() + (cal * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
let tarDate = new Date(text);
let result = 0;
if (type == "year") {
result = calDay(tarDate, cal).getFullYear();
} else if (type == "month") {
result = calDay(tarDate, cal).getMonth();
} else if (type == "date") {
result = calDay(tarDate, cal).getDate();
} else if (type == "day") {
result = calDay(tarDate, cal).getDay();
} else {
result = calDay(tarDate, cal);
return result;

View File

@ -68,6 +68,12 @@ Array.prototype.oSort = function (key) {
return this.sort(compareNumbers);
Array.prototype.sum = function () {
return this.reduce(function (a, b) {
return a + b;
}, 0);
BigInt.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.toString() }
$.fn.classList = function () { return this[0].className.split(/\s+/); };

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ $(function () {
* */
function initTabsByEle() {
/*_ytTabInited = [];*/
$("[data-tabname][data-target]:not([data-tabrole=child])").each(function (index, value) {
$("[data-tabname]:not([data-tabrole=child])").each(function (index, value) {
let tabName = $(value).data("tabname");
if (_ytTabInited.indexOf(tabName) == -1) {
var ytTab = new YT.Tab({ tabName: tabName })
@ -56,13 +56,14 @@ class YourTeamTab {
let clsObj = this;
// Tab Item 按鈕 click
$(`[data-tabname=${this.tabName}][data-target]`).off("click").on("click", function (e) {
$(`[data-tabname=${this.tabName}]`).off("click").on("click", function (e) {
let target = $(this).data("target");
let obj = this;
// 觸發 yt:tab:change事件
if (target) {
let tabName = $(target).data("tabname");
if (tabName) {
// 找出該觸發對象 block
@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ class YourTeamTab {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
var YourTeam = YourTeam || {};
* This is a description of the Ajax constructor function.
* @class Ajax
* @classdesc This is a description of the Ajax class.
* @author Darren Chen @2021/02/06
* @copyright Darren Chen @Your Team Co., Ltd. 2021
class Ajax {
* constructor
* @constructor
* @param {String} apiUrl API URL. def="".
* @param {String} sendData the data object which you will be send. def= null.
* @param {Fcnction} successFunction successFunction. def=null.(use def successFunction)
* @param {Fcnction} errorFunction errorFunction. def=null.(use def successFunction)
* @param {String} type HTTP METHOD. def="GET".
* @param {Object} conType content type
* @param {String} dataType data format. def="JSON".
* @param {String} isAsync the api synchronization. def=false.
* @return {Object} this
constructor(apiUrl = "", sendData = null, successFunction = null, errorFunction = null, type = "GET", isAsync = false, conType = this.contentType.Json, dataType = "JSON") {
this.conType = conType;
this.apiUrl = apiUrl;
this.isAsync = isAsync;
this.type = type;
this.dataType = dataType;
this.sendData = sendData;
this.extSuccessFunction = successFunction;
/*if (successFunction) this.successFunction = successFunction;*/
if (errorFunction) this.errorFunction = errorFunction;
return this;
* dataToString
* @description convert the data object to string
* @param {Object} data API URL. def="".
* @return {String} strJsonData
dataToString = function (data) {
let strJsonData = data ? (data.Data ? JSON.stringify(data.Data) : null) : null;
return strJsonData;
* beforeSendFunction
* @description beforeSendFunction
beforeSendFunction = function (xhr) {
let token = localStorage.getItem("JWT-Authorization");
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', "Bearer " + token);
* successFunction
* @description successFunction
* @param {Object} data the data object from the api return
* @return {Object} data
successFunction = function (data, callback) {
if (data && data.unauthorized == 401) {
let href = location.href;
if (href.indexOf("localhost:5966") == -1) {
location.href = "/login";
} else {
location.href = "login.html";
if (callback) {
return data;
* errorFunction
* @description errorFunction
* @param {Object} xhr HTTP STATUS
* @param {Object} ajaxOptions the ajax option message
* @param {String} thrownError the error message
errorFunction = function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
if (xhr.status != "201" && xhr.status != "204") {
} else if (xhr.status == "401") {
location.href = "~/Login/Login";
* completeFunction
* @description completeFunction
completeFunction = function () {
* content type
* @description content type
contentType = {
Json: 1,
FormData : 2
* enum
* @description enum
* @param {Object} eo object
* @return {Object} enum
enums(eo) {
var enums = function () { };
for (var key in eo) {
var enumObject = new enums();
enums[key] = eo[key];
return enums;
* send
* @description send
* @param {Object} conType content type
* @param {Object} sendData send data
* @param {Function} successFunction the ajax success function
* @param {Function} errorFunction the ajax error function
* @return {Object} this
send = function (conType = this.contentType.Json, sendData = null, successFunction = null, errorFunction = null) {
//if (!CheckMultiSend(this.apiUrl, this.type, this.dataToString(this.sendData))) { //連點防呆
// return false;
if (sendData) {
this.sendData = sendData;
if (successFunction) {
this.successFunction = successFunction;
if (errorFunction) {
this.errorFunction = errorFunction;
if (conType === this.contentType.Json) {
url: this.apiUrl,
async: this.isAsync,
type: this.type,
dataType: this.dataType,
traditional: true,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data: this.dataToString(this.sendData),
//cache: false,
//processData: false,
beforeSend: this.beforeSendFunction,
success: (data) => this.successFunction(data, this.extSuccessFunction),
error: this.errorFunction,
complete: this.completeFunction,
statusCode: {
201: (data) => this.successFunction(data, this.extSuccessFunction),
else if (conType === this.contentType.FormData) {
url: this.apiUrl,
async: this.isAsync,
type: this.type,
dataType: this.dataType,
traditional: true,
contentType: false,
enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
data: this.sendData,
cache: false,
processData: false,
beforeSend: this.beforeSendFunction,
success: this.successFunction,
error: this.errorFunction,
complete: this.completeFunction
else {
console.error("the content type is null.");
return this;
YourTeam.Ajax = YourTeam.Ajax || Ajax;
var ckeckMultiSendArr = [];
function CheckMultiSend(url, type, data) {
//根據 url type data
let text = String(url) + String(type);
if (type != "GET") {
if (ckeckMultiSendArr.indexOf(text) == -1) {
let timer = setInterval(function () {
}, 500)
} else {
return false
return true;
//var YourTeamAjax = {
// apiUrl: "",
// isAsync: false,
// type: "GET",
// dataType: "JSON",
// sendData: null,
// dataToString: function (data) {
// let strJsonData = data ? (data.Data ? JSON.stringify(data.Data) : null) : null;
// return strJsonData;
// },
// beforeSendFunction: function () {
// $.blockUI({ message: '<h1><img src="/Content/img/loading.gif" style="width:200px;" /> Loding...</h1>' });
// },
// successFunction: function (data) {
// return data;
// },
// errorFunction: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
// if (xhr.status != "201") {
// console.log(xhr.status);
// console.log(thrownError);
// window.alert("執行失敗請聯絡YourTeam客服人員。");
// }
// },
// completeFunction: function () {
// $.unblockUI();
// },
// send: function (sendData = null, successFunction = null, errorFunction = null) {
// if (sendData) {
// this.sendData = sendData;
// }
// if (successFunction) {
// this.successFunction = successFunction;
// }
// if (errorFunction) {
// this.errorFunction = errorFunction;
// }
// $.ajax({
// url: this.apiUrl,
// async: this.isAsync,
// type: this.type,
// dataType: this.dataType,
// traditional: true,
// contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
// data: this.dataToString(this.sendData),
// beforeSend: this.beforeSendFunction,
// success: this.successFunction,
// error: this.errorFunction,
// complete: this.completeFunction,
// statusCode: {
// 201: this.successFunction
// }
// });
// }