1443 lines
75 KiB
1443 lines
75 KiB
using FrontendWebApi.Models;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using MySqlX.XDevAPI;
using NPOI.SS.UserModel;
using NPOI.XSSF.UserModel;
using Repository.BackendRepository.Interface;
using Repository.FrontendRepository.Interface;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Ionic.Zip;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Text;
using iTextSharp.text;
using System.Collections;
using Google.Protobuf.Collections;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Pkcs;
using NPOI.SS.Formula.Functions;
using static ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ExtendedUnixData;
namespace FrontendWebApi.ApiControllers
public class HydroMeterController : MyBaseApiController<HydroMeterController>
private readonly IBackendRepository backendRepository;
private readonly IFrontendRepository frontendRepository;
private ICellStyle greencellstyle;
public HydroMeterController(IBackendRepository backendRepository, IFrontendRepository frontendRepository)
this.backendRepository = backendRepository;
this.frontendRepository = frontendRepository;
/// <summary>
/// 電表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<ActionResult<ApiResult<List<HydroMeterOutput>>>> ElectricList([FromBody] HydroMeterInput input)
ApiResult<List<HydroMeterOutput>> apiResult = new ApiResult<List<HydroMeterOutput>>(jwt_str);
if (!jwtlife)
apiResult.Code = "5000";
return BadRequest(apiResult);
string tableType = "day week month year";
if (input.building_tag == null)
apiResult.Code = "9999";
apiResult.Msg = "棟別沒有被選取";
return BadRequest(apiResult);
else if (input.tableType == null || !tableType.Contains(input.tableType))
apiResult.Code = "9999";
apiResult.Msg = "表單類別錯誤";
return BadRequest(apiResult);
//else if (input.floor_tag.Count == 0)
// apiResult.Code = "0000";
// apiResult.Data = new List<HydroMeterOutput>() { };
// return Ok(apiResult);
var startTime = input.tableType == "day" || input.tableType == "week"
? input.startTime + "-01"
: input.tableType == "month" || input.tableType == "year" ? input.startTime + "-01-01"
: null;
var endTime = input.tableType == "day" || input.tableType == "week"
? input.startTime.Split("-")[0] + "-" + (Int32.Parse(input.startTime.Split("-")[1]) + 1).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "-01"
: input.tableType == "month" ? (Int32.Parse(input.startTime.Split("-")[0]) + 1) + "-01-01"
: input.tableType == "year" ? (Int32.Parse(input.endTime) + 1).ToString() + "-01-01"
: null;
string sqlWhere = "";
string sqlGroup = "";
string sqlAvgRawData = "";
string dbDateName = startTime.Split("-")[0].ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + startTime.Split("-")[1].ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
string buildingSql = "";
string tag_quantity = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<string>("select system_value from variable where system_type = 'obixConfig' and system_key = 'tag_quantity' and deleted = 0");
string[] parts_buildingTag = input.building_tag.Split(',');
StringBuilder fix_buildingTag = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string part in parts_buildingTag)
fix_buildingTag.Append("'").Append(part.Trim()).Append("', ");
input.building_tag = fix_buildingTag.ToString().TrimEnd(',', ' ');
if (tag_quantity == "5")
buildingSql = @$" and SUBSTRING_INDEX(device_number, '_', 1) in ({input.building_tag}) ";
buildingSql = @$" and SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(device_number, '_', 2), '_', -1) in ({input.building_tag}) ";
//if (input.floor_tag.Count > 0)
// if (tag_quantity == "5")
// sqlWhere = $@" and substring_index(substring_index(device_number, '_', 3), '_', -1) in @floor_tag ";
// else
// sqlWhere = $@" and substring_index(substring_index(device_number, '_', 5), '_', -1) in @floor_tag ";
if (input.tableType == "year")
sqlGroup = $@" group by year(start_timestamp), year(end_timestamp), device_number ";
sqlAvgRawData = " round(sum(kwh_result), 2) as avg_rawdata, year(start_timestamp) as start_timestamp, year(end_timestamp) as end_timestamp ";
sqlAvgRawData = " round(kwh_result, 2) as avg_rawdata, start_timestamp, end_timestamp ";
var table = input.tableType == "year" ? "archive_electric_meter_month" : "archive_electric_meter_" + input.tableType + (input.tableType == "day" ? "_" + dbDateName : "");
var schema = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<string>($"select system_value from variable where system_type = 'project_name'");
var isTable = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<string>($"select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name = '{table}' and table_schema = '{schema.Split('/')[0]}'");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(isTable)) //check for has table or not
apiResult.Code = "0000";
apiResult.Data = new List<HydroMeterOutput>() { };
return Ok(apiResult);
var dateFormat = input.tableType == "day" || input.tableType == "week" ? "%Y-%m-%d" : input.tableType == "month" ? "%Y-%m" : input.tableType == "year" ? "%Y" : null;
var aemmEndDate = input.tableType == "year" ? $"year(DATE_ADD(fd.date, INTERVAL +1 {input.tableType}))" : $"DATE_ADD(fd.date, INTERVAL +1 {input.tableType})";
var aemmStaDate = input.tableType == "year" ? "year(fd.date)" : "fd.date";
string date_yyyymmdd = "";
switch (input.tableType)
case "day": date_yyyymmdd = @$" date(aemm.start_timestamp) = {aemmStaDate}"; break;
case "month": date_yyyymmdd = @$" aemm.start_timestamp >= {aemmStaDate} and aemm.end_timestamp < {aemmEndDate} "; break;
case "year": date_yyyymmdd = @$" aemm.start_timestamp >= {aemmStaDate} and aemm.end_timestamp < {aemmEndDate} "; break;
var sql = $@"set @i = -1;
select fd.device_number, case when aemm.avg_rawdata = -1.0 then 'NaN' when aemm.avg_rawdata is null then 0.00 else aemm.avg_rawdata end as avg_rawdata, DATE_FORMAT(fd.date, @dateFormat) as timestamp
from (
select *
from (
SELECT DATE(ADDDATE('{startTime}', INTERVAL @i:=@i+1 {input.tableType})) AS date
FROM {table}
HAVING @i < TIMESTAMPDIFF({input.tableType}, '{startTime}', ADDDATE('{endTime}' , INTERVAL -1 DAY))
) d,
select device_number
from {table}
where start_timestamp >= '{startTime}' and end_timestamp < '{endTime}' and point = 'KWH' {buildingSql}
group by device_number
) dn
) fd
left join (
select device_number, {sqlAvgRawData}
from {table}
where start_timestamp >= '{startTime}' and end_timestamp < '{endTime}' and point = 'KWH' {buildingSql}
{sqlWhere} {sqlGroup}
) aemm on {date_yyyymmdd} and aemm.device_number = fd.device_number
join device dc on fd.device_number = dc.device_number
where dc.deleted = 0
order by fd.device_number, fd.date";
Logger.LogInformation("0918 SQL = " + sql + Environment.NewLine + " startTime='" + startTime + "' endTime='" + endTime + "' building=" + input.building_tag );
var rawData = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync<HydroMeterRawDataOutput>(sql,
new { startTime = startTime, endtime = endTime, building_tag = input.building_tag, dateFormat = dateFormat });
List<HydroMeterOutput> list = new List<HydroMeterOutput>();
if (tag_quantity == "5")
list = rawData
.GroupBy(x => new { building_tag = x.device_number.Split("_")[0], floor_tag = x.device_number.Split("_")[2], device_serial_tag = x.device_number.Split("_")[4], device_number = x.device_number })
.Select(x => new HydroMeterOutput { building_tag = x.Key.building_tag, floor_tag = x.Key.floor_tag, device_serial_tag = x.Key.device_serial_tag, device_number = x.Key.device_number })
list = rawData
.GroupBy(x => new { building_tag = x.device_number.Split("_")[1], floor_tag = x.device_number.Split("_")[4], device_master = x.device_number.Split("_")[5], device_serial_tag = x.device_number.Split("_")[7], device_number = x.device_number })
.Select(x => new HydroMeterOutput { building_tag = x.Key.building_tag, floor_tag = x.Key.floor_tag, device_serial_tag = x.Key.device_serial_tag, device_master = x.Key.device_master, device_number = x.Key.device_number })
int i = 0;
foreach (var l in list)
l.rawData = new List<HydroMeterRawDataOutput>();
l.device_full_name = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<string>($"select full_name from device where device_number = '{l.device_number}'");
if (tag_quantity == "5")
rawData.Where(x => x.device_number.Split("_")[0] == l.building_tag && x.device_number.Split("_")[2] == l.floor_tag && x.device_number.Split("_")[4] == l.device_serial_tag)
rawData.Where(x => x.device_number.Split("_")[1] == l.building_tag && x.device_number.Split("_")[4] == l.floor_tag && x.device_number.Split("_")[5] == l.device_master && x.device_number.Split("_")[7] == l.device_serial_tag )
l.building_name = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<string>("select full_name from building where building_tag = @building_tag and deleted = 0",
new { building_tag = l.building_tag });
l.total = l.rawData.Where(x => x.avg_rawdata != "NaN").Sum(x => decimal.Parse(x.avg_rawdata ?? "0", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float)).ToString();
l.price = input.price.HasValue
? (Math.Round(input.price.Value, 2)).ToString()
: Math.Round((await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<decimal>("select system_value from variable where system_type = 'ElectricPrice' and deleted = 0")), 2).ToString();
l.total_price = Math.Round((Decimal.Parse(l.total) * Decimal.Parse(l.price)), 2).ToString();
Logger.LogInformation(" 筆數:" + i.ToString());
apiResult.Code = "0000";
apiResult.Data = list;
catch (Exception exception)
apiResult.Code = "9999";
apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。";
string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(input);
Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json);
Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message);
return apiResult;
/// <summary>
/// 水表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<ActionResult<ApiResult<List<HydroMeterOutput>>>> WaterList([FromBody] HydroMeterInput input)
ApiResult<List<HydroMeterOutput>> apiResult = new ApiResult<List<HydroMeterOutput>>(jwt_str);
if (!jwtlife)
apiResult.Code = "5000";
return BadRequest(apiResult);
string tableType = "day week month year";
if (input.building_tag == null)
apiResult.Code = "9999";
apiResult.Msg = "棟別沒有被選取";
return BadRequest(apiResult);
else if (input.tableType == null || !tableType.Contains(input.tableType))
apiResult.Code = "9999";
apiResult.Msg = "表單類別錯誤";
return BadRequest(apiResult);
else if (input.floor_tag.Count == 0)
apiResult.Code = "0000";
apiResult.Data = new List<HydroMeterOutput>() { };
return Ok(apiResult);
var startTime = input.tableType == "day" || input.tableType == "week"
? input.startTime + "-01"
: input.tableType == "month" || input.tableType == "year" ? input.startTime + "-01-01"
: null;
var endTime = input.tableType == "day" || input.tableType == "week"
? input.startTime.Split("-")[0] + "-" + (Int32.Parse(input.startTime.Split("-")[1]) + 1).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "-01"
: input.tableType == "month" ? (Int32.Parse(input.startTime.Split("-")[0]) + 1) + "-01-01"
: input.tableType == "year" ? (Int32.Parse(input.endTime) + 1).ToString() + "-01-01"
: null;
string dbDateName = startTime.Split("-")[0].ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + startTime.Split("-")[1].ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
string sqlWhere = "";
string sqlGroup = "";
string sqlAvgRawData = "";
string buildingSql = "";
string tag_quantity = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<string>("select system_value from variable where system_type = 'obixConfig' and system_key = 'tag_quantity' and deleted = 0");
if (tag_quantity == "5")
buildingSql = " and SUBSTRING_INDEX(device_number, '_', 1) in (@building_tag) ";
buildingSql = " and SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(device_number, '_', 2), '_', -1) in (@building_tag) ";
if (input.floor_tag.Count > 0)
if (tag_quantity == "5")
sqlWhere = $@" and substring_index(substring_index(device_number, '_', 3), '_', -1) in @floor_tag ";
sqlWhere = $@" and substring_index(substring_index(device_number, '_', 5), '_', -1) in @floor_tag ";
if (input.tableType == "year")
sqlGroup = $@" group by year(start_timestamp), year(end_timestamp), device_number ";
sqlAvgRawData = " round(avg(avg_rawdata), 2) as avg_rawdata, year(start_timestamp) as start_timestamp, year(end_timestamp) as end_timestamp ";
sqlAvgRawData = " round(avg_rawdata, 2) as avg_rawdata, start_timestamp, end_timestamp ";
var table = input.tableType == "year" ? "archive_electric_meter_month" : "archive_electric_meter_" + input.tableType + (input.tableType == "day" ? "_" + dbDateName : "");
var schema = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<string>($"select system_value from variable where system_type = 'project_name'");
var isTable = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<string>($"select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name = '{table}' and table_schema = '{schema.Split('/')[0]}'");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(isTable)) //check for has table or not
apiResult.Code = "0000";
apiResult.Data = new List<HydroMeterOutput>() { };
return Ok(apiResult);
var dateFormat = input.tableType == "day" || input.tableType == "week" ? "%Y-%m-%d" : input.tableType == "month" ? "%Y-%m" : input.tableType == "year" ? "%Y" : null;
var aemmEndDate = input.tableType == "year" ? $"year(DATE_ADD(fd.date, INTERVAL +1 {input.tableType}))" : $"DATE_ADD(fd.date, INTERVAL +1 {input.tableType})";
var aemmStaDate = input.tableType == "year" ? "year(fd.date)" : "fd.date";
var sql = $@"set @i = -1;
select fd.device_number, case when aemm.avg_rawdata = -1 then 'NaN' when aemm.avg_rawdata is null then 0.00 else aemm.avg_rawdata end as avg_rawdata, DATE_FORMAT(fd.date, @dateFormat) as timestamp
from (
select *
from (
SELECT DATE(ADDDATE(@startTime, INTERVAL @i:=@i+1 {input.tableType})) AS date
FROM {table}
HAVING @i < TIMESTAMPDIFF({input.tableType}, @startTime, ADDDATE(@endTime, INTERVAL -1 DAY))
) d,
select device_number
from {table}
where start_timestamp >= @startTime and end_timestamp < @endTime and point = 'RCV' {buildingSql}
group by device_number
) dn
) fd
left join (
select device_number, {sqlAvgRawData}
from {table}
where start_timestamp >= {aemmStaDate} and end_timestamp < {aemmEndDate} and point = 'RCV' {buildingSql}
{sqlWhere} {sqlGroup}
) aemm on aemm.start_timestamp >= fd.date and aemm.end_timestamp < DATE_ADD(fd.date, INTERVAL +1 {input.tableType}) and aemm.device_number = fd.device_number
order by fd.device_number, fd.date";
var rawData = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync<HydroMeterRawDataOutput>(sql,
new { startTime = startTime, endTime = endTime, building_tag = input.building_tag, floor_tag = input.floor_tag, dateFormat = dateFormat });
List<HydroMeterOutput> list = new List<HydroMeterOutput>();
if (tag_quantity == "5")
list = rawData
.GroupBy(x => new { building_tag = x.device_number.Split("_")[0], floor_tag = x.device_number.Split("_")[2], device_serial_tag = x.device_number.Split("_")[4], device_number = x.device_number })
.Select(x => new HydroMeterOutput { building_tag = x.Key.building_tag, floor_tag = x.Key.floor_tag, device_serial_tag = x.Key.device_serial_tag, device_number = x.Key.device_number })
list = rawData
.GroupBy(x => new { building_tag = x.device_number.Split("_")[1], floor_tag = x.device_number.Split("_")[4], device_master = x.device_number.Split("_")[5], device_serial_tag = x.device_number.Split("_")[7], device_number = x.device_number })
.Select(x => new HydroMeterOutput { building_tag = x.Key.building_tag, floor_tag = x.Key.floor_tag, device_serial_tag = x.Key.device_serial_tag, device_master = x.Key.device_master, device_number = x.Key.device_number })
foreach (var l in list)
l.rawData = new List<HydroMeterRawDataOutput>();
l.device_full_name = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<string>($"select full_name from device where device_number = '{l.device_number}'");
if (tag_quantity == "5")
rawData.Where(x => x.device_number.Split("_")[0] == l.building_tag && x.device_number.Split("_")[2] == l.floor_tag && x.device_number.Split("_")[4] == l.device_serial_tag)
rawData.Where(x => x.device_number.Split("_")[1] == l.building_tag && x.device_number.Split("_")[4] == l.floor_tag && x.device_number.Split("_")[5] == l.device_master && x.device_number.Split("_")[7] == l.device_serial_tag)
l.building_name = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<string>("select full_name from building where building_tag = @building_tag and deleted = 0",
new { building_tag = l.building_tag });
l.total = l.rawData.Where(x => x.avg_rawdata != "NaN").Sum(x => decimal.Parse(x.avg_rawdata, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float)).ToString();
l.price = input.price.HasValue
? (Math.Round(input.price.Value, 2)).ToString()
: Math.Round((await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<decimal>("select system_value from variable where system_type = 'WaterPrice' and deleted = 0")), 2).ToString();
l.total_price = Math.Round((Decimal.Parse(l.total) * Decimal.Parse(l.price)), 2).ToString();
apiResult.Code = "0000";
apiResult.Data = list;
catch (Exception exception)
apiResult.Code = "9999";
apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。";
string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(input);
Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json);
Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message);
return apiResult;
/// <summary>
/// 水電表費用
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<ActionResult<ApiResult<decimal>>> Price([FromBody] HydroMeterPriceInput input)
ApiResult<decimal> apiResult = new ApiResult<decimal>(jwt_str);
if (!jwtlife)
apiResult.Code = "5000";
return BadRequest(apiResult);
apiResult.Code = "0000";
apiResult.Data = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<decimal>($@"select system_value from variable where system_type = '{input.type}Price' and deleted = 0");
catch (Exception exception)
apiResult.Code = "9999";
apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。";
string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(input);
Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json);
Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message);
return apiResult;
public FileResult OpeExportExcelElec([FromBody] HydroMeterInput input)
List<List<HydroMeterOutput>> result = new List<List<HydroMeterOutput>>();
var building = backendRepository.GetAllAsync<HydroBuildList>("select * from building where deleted = 0").Result;
foreach(var b in building)
input.building_tag = b.building_tag;
List<Dictionary<string, byte[]>> docFile = new List<Dictionary<string, byte[]>>();
var workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();
#region excel設定
IFont font12 = workbook.CreateFont();
font12.FontName = "新細明體";
font12.FontHeightInPoints = 12;
ICellStyle style12 = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
style12.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
style12.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
IFont font12Times = workbook.CreateFont();
font12Times.FontName = "Times New Roman";
font12Times.FontHeightInPoints = 12;
IFont font18 = workbook.CreateFont();
font18.FontName = "新細明體";
font18.FontHeightInPoints = 18;
font18.IsBold = true;
ICellStyle styleTitle18 = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
styleTitle18.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
styleTitle18.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
ICellStyle styleLeft12 = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
styleLeft12.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
styleLeft12.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
ICellStyle styleLine12 = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
styleLine12.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
styleLine12.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
styleLine12.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
styleLine12.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
styleLine12.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
styleLine12.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
#region setting for data
//IFont fontNumeric = workbook.CreateFont();
//fontNumeric.FontName = "新細明體";
//fontNumeric.FontHeightInPoints = 12;
//ICellStyle styleLineNumeric = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
//styleLineNumeric.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
//styleLineNumeric.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
//styleLineNumeric.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
//styleLineNumeric.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
//styleLineNumeric.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
//styleLineNumeric.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
ICellStyle stylein12 = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
stylein12.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
stylein12.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
stylein12.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
stylein12.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
stylein12.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
stylein12.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
stylein12.WrapText = true;
foreach (var r in result)
if (r.Count > 0)
string buildingName = r.Select(x => x.building_name).FirstOrDefault();
var sheet = workbook.CreateSheet($"{buildingName}");
int RowPosition = 0;
#region set cell
IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(0, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 4 * 160 * 12);
int i = 0;
ICell cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
foreach (var rr in r.FirstOrDefault().rawData)
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
foreach (var rr in r)
RowPosition += 1;
int k = 4;
row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition);
for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
cell = row.CreateCell(j);
if (j == 0)
else if (j == 1)
else if (j == 2)
else if (j == 3)
else if (j == 4)
foreach (var rrr in rr.rawData)
cell = row.CreateCell(j);
if (j == k)
else if (j == k+1)
else if (j == k+2)
cell.CellStyle = style12;
var ms = new NpoiMemoryStream
AllowClose = false
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Disposition");
return File(ms, "application/vnd.ms", @$"電表報表_{System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm")}.xlsx");
public FileResult OpeExportCompareExcelElec([FromBody] List<HydroMeterInput> input)
List<HydroMeterOutput> result = new List<HydroMeterOutput>();
List<List<HydroMeterOutput>> result1 = new List<List<HydroMeterOutput>>();
List<List<HydroMeterOutput>> result2 = new List<List<HydroMeterOutput>>();
List<Dictionary<string, byte[]>> docFile = new List<Dictionary<string, byte[]>>();
var building = backendRepository.GetAllAsync<HydroBuildList>("select * from building where deleted = 0").Result;
foreach (var b in building)
input[0].building_tag = b.building_tag;
input[1].building_tag = b.building_tag;
Dictionary<string, List<string>> compareDict = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
var rawDataTitle = new List<string>();
if (input[0].tableType == "month")
for (var i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
rawDataTitle.Add(input[0].startTime + "-" + i.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'));
rawDataTitle.Add(input[1].startTime + "-" + i.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'));
else if (input[0].tableType == "day")
var days = GetDayInMonth(input[0].startTime);
for (var i = 1 ;i <= days ; i++) {
rawDataTitle.Add(input[0].startTime + "-" + i.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'));
rawDataTitle.Add(input[1].startTime + "-" + i.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'));
var workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();
#region excel設定
IFont font12 = workbook.CreateFont();
font12.FontName = "新細明體";
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IFont font18 = workbook.CreateFont();
font18.FontName = "新細明體";
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font18.IsBold = true;
ICellStyle styleTitle18 = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
styleTitle18.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
styleTitle18.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
ICellStyle styleLeft12 = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
styleLeft12.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
styleLeft12.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
ICellStyle styleLine12 = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
styleLine12.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
styleLine12.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
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styleLine12.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
ICellStyle stylein12 = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
stylein12.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
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stylein12.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
stylein12.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
stylein12.WrapText = true;
foreach (var b in building)
var res1 = result1.Where(x => x.Select(x => x.building_tag).Contains(b.building_tag)).ToList();
var res2 = result2.Where(x => x.Select(x => x.building_tag).Contains(b.building_tag)).ToList();
if (res1.Count > 0 || res2.Count > 0)
var sheet = workbook.CreateSheet($"{b.full_name}電表報表");
int RowPosition = 0;
result = res1.FirstOrDefault() ?? new List<HydroMeterOutput>();
var r2 = res2.FirstOrDefault() ?? new List<HydroMeterOutput>();
foreach (var r in r2)
var target = result.Where(x => x.building_tag == r.building_tag && x.device_serial_tag == r.device_serial_tag && x.floor_tag == r.floor_tag && x.device_number == r.device_number).FirstOrDefault();
compareDict[r.building_tag + r.floor_tag + r.device_serial_tag + r.device_number] = new List<string>() { r.total, r.price, r.total_price };
if (target != null)
target.rawData = target.rawData.Concat(r.rawData).ToList();
r.total = null;
r.price = null;
r.total_price = null;
#region set cell
IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(0, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 4 * 160 * 12);
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ICell cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
foreach (var rr in rawDataTitle)
sheet.SetColumnWidth(i, 2 * 160 * 12);
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.SetCellValue(input[0].startTime + "小計");
sheet.SetColumnWidth(i - 1, 2 * 160 * 12);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.SetCellValue(input[1].startTime + "小計");
sheet.SetColumnWidth(i - 1, 2 * 160 * 12);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.SetCellValue(input[0].startTime + "單價");
sheet.SetColumnWidth(i - 1, 2 * 160 * 12);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.SetCellValue(input[1].startTime + "單價");
sheet.SetColumnWidth(i - 1, 2 * 160 * 12);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.SetCellValue(input[0].startTime + "金額總計");
sheet.SetColumnWidth(i - 1, 2 * 160 * 12);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(i++);
cell.SetCellValue(input[1].startTime + "金額總計");
sheet.SetColumnWidth(i - 1, 2 * 160 * 12);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
foreach (var r in result)
string compareDictKey = r.building_tag + r.floor_tag + r.device_serial_tag + r.device_number;
RowPosition += 1;
int k = 4;
row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition);
for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
cell = row.CreateCell(j);
if (j == 0)
else if (j == 1)
else if (j == 2)
else if (j == 3)
else if (j == 4)
foreach (var rr in rawDataTitle)
var targetRaw = r.rawData.Where(rd => rd.timeStamp == rr).FirstOrDefault();
cell.SetCellValue(targetRaw?.avg_rawdata.ToString() ?? "");
cell = row.CreateCell(j);
if (j == k)
else if (j == k + 1)
cell.SetCellValue(compareDict.ContainsKey(compareDictKey) ? compareDict[compareDictKey][0] : "");
else if (j == k + 2)
else if (j == k + 3)
cell.SetCellValue(compareDict.ContainsKey(compareDictKey) ? compareDict[compareDictKey][1] : "");
else if (j == k + 4)
else if (j == k + 5)
cell.SetCellValue(compareDict.ContainsKey(compareDictKey) ? compareDict[compareDictKey][2] : "");
cell.CellStyle = style12;
var ms = new NpoiMemoryStream
AllowClose = false
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Disposition");
return File(ms, "application/vnd.ms-excel", @$"電表報表{System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm")}.xlsx");
public FileResult OpeExportEachTotalCompareExcelElec([FromBody] HydroMeterInput input)
bool flag = true;
bool total_flag = false;
string outputFileName = input.Mode == HydroMeterInputSearchMode.All ? "用電月份比較_含分盤_" : "用電月份比較_";
if (input.Mode == HydroMeterInputSearchMode.Custom)
//flag = false;
total_flag = true;
input.Mode = HydroMeterInputSearchMode.All;
List<HydroMeterOutput> result = new List<HydroMeterOutput>();
result = ElectricListEachTotal(input).Result.Value.Data.ToList();
List<Dictionary<string, byte[]>> docFile = new List<Dictionary<string, byte[]>>();
var workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();
using (FileStream templateStream = new FileStream(".\\template\\ElectricEachTotalCompare_temp.xlsx", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(templateStream);
#region excel設定
IFont font10 = workbook.CreateFont();
font10.FontName = "標楷體";
font10.FontHeightInPoints = 10;
ICellStyle greenCellStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
greenCellStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
greenCellStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
greenCellStyle.FillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.LightGreen.Index;
greenCellStyle.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;
greenCellStyle.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
greenCellStyle.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
greenCellStyle.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
greenCellStyle.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
ICellStyle style12 = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
style12.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
style12.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
IFont font12Times = workbook.CreateFont();
font12Times.FontName = "Times New Roman";
font12Times.FontHeightInPoints = 12;
IFont font18 = workbook.CreateFont();
font18.FontName = "標楷體";
font18.FontHeightInPoints = 18;
font18.IsBold = true;
ICellStyle styleTitle18 = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
styleTitle18.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
styleTitle18.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
ICellStyle styleLeft12 = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
styleLeft12.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
styleLeft12.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
ICellStyle styleLine12 = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
styleLine12.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
styleLine12.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
styleLine12.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
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styleLine12.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
ICellStyle stylein12 = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
stylein12.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
stylein12.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
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stylein12.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
stylein12.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin;
stylein12.WrapText = true;
var sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(0); // 這裡假設您要使用第一個工作表
// 初始先填表格時間
int rowInit = 0;
int colInit = 0;
IRow row = sheet.GetRow(rowInit++) ?? sheet.CreateRow(rowInit++);
ICell cell = row.GetCell(colInit++) ?? row.CreateCell(colInit++);
DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(input.startTime + "-01", "yyyy-MM-dd", null); // 2023-08
date = date.AddYears(-1911);
var start_year = date.ToString("yyy"); // 查詢年
var start_month = date.ToString("MM"); // 查詢月
cell.SetCellValue("明志科技大學" + start_year + "年" + start_month + "月份用電差異比較表");
row = sheet.GetRow(rowInit++) ?? sheet.CreateRow(rowInit++);
colInit = 0;
cell = row.GetCell(colInit++) ?? row.CreateCell(colInit++);
DateTime timeDay = date.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1); // 用來記錄每個月的最後一天是幾月幾號
string timeRange = start_year + "." + start_month + ".01~" + timeDay.ToString("yyy.MM.dd");
cell.SetCellValue("電錶週期:" + timeRange);
//row = sheet.GetRow(rowInit++) ?? sheet.CreateRow(rowInit++);
//colInit = 3;
//cell = row.GetCell(colInit++) ?? row.CreateCell(colInit++);
//cell.SetCellValue("本月(A)\n" + start_year + "." + start_month);
//cell = row.GetCell(colInit++) ?? row.CreateCell(colInit++);
//DateTime previousMonth = date.AddMonths(-1);
//string lastMonth = previousMonth.ToString("MM");
//cell.SetCellValue("上月(B)\n" + start_year + "." + lastMonth);
//cell = row.GetCell(colInit++) ?? row.CreateCell(colInit++);
//cell = row.GetCell(colInit++) ?? row.CreateCell(colInit++);
//DateTime previousYear = date.AddYears(-1);
//string lastYear = previousYear.ToString("yyy");
//cell.SetCellValue("去年同期(D)\n" + lastYear + "." + start_month);
//cell = row.GetCell(colInit++) ?? row.CreateCell(colInit++);
// 設定要填入資料的位置(rowIndex 和 columnIndex)
int rowIndex = 4; // 假設要從第二列開始填入
int columnIndex = 1; // 假設第一欄是要填入的位置
List<string> need_cal_total = new List<string>
"綜合大樓", //G6
"體育舘", //F5
"化工電機", //D8
"創新大樓", //G9
"學人會館", //B9
"綠能中心" //$340B9
List<string> no_cal_sum_device = new List<string>
List<string> need_green_device = new List<string> //需要綠色底色
"學1-4舍餐廳總盤", //C7
"學5舍5眷總盤", //B4
int count_index = 1;
string last_build = "";
string last_device = "";
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> buildingSumData = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>>();
#region 特定棟別總計處理
foreach (var item in result)
if (item.device_full_name == "NTPC_B4_EE_E4_B1F_VCB3B_WHT_N1") //學5舍5眷總盤
Console.WriteLine("here 學5舍5眷總盤 " + item.building_name);
if (item.building_name == "學5舍5眷總盤")
Console.WriteLine("here 學5舍5眷總盤 " + item.building_name);
if (!need_cal_total.Contains(item.building_name))
if (no_cal_sum_device.Exists(t => t == item.device_full_name))
foreach (var dataItem in item.rawData)
if (!buildingSumData.ContainsKey(item.building_name))
buildingSumData[item.building_name] = new Dictionary<string, double>();
if (!buildingSumData[item.building_name].ContainsKey(dataItem.timeStamp))
buildingSumData[item.building_name][dataItem.timeStamp] = 0.0;
buildingSumData[item.building_name][dataItem.timeStamp] += Math.Round(double.Parse(dataItem.avg_rawdata));
// 測試
//foreach (var building in buildingSumData)
// Console.WriteLine($"Building: {building.Key}");
// foreach (var timeStampData in building.Value)
// {
// Console.WriteLine($" TimeStamp: {timeStampData.Key}, Total Avg RawData: {timeStampData.Value}");
// }
foreach (var r in result)
//if (total_flag)
// flag = false;
string buildingName = r.building_name;
string floorTag = r.floor_tag;
string deviceFullName = r.device_full_name;
columnIndex = 0;
// 這兩個盤不納入該棟總計
if (last_device == "電機館分盤" || last_device == "薄膜分盤")
flag = false;
if ((flag && buildingName == "化工電機" && deviceFullName == "電機館分盤") || (flag && buildingName == "綠能中心" && deviceFullName == "薄膜分盤"))
row = sheet.GetRow(rowIndex) ?? sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex++) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex++);
if (total_flag)
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex);
cell.SetCellValue(buildingName + floorTag);
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex++) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex++);
cell.SetCellValue(last_build + "總計");
cell.CellStyle = greenCellStyle;
foreach (var timeStampData in buildingSumData[last_build])
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex++) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex++);
last_build = buildingName;
flag = false;
columnIndex = 0;
if (flag && buildingName != last_build && need_cal_total.Contains(last_build))
row = sheet.GetRow(rowIndex) ?? sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex++) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex++);
if (total_flag)
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex);
cell.SetCellValue(buildingName + floorTag);
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex++) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex++);
if (last_build == "化工電機")
else if (last_build == "學人會館")
else {
cell.SetCellValue(last_build + "總計");
cell.CellStyle = greenCellStyle;
foreach (var timeStampData in buildingSumData[last_build])
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex++) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex++);
last_build = buildingName;
// continue;
if (total_flag)
if (need_green_device.Contains(deviceFullName))
columnIndex = 0;
row = sheet.GetRow(rowIndex) ?? sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex++) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex++);
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex++) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex++);
cell.SetCellValue(buildingName + floorTag);
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex++) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex++);
cell.CellStyle = greenCellStyle;
foreach (var rawD in r.rawData)
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex++) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex++);
last_build = buildingName;
last_device = deviceFullName;
flag = true;
last_build = buildingName;
last_device = deviceFullName;
flag = true;
columnIndex = 0;
row = sheet.GetRow(rowIndex) ?? sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex++) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex++);
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex++) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex++);
cell.SetCellValue(buildingName + floorTag);
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex++) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex++);
if (need_green_device.Contains(deviceFullName))
cell.CellStyle = greenCellStyle;
foreach (var rawD in r.rawData)
cell = row.GetCell(columnIndex++) ?? row.CreateCell(columnIndex++);
last_build = buildingName;
last_device = deviceFullName;
flag = true;
var ms = new NpoiMemoryStream
AllowClose = false
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Content-Disposition");
return File(ms, "application/vnd.ms", @$"{outputFileName}{System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm")}.xlsx");
public async Task<ActionResult<ApiResult<List<HydroMeterOutput>>>> ElectricListEachTotal([FromBody] HydroMeterInput input)
ApiResult<List<HydroMeterOutput>> apiResult = new ApiResult<List<HydroMeterOutput>>(jwt_str);
if (!jwtlife)
apiResult.Code = "5000";
return BadRequest(apiResult);
string tableType = "day week month year";
if (input.tableType == null || !tableType.Contains(input.tableType))
apiResult.Code = "9999";
apiResult.Msg = "表單類別錯誤";
return BadRequest(apiResult);
// 利用今年當月的字串,產生今年上月及去年同月的字串
DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(input.startTime, "yyyy-MM", null); // 2023-08
DateTime previousYear = date.AddYears(-1);
DateTime previousMonth = date.AddMonths(-1);
//Console.WriteLine(previousYear.ToString("yyyy-MM")); // 2022-08
//Console.WriteLine(previousMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM")); // 2023-07
var start_year = date.ToString("yyyy"); // 查詢年
var start_month = date.ToString("MM"); // 查詢月
var last_year = previousYear.ToString("yyyy"); // 上個查詢年
var last_month = previousMonth.ToString("MM"); // 上個查詢月
string sqlWhere = "";
string tag_quantity = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<string>("select system_value from variable where system_type = 'obixConfig' and system_key = 'tag_quantity' and deleted = 0");
//switch (input.Mode)
// case HydroMeterInputSearchMode.All:
// sqlWhere = @$" a.priority <> 0 ";
// break;
// case HydroMeterInputSearchMode.Custom:
// sqlWhere = @$" a.device_number in (SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(system_value, '/', -1), '_', 8) COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci as val FROM variable where system_type = 'dashboard_total_elec')";
// break;
// default:
// break;
sqlWhere = @$" a.priority <> 0 ";
var table = "archive_electric_meter_month";
var schema = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<string>($"select system_value from variable where system_type = 'project_name'");
var isTable = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<string>($"select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name = '{table}' and table_schema = '{schema.Split('/')[0]}'");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(isTable)) //check for has table or not
apiResult.Code = "0000";
apiResult.Data = new List<HydroMeterOutput>() { };
return Ok(apiResult);
string header_now = start_year + "-" + start_month;
string header_lastM = start_year + "-" + last_month;
string header_lastY = last_year + "-" + start_month;
var sql = $@"
select e.full_name building_name, a.device_number, '{header_now}' searchMT, ifnull(b.kwh_sum, 0) searchM, '{header_lastM}' lastMT, ifnull(c.kwh_sum, 0) lastM, '{header_lastY}' lastYT, ifnull(d.kwh_sum, 0) lastY
from device a
left join (select device_number, sum(kwh_result) kwh_sum from archive_electric_meter_month where year(start_timestamp) = {start_year} and month(start_timestamp) = {start_month} group by device_number) b on a.device_number COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci = b.device_number -- month1
left join (select device_number, sum(kwh_result) kwh_sum from archive_electric_meter_month where year(start_timestamp) = {start_year} and month(start_timestamp) = {last_month} group by device_number) c on a.device_number COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci = c.device_number -- month2
left join (select device_number, sum(kwh_result) kwh_sum from archive_electric_meter_month where year(start_timestamp) = {last_year} and month(start_timestamp) = {start_month} group by device_number) d on a.device_number COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci = d.device_number -- last Month
join building e on a.device_building_tag = e.building_tag
where {sqlWhere}
order by e.report_priority, a.priority";
Logger.LogInformation("SQL = " + sql + " building=" + input.building_tag + " floor_tag = " + input.floor_tag);
var rawData = await backendRepository.GetAllAsync<HydroMeterRawDataEachTotalOutput>(sql);
List<string> need_green_device = new List<string>
List<HydroMeterOutput> ResultData = new List<HydroMeterOutput>();
ResultData = rawData
.GroupBy(x => new { building_tag = x.device_number.Split("_")[1], floor_tag = x.device_number.Split("_")[4], device_master = x.device_number.Split("_")[5], device_serial_tag = x.device_number.Split("_")[7], device_number = x.device_number })
.Select(x => new HydroMeterOutput { building_tag = x.Key.building_tag, floor_tag = x.Key.floor_tag, device_serial_tag = x.Key.device_serial_tag, device_master = x.Key.device_master, device_number = x.Key.device_number })
foreach (var l in ResultData)
var full_name = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<string>($"select full_name from device where device_number = '{l.device_number}'");
//if (l.device_number == "NTPC_B4_EE_E4_B1F_VCB3B_WHT_N1")//"學5舍5眷總盤"
// Console.WriteLine("here " + l.device_full_name);
if (input.Mode == HydroMeterInputSearchMode.Custom && !need_green_device.Contains(full_name))
l.rawData = new List<HydroMeterRawDataOutput>();
.Where(x => x.device_number == l.device_number)
.Select(x => new HydroMeterRawDataOutput
timeStamp = x.searchMT, // 或者是您所需的日期格式
device_number = x.device_number,
avg_rawdata = Math.Round(double.Parse(x.searchM)).ToString()
.Where(x => x.device_number == l.device_number)
.Select(x => new HydroMeterRawDataOutput
timeStamp = x.lastMT, // 或者是您所需的日期格式
device_number = x.device_number,
avg_rawdata = Math.Round(double.Parse(x.lastM)).ToString()
.Where(x => x.device_number == l.device_number)
.Select(x => new HydroMeterRawDataOutput
timeStamp = "last month different", // 或者是您所需的日期格式
device_number = x.device_number,
avg_rawdata = Math.Round((double.Parse(x.searchM) - double.Parse(x.lastM))).ToString()
.Where(x => x.device_number == l.device_number)
.Select(x => new HydroMeterRawDataOutput
timeStamp = x.lastYT, // 或者是您所需的日期格式
device_number = x.device_number,
avg_rawdata = Math.Round(double.Parse(x.lastY)).ToString()
.Where(x => x.device_number == l.device_number)
.Select(x => new HydroMeterRawDataOutput
timeStamp = "last year different", // 或者是您所需的日期格式
device_number = x.device_number,
avg_rawdata = Math.Round(double.Parse(x.searchM) - double.Parse(x.lastY)).ToString()
l.device_full_name = full_name;
l.building_name = await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<string>("select full_name from building where building_tag = @building_tag and deleted = 0",
new { building_tag = l.building_tag });
l.total = l.rawData.Where(x => x.avg_rawdata != "NaN").Sum(x => decimal.Parse(x.avg_rawdata ?? "0", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float)).ToString();
l.price = input.price.HasValue
? (Math.Round(input.price.Value, 2)).ToString()
: Math.Round((await backendRepository.GetOneAsync<decimal>("select system_value from variable where system_type = 'ElectricPrice' and deleted = 0")), 2).ToString();
l.total_price = Math.Round((Decimal.Parse(l.total) * Decimal.Parse(l.price))).ToString();
List<HydroMeterOutput> ResultData_custom = new List<HydroMeterOutput>();
foreach (var l in ResultData)
if (l.device_full_name != null)
apiResult.Code = "0000";
if (input.Mode == HydroMeterInputSearchMode.All)
apiResult.Data = ResultData; //含分盤
apiResult.Data = ResultData_custom; //不含分盤
catch (Exception exception)
apiResult.Code = "9999";
apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。";
string json = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(input);
Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + json);
Logger.LogError("【" + controllerName + "/" + actionName + "】" + exception.Message);
return apiResult;
public static int GetDayInMonth(string yearMonth)
List<string> datesList = new List<string>();
DateTime startOfMonth = DateTime.Parse(yearMonth + "-01");
int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(startOfMonth.Year, startOfMonth.Month);
return daysInMonth;