2022-10-14 16:08:54 +08:00
// Please be sure to re-run gulp again if you do not see the config changes
var myapp _config = {
/ *
* /
VERSION : '4.5.1' ,
/ *
Save a reference to the global object ( window in the browser )
* /
root _ : $ ( 'body' ) , // used for core app reference
root _logo : $ ( '.page-sidebar > .page-logo' ) , // used for core app reference
/ *
DELAY VAR FOR FIRING REPEATED EVENTS ( eg . , scroll & resize events )
Lowering the variable makes faster response time but taxing on the CPU
Reference : http : //benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-throttle-debounce/examples/throttle/
* /
throttleDelay : 450 , // for window.scrolling & window.resizing
filterDelay : 150 , // for keyup.functions
/ *
Description : Detects mobile device - if any of the listed device is
detected a class is inserted to $ . root _ and the variable thisDevice
is decleard . ( so far this is covering most hand held devices )
* /
thisDevice : null , // desktop or mobile
isMobile : ( /iphone|ipad|ipod|android|blackberry|mini|windows\sce|palm/i . test ( navigator . userAgent . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) , //popular device types available on the market
mobileMenuTrigger : null , // used by pagescrolling and appHeight script, do not change!
mobileResolutionTrigger : 992 , //the resolution when the mobile activation fires
/ *
Description : this variable is used to fire the custom scroll plugin .
If it is a non - webkit it will fire the plugin .
* /
isWebkit : ( ( ! ! window . chrome && ! ! window . chrome . webstore ) === true || Object . prototype . toString . call ( window . HTMLElement ) . indexOf ( 'Constructor' ) > 0 === true ) ,
/ *
Description : this variable is used to fire the custom CSS hacks
* /
isChrome : ( /chrom(e|ium)/ . test ( navigator . userAgent . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) ,
/ *
DETECT IE ( it only detects the newer versions of IE )
Description : this variable is used to fire the custom CSS hacks
* /
isIE : ( ( window . navigator . userAgent . indexOf ( 'Trident/' ) ) > 0 === true ) ,
/ *
debugState = true ; will spit all debuging message inside browser console .
* /
debugState : true , // outputs debug information on browser console
/ *
Turn on ripple effect for buttons and touch events
Dependency :
* /
rippleEffect : true , // material design effect that appears on all buttons
/ *
Primary theme anchor point ID
This anchor is created dynamically and CSS is loaded as an override theme
* /
mythemeAnchor : '#mytheme' ,
/ *
Activate last tab
Stores the last tab in localstorage and activates it
* /
activateLastTab : true ,
/ *
Primary menu anchor point # js - primary - nav
This is the root anchor point where the menu script will begin its build
* /
navAnchor : $ ( '#js-primary-nav' ) , //changing this may implicate slimscroll plugin target
navHooks : $ ( '#js-nav-menu' ) , //changing this may implicate CSS targets
navAccordion : true , //nav item when one is expanded the other closes
navInitalized : 'js-nav-built' , //nav finished class
navFilterInput : $ ( '#nav_filter_input' ) , //changing this may implicate CSS targets
navHorizontalWrapperId : 'js-nav-menu-wrapper' ,
/ *
The rate at which the menu expands revealing child elements on click
Lower rate reels faster expansion of nav childs
* /
navSpeed : 500 , //ms
/ *
Color profile reference hook ( needed for getting CSS value for theme colors in charts and various graphs )
* /
mythemeColorProfileID : $ ( '#js-color-profile' ) ,
/ *
Nav close and open signs
This uses the fontawesome css class
* /
navClosedSign : 'fal fa-angle-down' ,
navOpenedSign : 'fal fa-angle-up' ,
/ *
Application icon prefix for error messages etc
other options are fad , fal , fas , far , ni
* /
appIconPrefix : 'fal' ,
/ *
App date ID
found inside the breadcrumb unit , displays current date to the app on pageload
* /
appDateHook : $ ( '.js-get-date' ) ,
/ *
* SaveSettings to localStorage
* DOC : to store settings to a DB instead of LocalStorage see below :
* initApp . pushSettings ( "className1 className2" ) //sets value
* var DB _string = initApp . getSettings ( ) ; //returns setting string
* /
storeLocally : true ,
/ *
* Used with initApp . loadScripts
* DOC : Please leave it blank
* /
jsArray : [ ]
} ;
/ * !
* jQuery app . navigation v1 . 0.0
* Copyright 2019 , 2020 SmartAdmin WebApp
* Released under Marketplace License ( see your license details for usage )
* Publish Date : 2018 - 01 - 01 T17 : 42 Z
* /
( function ( $ ) {
/ * *
* Menu Plugin
* * /
$ . fn . extend ( {
/ * *
* pass the options variable to the function
* $ ( id ) . navigation ( {
* accordion : true ,
* animate : 'easeOutExpo' ,
* speed : 200 ,
* closedSign : '[+]' ,
* openedSign : '[-]' ,
* initClass : 'js-nav-built'
* } ) ;
* * /
navigation : function ( options ) {
var defaults = {
accordion : true ,
animate : 'easeOutExpo' ,
speed : 200 ,
closedSign : '[+]' ,
openedSign : '[-]' ,
initClass : 'js-nav-built'
} ,
/ * *
* extend our default options with those provided .
* * /
opts = $ . extend ( defaults , options ) ,
/ * *
* assign current element to variable , in this case is UL element
* * /
self = $ ( this ) ;
if ( ! self . hasClass ( opts . initClass ) ) {
/ * *
* confirm build to prevent rebuild error
* * /
self . addClass ( opts . initClass ) ;
/ * *
* add a mark [ + ] to a multilevel menu
* * /
self . find ( "li" ) . each ( function ( ) {
if ( $ ( this ) . find ( "ul" ) . length !== 0 ) {
/ * *
* add the multilevel sign next to the link
* * /
$ ( this ) . find ( "a:first" ) . append ( "<b class='collapse-sign'>" + opts . closedSign + "</b>" ) ;
/ * *
* avoid jumping to the top of the page when the href is an #
* * /
if ( $ ( this ) . find ( "a:first" ) . attr ( 'href' ) == "#" ) {
$ ( this ) . find ( "a:first" ) . click ( function ( ) {
return false ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* add open sign to all active lists
* * /
self . find ( "li.active" ) . each ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . parents ( "ul" )
. parent ( "li" )
. find ( "a:first" )
. attr ( 'aria-expanded' , true )
. find ( "b:first" )
. html ( opts . openedSign ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* click events
* * /
self . find ( "li a" ) . on ( 'mousedown' , function ( e ) {
if ( $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . find ( "ul" ) . length !== 0 ) {
if ( opts . accordion ) {
/ * *
* do nothing when the list is open
* * /
if ( ! $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . find ( "ul" ) . is ( ':visible' ) ) {
parents = $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . parents ( "ul" ) ;
visible = self . find ( "ul:visible" ) ;
visible . each ( function ( visibleIndex ) {
var close = true ;
parents . each ( function ( parentIndex ) {
if ( parents [ parentIndex ] == visible [ visibleIndex ] ) {
close = false ;
return false ;
} ) ;
if ( close ) {
if ( $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . find ( "ul" ) != visible [ visibleIndex ] ) {
$ ( visible [ visibleIndex ] ) . slideUp ( opts . speed + 300 , opts . animate , function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . parent ( "li" )
. removeClass ( "open" )
. find ( "a:first" )
. attr ( 'aria-expanded' , false )
. find ( "b:first" )
. html ( opts . closedSign ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "nav item closed" )
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Add active class to open element
* * /
if ( $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . find ( "ul:first" ) . is ( ":visible" ) && ! $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . find ( "ul:first" ) . hasClass ( "active" ) ) {
$ ( this ) . parent ( ) . find ( "ul:first" ) . slideUp ( opts . speed + 100 , opts . animate , function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . parent ( "li" )
. removeClass ( "open" )
. find ( "a:first" )
. attr ( 'aria-expanded' , false )
. find ( "b:first" ) . delay ( opts . speed )
. html ( opts . closedSign ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "nav item closed" )
} ) ;
} else {
$ ( this ) . parent ( ) . find ( "ul:first" ) . slideDown ( opts . speed , opts . animate , function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . parent ( "li" )
. addClass ( "open" )
. find ( "a:first" )
. attr ( 'aria-expanded' , true )
. find ( "b:first" ) . delay ( opts . speed )
. html ( opts . openedSign ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "nav item opened" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( self . get ( 0 ) + " this menu already exists" ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* DOC : $ ( id ) . destroy ( ) ;
* * /
navigationDestroy : function ( ) {
self = $ ( this ) ;
if ( self . hasClass ( myapp _config . navInitalized ) ) {
self . find ( "li" ) . removeClass ( "active open" ) ;
self . find ( "li a" ) . off ( 'mousedown' ) . removeClass ( "active" ) . removeAttr ( "aria-expanded" ) . find ( ".collapse-sign" ) . remove ( ) ;
self . removeClass ( myapp _config . navInitalized ) . find ( "ul" ) . removeAttr ( "style" ) ;
if ( m yapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( self . get ( 0 ) + " destroyed" ) ;
} else {
console . log ( "menu does not exist" )
} ) ;
} ) ( jQuery , window , document ) ;
/ * !
* jQuery menuSlider v1 . 0.0
* Copyright 2019 , 2020 SmartAdmin WebApp
* Released under Marketplace License ( see your license details for usage )
* Publish Date : 2019 - 01 - 01 T17 : 42 Z
* /
( function ( $ ) {
var pluginName = 'menuSlider' ;
function Plugin ( element , options ) {
var $el = $ ( element ) ,
el = element ;
options = $ . extend ( { } , $ . fn [ pluginName ] . defaults , options ) ;
function init ( ) {
/* reset margin */
$el . css ( 'margin-left' , '0px' ) ;
/* add wrapper around navigation */
$el . wrap ( '<div id="' + options . wrapperId + '" class="nav-menu-wrapper d-flex flex-grow-1 width-0 overflow-hidden"></div>' ) ;
/* add buttons for scroller */
$ ( '#' + options . wrapperId ) . before ( '<a href="#" id="' + options . wrapperId + '-left-btn" class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center width-4 btn mt-1 mb-1 mr-2 ml-1 p-0 fs-xxl text-primary"><i class="fal fa-angle-left"></i></a>' ) ;
$ ( '#' + options . wrapperId ) . after ( '<a href="#" id="' + options . wrapperId + '-right-btn" class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center width-4 btn mt-1 mb-1 mr-1 ml-2 p-0 fs-xxl text-primary"><i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i></a>' ) ;
var getListWidth = $ . map ( $el . children ( 'li:not(.nav-title)' ) , function ( val ) { return $ ( val ) . outerWidth ( true ) ; } ) ,
/* define variables */
wrapperWidth ,
currentMarginLeft ,
contentWidth ,
setMargin ,
maxMargin ,
/* update variables for margin calculations */
_getValues = function ( ) {
wrapperWidth = $ ( '#' + options . wrapperId ) . outerWidth ( ) ; /* incase its changed we get it again */
contentWidth = $ . map ( $el . children ( 'li:not(.nav-title)' ) , function ( val ) { return $ ( val ) . outerWidth ( true ) ; } ) . reduce ( function ( a , b ) { return a + b ; } , 0 ) ;
currentMarginLeft = parseFloat ( $el . css ( 'margin-left' ) ) ;
/ * c o n s o l e . l o g ( " g o t n e w v a l u e s " ) ;
console . log ( "wrapperWidth :" + wrapperWidth ) ;
console . log ( "contentWidth :" + contentWidth ) ;
console . log ( "currentMarginLeft :" + currentMarginLeft ) ; * /
} ,
/* scroll right */
navMenuScrollRight = function ( ) {
_getValues ( ) ;
if ( - currentMarginLeft + wrapperWidth < contentWidth ) {
setMargin = Math . max ( currentMarginLeft - wrapperWidth , - ( contentWidth - wrapperWidth ) ) ;
} else {
setMargin = currentMarginLeft ;
console . log ( "right end" ) ;
$el . css ( {
marginLeft : setMargin
} ) ;
} ,
/* scroll left */
navMenuScrollLeft = function ( ) {
_getValues ( ) ;
if ( currentMarginLeft < 0 ) {
setMargin = Math . min ( currentMarginLeft + wrapperWidth , 0 ) ;
} else {
setMargin = currentMarginLeft ;
console . log ( "left end" ) ;
$el . css ( {
marginLeft : setMargin
} ) ;
} ;
/* assign buttons for right*/
$ ( '#' + options . wrapperId + '-left-btn' ) . click ( function ( e ) {
navMenuScrollLeft ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ) ;
/* assign buttons for left */
$ ( '#' + options . wrapperId + '-right-btn' ) . click ( function ( e ) {
navMenuScrollRight ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ) ;
hook ( 'onInit' ) ;
function option ( key , val ) {
if ( val ) {
options [ key ] = val ;
} else {
return options [ key ] ;
function destroy ( options ) {
$el . each ( function ( ) {
var el = this ;
var $el = $ ( this ) ;
// Add code to restore the element to its original state...
$el . css ( 'margin-left' , '0px' ) ;
$el . unwrap ( parent ) ;
$el . prev ( ) . off ( ) . remove ( ) ;
$el . next ( ) . off ( ) . remove ( ) ;
hook ( 'onDestroy' ) ;
$el . removeData ( 'plugin_' + pluginName ) ;
} ) ;
function hook ( hookName ) {
if ( options [ hookName ] !== undefined ) {
options [ hookName ] . call ( el ) ;
init ( ) ;
return {
option : option ,
destroy : destroy
} ;
$ . fn [ pluginName ] = function ( options ) {
if ( typeof arguments [ 0 ] === 'string' ) {
var methodName = arguments [ 0 ] ;
var args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments , 1 ) ;
var returnVal ;
this . each ( function ( ) {
if ( $ . data ( this , 'plugin_' + pluginName ) && typeof $ . data ( this , 'plugin_' + pluginName ) [ methodName ] === 'function' ) {
returnVal = $ . data ( this , 'plugin_' + pluginName ) [ methodName ] . apply ( this , args ) ;
} else {
throw new Error ( 'Method ' + methodName + ' does not exist on jQuery.' + pluginName ) ;
} ) ;
if ( returnVal !== undefined ) {
return returnVal ;
} else {
return this ;
} else if ( typeof options === "object" || ! options ) {
return this . each ( function ( ) {
if ( ! $ . data ( this , 'plugin_' + pluginName ) ) {
$ . data ( this , 'plugin_' + pluginName , new Plugin ( this , options ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
$ . fn [ pluginName ] . defaults = {
onInit : function ( ) { } ,
onDestroy : function ( ) { } ,
element : myapp _config . navHooks ,
wrapperId : myapp _config . navHorizontalWrapperId
} ;
} ) ( jQuery ) ;
/ * !
* jQuery SmartAdmin v4 . 0.0
* Copyright 2019 , 2020 SmartAdmin WebApp
* Released under Marketplace License ( see your license details for usage )
* Publish Date : 2019 - 01 - 01 T17 : 42 Z
* /
var initApp = ( function ( app ) {
/ * *
* List filter
* DOC : searches list items , it could be UL or DIV elements
* usage : initApp . listFilter ( $ ( '.list' ) , $ ( '#intput-id' ) ) ;
* inside the . list you will need to insert 'data-filter-tags' inside < a >
* @ param list
* @ param input
* @ param anchor
* @ return
* /
app . listFilter = function ( list , input , anchor ) {
/* add class to filter hide/show */
if ( anchor ) {
$ ( anchor ) . addClass ( 'js-list-filter' ) ;
} else {
$ ( list ) . addClass ( 'js-list-filter' ) ;
/* on change keyboard */
$ ( input ) . change ( function ( ) {
var filter = $ ( this ) . val ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ,
listPrev = $ ( list ) . next ( ) . filter ( '.js-filter-message' ) ;
/* when user types more than 1 letter start search filter */
if ( filter . length > 1 ) {
/ * t h i s f i n d s a l l d a t a - f i l t e r - t a g s i n a l i s t t h a t c o n t a i n t h e i n p u t v a l ,
hiding the ones not containing the input while showing the ones that do * /
/* (1) hide all that does not match */
$ ( list ) . find ( $ ( "[data-filter-tags]:not([data-filter-tags*='" + filter + "'])" ) )
. parentsUntil ( list ) . removeClass ( 'js-filter-show' )
. addClass ( 'js-filter-hide' ) ;
/* (2) hide all that does match */
$ ( list ) . find ( $ ( "[data-filter-tags*='" + filter + "']" ) )
. parentsUntil ( list ) . removeClass ( 'js-filter-hide' )
. addClass ( 'js-filter-show' ) ;
/* if element exists then print results */
if ( listPrev ) {
listPrev . text ( "showing " + $ ( list ) . find ( 'li.js-filter-show' ) . length + " from " + $ ( list ) . find ( '[data-filter-tags]' ) . length + " total" ) ;
} else {
/* when filter length is blank reset the classes */
$ ( list ) . find ( '[data-filter-tags]' ) . parentsUntil ( list ) . removeClass ( 'js-filter-hide js-filter-show' ) ;
/* if element exists reset print results */
if ( listPrev ) {
listPrev . text ( "" ) ;
return false ;
} ) . keyup ( $ . debounce ( myapp _config . filterDelay , function ( e ) {
/* fire the above change event after every letter is typed with a delay of 250ms */
$ ( this ) . change ( ) ;
/ * i f ( e . k e y C o d e = = 1 3 ) {
console . log ( $ ( list ) . find ( ".filter-show:not(.filter-hide) > a" ) ) ;
} * /
} ) ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Load scripts using lazyload method
* usage : initApp . loadScript ( "js/my_lovely_script.js" , myFunction ) ;
* @ param { [ type ] } scriptName
* @ param { Function } callback
* @ return { [ type ] }
* /
app . loadScript = function ( scriptName , callback ) {
if ( ! myapp _config . jsArray [ scriptName ] ) {
var promise = jQuery . Deferred ( ) ;
/* adding the script tag to the head as suggested before */
var body = document . getElementsByTagName ( 'body' ) [ 0 ] ,
script = document . createElement ( 'script' ) ;
script . type = 'text/javascript' ;
script . src = scriptName ;
/ * t h e n b i n d t h e e v e n t t o t h e c a l l b a c k f u n c t i o n
there are several events for cross browser compatibility * /
script . onload = function ( ) {
promise . resolve ( ) ;
} ;
/* fire the loading */
body . appendChild ( script ) ;
myapp _config . jsArray [ scriptName ] = promise . promise ( ) ;
else if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "This script was already loaded: " + scriptName ) ;
myapp _config . jsArray [ scriptName ] . then ( function ( ) {
if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
callback ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Javascript Animation for save settings
* @ return
* * /
app . saveSettings = function ( ) {
/* if saveSettings function exists */
if ( typeof saveSettings !== 'undefined' && $ . isFunction ( saveSettings ) && myapp _config . storeLocally ) {
/* call accessIndicator animation */
initApp . accessIndicator ( ) ;
/* call saveSettings function from myapp_config.root_ (HTML) */
saveSettings ( ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( 'Theme settings: ' + '\n' + localStorage . getItem ( 'themeSettings' ) ) ;
} else {
console . log ( "save function does not exist" ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Load external CSS files
* @ return
* * /
app . updateTheme = function ( themeName , themeSave ) {
/* if theme anchor exists */
if ( $ ( myapp _config . mythemeAnchor ) . length ) {
$ ( myapp _config . mythemeAnchor ) . attr ( 'href' , themeName ) ;
} else {
$ ( 'head' ) . append ( $ ( "<link>" , { id : myapp _config . mythemeAnchor . replace ( '#' , '' ) , "rel" : "stylesheet" , "href" : themeName } ) ) ;
if ( themeSave != undefined ) {
initApp . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Reset settings
* DOC : removes all classes from root _ then saves
* @ return { [ type ] }
* * /
app . resetSettings = function ( ) {
/* remove all setting classes nav|header|mod|display */
myapp _config . root _ . removeClass ( function ( index , className ) {
return ( className . match ( /(^|\s)(nav-|header-|footer-|mod-|display-)\S+/g ) || [ ] ) . join ( ' ' ) ;
} ) ;
/* detach custom css skin */
$ ( myapp _config . mythemeAnchor ) . attr ( 'href' , "" ) ;
/* check non-conflicting plugins */
initApp . checkNavigationOrientation ( ) ;
/* save settings if "storeLocally == true" */
initApp . saveSettings ( ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "App reset successful" ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Factory Reset
* DOC : Resets all of localstorage
* @ return { [ type ] }
* * /
app . factoryReset = function ( ) {
//backdrop sound
initApp . playSound ( 'media/sound' , 'messagebox' ) ;
//hide settings modal to bootstrap avoid modal bug
$ ( '.js-modal-settings' ) . modal ( 'hide' ) ;
if ( typeof bootbox != 'undefined' ) {
bootbox . confirm ( {
title : "<i class='" + myapp _config . appIconPrefix + " fa-exclamation-triangle text-warning mr-2'></i> You are about to reset all of your localStorage settings" ,
message : "<span><strong>Warning:</strong> This action is not reversable. You will lose all your layout settings.</span>" ,
centerVertical : true ,
swapButtonOrder : true ,
buttons : {
confirm : {
label : 'Factory Reset' ,
className : 'btn-warning shadow-0'
} ,
cancel : {
label : 'Cancel' ,
className : 'btn-success'
} ,
className : "modal-alert" ,
closeButton : false ,
callback : function ( result ) {
if ( result == true ) {
//close panel
localStorage . clear ( ) ;
initApp . resetSettings ( ) ;
location . reload ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
if ( confirm ( 'You are about to reset all of your localStorage to null state. Do you wish to continue?' ) ) {
localStorage . clear ( ) ;
initApp . resetSettings ( ) ;
location . reload ( ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "App reset successful" ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Access Indicator
* DOC : spinning icon that appears whenever you
* access localstorage or change settings
* @ return { [ type ] }
* * /
app . accessIndicator = function ( ) {
myapp _config . root _ . addClass ( 'saving' ) . delay ( 600 ) . queue ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . removeClass ( 'saving' ) . dequeue ( ) ;
return true ;
} ) ;
} ;
/ *
* usage : initApp . pushSettings ( "className1 className2" )
* save settings to localstorage : initApp . pushSettings ( "className1 className2" , true )
* DOC : pushSettings will also auto save to localStorage if "storeLocally == true"
* we will use this "pushSettings" when loading settings from a database
* @ param { [ type ] } DB _string
* @ param { [ type ] } saveToLocal
* @ return { [ type ] }
* /
app . pushSettings = function ( DB _string , saveToLocal ) {
/* clear localstorage variable 'themeSettings' */
if ( saveToLocal != false )
localStorage . setItem ( "themeSettings" , "" ) ;
/* replace classes from <body> with fetched DB string */
myapp _config . root _ . addClass ( DB _string ) ; //ommited .removeClass()
/* destroy or enable slimscroll */
initApp . checkNavigationOrientation ( ) ;
/* save settings if "storeLocally == true" && "saveToLocal is true" */
if ( saveToLocal != false )
initApp . saveSettings ( ) ;
/* return string */
return DB _string ;
} ;
/ *
* usage : var DB _string = initApp . removeSettings ( ) ;
* we will use this "removeSettings" when removing certain classes from '_root'
* @ return { [ type ] }
* /
app . removeSettings = function ( classToRemove ) {
if ( classToRemove != undefined ) {
// find and remove the specific class name from existing classes
var settingString = initApp . getSettings ( ) . replace ( classToRemove , '' ) ;
/* remove all setting classes nav|header|mod|display */
myapp _config . root _ . removeClass ( function ( index , className ) {
return ( className . match ( /(^|\s)(nav-|header-|footer-|mod-|display-)\S+/g ) || [ ] ) . join ( ' ' ) ;
} ) ;
//push new settings
initApp . pushSettings ( settingString )
} else {
console . log ( "ERROR: You must specify the class you need to remove" )
} ;
/ *
* usage : var DB _string = initApp . getSettings ( ) ;
* we will use this "getSettings" when storing settings to a database
* @ return { [ type ] }
* /
app . getSettings = function ( ) {
return myapp _config . root _ . attr ( 'class' ) . split ( /[^\w-]+/ ) . filter ( function ( item ) {
return /^(nav|header|footer|mod|display)-/i . test ( item ) ;
} ) . join ( ' ' ) ;
} ;
/ *
* Play Sounds
* usage : initApp . playSound ( path , sound ) ;
* @ param { [ string ] } path
* @ param { [ string ] } sound
* /
app . playSound = function ( path , sound ) {
var audioElement = document . createElement ( 'audio' ) ;
if ( navigator . userAgent . match ( 'Firefox/' ) )
audioElement . setAttribute ( 'src' , path + "/" + sound + '.ogg' ) ;
audioElement . setAttribute ( 'src' , path + "/" + sound + '.mp3' ) ;
//$.get();// <-- ??
audioElement . addEventListener ( "load" , function ( ) {
audioElement . play ( ) ;
} , true ) ;
audioElement . pause ( ) ;
audioElement . play ( ) ;
/ *
* Checks and sets active settings selections
* DOC : ?
* /
/ * a p p . i n d i c a t e S e l e c t i o n s = f u n c t i o n ( ) {
var classNames = initApp . getSettings ( )
. split ( ' ' )
. map ( function ( c ) {
return '[data-class="' + c + '"].js-indicateSelections' ;
} )
. join ( ',' ) ;
$ ( '[data-class].active.js-indicateSelections' ) . removeClass ( 'active' ) ;
$ ( classNames ) . addClass ( 'active' ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( classNames ) ;
} * /
/ * *
* detect browser type
* DOC : detect if browser supports webkit CSS
* @ return { [ type ] }
* * /
app . detectBrowserType = function ( ) {
/* safari, chrome or IE detect */
if ( myapp _config . isChrome ) {
myapp _config . root _ . addClass ( 'chrome webkit' ) ;
return 'chrome webkit' ;
} else if ( myapp _config . isWebkit ) {
myapp _config . root _ . addClass ( 'webkit' ) ;
return 'webkit' ;
} else if ( myapp _config . isIE ) {
myapp _config . root _ . addClass ( 'ie' ) ;
return 'ie' ;
} ;
/ * *
* Add device type
* DOC : Detect if mobile or desktop
* * /
app . addDeviceType = function ( ) {
if ( ! myapp _config . isMobile ) {
/* desktop */
myapp _config . root _ . addClass ( 'desktop' ) ;
myapp _config . thisDevice = 'desktop' ;
} else {
/* mobile */
myapp _config . root _ . addClass ( 'mobile' ) ;
myapp _config . thisDevice = 'mobile' ;
return myapp _config . thisDevice ;
} ;
/ * *
* Fix logo position on . header - function - fixed & . nav - function - hidden
* DOC : Counters browser bug for fixed position and overflow : hidden for the logo ( firefox / IE / Safari )
* Will not fire for webkit devices or Chrome as its not needed
* @ return { [ type ] }
* * /
app . windowScrollEvents = function ( ) {
if ( myapp _config . root _ . is ( '.nav-function-hidden.header-function-fixed:not(.nav-function-top)' ) && myapp _config . thisDevice === 'desktop' ) {
myapp _config . root _logo . css ( {
'top' : $ ( window ) . scrollTop ( )
} ) ;
} else if ( myapp _config . root _ . is ( '.header-function-fixed:not(.nav-function-top):not(.nav-function-hidden)' ) && myapp _config . thisDevice === 'desktop' ) {
myapp _config . root _logo . attr ( "style" , "" ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* checkNavigationOrientation by checking layout conditions
* DOC : sometimes settings can trigger certain plugins ; so we check this condition and activate accordingly
* E . g : the fixed navigation activates custom scroll plugin for the navigation , but this only happens when
* it detects desktop browser and destroys the plugin when navigation is on top or if its not fixed .
* @ return { [ type ] }
* * /
app . checkNavigationOrientation = function ( ) {
/ * *
* DOC : add the plugin with the following rules : fixed navigation is selected , top navigation is not active , minify nav is not active ,
* and the device is desktop . We do not need to activate the plugin when loading from a mobile phone as it is not needed for touch screens .
* * /
switch ( true ) {
case ( myapp _config . root _ . hasClass ( 'nav-function-fixed' ) && ! myapp _config . root _ . is ( '.nav-function-top, .nav-function-minify, .mod-main-boxed' ) && myapp _config . thisDevice === 'desktop' ) :
/* start slimscroll on nav */
if ( typeof $ . fn . slimScroll !== 'undefined' ) {
myapp _config . navAnchor . slimScroll ( {
height : '100%' ,
color : '#fff' ,
size : '4px' ,
distance : '4px' ,
railOpacity : 0.4 ,
wheelStep : 10
} ) ;
if ( document . getElementById ( myapp _config . navHorizontalWrapperId ) ) {
myapp _config . navHooks . menuSlider ( 'destroy' ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "----top controls destroyed" ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "slimScroll created" ) ;
} else {
console . log ( "$.fn.slimScroll...NOT FOUND" ) ;
break ;
case ( myapp _config . navAnchor . parent ( ) . hasClass ( 'slimScrollDiv' ) && myapp _config . thisDevice === 'desktop' && typeof $ . fn . slimScroll !== 'undefined' ) :
/* destroy the plugin if it is in violation of rules above */
myapp _config . navAnchor . slimScroll ( { destroy : true } ) ;
myapp _config . navAnchor . attr ( 'style' , '' ) ;
/* clear event listners (IE bug) */
events = jQuery . _data ( myapp _config . navAnchor [ 0 ] , "events" ) ;
if ( events )
jQuery . _removeData ( myapp _config . navAnchor [ 0 ] , "events" ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "slimScroll destroyed" ) ;
break ;
switch ( true ) {
/* fires when user switches to nav-function-top on desktop view */
case ( $ . fn . menuSlider && myapp _config . root _ . hasClass ( 'nav-function-top' ) && $ ( "#js-nav-menu-wrapper" ) . length == false && ! myapp _config . root _ . hasClass ( 'mobile-view-activated' ) ) :
/* build horizontal navigation */
myapp _config . navHooks . menuSlider ( {
element : myapp _config . navHooks ,
wrapperId : myapp _config . navHorizontalWrapperId
} ) ;
/* build horizontal nav */
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "----top controls created -- case 1" ) ;
break ;
/* fires when user resizes screen to mobile size or app is loaded on mobile resolution */
case ( myapp _config . root _ . hasClass ( 'nav-function-top' ) && $ ( "#js-nav-menu-wrapper" ) . length == true && myapp _config . root _ . hasClass ( 'mobile-view-activated' ) ) :
/* destroy horizontal nav */
myapp _config . navHooks . menuSlider ( 'destroy' ) ;
/* build horizontal nav */
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "----top controls destroyed -- case 2" ) ;
break ;
/* fires when users switch off nav-function-top class */
case ( ! myapp _config . root _ . hasClass ( 'nav-function-top' ) && $ ( "#js-nav-menu-wrapper" ) . length == true ) :
/* destroy horizontal nav */
myapp _config . navHooks . menuSlider ( 'destroy' ) ;
/* build horizontal nav */
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "----top controls destroyed -- case 3" ) ;
break ;
} ;
/ * *
* Activate Nav
* DOC : activation should not take place if top navigation is on
* @ param { [ type ] } id
* @ return { [ type ] }
* * /
app . buildNavigation = function ( id ) {
/ * *
* build nav
* app . navigation . js
* * /
if ( $ . fn . navigation ) {
$ ( id ) . navigation ( {
accordion : myapp _config . navAccordion ,
speed : myapp _config . navSpeed ,
closedSign : '<em class="' + myapp _config . navClosedSign + '"></em>' ,
openedSign : '<em class="' + myapp _config . navOpenedSign + '"></em>' ,
initClass : myapp _config . navInitalized
} ) ;
return ( id ) ;
} else {
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "WARN: navigation plugin missing" ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Destroy Nav
* @ param { [ type ] } id
* @ return { [ type ] }
* * /
app . destroyNavigation = function ( id ) {
/ * *
* destroy nav
* app . navigation . js
* * /
if ( $ . fn . navigation ) {
$ ( id ) . navigationDestroy ( ) ;
return ( id ) ;
} else {
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "WARN: navigation plugin missing" ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* App Forms
* DOC : detects if input is selected or blured
* @ param { [ type ] } parentClass
* @ param { [ type ] } focusClass
* @ param { [ type ] } disabledClass
* @ return { [ type ] }
* * /
app . appForms = function ( parentClass , focusClass , disabledClass ) {
/* go through each .form-control */
/ * $ ( ' . f o r m - c o n t r o l ' ) . e a c h ( f u n c t i o n ( ) {
checkLength ( this ) ;
} ) ; * /
/* if input has 'some value' add class .has-length to .form-group */
/ * f u n c t i o n c h e c k L e n g t h ( e ) {
if ( e . value . length > 0 ) {
$ ( e ) . parents ( parentClass ) . addClass ( focusClass ) ;
if ( $ ( e ) . is ( '[readonly]' ) || $ ( e ) . is ( '[disabled]' ) ) {
$ ( e ) . parents ( parentClass ) . addClass ( disabledClass ) ;
} else {
$ ( e ) . parents ( parentClass ) . removeClass ( focusClass ) ;
if ( $ ( e ) . is ( '[readonly]' ) || $ ( e ) . is ( '[disabled]' ) ) {
$ ( e ) . parents ( parentClass ) . removeClass ( disabledClass ) ;
} * /
function setClass ( e , parentClass , focusClass ) {
$ ( e ) . parents ( parentClass ) . addClass ( focusClass ) ;
function deleteClass ( e , parentClass , focusClass ) {
/ * i f ( e . v a l u e . l e n g t h ) {
} else { * /
$ ( e ) . parents ( parentClass ) . removeClass ( focusClass ) ;
$ ( parentClass ) . each ( function ( ) {
var input = $ ( this ) . find ( '.form-control' ) ;
input . on ( 'focus' , function ( ) {
setClass ( this , parentClass , focusClass ) ;
} ) ;
input . on ( 'blur' , function ( ) {
deleteClass ( this , parentClass , focusClass ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Mobile Check Activate
* DOC : check on window resize if screen width is less than [ value ]
* @ return { int }
* /
app . mobileCheckActivation = function ( ) {
if ( window . innerWidth < myapp _config . mobileResolutionTrigger ) {
myapp _config . root _ . addClass ( 'mobile-view-activated' ) ;
myapp _config . mobileMenuTrigger = true ;
} else {
myapp _config . root _ . removeClass ( 'mobile-view-activated' ) ;
myapp _config . mobileMenuTrigger = false ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "mobileCheckActivation on " + $ ( window ) . width ( ) + " | activated: " + myapp _config . mobileMenuTrigger ) ;
return myapp _config . mobileMenuTrigger ;
} ;
/ * *
* Toggle visibility
* DOC : show and hide content with a button action
* Usage : onclick = "initApp.toggleVisibility('foo');"
* @ param { [ type ] } id
* @ return { [ type ] }
* * /
app . toggleVisibility = function ( id ) {
var e = document . getElementById ( id ) ;
if ( e . style . display == 'block' )
e . style . display = 'none' ;
e . style . display = 'block' ;
} ;
/ * *
* Miscelaneous DOM ready functions
* DOC : start jQuery ( document ) . ready calls
* @ return { [ type ] }
* * /
app . domReadyMisc = function ( ) {
/* Add file name path to input files */
$ ( '.custom-file input' ) . change ( function ( e ) {
var files = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $ ( this ) [ 0 ] . files . length ; i ++ ) {
files . push ( $ ( this ) [ 0 ] . files [ i ] . name ) ;
$ ( this ) . next ( '.custom-file-label' ) . html ( files . join ( ', ' ) ) ;
} ) ;
/* Give modal backdrop an extra class to make it customizable */
$ ( '.modal-backdrop-transparent' ) . on ( 'show.bs.modal' , function ( e ) {
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
$ ( '.modal-backdrop' ) . addClass ( 'modal-backdrop-transparent' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/* Add app date to js-get-date */
if ( myapp _config . appDateHook . length ) {
var months = [ 'January' , 'February' , 'March' , 'April' , 'May' , 'June' , 'July' , 'August' , 'September' , 'October' , 'November' , 'December' ] ,
day = [ 'Sunday' , 'Monday' , 'Tuesday' , 'Wednesday' , 'Thursday' , 'Friday' , 'Saturday' ] ,
now = new Date ( ) ,
formatted = day [ now . getDay ( ) ] + ', ' +
months [ now . getMonth ( ) ] + ' ' +
now . getDate ( ) + ', ' +
now . getFullYear ( ) ;
myapp _config . appDateHook . text ( formatted ) ;
/* Check conflicting classes to build/destroy slimscroll */
initApp . checkNavigationOrientation ( ) ;
/* Activate the last tab clicked using localStorage */
if ( myapp _config . activateLastTab ) {
var lastTab = localStorage . getItem ( 'lastTab' ) ;
$ ( 'a[data-toggle="tab"]' ) . on ( 'shown.bs.tab' , function ( e ) {
localStorage . setItem ( 'lastTab' , $ ( this ) . attr ( 'href' ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( lastTab ) {
$ ( '[href="' + lastTab + '"]' ) . tab ( 'show' ) ;
/ * *
* all options :
* -- -- -- -- -- -- --
width : '300px' ,
height : '500px' ,
size : '10px' ,
position : 'left' ,
color : '#ffcc00' ,
alwaysVisible : true ,
distance : '20px' ,
start : $ ( '#child_image_element' ) ,
railVisible : true ,
railColor : '#222' ,
railOpacity : 0.3 ,
wheelStep : 10 ,
allowPageScroll : false ,
disableFadeOut : false
* * /
if ( typeof $ . fn . slimScroll !== 'undefined' && myapp _config . thisDevice === 'desktop' ) {
$ ( '.custom-scroll:not(.disable-slimscroll) >:first-child' ) . slimscroll ( {
height : $ ( this ) . data ( 'scrollHeight' ) || '100%' ,
size : $ ( this ) . data ( 'scrollSize' ) || '4px' ,
position : $ ( this ) . data ( 'scrollPosition' ) || 'right' ,
color : $ ( this ) . data ( 'scrollColor' ) || 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)' ,
alwaysVisible : $ ( this ) . data ( 'scrollAlwaysVisible' ) || false ,
distance : $ ( this ) . data ( 'scrollDistance' ) || '4px' ,
railVisible : $ ( this ) . data ( 'scrollRailVisible' ) || false ,
railColor : $ ( this ) . data ( 'scrollRailColor' ) || '#fafafa' ,
allowPageScroll : false ,
disableFadeOut : false
} ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "%c✔ SlimScroll plugin active" , "color: #148f32" ) ;
} else {
console . log ( "WARN! $.fn.slimScroll not loaded or user is on desktop" ) ;
myapp _config . root _ . addClass ( "no-slimscroll" ) ;
/ * *
* Activate listFilters
* usage : < input id = "inputID" data - listfilter = "listFilter" / >
* * /
if ( typeof initApp . listFilter !== 'undefined' && $ . isFunction ( initApp . listFilter ) && $ ( '[data-listfilter]' ) . length ) {
var inputID = $ ( '[data-listfilter]' ) . attr ( 'id' ) ,
listFilter = $ ( '[data-listfilter]' ) . attr ( "data-listfilter" ) ;
/* initApp.listFilter($('.list'), $('#intput-id')); */
initApp . listFilter ( listFilter , '#' + inputID ) ;
/ * *
* Start bootstrap tooltips
* * /
if ( typeof ( $ . fn . tooltip ) !== 'undefined' && $ ( '[data-toggle="tooltip"]' ) . length ) {
$ ( '[data-toggle="tooltip"]' ) . tooltip ( ) ; /*{html: true}*/
} else {
console . log ( "OOPS! bs.tooltip is not loaded" ) ;
/ * *
* Start bootstrap popovers
* * /
if ( typeof ( $ . fn . popover ) !== 'undefined' && $ ( '[data-toggle="popover"]' ) . length ) {
/* BS4 sanatize */
var myDefaultWhiteList = $ . fn . tooltip . Constructor . Default . whiteList
/* init popover */
/* data-sanitize="false" was not working so had to add this globally */
/* DOC: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/getting-started/javascript/#sanitizer */
$ ( '[data-toggle="popover"]' ) . popover ( { sanitize : false } ) ; /*{trigger: "focus"}*/
} / * else {
console . log ( "OOPS! bs.popover is not loaded" ) ;
console . log ( "this" )
} * /
/ *
* Disable popper . js ' s forced hardware accelaration styles
* /
if ( typeof ( $ . fn . dropdown ) !== 'undefined' ) {
Popper . Defaults . modifiers . computeStyle . gpuAcceleration = false ;
} else {
console . log ( "OOPS! bs.popover is not loaded" ) ;
/ * *
* Dropdowns will not close on click
* doc : close dropdowns on click outside hit area
* * /
$ ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '.dropdown-menu:not(.js-auto-close):not(.note-dropdown-menu)' , function ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Waves effect ( plugin has issues with IE9 )
* DOC : http : //fian.my.id/Waves/#start
* * /
if ( window . Waves && myapp _config . rippleEffect ) {
Waves . attach ( '.nav-menu:not(.js-waves-off) a, .btn:not(.js-waves-off):not(.btn-switch), .js-waves-on' , [ 'waves-themed' ] ) ;
Waves . init ( ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "%c✔ Waves plugin active" , "color: #148f32" ) ;
} else {
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "%c✘ Waves plugin inactive! " , "color: #fd3995" ) ;
/ * *
* Action buttons
* * /
myapp _config . root _
. on ( 'click touchend' , '[data-action]' , function ( e ) {
var actiontype = $ ( this ) . data ( 'action' ) ;
switch ( true ) {
/ * *
* toggle trigger
* Usage 1 ( body ) : < a href = "#" data - action = "toggle" data - class = "add-this-class-to-body" > ... < / a >
* Usage 2 ( target ) : < a href = "#" data - action = "toggle" data - class = "add-this-class-to-target" data - target = "target" > ... < / a >
* * /
case ( actiontype === 'toggle' ) :
var target = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-target' ) || myapp _config . root _ ,
dataClass = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-class' ) ,
inputFocus = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-focus' ) ;
/* remove previous background image if alternate is selected */
if ( dataClass . indexOf ( 'mod-bg-' ) !== - 1 ) {
$ ( target ) . removeClass ( function ( index , css ) {
return ( css . match ( /(^|\s)mod-bg-\S+/g ) || [ ] ) . join ( ' ' ) ;
} ) ;
/* trigger class change */
$ ( target ) . toggleClass ( dataClass ) ;
/* this allows us to add active class for dropdown toggle components */
if ( $ ( this ) . hasClass ( 'dropdown-item' ) ) {
$ ( this ) . toggleClass ( 'active' ) ;
/ * f o c u s i n p u t i f a v a i l a b l e
FAQ : We had to put a delay timer to slow it down for chrome
* /
if ( inputFocus != undefined ) {
setTimeout ( function ( ) { $ ( '#' + inputFocus ) . focus ( ) ; } , 200 ) ;
/* save settings */
if ( typeof classHolder != 'undefined' || classHolder != null ) {
/* NOTE: saveSettings function is located right after <body> tag */
initApp . checkNavigationOrientation ( ) ;
initApp . saveSettings ( ) ;
break ;
/ * *
* toggle swap trigger
* Usage ( target ) : < a href = "#" data - action = "toggle-swap" data - class = "root-text" data - target = "html" > ... < / a >
* * /
case ( actiontype === 'toggle-swap' ) :
var target = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-target' ) ,
dataClass = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-class' ) ;
/* trigger class change */
$ ( target ) . removeClass ( ) . addClass ( dataClass ) ;
/* change active for demo */
if ( dataClass . startsWith ( "root-text" ) ) {
$ ( '[data-class]' ) . removeClass ( 'active' ) ;
$ ( '[data-class="' + dataClass + '"]' ) . addClass ( 'active' ) ;
break ;
/ * *
* toggle replace trigger
* Usage ( target ) : < a href = "#" data - action = "toggle-swap" data - replaceclass = "classesToReplace" data - class = "replaceWithClass" data - target = "body" > ... < / a >
* * /
case ( actiontype === 'toggle-replace' ) :
var target = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-target' ) || myapp _config . root _ ,
replaceClass = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-replaceclass' )
dataClass = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-class' ) || "" ;
savetoLocal = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-savetolocal' ) || true ;
/* trigger class change */
$ ( target ) . removeClass ( replaceClass ) . addClass ( dataClass ) ;
//console.log( replaceClass + " :replace these classes")
/* save to localStorage */
if ( savetoLocal === true ) {
initApp . saveSettings ( ) ;
break ;
/ * *
* panel 'collapse' trigger
* * /
case ( actiontype === 'panel-collapse' ) :
var selectedPanel = $ ( this ) . closest ( '.panel' ) ;
selectedPanel . children ( '.panel-container' ) . collapse ( 'toggle' )
. on ( 'show.bs.collapse' , function ( ) {
selectedPanel . removeClass ( "panel-collapsed" ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "panel id:" + selectedPanel . attr ( 'id' ) + " | action: uncollapsed" ) ;
} ) . on ( 'hidden.bs.collapse' , function ( ) {
selectedPanel . addClass ( "panel-collapsed" ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "panel id:" + selectedPanel . attr ( 'id' ) + " | action: collapsed" ) ;
} ) ;
/* return ID of panel */
//return selectedPanel.attr('id');
break ;
/ * *
* panel 'fullscreen' trigger
* * /
case ( actiontype === 'panel-fullscreen' ) :
var selectedPanel = $ ( this ) . closest ( '.panel' ) ;
selectedPanel . toggleClass ( 'panel-fullscreen' ) ;
myapp _config . root _ . toggleClass ( 'panel-fullscreen' ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "panel id:" + selectedPanel . attr ( 'id' ) + " | action: fullscreen" ) ;
/* return ID of panel */
//return selectedPanel.attr('id');
break ;
/ * *
* panel 'close' trigger
* * /
case ( actiontype === 'panel-close' ) :
var selectedPanel = $ ( this ) . closest ( '.panel' ) ;
var killPanel = function ( ) {
selectedPanel . fadeOut ( 500 , function ( ) {
/* remove panel */
$ ( this ) . remove ( ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "panel id:" + selectedPanel . attr ( 'id' ) + " | action: removed" ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
if ( typeof bootbox != 'undefined' ) {
initApp . playSound ( 'media/sound' , 'messagebox' )
bootbox . confirm ( {
title : "<i class='" + myapp _config . appIconPrefix + " fa-times-circle text-danger mr-2'></i> Do you wish to delete panel <span class='fw-500'> '" + selectedPanel . children ( '.panel-hdr' ) . children ( 'h2' ) . text ( ) . trim ( ) + "' </span>?" ,
message : "<span><strong>Warning:</strong> This action cannot be undone!</span>" ,
centerVertical : true ,
swapButtonOrder : true ,
buttons : {
confirm : {
label : 'Yes' ,
className : 'btn-danger shadow-0'
} ,
cancel : {
label : 'No' ,
className : 'btn-default'
} ,
className : "modal-alert" ,
closeButton : false ,
callback : function ( result ) {
if ( result == true ) {
killPanel ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
if ( confirm ( 'Do you wish to delete panel ' + selectedPanel . children ( '.panel-hdr' ) . children ( 'h2' ) . text ( ) . trim ( ) + '?' ) ) {
killPanel ( ) ;
break ;
/ * *
* update header css , 'theme-update' trigger
* eg : data - action = "theme-update"
* data - theme = "css/cust-theme-1.css"
* * /
case ( actiontype === 'theme-update' ) :
initApp . updateTheme ( $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-theme' ) , $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-themesave' ) ) ;
break ;
/ * *
* theme 'app-reset' trigger
* * /
case ( actiontype === 'app-reset' ) :
initApp . resetSettings ( ) ;
break ;
/ * *
* theme 'factory-reset' trigger
* * /
case ( actiontype === 'factory-reset' ) :
initApp . factoryReset ( ) ;
break ;
/ * *
* app print
* starts print priview for browser
* * /
case ( actiontype === 'app-print' ) :
window . print ( ) ;
break ;
/ * *
* ondemand
* load onDemand scripts
* * /
case ( actiontype === 'app-loadscript' ) :
var loadurl = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-loadurl' ) ,
loadfunction = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-loadfunction' ) ;
initApp . loadScript ( loadurl , loadfunction ) ;
break ;
/ * *
* app language selection
* lazyloads i18n plugin and activates selected language
* * /
case ( actiontype === 'lang' ) :
var applang = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-lang' ) . toString ( ) ;
if ( ! $ . i18n ) {
initApp . loadScript ( "js/i18n/i18n.js" ,
function activateLang ( ) {
$ . i18n . init ( {
resGetPath : 'media/data/__lng__.json' ,
load : 'unspecific' ,
fallbackLng : false ,
lng : applang
} , function ( t ) {
$ ( '[data-i18n]' ) . i18n ( ) ;
$ ( '[data-lang]' ) . removeClass ( 'active' ) ;
$ ( '[data-lang="' + applang + '"]' ) . addClass ( 'active' ) ;
} ) ;
) ;
} else {
i18n . setLng ( applang , function ( ) {
$ ( '[data-i18n]' ) . i18n ( ) ;
$ ( '[data-lang]' ) . removeClass ( 'active' ) ;
$ ( this ) . addClass ( 'active' ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
/ * *
* app 'fullscreen' trigger
* * /
case ( actiontype === 'app-fullscreen' ) :
/ * N O T E : t h i s m a y n o t w o r k f o r a l l b r o w s e r s i f t h e b r o w s e r s e c u r i t y d o e s n o t p e r m i t i t
IE issues : http : //stackoverflow.com/questions/33732805/fullscreen-not-working-in-ie */
if ( ! document . fullscreenElement && ! document . mozFullScreenElement && ! document . webkitFullscreenElement && ! document . msFullscreenElement ) {
if ( document . documentElement . requestFullscreen ) {
/* Standard browsers */
document . documentElement . requestFullscreen ( ) ;
} else if ( document . documentElement . msRequestFullscreen ) {
/* Internet Explorer */
document . documentElement . msRequestFullscreen ( ) ;
} else if ( document . documentElement . mozRequestFullScreen ) {
/* Firefox */
document . documentElement . mozRequestFullScreen ( ) ;
} else if ( document . documentElement . webkitRequestFullscreen ) {
/* Chrome */
document . documentElement . webkitRequestFullscreen ( Element . ALLOW _KEYBOARD _INPUT ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "app fullscreen toggle active" ) ;
} else {
if ( document . exitFullscreen ) {
document . exitFullscreen ( ) ;
} else if ( document . msExitFullscreen ) {
document . msExitFullscreen ( ) ;
} else if ( document . mozCancelFullScreen ) {
document . mozCancelFullScreen ( ) ;
} else if ( document . webkitExitFullscreen ) {
document . webkitExitFullscreen ( ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "%capp fullscreen toggle inactive! " , "color: #ed1c24" ) ;
break ;
/ * *
* app 'playsound' trigger
* usage : data - action = "playsound" data - soundpath = "media/sound/" data - soundfile = "filename" ( no file extensions )
* * /
case ( actiontype === 'playsound' ) :
var path = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-soundpath' ) || "media/sound/" ,
sound = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-soundfile' ) ;
initApp . playSound ( path , sound ) ;
break ;
/* hide tooltip if any present */
$ ( this ) . tooltip ( 'hide' ) ;
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "data-action clicked: " + actiontype ) ;
/* stop default link action */
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Windows mobile 8 fix ~
* DOC : bootstrap related
* * /
if ( navigator . userAgent . match ( /IEMobile\/10\.0/ ) ) {
var msViewportStyle = document . createElement ( 'style' ) ;
msViewportStyle . appendChild (
document . createTextNode (
) ;
document . head . appendChild ( msViewportStyle )
} ;
/ * *
* Display APP version
* DOC : only show this if debug state tree
* * /
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "%c✔ Finished app.init() v" + myapp _config . VERSION + '\n' + "---------------------------" , "color: #148f32" ) ;
} ;
return app ;
} ) ( { } ) ;
/ *
"Night is a bag that bursts with the golden dust of dawn..."
Oh wow , you actually opened this file and read it all the way though ! Congrats !
Please do drop me a line at @ myplaneticket : )
* /
var layouts = ( function ( setlayout ) {
setlayout . errorMessage = function ( layout ) {
console . log ( "('" + layout + "')" + " is not a valid entry, enter 'on' or 'off'" ) ;
setlayout . fixedHeader = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'header-function-fixed' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
2022-11-14 13:36:02 +08:00
initApp . removeSettings ( 'header-function-fixed' )
2022-10-14 16:08:54 +08:00
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . fixedNavigation = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'nav-function-fixed' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'nav-function-fixed' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . minifyNavigation = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'nav-function-minify' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'nav-function-minify' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . hideNavigation = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'nav-function-hidden' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'nav-function-hidden' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . horizontalNavigation = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'nav-function-top' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'nav-function-top' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . fixedFooter = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'footer-function-fixed' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'footer-function-fixed' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . boxed = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-main-boxed' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-main-boxed' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . pushContent = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'nav-mobile-push' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'nav-mobile-push' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . overlay = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'nav-mobile-no-overlay' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'nav-mobile-no-overlay' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . offCanvas = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'nav-mobile-slide-out' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'nav-mobile-slide-out' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . bigFonts = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-bigger-font' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-bigger-font' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . highContrast = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-high-contrast' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-high-contrast' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . colorblind = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-color-blind' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-color-blind' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . preloadInside = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-pace-custom' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-pace-custom' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . panelIcons = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-panel-icon' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-panel-icon' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . cleanBackground = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-clean-page-bg' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-clean-page-bg' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . hideNavIcons = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-hide-nav-icons' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-hide-nav-icons' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . noAnimation = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-disable-animation' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-disable-animation' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . hideInfoCard = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-hide-info-card' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-hide-info-card' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . leanSubheader = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-lean-subheader' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-lean-subheader' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . hierarchicalNav = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-nav-link' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-nav-link' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . darkNav = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-nav-dark' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-nav-dark' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
// ALT Approach
/ * s e t l a y o u t . m o d e D a r k = f u n c t i o n ( l a y o u t ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-skin-dark' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-skin-dark' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . modeLight = function ( layout ) {
if ( layout === 'on' ) {
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-skin-light' )
} else if ( layout === 'off' ) {
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-skin-light' )
} else {
layouts . errorMessage ( layout ) ;
} ;
setlayout . modeDefault = function ( ) {
layouts . modeDark ( 'off' ) ;
layouts . modeLight ( 'off' ) ;
} ; * /
/ * s e t l a y o u t . f o n t S i z e = f u n c t i o n ( l a y o u t ) {
switch ( true ) {
case ( layout === 'sm' ) :
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-skin-light' )
break ;
case ( layout === 'md' ) :
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-skin-light' )
break ;
case ( layout === 'lg' ) :
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-skin-light' )
break ;
case ( layout === 'xl' ) :
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-skin-light' )
break ;
default :
console . log ( "('" + layout + "')" + " is not a valid entry, enter 'sm', 'md', 'lg', or 'xl'" ) ;
break ;
} ; * /
setlayout . theme = function ( themename , save ) {
initApp . updateTheme ( themename , save ) ;
} ;
setlayout . mode = function ( layout ) {
switch ( true ) {
case ( layout === 'default' ) :
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-skin-light' , false ) ;
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-skin-dark' , true ) ;
break ;
case ( layout === 'light' ) :
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-skin-dark' , false ) ;
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-skin-light' , true ) ;
break ;
case ( layout === 'dark' ) :
initApp . removeSettings ( 'mod-skin-light' , false ) ;
initApp . pushSettings ( 'mod-skin-dark' , true ) ;
break ;
default :
console . log ( "('" + layout + "')" + " is not a valid entry, enter 'default', 'light', or 'dark'" ) ;
break ;
} ;
return setlayout ;
} ) ( { } ) ;
/ * *
* Bind the throttled handler to the resize event .
* NOTE : Please do not change the order displayed ( e . g . 1 a , 1 b , 2 a , 2 b ... etc )
* * /
$ ( window ) . resize (
$ . throttle ( myapp _config . throttleDelay , function ( e ) {
/ * *
* Description : tracks the page min - width of # CONTENT and NAV when navigation is resized .
* This is to counter bugs for minimum page width on many desktop and mobile devices .
* * /
initApp . mobileCheckActivation ( ) ;
/ * *
* Description : fires an event to check for navigation orientation .
* Based on the condition , it will initliaze or destroy the slimscroll , or horizontal nav plugins
* * /
initApp . checkNavigationOrientation ( ) ;
/** -- insert your resize codes below this line -- **/
} )
) ;
/ * *
* Bind the throttled handler to the scroll event
* * /
$ ( window ) . scroll (
$ . throttle ( myapp _config . throttleDelay , function ( e ) {
/ * *
* Compare the height of nav and content ;
* If one is longer / shorter than the other , measure them to be equal .
* This event is only fired on desktop .
* * /
/** -- insert your other scroll codes below this line -- **/
} )
) ;
/ * *
* Initiate scroll events
* * /
$ ( window ) . on ( 'scroll' , initApp . windowScrollEvents ) ;
/ * *
* DOC : Fire when DOM is ready
* Do not change order a , b , c , d ...
* * /
document . addEventListener ( 'DOMContentLoaded' , function ( ) {
/ * *
* detect desktop or mobile
* * /
initApp . addDeviceType ( ) ;
/ * *
* detect Webkit Browser
* * /
initApp . detectBrowserType ( ) ;
/ * *
* a . check for mobile view width and add class . mobile - view - activated
* * /
initApp . mobileCheckActivation ( ) ;
/ * *
* b . build navigation
* * /
initApp . buildNavigation ( myapp _config . navHooks ) ;
/ * *
* c . initialize nav filter
* * /
initApp . listFilter ( myapp _config . navHooks , myapp _config . navFilterInput , myapp _config . navAnchor ) ;
/ * *
* d . run DOM misc functions
* * /
initApp . domReadyMisc ( ) ;
/ * *
* e . run app forms class detectors [ parentClass , focusClass , disabledClass ]
* * /
initApp . appForms ( '.input-group' , 'has-length' , 'has-disabled' ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Mobile orientation change events
* DOC : recalculates app height
* * /
$ ( window ) . on ( "orientationchange" , function ( event ) {
/* reset any .CSS heights and force appHeight function to recalculate */
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "orientationchange event" ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Window load function
* DOC : window focus blur detection
* * /
$ ( window ) . on ( "blur focus" , function ( e ) {
var prevType = $ ( this ) . data ( "prevType" ) ;
/ * *
* reduce double fire issues
* * /
if ( prevType != e . type ) {
switch ( e . type ) {
case "blur" :
myapp _config . root _ . toggleClass ( "blur" )
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "blur" ) ;
break ;
case "focus" :
myapp _config . root _ . toggleClass ( "blur" )
if ( myapp _config . debugState )
console . log ( "focused" ) ;
break ;
$ ( this ) . data ( "prevType" , e . type ) ;
} )
var color = {
primary : {
_50 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-primary-50' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#ccbfdf' ,
_100 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-primary-100' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#beaed7' ,
_200 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-primary-200' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#b19dce' ,
_300 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-primary-300' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#a38cc6' ,
_400 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-primary-400' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#967bbd' ,
_500 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-primary-500' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#886ab5' ,
_600 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-primary-600' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#7a59ad' ,
_700 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-primary-700' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#6e4e9e' ,
_800 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-primary-800' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#62468d' ,
_900 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-primary-900' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#563d7c'
} ,
success : {
_50 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-success-50' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#7aece0' ,
_100 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-success-100' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#63e9db' ,
_200 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-success-200' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#4de5d5' ,
_300 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-success-300' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#37e2d0' ,
_400 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-success-400' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#21dfcb' ,
_500 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-success-500' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#1dc9b7' ,
_600 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-success-600' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#1ab3a3' ,
_700 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-success-700' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#179c8e' ,
_800 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-success-800' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#13867a' ,
_900 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-success-900' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#107066'
} ,
info : {
_50 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-info-50' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#9acffa' ,
_100 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-info-100' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#82c4f8' ,
_200 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-info-200' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#6ab8f7' ,
_300 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-info-300' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#51adf6' ,
_400 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-info-400' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#39a1f4' ,
_500 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-info-500' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#2196F3' ,
_600 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-info-600' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#0d8aee' ,
_700 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-info-700' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#0c7cd5' ,
_800 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-info-800' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#0a6ebd' ,
_900 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-info-900' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#0960a5'
} ,
warning : {
_50 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-warning-50' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#ffebc1' ,
_100 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-warning-100' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#ffe3a7' ,
_200 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-warning-200' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#ffdb8e' ,
_300 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-warning-300' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#ffd274' ,
_400 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-warning-400' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#ffca5b' ,
_500 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-warning-500' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#ffc241' ,
_600 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-warning-600' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#ffba28' ,
_700 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-warning-700' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#ffb20e' ,
_800 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-warning-800' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#f4a500' ,
_900 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-warning-900' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#da9400'
} ,
danger : {
_50 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-danger-50' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#feb7d9' ,
_100 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-danger-100' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#fe9ecb' ,
_200 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-danger-200' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#fe85be' ,
_300 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-danger-300' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#fe6bb0' ,
_400 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-danger-400' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#fd52a3' ,
_500 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-danger-500' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#fd3995' ,
_600 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-danger-600' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#fd2087' ,
_700 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-danger-700' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#fc077a' ,
_800 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-danger-800' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#e7026e' ,
_900 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-danger-900' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#ce0262'
} ,
fusion : {
_50 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-fusion-50' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#909090' ,
_100 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-fusion-100' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#838383' ,
_200 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-fusion-200' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#767676' ,
_300 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-fusion-300' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#696969' ,
_400 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-fusion-400' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#5d5d5d' ,
_500 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-fusion-500' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#505050' ,
_600 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-fusion-600' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#434343' ,
_700 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-fusion-700' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#363636' ,
_800 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-fusion-800' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#2a2a2a' ,
_900 : rgb2hex ( myapp _config . mythemeColorProfileID . find ( '.color-fusion-900' ) . css ( 'color' ) ) || '#1d1d1d'