[Frontend][全域功能] YT-Popalert引用 | Loading 程序建置 | 電梯訂閱 Loading 程序套上 | Login Not Auth 跳回 Niagara 登入畫面
This commit is contained in:
@ -1032,6 +1032,7 @@
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ input.toggle:checked {
.loading-bg {
background: #0000009c;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
width: 100%;
height: 100vh;
position: fixed;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
.alert[id^=success-alert] {
background-color: #3AB14D;
.alert[id^=danger-alert] {
background-color: #dc3545;
.alert[id^=tip-alert] {
background-color: #498ae5;
.yt-alert {
display: none;
position: fixed;
z-index: 3000;
bottom: 2%;
right: 2%;
width: 300px;
background-color: #dc3545;
color: white;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
gap: 7px;
@ -33,10 +33,12 @@ License: You must have a valid license purchased only from wrapbootstrap.com (li
<link rel="mask-icon" href="img/favicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#5bbad5">
<!-- Font Awesome -->
<link href="lib/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen, print" href="https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.21/css/dataTables.bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen, print" href="https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.21/css/dataTables.bootstrap4.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/site.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/yourteam/plugins/yt-tooltip/yt-tooltip.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/yourteam/plugins/yt-alert/ytpop-alert.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://developer.api.autodesk.com/modelderivative/v2/viewers/7.*/style.min.css" type="text/css">
<!-- BEGIN Body -->
@ -2537,6 +2539,7 @@ License: You must have a valid license purchased only from wrapbootstrap.com (li
<script src="https://developer.api.autodesk.com/modelderivative/v2/viewers/7.*/viewer3D.js"></script>
<script src="js/forge/forgemodel.js"></script>
<script src="js/yourteam/plugins/yt-alert/ytpop-alert.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
@ -2557,14 +2560,12 @@ License: You must have a valid license purchased only from wrapbootstrap.com (li
var jwt = localStorage.getItem("JWT-Authorization");
var pageAct = {}; //記錄全頁面已選擇項目
if (!jwt) {
location.href = "prelogin";
if (location.href.indexOf("ord") != -1) {
location.href = "/file/index.html"
// 執行初步 Loading
var loadEle = pageLoading();
$(function () {
// 二次引用 jquery.js
// - 在 require 內部程序需要引用 jquery,由於 require 的套件需要依賴 jquery ,就算 HTML 已經引用 jquery, require 也無法參考
@ -2613,9 +2614,13 @@ License: You must have a valid license purchased only from wrapbootstrap.com (li
* */
function loadedJsPack() {
if (!jwt) {
myBaja = new MyBaja();
} else {
@ -2704,6 +2709,7 @@ License: You must have a valid license purchased only from wrapbootstrap.com (li
// page loaded callback
function loadCallback() {
@ -2711,7 +2717,8 @@ License: You must have a valid license purchased only from wrapbootstrap.com (li
// 事件先行讀取
function loadEvent() {
onEvent("click", "[name=topFunBtn]", function () {
_ytTabInited = []
let needLoad = ["sysElevator"];
_ytTabInited = [];
let page = $(this).data("page");
if (page != "systemMonitor") {
@ -2725,6 +2732,11 @@ License: You must have a valid license purchased only from wrapbootstrap.com (li
$("#app").load(`_${page}.html`, loadCallback);
// 需要 Loading 的頁面
if (needLoad.indexOf(page) != -1) {
$(loadEle).Loading("start", "資料讀取中...");
onEvent("active:change", "#sysMonBtnList", function (e, actEle) {
@ -2746,17 +2758,17 @@ License: You must have a valid license purchased only from wrapbootstrap.com (li
function pageLoading(isShow = true) {
if (isShow) {
if ($("body .loading-bg").length == 0) {
let background = $(`<div class="loading-bg"></div>`)
} else {
$("body .loading-bg").show();
} else {
$("body .loading-bg").hide();
* 頁面 Loading 建立
* */
function pageLoading(text = null) {
let background = $(`<div class="loading-bg"></div>`);
let aleObj = YT.Alert.Tip(text || "讀取中,請稍後", "show");
$(background)[0]._aleObj = aleObj;
$("body").css("overflow", "hidden");
$("body .page-content-wrapper").append(background);
$(background).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 300);
return background;
// 登入驗證
@ -2781,6 +2793,7 @@ License: You must have a valid license purchased only from wrapbootstrap.com (li
success: function (rel) {
if (rel.code != "0000") {
toast_error(rel.msg || "系統內部發生錯誤,請聯絡系統管理員");
location.href = "/login";
else {
@ -19,9 +19,66 @@ $.fn.outerHtml = function () {
return $(this).prop("outerHTML");
* fn 定義 | Loading 操作
* @param {any} type - close / start / exceed , exceed => 繼續執行並可切換文字
* @param {any} text - 右下角 Alert 文字
$.fn.Loading = function (type = "close",text) {
let ele = this;
let aleObj = $(this)[0]._aleObj;
function closeLoading() {
$("body").css("overflow", "auto");
$(ele).animate({ opacity: 0 }, 300, () => {
function showLoading() {
$("body").css("overflow", "hidden");
let aleObj = YT.Alert.Tip(text || "讀取中,請稍後", "show");
$(ele)[0]._aleObj = aleObj;
$(ele).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 300);
if (type == "close") {
} else if (type == "exceed") {
} else if (type == "start") {
return $(this);
$.fn.YTAlert = function () {
let th = { element: this };
th.hide = function (delay = 0) {
let obj = this;
setTimeout(function () {
alertIdArray.splice($.inArray($(obj.element).prop("id"), alertIdArray), 1);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
}, delay);
th.text = function (text) {
let obj = this;
let id = $(obj.element).prop("id").split("tip-alert-")[1];
return th;
* 設置 bootstrap dropdown 為下拉選單
* @param {any} menuEle .dropdown-menu element
* @param {any} menuEle - .dropdown-menu element
function setDropdownItem(menuEle) {
if ($(menuEle).find(".dropdown-item.active").length == 0) {
@ -52,6 +109,11 @@ function defDev(obj) {
obj.src = defSrc;
* jquery datatable - ajax send data reset
* @param {any} table
* @param {any} sendData
function dtAjaxResetSendData(table,sendData) {
table.context[0].ajax.data = function (d) {
d = sendData;
@ -59,6 +121,7 @@ function dtAjaxResetSendData(table,sendData) {
* element 建造
* @param {any} text
@ -108,6 +171,9 @@ function creOption(text = null, value = null, data = {}, attr = {}, cls = [], na
return creEle("option", text, id, name, cls, data, attr);
* 根據該棟建築底下的'所有'電梯執行緒物件
* */
class ElevatorHandler {
constructor(ele, option = {}) {
this.ele = ele;
@ -124,9 +190,11 @@ class ElevatorHandler {
// 所有電梯初始化
init = function () {
// 若已有每個設備的所在樓層,則預設到該樓層位置
if (Object.keys(this.curElevFloor).length != 0) {
$.each(Object.keys(this.curElevFloor), (idx, elevKey) => {
@ -158,16 +226,16 @@ class ElevatorHandler {
for (let e = 1; e <= _elevators.length + 2; e++) {
let th = creEle("th");
th.css({ "width": `${_w}px`, "height": `${_h}px` });
th.css({ "width": `${_w}px`, "height": `${_h}px` ,"position":"relative"});
if (e != 1 && e != _elevators.length + 2) {
let elevId = _elevators[e - 2]?.id;
// 電梯方框
let span = creEle("span", null, "elevator-item-" + (elevId), null, ["elevator-item"]);
let spanUp = creEle("span", null, null, null, ["elevator-item-toup"]);
let spanDown = creEle("span", null, null, null, ["elevator-item-todown"]);
span.css({ "width": `${_w - 3}px`, "height": `${_h - 3}px`, "top": `1.5px`, "transition":`transform ${1 / this.speed}s cubic-bezier(0.43, 0.05, 0.62, 1) 0s`})
spanUp.css({ "width": `${_w - 3}px`, "height": `${(_h - 3) / 2}px`, "top": `1.5px`, "transition":`transform ${1 / this.speed}s cubic-bezier(0.43, 0.05, 0.62, 1) 0s`})
spanDown.css({ "width": `${_w - 3}px`, "height": `${(_h - 3) / 2}px`, "top": `1.5px`, "transition":`transform ${1 / this.speed}s cubic-bezier(0.43, 0.05, 0.62, 1) 0s`,"top":`${1.5 + (_h-3) / 2}px`})
span.css({ "width": `${_w - 3}px`, "height": `${_h - 3}px`, "top": `1.5px`,"left":"1.5px", "transition":`transform ${1 / this.speed}s cubic-bezier(0.43, 0.05, 0.62, 1) 0s`})
spanUp.css({ "width": `${_w - 3}px`, "height": `${(_h - 3) / 2}px`, "top": `1.5px`, "left": "1.5px", "transition":`transform ${1 / this.speed}s cubic-bezier(0.43, 0.05, 0.62, 1) 0s`})
spanDown.css({ "width": `${_w - 3}px`, "height": `${(_h - 3) / 2}px`, "top": `1.5px`, "left": "1.5px", "transition":`transform ${1 / this.speed}s cubic-bezier(0.43, 0.05, 0.62, 1) 0s`,"top":`${1.5 + (_h-3) / 2}px`})
@ -221,26 +289,18 @@ class ElevatorHandler {
// 設置某個電梯到某個樓層
setElevFloor = function (elevId, floId) {
let curFloId = this.curElevFloor[elevId];
let curSort = this.floors.filter(x => x.id == curFloId).map(x => x.sort)[0];
let tarSort = this.floors.filter(x => x.id == floId).map(x => x.sort)[0];
let gapFloor = tarSort - curSort;
let cssEle = [$(`#elevator-item-${elevId}`)[0], $(`#elevator-item-${elevId}`).prev("span.elevator-item-toup")[0], $(`#elevator-item-${elevId}`).next("span.elevator-item-todown")[0]]
if (this.movStatus[elevId] != 0) {
$(cssEle).css("transition", `transform ${1 / this.speed * Math.abs(gapFloor)}s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.62, 1) 0s`);
//if (gapFloor < 0) {
// this.movStatus[elevId] = 2;
//} else if (gapFloor > 0) {
// this.movStatus[elevId] = 1;
//} else {
// this.movStatus[elevId] = 0;
this.setTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
/*this.movStatus[elevId] = 0;*/
$(cssEle).css("transition", `transform ${1 / this.speed * Math.abs(gapFloor)}s cubic-bezier(0.43, 0.05, 0.62, 1) 0s`);
}, (1 / this.speed * Math.abs(gapFloor)) * 1000)
@ -250,10 +310,12 @@ class ElevatorHandler {
$(cssEle).css("transform", `translateY(${this.floorHeight * (this.floors.length - tarSort)}px)`);
// 設定現在電梯狀態 (往上/往下/停止)
setEleMovStatus = function (elevId,status) {
this.movStatus[elevId] = status;
// 電梯方框 往上或往下閃爍
setEleUpDownStyle = function (elevId) {
if (this.movStatus[elevId] == 1) {
@ -269,10 +331,12 @@ class ElevatorHandler {
// 設定現在某個電梯所在樓層
setCurElevFloor = function (elevId,floId) {
this.curElevFloor[elevId] = floId;
// 重新繪製
redraw = function () {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
alertIdArray = [];
window.YT = typeof YT == "undefined" ? {} : YT;
window.YT.Alert = { Success: null, Error: null, Tip: null };
YT.Alert.Success = function (text) {
let ranId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000);
$("body").append(`<div id='success-alert-${ranId}' class='alert alert-dismissible yt-alert shadow-lg fade show' role = 'alert' style='display:none;'>
<span class="material-icons fs-3">check_circle</span><strong>${text}</strong></div>`)
alertIdArray.push("success-alert-" + ranId)
alertIdArray.length > 2 ? alertIdArray.shift() : ""
$("#success-alert-" + ranId).fadeIn(300);
if (typeof ($("#" + alertIdArray[0]).css("bottom")) != "undefined" && $("#" + alertIdArray[0]).css("display") != "none" && (alertIdArray[1] != "" || alertIdArray[1] != null)) {
let newAlertWidth = parseInt($("#" + alertIdArray[0]).css("bottom").split('px')[0]) + parseInt($("#" + alertIdArray[0]).css("height")) + 10 + "px"
$("#" + alertIdArray[1]).css("bottom", newAlertWidth);
$("#success-alert-" + ranId).click(function () {
$("#success-alert-" + ranId).fadeOut(300);
setTimeout(function () { $("#success-alert-" + ranId).fadeOut(300); }, 6000);
setTimeout(function () {
$("#success-alert-" + ranId).remove();
alertIdArray.splice($.inArray("#success-alert-" + ranId, alertIdArray), 1);
}, 7000);
YT.Alert.Error = function (text) {
let ranId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000);
$("body").append(`<div id='danger-alert-${ranId}' class='alert alert-dismissible yt-alert shadow-lg fade show' role = 'alert' style='display:none;'>
<span class="material-icons fs-3">error</span><strong>${text}</strong></div>`)
alertIdArray.push("danger-alert-" + ranId);
alertIdArray.length > 2 ? alertIdArray.shift() : ""
$("#danger-alert-" + ranId).fadeIn(300);
if (typeof ($("#" + alertIdArray[0]).css("bottom")) != "undefined" && $("#" + alertIdArray[0]).css("display") != "none" && (alertIdArray[1] != "" || alertIdArray[1] != null)) {
let newAlertWidth = parseInt($("#" + alertIdArray[0]).css("bottom").split('px')[0]) + parseInt($("#" + alertIdArray[0]).css("height")) + 10 + "px"
$("#" + alertIdArray[1]).css("bottom", newAlertWidth);
$("#danger-alert-" + ranId).click(function () {
$("#danger-alert-" + ranId).fadeOut(300);
setTimeout(function () {
$("#danger-alert-" + ranId).fadeOut(300);
alertIdArray.splice($.inArray("#danger-alert-" + ranId, alertIdArray), 1);
}, 6000);
setTimeout(function () { $("#danger-alert-" + ranId).remove(); }, 7000);
YT.Alert.Tip = function (text, type = null, color = null) {
let ranId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000);
$("body").append(`<div id='tip-alert-${ranId}' class='alert alert-dismissible yt-alert shadow-lg fade show' role = 'alert' style='display:none;'>
<span class="material-icons fs-3">error</span><strong id="alert-text-${ranId}">${text}</strong></div>`)
alertIdArray.push("tip-alert-" + ranId);
alertIdArray.length > 2 ? alertIdArray.shift() : ""
if (color != null) {
$("#tip-alert-" + ranId).css("background-color", color);
if (type == null) {
$("#tip-alert-" + ranId).fadeIn(300);
if (typeof ($("#" + alertIdArray[0]).css("bottom")) != "undefined" && $("#" + alertIdArray[0]).css("display") != "none" && (alertIdArray[1] != "" || alertIdArray[1] != null)) {
let newAlertWidth = parseInt($("#" + alertIdArray[0]).css("bottom").split('px')[0]) + parseInt($("#" + alertIdArray[0]).css("height")) + 10 + "px"
$("#" + alertIdArray[1]).css("bottom", newAlertWidth);
$("#tip-alert-" + ranId).click(function () {
$("#tip-alert-" + ranId).fadeOut(300);
setTimeout(function () {
$("#tip-alert-" + ranId).fadeOut(300);
alertIdArray.splice($.inArray("#tip-alert-" + ranId, alertIdArray), 1);
}, 6000);
setTimeout(function () { $("#tip-alert-" + ranId).remove(); }, 7000);
} else if (type == "show") {
$("#tip-alert-" + ranId).fadeIn(300);
} else if (type == "hide") {
$("#tip-alert-" + ranId).fadeOut(300);
alertIdArray.splice($.inArray("#tip-alert-" + ranId, alertIdArray), 1);
setTimeout(function () {
$("#tip-alert-" + ranId).remove();
}, 1000);
return { id: "#tip-alert-" + ranId, ele: $("#tip-alert-" + ranId) };
//因非使用 Require 引用,$.fn 被二次引用 jquery.js 吃掉,則移至 site.js
//$.fn.YTAlert = function () {
// let th = { element: this };
// th.hide = function (delay = 0) {
// let obj = this;
// setTimeout(function () {
// $(obj.element).fadeOut(300);
// alertIdArray.splice($.inArray($(obj.element).prop("id"), alertIdArray), 1);
// setTimeout(function () {
// $(obj.element).remove();
// }, 1000);
// }, delay);
// }
// th.text = function (text) {
// let obj = this;
// let id = $(obj.element).prop("id").split("tip-alert-")[1];
// $(`#alert-text-${id}`).text(text);
// }
// return th;
@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ class Ajax {
successFunction = function (data,callback) {
if (data && data.unauthorized == 401) {
location.href = "login.html";
location.href = "/login";
if (callback) {
@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ class Ajax {
} else if (xhr.status == "401") {
location.href = "~/Login/Login";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user