This commit is contained in:
@ -874,21 +874,20 @@
pageAct.useDevSys = [];
function setAuthPage() {
$(`#accAuthPageTable input[type=checkbox]`).prop('disabled', false);
$.each($(`#accAuthPageTable input[type=checkbox]:checked`), function (i, v) {
function setAuthPage() {
$(`#accAuthPageTable input[type=checkbox]`).removeClass();
$.each($(`#accAuthPageTable input[type=checkbox]:checked`), function (i, v) {
pageAct.authCode = pageAct.authCode.filter(function (elem, index, self) {
return index === self.indexOf(elem);
pageAct.authCode = pageAct.authCode.filter(function (elem, index, self) {
return index === self.indexOf(elem);
$.each(pageAct.authCode, function (i, v) {
$(`#accAuthPageTable input[id=${v}]`).click();
$(`#accAuthPageTable input[id=${v}]`).attr('disabled', true);
$.each(pageAct.authCode, function (i, v) {
$(`#accAuthPageTable input[id=${v}]`).click();
function getUsrDevSys(user_guid) {
let url = baseApiUrl + "/User/GetUsrDevSys";
@ -233,6 +233,7 @@
ytAjax = new YourTeam.Ajax(url, objSendData, success, null, "POST").send();
@ -497,7 +498,7 @@
complete: (xhr) => {
// ytAjax = new YourTeam.Ajax(url, objSendData, function (rel) {
@ -861,7 +861,6 @@
opeRecTable = new YourTeam.JqDataTables.getTableByAjax(ajaxObj, tag, null, columns, column_defs);
$(tag).DataTable().order([10, 'desc']).draw();
function setType(wt) {
@ -894,23 +893,23 @@
let ytd = displayDate(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 1)), 'date').replaceAll('/', '-')
if (dateType == 'tdy') {
pageAct.startdate = displayDate(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 1)), 'datetime');
pageAct.enddate = new Date(displayDate(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 2)), 'date'));
pageAct.startdate = displayDate(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate())), 'datetime').toString().replaceAll("/", "-").split(" ")[0] + "T00:00:00";
pageAct.enddate = displayDate(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate())), 'datetime').toString().replaceAll("/", "-").split(" ")[0] + "T23:59:59";
$('#startdate').data('val', today);
$('#enddate').data('val', today);
else if (dateType == 'ytd') {
pageAct.startdate = new Date(displayDate(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate())), 'date'));
pageAct.enddate = new Date(displayDate(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 1)), 'date'));
pageAct.startdate = displayDate(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 1)), 'datetime').toString().replaceAll("/", "-").split(" ")[0] + "T00:00:00";
pageAct.enddate = displayDate(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 1)), 'datetime').toString().replaceAll("/", "-").split(" ")[0] + "T23:59:59";
$('#startdate').data('val', ytd);
$('#enddate').data('val', ytd);
else {
pageAct.enddate = new Date(displayDate(new Date(pageAct.enddate.valueOf()).setDate(pageAct.enddate.getDate() + 2), 'date'));
pageAct.enddate = displayDate(new Date(pageAct.enddate.valueOf()).setDate(pageAct.enddate.getDate()), 'date').toString().replaceAll("/", "-") + "T23:59:59";
if ($('#startdate').val() == $('#enddate').val()) {
@ -947,6 +946,8 @@
function snSearch() {
pageAct.startdate = $('#startdate').val() + "T00:00:00";
pageAct.enddate = $('#enddate').val() + "T23:59:59"
pageAct.serial_number = $('#serial_number').val() || null;
@ -1005,14 +1006,14 @@
function exportExcel(e) {
console.log("export", e)
let url = baseApiUrl + "/operation/OpeExportExcel";
objSendData.Data = {
work_type: pageAct.work_type,
startdate: pageAct.startdate == undefined ? null : pageAct.startdate,
enddate: pageAct.enddate == undefined ? null : pageAct.enddate,
ytAjax = new YourTeam.Ajax(url, objSendData, function (rel) {
if (rel.code == "0000")
location.href = baseApiUrl + "/api/df?path=" + rel.data.split('/')[0] + "&fileName=" + rel.data.split('/')[1] + "&token=" + cookies.get("JWT-Authorization");
@ -740,3 +740,7 @@ a[data-tabname="topFunBtn"]:hover { color: var(--theme-primary-50); }
.t-yellow {
color: var(--yt-yellow-1);
input.disabledBox {
pointer-events: none;
@ -351,35 +351,35 @@ namespace FrontendWebApi.ApiControllers
cell = row.CreateCell(i);
if (i == 0)
cell.SetCellValue(of.system_key ?? "");
if (i == 1)
cell.SetCellValue(of.name ?? "");
if (i == 2)
cell.SetCellValue(of.contact_person ?? "");
if (i == 3)
cell.SetCellValue(of.phone ?? "");
if (i == 4)
cell.SetCellValue(of.email ?? "");
if (i == 5)
cell.SetCellValue(of.tax_id_number ?? "");
if (i == 6)
cell.SetCellValue(of.remark ?? "");
if (i == 7)
cell.SetCellValue(of.Created_at ?? "");
cell.CellStyle = style12;
@ -389,343 +389,352 @@ namespace FrontendWebApi.ApiControllers
else if (ee.work_type == 1)
var sqlString = $@"select opr.*, concat(d.device_floor_tag, ' ', d.device_last_name, ' ', d.device_serial_tag) as device_name, ui.full_name as user_full_name
var sqlString = $@"select opr.*, d.full_name as device_name, ui.full_name as user_full_name
from operation_record opr
left join device d on opr.fix_do_code = d.device_number and d.deleted = 0 and d.device_area_tag = SUBSTRING_INDEX(opr.fix_do_code, '_', 1)
and d.device_building_tag = SUBSTRING_INDEX(opr.fix_do_code, '_', 2) and d.device_floor_tag = SUBSTRING_INDEX(opr.fix_do_code, '_', 5)
and d.device_building_tag = SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(opr.fix_do_code, '_', 2), '_', -1) and d.device_floor_tag = SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(opr.fix_do_code, '_', 5), '_', -1)
and d.device_system_tag = opr.device_system_category_layer2 and d.device_name_tag = opr.device_system_category_layer3
left join userinfo ui on opr.work_person_id = ui.userinfo_guid
where opr.deleted = 0 and opr.work_type = 1;";
var sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("廠商資料");
var operation_record = backendRepository.GetAllAsync<Operation_Record>(sqlString, null);
List<Operation_Record_File> operation_record_file = new List<Operation_Record_File>();
if (operation_record.Result.Count > 0)
foreach (var or in operation_record.Result)
sqlString = $@"select * from operation_record_file where record_id = @record_id";
var param = new { @record_id = or.id };
operation_record_file = backendRepository.GetAllAsync<Operation_Record_File>(sqlString, param).Result;
or.lorf = operation_record_file;
int RowPosition = 0;
#region set cell
IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(0, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(3, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(4, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(5, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(6, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(7, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(8, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(9, 4 * 160 * 12);
ICell cell = row.CreateCell(0);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(1);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(2);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(3);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(4);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(5);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(6);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(7);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(8);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(9);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
foreach (var or in operation_record.Result)
RowPosition += 1;
row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cell = row.CreateCell(i);
if (i == 0)
if (i == 1)
if (i == 2)
if (i == 3)
if (i == 4)
if (i == 5)
if (i == 6)
cell.SetCellValue(or.start_time != null ? ((DateTime)or.start_time).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:dd") : null);
if (i == 7)
var imageNames = or.lorf.Count > 0 ? or.lorf.Select(x => x.save_file_name).ToList() : null;
if (imageNames != null)
//insert image process
var dy1 = 10;
var dx1 = 10;
//image column
sheet.SetColumnWidth(i, 16 * imageNames.Count * 256); //width: picture width(16:100), image total, per character(256)
foreach (var ins in imageNames)
//image initial
var extName = ins.Split('.')[1].ToUpper().Equals("JPG") ? "PNG" : ins.Split('.')[1].ToUpper();
var fullPath = Path.Combine(operationFileSaveAsPath, ins);
var img = Image.FromFile(fullPath);
//compress image
decimal sizeRatio = ((decimal)img.Height / img.Width);
int thumbWidth = 100;
int thumbHeight = decimal.ToInt32(sizeRatio * thumbWidth);
var thumbStream = img.GetThumbnailImage(thumbWidth, thumbHeight, () => false, IntPtr.Zero);
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
thumbStream.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
//setting pictureType enum
int format = 0;
var drawing = (XSSFDrawing)sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();
format = Convert.ToInt32(Enum.Parse(typeof(PictureType), extName));
//set picture size and location
if (format != 0)
var pictureIds = workbook.AddPicture(memoryStream.ToArray(), format);
XSSFClientAnchor anchor = new XSSFClientAnchor(XSSFShape.EMU_PER_PIXEL * dx1, XSSFShape.EMU_PER_PIXEL * dy1, 0, 0, i, j, 0, 0);
anchor.AnchorType = AnchorType.DontMoveAndResize;
var picture = (XSSFPicture)drawing.CreatePicture(anchor, pictureIds);
var size = picture.GetImageDimension();
row.HeightInPoints = size.Height;
//add 105 each new pic
dx1 += 105;
if (i == 8)
cell.SetCellValue(or.finish_time != null ? ((DateTime)or.finish_time).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:dd") : null);
if (i == 9)
cell.CellStyle = style12;
else if (ee.work_type == 2)
var sqlString = $@"select opr.*, concat(d.device_floor_tag, ' ', d.device_last_name, ' ', d.device_serial_tag) as device_name, ui.full_name as user_full_name
from operation_record opr
left join device d on opr.fix_do_code = d.device_number and d.deleted = 0 and d.device_area_tag = SUBSTRING_INDEX(opr.fix_do_code, '_', 1)
and d.device_building_tag = SUBSTRING_INDEX(opr.fix_do_code, '_', 2) and d.device_floor_tag = SUBSTRING_INDEX(opr.fix_do_code, '_', 5)
and d.device_system_tag = opr.device_system_category_layer2 and d.device_name_tag = opr.device_system_category_layer3
left join userinfo ui on opr.work_person_id = ui.userinfo_guid
where opr.deleted = 0 and opr.work_type = 2";
where opr.deleted = 0 and opr.work_type = 1 and opr.created_at >= '{ee.startdate?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "T00:00:00"}' and opr.created_at <= '{ee.enddate?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "T23:59:59"}';";
var sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("廠商資料");
var operation_record = backendRepository.GetAllAsync<Operation_Record>(sqlString);
List<Operation_Record_File> operation_record_file = new List<Operation_Record_File>();
if (operation_record.Result.Count > 0)
if (operation_record.Result != null)
foreach (var or in operation_record.Result)
if (operation_record.Result.Count > 0)
sqlString = $@"select * from operation_record_file where record_id = @record_id";
var param = new { @record_id = or.id };
operation_record_file = backendRepository.GetAllAsync<Operation_Record_File>(sqlString, param).Result;
or.lorf = operation_record_file;
int RowPosition = 0;
#region set cell
IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(0, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(3, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(4, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(5, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(6, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(7, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(8, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(9, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(10, 4 * 160 * 12);
ICell cell = row.CreateCell(0);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(1);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(2);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(3);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(4);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(5);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(6);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(7);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(8);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(9);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(10);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
foreach (var or in operation_record.Result)
RowPosition += 1;
row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition);
for (var i = 0; i < 11; i++)//column
foreach (var or in operation_record.Result)
cell = row.CreateCell(i);
if (i == 0)
sqlString = $@"select * from operation_record_file where record_id = @record_id";
var param = new { @record_id = or.id };
operation_record_file = backendRepository.GetAllAsync<Operation_Record_File>(sqlString, param).Result;
or.lorf = operation_record_file;
int RowPosition = 0;
#region set cell
IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(0, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(3, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(4, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(5, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(6, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(7, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(8, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(9, 4 * 160 * 12);
ICell cell = row.CreateCell(0);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(1);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(2);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(3);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(4);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(5);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(6);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(7);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(8);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(9);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
foreach (var or in operation_record.Result)
RowPosition += 1;
row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (i == 1)
if (i == 2)
if (i == 3)
if (i == 4)
if (i == 5)
if (i == 6)
if (i == 7)
cell.SetCellValue(or.start_time != null ? ((DateTime)or.start_time).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") : null);
if (i == 8)//image
var imageNames = or.lorf.Count > 0 ? or.lorf.Select(x => x.save_file_name).ToList() : null;
if (imageNames != null)
cell = row.CreateCell(i);
if (i == 0)
//insert image process
var dy1 = 10;
var dx1 = 10;
//image column
sheet.SetColumnWidth(i, 16 * imageNames.Count * 256); //width: picture width(16:100), image total, per character(256)
foreach (var ins in imageNames)
cell.SetCellValue(or.work_type_name == "null" ? "" : or.work_type_name);
if (i == 1)
cell.SetCellValue(or.location == "null" ? "" : or.location);
if (i == 2)
cell.SetCellValue(or.formId == "null" ? "" : or.formId);
if (i == 3)
cell.SetCellValue(or.device_name == "null" ? "" : or.device_name);
if (i == 4)
cell.SetCellValue(or.status_name == "null" ? "" : or.status_name);
if (i == 5)
cell.SetCellValue(or.user_full_name == "null" ? "" : or.user_full_name);
if (i == 6)
cell.SetCellValue(or.start_time != null ? ((DateTime)or.start_time).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:dd") : null);
if (i == 7)
var imageNames = or.lorf.Count > 0 ? or.lorf.Where(x => x.ori_file_name.Contains("JPG") || x.ori_file_name.Contains("PNG")).Select(x => x.save_file_name).ToList() : null;
if (imageNames != null)
//image initial
var extName = ins.Split('.')[1].ToUpper().Equals("JPG") ? "PNG" : ins.Split('.')[1].ToUpper();
var fullPath = Path.Combine(operationFileSaveAsPath, ins);
var img = Image.FromFile(fullPath);
//insert image process
var dy1 = 10;
var dx1 = 10;
//compress image
decimal sizeRatio = ((decimal)img.Height / img.Width);
int thumbWidth = 100;
int thumbHeight = decimal.ToInt32(sizeRatio * thumbWidth);
var thumbStream = img.GetThumbnailImage(thumbWidth, thumbHeight, () => false, IntPtr.Zero);
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
thumbStream.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
//setting pictureType enum
int format = 0;
var drawing = (XSSFDrawing)sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();
format = Convert.ToInt32(Enum.Parse(typeof(PictureType), extName));
//set picture size and location
if (format != 0)
//image column
sheet.SetColumnWidth(i, 16 * imageNames.Count * 256); //width: picture width(16:100), image total, per character(256)
foreach (var ins in imageNames)
var pictureIds = workbook.AddPicture(memoryStream.ToArray(), format);
XSSFClientAnchor anchor = new XSSFClientAnchor(XSSFShape.EMU_PER_PIXEL * dx1, XSSFShape.EMU_PER_PIXEL * dy1, 0, 0, i, j, 0, 0);
anchor.AnchorType = AnchorType.DontMoveAndResize;
var picture = (XSSFPicture)drawing.CreatePicture(anchor, pictureIds);
var size = picture.GetImageDimension();
row.HeightInPoints = size.Height;
//image initial
var extName = ins.Split('.')[1].ToUpper().Equals("JPG") ? "PNG" : ins.Split('.')[1].ToUpper();
var fullPath = Path.Combine(operationFileSaveAsPath, ins);
var img = Image.FromFile(fullPath);
//add 105 each new pic
dx1 += 105;
//compress image
decimal sizeRatio = ((decimal)img.Height / img.Width);
int thumbWidth = 100;
int thumbHeight = decimal.ToInt32(sizeRatio * thumbWidth);
var thumbStream = img.GetThumbnailImage(thumbWidth, thumbHeight, () => false, IntPtr.Zero);
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
thumbStream.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
//setting pictureType enum
int format = 0;
var drawing = (XSSFDrawing)sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();
format = Convert.ToInt32(Enum.Parse(typeof(PictureType), extName));
//set picture size and location
if (format != 0)
var pictureIds = workbook.AddPicture(memoryStream.ToArray(), format);
XSSFClientAnchor anchor = new XSSFClientAnchor(XSSFShape.EMU_PER_PIXEL * dx1, XSSFShape.EMU_PER_PIXEL * dy1, 0, 0, i, j, 0, 0);
anchor.AnchorType = AnchorType.DontMoveAndResize;
var picture = (XSSFPicture)drawing.CreatePicture(anchor, pictureIds);
var size = picture.GetImageDimension();
row.HeightInPoints = size.Height;
//add 105 each new pic
dx1 += 105;
if (i == 8)
cell.SetCellValue(or.finish_time != null ? ((DateTime)or.finish_time).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:dd") : null);
if (i == 9)
cell.SetCellValue(or.Created_at ?? "");
if (i == 9)
cell.SetCellValue(or.finish_time != null ? ((DateTime)or.finish_time).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") : null);
if (i == 10)
cell.CellStyle = style12;
cell.CellStyle = style12;
else if (ee.work_type == 2)
var sqlString = $@"select opr.*, d.full_name as device_name, ui.full_name as user_full_name
from operation_record opr
left join device d on opr.fix_do_code = d.device_number and d.deleted = 0 and d.device_area_tag = SUBSTRING_INDEX(opr.fix_do_code, '_', 1)
and d.device_building_tag = SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(opr.fix_do_code, '_', 2), '_', -1) and d.device_floor_tag = SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(opr.fix_do_code, '_', 5), '_', -1)
and d.device_system_tag = opr.device_system_category_layer2 and d.device_name_tag = opr.device_system_category_layer3
left join userinfo ui on opr.work_person_id = ui.userinfo_guid
where opr.deleted = 0 and opr.work_type = 2 and opr.created_at >= '{ee.startdate?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "T00:00:00"}' and opr.created_at <= '{ee.enddate?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "T23:59:59"}';";
var sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("廠商資料");
var operation_record = backendRepository.GetAllAsync<Operation_Record>(sqlString);
List<Operation_Record_File> operation_record_file = new List<Operation_Record_File>();
if (operation_record.Result != null)
if (operation_record.Result.Count > 0)
foreach (var or in operation_record.Result)
sqlString = $@"select * from operation_record_file where record_id = @record_id";
var param = new { @record_id = or.id };
operation_record_file = backendRepository.GetAllAsync<Operation_Record_File>(sqlString, param).Result;
or.lorf = operation_record_file;
int RowPosition = 0;
#region set cell
IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(0, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(3, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(4, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(5, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(6, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(7, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(8, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(9, 4 * 160 * 12);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(10, 4 * 160 * 12);
ICell cell = row.CreateCell(0);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(1);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(2);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(3);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(4);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(5);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(6);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(7);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(8);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(9);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
cell = row.CreateCell(10);
cell.CellStyle = styleLine12;
foreach (var or in operation_record.Result)
RowPosition += 1;
row = sheet.CreateRow(RowPosition);
for (var i = 0; i < 11; i++)//column
cell = row.CreateCell(i);
if (i == 0)
cell.SetCellValue(or.work_type_name == "null" ? "" : or.work_type_name);
if (i == 1)
cell.SetCellValue(or.location == "null" ? "" : or.location);
if (i == 2)
cell.SetCellValue(or.error_code == "null" ? "" : or.error_code);
if (i == 3)
cell.SetCellValue(or.formId == "null" ? "" : or.formId);
if (i == 4)
cell.SetCellValue(or.device_name == "null" ? "" : or.device_name);
if (i == 5)
cell.SetCellValue(or.status_name == "null" ? "" : or.status_name);
if (i == 6)
cell.SetCellValue(or.user_full_name == "null" ? "" : or.user_full_name);
if (i == 7)
cell.SetCellValue(or.start_time != null ? ((DateTime)or.start_time).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") : null);
if (i == 8)//image
var imageNames = or.lorf.Count > 0 ? or.lorf.Where(x => x.ori_file_name.Contains("JPG") || x.ori_file_name.Contains("PNG")).Select(x => x.save_file_name).ToList() : null;
if (imageNames != null)
//insert image process
var dy1 = 10;
var dx1 = 10;
//image column
sheet.SetColumnWidth(i, 16 * imageNames.Count * 256); //width: picture width(16:100), image total, per character(256)
foreach (var ins in imageNames)
//image initial
var extName = ins.Split('.')[1].ToUpper().Equals("JPG") ? "PNG" : ins.Split('.')[1].ToUpper();
var fullPath = Path.Combine(operationFileSaveAsPath, ins);
var img = Image.FromFile(fullPath);
//compress image
decimal sizeRatio = ((decimal)img.Height / img.Width);
int thumbWidth = 100;
int thumbHeight = decimal.ToInt32(sizeRatio * thumbWidth);
var thumbStream = img.GetThumbnailImage(thumbWidth, thumbHeight, () => false, IntPtr.Zero);
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
thumbStream.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
//setting pictureType enum
int format = 0;
var drawing = (XSSFDrawing)sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();
format = Convert.ToInt32(Enum.Parse(typeof(PictureType), extName));
//set picture size and location
if (format != 0)
var pictureIds = workbook.AddPicture(memoryStream.ToArray(), format);
XSSFClientAnchor anchor = new XSSFClientAnchor(XSSFShape.EMU_PER_PIXEL * dx1, XSSFShape.EMU_PER_PIXEL * dy1, 0, 0, i, j, 0, 0);
anchor.AnchorType = AnchorType.DontMoveAndResize;
var picture = (XSSFPicture)drawing.CreatePicture(anchor, pictureIds);
var size = picture.GetImageDimension();
row.HeightInPoints = size.Height;
//add 105 each new pic
dx1 += 105;
if (i == 9)
cell.SetCellValue(or.finish_time != null ? ((DateTime)or.finish_time).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") : null);
if (i == 10)
cell.SetCellValue(or.Created_at == "null" ? "" : or.Created_at);
cell.CellStyle = style12;
@ -737,7 +746,7 @@ namespace FrontendWebApi.ApiControllers
apiResult.Code = "0000";
apiResult.Data = "operation/" + fileName;
catch(Exception ex)
catch (Exception ex)
apiResult.Code = "9999";
apiResult.Msg = "系統內部錯誤,請聯絡管理者。";
@ -596,20 +596,23 @@ namespace FrontendWebApi.ApiControllers
await backendRepository.ExecuteSql($"delete from role_auth where role_guid = '{post.SelectedRoleId}' and AuthCode like '%PF%'");
if (post.SaveCheckAuth.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in post.SaveCheckAuth)
#region 新增權限
Dictionary<string, object> roleAuth = new Dictionary<string, object>();
roleAuth = new Dictionary<string, object>()
{ "@role_guid", post.SelectedRoleId},
{ "@AuthCode", item},
{ "@created_by", myUser.userinfo_guid}
Dictionary<string, object> roleAuth = new Dictionary<string, object>();
roleAuth = new Dictionary<string, object>()
{ "@role_guid", post.SelectedRoleId},
{ "@AuthCode", item},
{ "@created_by", myUser.userinfo_guid}
await backendRepository.AddOneByCustomTable(roleAuth, "role_auth");
await backendRepository.AddOneByCustomTable(roleAuth, "role_auth");
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
"MySqlDBConfig": {
"Server": "FYlY+w0XDIz+jmF2rlZWJw==", //0.201
"Port": "js2LutKe+rdjzdxMPQUrvQ==",
//"Database": "VJB2XC+lAtzuHObDGMVOAA==", //30
"Database": "VJB2XC+lAtzuHObDGMVOAA==", //30
//"Database": "IgYBsgG2VLKKxFb64j7LOA==", //wsp
"Database": "7gWfmZ28HGIJZbxEbK+0yg==", //tpe_dome_dome
//"Database": "7gWfmZ28HGIJZbxEbK+0yg==", //tpe_dome_dome
//"Database": "siTUcDaC/g2yGTMFWD72Kg==", //tpe_dome_hotel
//"Database": "iuaY0h0+TWkir44/eZLDqw==", //tpe_dome_office
//"Database": "Rq7Gn4x6LwBvVtl7GY8LbA==", //MCUT
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user