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using Dapper;
using Repository.BackendRepository.Interface;
using Repository.Helper;
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Transactions;
using Repository.Models;
namespace Repository.BackendRepository.Implement
public class NiagaraDataSynchronizeRepository : BackendRepository, INiagaraDataSynchronizeRepository
public NiagaraDataSynchronizeRepository(IDatabaseHelper databaseHelper) : base(databaseHelper)
/// <summary>
/// 更新import_niagara_tag資料表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ds"></param>
/// <param name="building"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task InsertNiagaraTagList(List<Device_value> ds, string building)
using (IDbConnection conn = GetDbConnection())
using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
string sql = @"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `import_niagara_tag` (
`db_tags` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`niagara_tags` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`device_area_tag` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`device_building_tag` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`device_system_tag` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`device_name_tag` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`device_floor_tag` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`device_master_tag` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`device_last_name_tag` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`device_serial_tag` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`atDateTime` datetime(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`is_used` smallint(1) DEFAULT 0,
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;";
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql);
sql = "delete from import_niagara_tag where device_building_tag = '" + building + "'";
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql);
var ds2 = ds.GroupBy(x => new
tag_name2 = x.tag_name
}).Select(x => new Device_value
tag_name = x.Key.tag_name2
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var row in ds2)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.tag_name)) continue;
string[] arrTag = row.tag_name.Split('_');
sb.Append($@" insert import_niagara_tag(niagara_tags, device_area_tag, device_building_tag, device_system_tag,
device_name_tag, device_floor_tag, device_master_tag, device_last_name_tag, device_serial_tag, atDateTime) values('" +
row.tag_name + "', '" +
arrTag[0] + "', '" +
arrTag[1] + "', '" +
arrTag[2] + "', '" +
arrTag[3] + "', '" +
arrTag[4] + "', '" +
arrTag[5] + "', '" +
arrTag[6] + "', '" +
arrTag[7] + "', " +
if (sb.Length > 0)
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sb.ToString());
catch (Exception exception)
throw exception;
/// <summary>
/// 更新import_niagara_tag資料表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ds"></param>
/// <param name="building"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task InsertItemFromNiagara(List<Device_value> ds, string building)
using (IDbConnection conn = GetDbConnection())
using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
#region import_niagara_item資料表中選取的棟別
string sql = @"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `import_niagara_item` (
`device_area_tag` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`device_building_tag` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`device_system_tag` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`device_name_tag` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`device_point_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`check_status` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=59 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;";
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql);
sql = "delete from import_niagara_item where device_building_tag = '" + building + "'";
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql);
List<Device_item8> dt_item = new List<Device_item8>();
foreach (var row in ds)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.tag_name)) continue;
string[] arrTag = row.tag_name.Split('_');
#region for item
Device_item8 row_item = new Device_item8();
row_item.tag_name = row.tag_name;
row_item.device_area_tag = arrTag[0];
row_item.device_building_tag = arrTag[1];
row_item.device_system_tag = arrTag[2];
row_item.device_name_tag = arrTag[3];
row_item.device_floor_tag = arrTag[4];
row_item.device_master_tag = arrTag[5];
row_item.device_last_name_tag = arrTag[6];
row_item.device_serial_tag = arrTag[7];
row_item.point_name = row.point_name;
#region N4資料groupBy後放入import_niagara_item資料表
var ds2_item = dt_item.GroupBy(x => new
device_area_tag2 = x.device_area_tag,
device_building_tag2 = x.device_building_tag,
device_system_tag2 = x.device_system_tag,
device_name_tag2 = x.device_name_tag,
point_name2 = x.point_name
}).Select(x => new Device_item8
device_area_tag = x.Key.device_area_tag2,
device_building_tag = x.Key.device_building_tag2,
device_system_tag = x.Key.device_system_tag2,
device_name_tag = x.Key.device_name_tag2,
point_name = x.Key.point_name2
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var row2 in ds2_item)
sb.Append($@" insert import_niagara_item(device_area_tag, device_building_tag, device_system_tag, device_name_tag, device_point_name)
values('" +
row2.device_area_tag + "', '" +
row2.device_building_tag + "', '" +
row2.device_system_tag + "', '" +
row2.device_name_tag + "', '" +
row2.point_name + "'" +
if (sb.Length > 0)
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sb.ToString());
catch (Exception exception)
throw exception;
/// <summary>
/// 比對 device
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task DeviceComparison()
using (IDbConnection conn = GetDbConnection())
using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
List<NiagaraTags> result;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append($@" SELECT m.*
FROM import_niagara_tag m
LEFT JOIN device d
ON m.niagara_tags = d.device_number
WHERE d.device_number IS NULL");
result = (await conn.QueryAsync<NiagaraTags>(sb.ToString())).ToList<NiagaraTags>();
//新增至device, is_link = 1
if (result.Count > 0)
var result2 = result.GroupBy(x => new
device_building_tag2 = x.device_building_tag,
device_system_tag2 = x.device_system_tag,
device_name_tag2 = x.device_name_tag
}).Select(x => new Device_item8
device_building_tag = x.Key.device_building_tag2,
device_system_tag = x.Key.device_system_tag2,
device_name_tag = x.Key.device_name_tag2
foreach (var data in result)
sb.Append($@" insert device(device_guid, deleted, status, priority, is_link, device_area_tag,
device_building_tag, device_system_tag, device_name_tag, device_floor_tag, device_master,
device_last_name, device_serial_tag, device_number, device_system_category_layer3, created_at, updated_at)
values(uuid(), 0, 1, 0, 1, '" +
data.device_area_tag + "', '" +
data.device_building_tag + "', '" +
data.device_system_tag + "', '" +
data.device_name_tag + "', '" +
data.device_floor_tag + "', '" +
data.device_master_tag + "', '" +
data.device_last_name_tag + "', '" +
data.device_serial_tag + "', '" +
data.niagara_tags + "', '" +
data.device_system_tag + "', now(), now() );");
foreach (var data in result2)
sb2.Append($@"INSERT device_kind (device_kind_guid, device_building_tag, device_system_tag, device_name_tag,
device_normal_flashing, device_close_flashing, device_error_flashing, device_error_independent,
created_by, created_at)
VALUES (uuid(), '" + data.device_building_tag + "', '" + data.device_system_tag + "', '" + data.device_name_tag +
"', 0, 0, 1, 0, 'B43E3CA7-96DD-4FC7-B6E6-974ACC3B0878', now());");
if (sb.Length > 0)
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sb.ToString());
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sb2.ToString());
//device有niagara沒有is_link 更新成 0
sb.Append($@" SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0;
UPDATE device d LEFT JOIN import_niagara_tag m ON d.device_number = m.niagara_tags
SET d.is_link = 0
WHERE m.niagara_tags IS NULL");
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sb.ToString());
catch (Exception exception)
throw exception;
/// <summary>
/// 比對 device_item
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task DeviceItemComparison()
using (IDbConnection conn = GetDbConnection())
using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
List<NiagaraTagsForItem> result;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append($@" SELECT m.*
FROM import_niagara_item m
LEFT JOIN device_item d
ON m.device_system_tag = d.device_system_tag and m.device_name_tag = d.device_name_tag and m.device_point_name = d.points
WHERE d.points IS NULL");
result = (await conn.QueryAsync<NiagaraTagsForItem>(sb.ToString())).ToList<NiagaraTagsForItem>();
//新增至device, is_link = 1
if (result.Count > 0)
foreach (var data in result)
var isControll = 0;
var isBool = 0;
if (data.device_point_name == "ER" || data.device_point_name == "AL" || data.device_point_name == "ST")
isControll = 1;
if (data.device_point_name == "ER" || data.device_point_name == "ST")
isBool = 1;
sb.Append($@"insert device_item(deleted, points, is_show, is_show_riserDiagram, is_controll, is_bool, is_link, is_show_history,
device_system_tag, device_name_tag, created_at, updated_at)
VALUES (0, '" +
data.device_point_name + "', 1, 0, " +
isControll + "," +
isBool + ", 1, 1, '" +
data.device_system_tag + "', '" +
data.device_name_tag + "', " +
"now(), now());");
if (sb.Length > 0)
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sb.ToString());
//device有niagara沒有is_link 更新成 0
sb.Append($@" SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0;
UPDATE device_item d LEFT JOIN import_niagara_item m
ON d.device_system_tag = m.device_system_tag and d.device_name_tag = m.device_name_tag and d.points = m.device_point_name
SET d.is_link = 0, d.is_show_history = 0
WHERE m.device_point_name IS NULL");
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sb.ToString());
catch (Exception exception)
throw exception;
/// <summary>
/// 新增資料至 buildingMenu
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task InsertBuildingMenu()
using (IDbConnection conn = GetDbConnection())
using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
List<NiagaraTags> result;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
#region comparison building_menu and import_niagara_tag
sb.Append($@" select a.* from (
select device_building_tag, device_system_tag, device_name_tag
from import_niagara_tag
group by device_building_tag, device_system_tag, device_name_tag
) AS a
LEFT JOIN building_menu b
ON a.device_building_tag = b.device_building_tag and a.device_system_tag = b.device_system_tag and a.device_name_tag = b.sub_system_tag
WHERE b.device_building_tag IS NULL");
result = (await conn.QueryAsync<NiagaraTags>(sb.ToString())).ToList<NiagaraTags>();
if (result.Count > 0)
foreach (var data in result)
StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder();
sqlString.Append(@"select * from building_menu where building_tag = '" + data.device_building_tag + "' and main_system_tag = '" + data.device_system_tag + "' and sub_system_tag = '" + data.device_name_tag + "'");
var bm = (await conn.QueryAsync<building_menu>(sqlString.ToString())).ToList<building_menu>();
#region insert building_menu
if (bm.Count == 0)
sb.Append(@"insert building_menu(building_tag, main_system_tag, sub_system_tag, device_building_tag, device_system_tag,
is_link, created_by, created_at, updated_by, updated_at)
VALUES ('" + data.device_building_tag + "', '" +
data.device_system_tag + "', '" +
data.device_name_tag + "', '" +
data.device_building_tag + "', '" +
data.device_system_tag + "', " +
"1, 'B43E3CA7-96DD-4FC7-B6E6-974ACC3B0878', now(), 'B43E3CA7-96DD-4FC7-B6E6-974ACC3B0878', now() );");
if (sb.Length > 0)
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sb.ToString());
//building_menu有import_niagara_tag沒有is_link 更新成 0
sb.Append($@" SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0;
UPDATE building_menu b LEFT JOIN (
select device_building_tag, device_system_tag, device_name_tag
from import_niagara_tag
group by device_building_tag, device_system_tag, device_name_tag
) AS a ON b.device_building_tag = a.device_building_tag
and a.device_system_tag = b.device_system_tag and a.device_name_tag = b.sub_system_tag
SET b.is_link = 0
WHERE b.device_building_tag IS NULL");
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sb.ToString());
catch (Exception exception)
throw exception;
/// <summary>
/// 新增資料至 subSystemFloor
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task InsertSubSystemFloor()
using (IDbConnection conn = GetDbConnection())
using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
List<NiagaraTags> result;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
#region comparison sub_system_floor and import_niagara_tag
sb.Append($@" select a.* from (
select device_building_tag, device_system_tag, device_name_tag, device_floor_tag
from import_niagara_tag
group by device_building_tag, device_system_tag, device_name_tag, device_floor_tag
) AS a
LEFT JOIN sub_system_floor b
ON a.device_building_tag = b.building_tag and a.device_system_tag = b.main_system_tag and a.device_name_tag = b.sub_system_tag and a.device_floor_tag = b.floor_tag
WHERE b.building_tag IS NULL");
result = (await conn.QueryAsync<NiagaraTags>(sb.ToString())).ToList<NiagaraTags>();
if (result.Count > 0)
foreach (var data in result)
#region insert building_menu
sb.Append(@"insert sub_system_floor(building_tag, main_system_tag, sub_system_tag, floor_tag,
is_link, created_by, created_at, updated_by, updated_at)
VALUES ('" +
data.device_building_tag + "', '" +
data.device_system_tag + "', '" +
data.device_name_tag + "', '" +
data.device_floor_tag + "', " +
"1, 'B43E3CA7-96DD-4FC7-B6E6-974ACC3B0878', now(), 'B43E3CA7-96DD-4FC7-B6E6-974ACC3B0878', now());");
if (sb.Length > 0)
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sb.ToString());
//building_menu有import_niagara_tag沒有is_link 更新成 0
sb.Append($@" SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0;
UPDATE sub_system_floor b LEFT JOIN (
select device_building_tag, device_system_tag, device_name_tag, device_floor_tag
from import_niagara_tag
group by device_building_tag, device_system_tag, device_name_tag, device_floor_tag
) AS a ON b.building_tag = a.device_building_tag
and b.main_system_tag = a.device_system_tag and b.sub_system_tag = a.device_name_tag and b.floor_tag = a.device_floor_tag
SET b.is_link = 0
WHERE b.building_tag IS NULL");
await conn.ExecuteAsync(sb.ToString());
catch (Exception exception)
throw exception;