1487 lines
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1487 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, JGraph Ltd
* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, Gaudenz Alder
var mxEvent =
* Class: mxEvent
* Cross-browser DOM event support. For internal event handling,
* <mxEventSource> and the graph event dispatch loop in <mxGraph> are used.
* Memory Leaks:
* Use this class for adding and removing listeners to/from DOM nodes. The
* <removeAllListeners> function is provided to remove all listeners that
* have been added using <addListener>. The function should be invoked when
* the last reference is removed in the JavaScript code, typically when the
* referenced DOM node is removed from the DOM.
* Function: addListener
* Binds the function to the specified event on the given element. Use
* <mxUtils.bind> in order to bind the "this" keyword inside the function
* to a given execution scope.
addListener: function()
var updateListenerList = function(element, eventName, funct)
if (element.mxListenerList == null)
element.mxListenerList = [];
var entry = {name: eventName, f: funct};
if (window.addEventListener)
// Checks if passive event listeners are supported
// see https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/1894
var supportsPassive = false;
document.addEventListener('test', function() {}, Object.defineProperty &&
Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {get: function()
{supportsPassive = true;}}));
catch (e)
// ignore
return function(element, eventName, funct)
element.addEventListener(eventName, funct,
(supportsPassive) ?
{passive: false} : false);
updateListenerList(element, eventName, funct);
return function(element, eventName, funct)
element.attachEvent('on' + eventName, funct);
updateListenerList(element, eventName, funct);
* Function: removeListener
* Removes the specified listener from the given element.
removeListener: function()
var updateListener = function(element, eventName, funct)
if (element.mxListenerList != null)
var listenerCount = element.mxListenerList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < listenerCount; i++)
var entry = element.mxListenerList[i];
if (entry.f == funct)
element.mxListenerList.splice(i, 1);
if (element.mxListenerList.length == 0)
element.mxListenerList = null;
if (window.removeEventListener)
return function(element, eventName, funct)
element.removeEventListener(eventName, funct, false);
updateListener(element, eventName, funct);
return function(element, eventName, funct)
element.detachEvent('on' + eventName, funct);
updateListener(element, eventName, funct);
* Function: removeAllListeners
* Removes all listeners from the given element.
removeAllListeners: function(element)
var list = element.mxListenerList;
if (list != null)
while (list.length > 0)
var entry = list[0];
mxEvent.removeListener(element, entry.name, entry.f);
* Function: addGestureListeners
* Adds the given listeners for touch, mouse and/or pointer events. If
* <mxClient.IS_POINTER> is true then pointer events will be registered,
* else the respective mouse events will be registered. If <mxClient.IS_POINTER>
* is false and <mxClient.IS_TOUCH> is true then the respective touch events
* will be registered as well as the mouse events.
addGestureListeners: function(node, startListener, moveListener, endListener)
if (startListener != null)
mxEvent.addListener(node, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointerdown' : 'mousedown', startListener);
if (moveListener != null)
mxEvent.addListener(node, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointermove' : 'mousemove', moveListener);
if (endListener != null)
mxEvent.addListener(node, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointerup' : 'mouseup', endListener);
if (!mxClient.IS_POINTER && mxClient.IS_TOUCH)
if (startListener != null)
mxEvent.addListener(node, 'touchstart', startListener);
if (moveListener != null)
mxEvent.addListener(node, 'touchmove', moveListener);
if (endListener != null)
mxEvent.addListener(node, 'touchend', endListener);
* Function: removeGestureListeners
* Removes the given listeners from mousedown, mousemove, mouseup and the
* respective touch events if <mxClient.IS_TOUCH> is true.
removeGestureListeners: function(node, startListener, moveListener, endListener)
if (startListener != null)
mxEvent.removeListener(node, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointerdown' : 'mousedown', startListener);
if (moveListener != null)
mxEvent.removeListener(node, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointermove' : 'mousemove', moveListener);
if (endListener != null)
mxEvent.removeListener(node, (mxClient.IS_POINTER) ? 'pointerup' : 'mouseup', endListener);
if (!mxClient.IS_POINTER && mxClient.IS_TOUCH)
if (startListener != null)
mxEvent.removeListener(node, 'touchstart', startListener);
if (moveListener != null)
mxEvent.removeListener(node, 'touchmove', moveListener);
if (endListener != null)
mxEvent.removeListener(node, 'touchend', endListener);
* Function: redirectMouseEvents
* Redirects the mouse events from the given DOM node to the graph dispatch
* loop using the event and given state as event arguments. State can
* either be an instance of <mxCellState> or a function that returns an
* <mxCellState>. The down, move, up and dblClick arguments are optional
* functions that take the trigger event as arguments and replace the
* default behaviour.
redirectMouseEvents: function(node, graph, state, down, move, up, dblClick)
var getState = function(evt)
return (typeof(state) == 'function') ? state(evt) : state;
mxEvent.addGestureListeners(node, function (evt)
if (down != null)
else if (!mxEvent.isConsumed(evt))
graph.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, new mxMouseEvent(evt, getState(evt)));
function (evt)
if (move != null)
else if (!mxEvent.isConsumed(evt))
graph.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, new mxMouseEvent(evt, getState(evt)));
function (evt)
if (up != null)
else if (!mxEvent.isConsumed(evt))
graph.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_UP, new mxMouseEvent(evt, getState(evt)));
mxEvent.addListener(node, 'dblclick', function (evt)
if (dblClick != null)
else if (!mxEvent.isConsumed(evt))
var tmp = getState(evt);
graph.dblClick(evt, (tmp != null) ? tmp.cell : null);
* Function: release
* Removes the known listeners from the given DOM node and its descendants.
* Parameters:
* element - DOM node to remove the listeners from.
release: function(element)
if (element != null)
var children = element.childNodes;
if (children != null)
var childCount = children.length;
for (var i = 0; i < childCount; i += 1)
catch (e)
// ignores errors as this is typically called in cleanup code
* Function: addMouseWheelListener
* Installs the given function as a handler for mouse wheel events. The
* function has two arguments: the mouse event and a boolean that specifies
* if the wheel was moved up or down.
* This has been tested with IE 6 and 7, Firefox (all versions), Opera and
* Safari. It does currently not work on Safari for Mac.
* Example:
* (code)
* mxEvent.addMouseWheelListener(function (evt, up, pinch)
* {
* mxLog.show();
* mxLog.debug('mouseWheel: up='+up);
* });
* Parameters:
* funct - Handler function that takes the event argument, a boolean argument
* for the mousewheel direction and a boolean to specify if the underlying
* event was a pinch gesture on a touch device.
* target - Target for installing the listener in Google Chrome. See
* https://www.chromestatus.com/features/6662647093133312.
addMouseWheelListener: function(funct, target)
if (funct != null)
var wheelHandler = function(evt)
// IE does not give an event object but the
// global event object is the mousewheel event
// at this point in time.
if (evt == null)
evt = window.event;
//To prevent window zoom on trackpad pinch
if (evt.ctrlKey)
// Handles the event using the given function
if (Math.abs(evt.deltaX) > 0.5 || Math.abs(evt.deltaY) > 0.5)
funct(evt, (evt.deltaY == 0) ? -evt.deltaX > 0 : -evt.deltaY > 0);
target = target != null ? target : window;
if (mxClient.IS_SF && !mxClient.IS_TOUCH)
var scale = 1;
mxEvent.addListener(target, 'gesturestart', function(evt)
scale = 1;
mxEvent.addListener(target, 'gesturechange', function(evt)
var diff = scale - evt.scale;
if (Math.abs(diff) > 0.2)
funct(evt, diff < 0, true);
scale = evt.scale;
mxEvent.addListener(target, 'gestureend', function(evt)
var evtCache = [];
var dx0 = 0;
var dy0 = 0;
// Adds basic listeners for graph event dispatching
mxEvent.addGestureListeners(target, mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
if (!mxEvent.isMouseEvent(evt) && evt.pointerId != null)
mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
if (!mxEvent.isMouseEvent(evt) && evtCache.length == 2)
// Find this event in the cache and update its record with this event
for (var i = 0; i < evtCache.length; i++)
if (evt.pointerId == evtCache[i].pointerId)
evtCache[i] = evt;
// Calculate the distance between the two pointers
var dx = Math.abs(evtCache[0].clientX - evtCache[1].clientX);
var dy = Math.abs(evtCache[0].clientY - evtCache[1].clientY);
var tx = Math.abs(dx - dx0);
var ty = Math.abs(dy - dy0);
if (tx > mxEvent.PINCH_THRESHOLD || ty > mxEvent.PINCH_THRESHOLD)
var cx = evtCache[0].clientX + (evtCache[1].clientX - evtCache[0].clientX) / 2;
var cy = evtCache[0].clientY + (evtCache[1].clientY - evtCache[0].clientY) / 2;
funct(evtCache[0], (tx > ty) ? dx > dx0 : dy > dy0, true, cx, cy);
// Cache the distance for the next move event
dx0 = dx;
dy0 = dy;
mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
evtCache = [];
dx0 = 0;
dy0 = 0;
mxEvent.addListener(target, 'wheel', wheelHandler);
* Function: disableContextMenu
* Disables the context menu for the given element.
disableContextMenu: function(element)
mxEvent.addListener(element, 'contextmenu', function(evt)
if (evt.preventDefault)
return false;
* Function: getSource
* Returns the event's target or srcElement depending on the browser.
getSource: function(evt)
return (evt.srcElement != null) ? evt.srcElement : evt.target;
* Function: isConsumed
* Returns true if the event has been consumed using <consume>.
isConsumed: function(evt)
return evt.isConsumed != null && evt.isConsumed;
* Function: isTouchEvent
* Returns true if the event was generated using a touch device (not a pen or mouse).
isTouchEvent: function(evt)
return (evt.pointerType != null) ? (evt.pointerType == 'touch' || evt.pointerType ===
evt.MSPOINTER_TYPE_TOUCH) : ((evt.mozInputSource != null) ?
evt.mozInputSource == 5 : evt.type.indexOf('touch') == 0);
* Function: isPenEvent
* Returns true if the event was generated using a pen (not a touch device or mouse).
isPenEvent: function(evt)
return (evt.pointerType != null) ? (evt.pointerType == 'pen' || evt.pointerType ===
evt.MSPOINTER_TYPE_PEN) : ((evt.mozInputSource != null) ?
evt.mozInputSource == 2 : evt.type.indexOf('pen') == 0);
* Function: isMultiTouchEvent
* Returns true if the event was generated using a touch device (not a pen or mouse).
isMultiTouchEvent: function(evt)
return (evt.type != null && evt.type.indexOf('touch') == 0 && evt.touches != null && evt.touches.length > 1);
* Function: isMouseEvent
* Returns true if the event was generated using a mouse (not a pen or touch device).
isMouseEvent: function(evt)
return (evt.pointerType != null) ? (evt.pointerType == 'mouse' || evt.pointerType ===
evt.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE) : ((evt.mozInputSource != null) ?
evt.mozInputSource == 1 : evt.type.indexOf('mouse') == 0);
* Function: isLeftMouseButton
* Returns true if the left mouse button is pressed for the given event.
* To check if a button is pressed during a mouseMove you should use the
* <mxGraph.isMouseDown> property. Note that this returns true in Firefox
* for control+left-click on the Mac.
isLeftMouseButton: function(evt)
// Special case for mousemove and mousedown we check the buttons
// if it exists because which is 0 even if no button is pressed
if ('buttons' in evt && (evt.type == 'mousedown' || evt.type == 'mousemove'))
return evt.buttons == 1;
else if ('which' in evt)
return evt.which === 1;
return evt.button === 1;
* Function: isMiddleMouseButton
* Returns true if the middle mouse button is pressed for the given event.
* To check if a button is pressed during a mouseMove you should use the
* <mxGraph.isMouseDown> property.
isMiddleMouseButton: function(evt)
if ('which' in evt)
return evt.which === 2;
return evt.button === 4;
* Function: isRightMouseButton
* Returns true if the right mouse button was pressed. Note that this
* button might not be available on some systems. For handling a popup
* trigger <isPopupTrigger> should be used.
isRightMouseButton: function(evt)
if ('which' in evt)
return evt.which === 3;
return evt.button === 2;
* Function: isPopupTrigger
* Returns true if the event is a popup trigger. This implementation
* returns true if the right button or the left button and control was
* pressed on a Mac.
isPopupTrigger: function(evt)
return mxEvent.isRightMouseButton(evt) || (mxClient.IS_MAC && mxEvent.isControlDown(evt) &&
!mxEvent.isShiftDown(evt) && !mxEvent.isMetaDown(evt) && !mxEvent.isAltDown(evt));
* Function: isShiftDown
* Returns true if the shift key is pressed for the given event.
isShiftDown: function(evt)
return (evt != null) ? evt.shiftKey : false;
* Function: isAltDown
* Returns true if the alt key is pressed for the given event.
isAltDown: function(evt)
return (evt != null) ? evt.altKey : false;
* Function: isControlDown
* Returns true if the control key is pressed for the given event.
isControlDown: function(evt)
return (evt != null) ? evt.ctrlKey : false;
* Function: isMetaDown
* Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
isMetaDown: function(evt)
return (evt != null) ? evt.metaKey : false;
* Function: getMainEvent
* Returns the touch or mouse event that contains the mouse coordinates.
getMainEvent: function(e)
if ((e.type == 'touchstart' || e.type == 'touchmove') && e.touches != null && e.touches[0] != null)
e = e.touches[0];
else if (e.type == 'touchend' && e.changedTouches != null && e.changedTouches[0] != null)
e = e.changedTouches[0];
return e;
* Function: getClientX
* Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
getClientX: function(e)
return mxEvent.getMainEvent(e).clientX;
* Function: getClientY
* Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
getClientY: function(e)
return mxEvent.getMainEvent(e).clientY;
* Function: consume
* Consumes the given event.
* Parameters:
* evt - Native event to be consumed.
* preventDefault - Optional boolean to prevent the default for the event.
* Default is true.
* stopPropagation - Option boolean to stop event propagation. Default is
* true.
consume: function(evt, preventDefault, stopPropagation)
preventDefault = (preventDefault != null) ? preventDefault : true;
stopPropagation = (stopPropagation != null) ? stopPropagation : true;
if (preventDefault)
if (evt.preventDefault)
if (stopPropagation)
else if (stopPropagation)
evt.cancelBubble = true;
// Opera
evt.isConsumed = true;
// Other browsers
if (!evt.preventDefault)
evt.returnValue = false;
// Special handles in mouse events
* Variable: LABEL_HANDLE
* Index for the label handle in an mxMouseEvent. This should be a negative
* value that does not interfere with any possible handle indices. Default
* is -1.
* Index for the rotation handle in an mxMouseEvent. This should be a
* negative value that does not interfere with any possible handle indices.
* Default is -2.
* Start index for the custom handles in an mxMouseEvent. This should be a
* negative value and is the start index which is decremented for each
* custom handle. Default is -100.
* Start index for the virtual handles in an mxMouseEvent. This should be a
* negative value and is the start index which is decremented for each
* virtual handle. Default is -100000. This assumes that there are no more
* than VIRTUAL_HANDLE - CUSTOM_HANDLE custom handles.
// Event names
* Variable: MOUSE_DOWN
* Specifies the event name for mouseDown.
MOUSE_DOWN: 'mouseDown',
* Variable: MOUSE_MOVE
* Specifies the event name for mouseMove.
MOUSE_MOVE: 'mouseMove',
* Variable: MOUSE_UP
* Specifies the event name for mouseUp.
MOUSE_UP: 'mouseUp',
* Variable: ACTIVATE
* Specifies the event name for activate.
ACTIVATE: 'activate',
* Variable: RESIZE_START
* Specifies the event name for resizeStart.
RESIZE_START: 'resizeStart',
* Variable: RESIZE
* Specifies the event name for resize.
RESIZE: 'resize',
* Variable: RESIZE_END
* Specifies the event name for resizeEnd.
RESIZE_END: 'resizeEnd',
* Variable: MOVE_START
* Specifies the event name for moveStart.
MOVE_START: 'moveStart',
* Variable: MOVE
* Specifies the event name for move.
MOVE: 'move',
* Variable: MOVE_END
* Specifies the event name for moveEnd.
MOVE_END: 'moveEnd',
* Variable: PAN_START
* Specifies the event name for panStart.
PAN_START: 'panStart',
* Variable: PAN
* Specifies the event name for pan.
PAN: 'pan',
* Variable: PAN_END
* Specifies the event name for panEnd.
PAN_END: 'panEnd',
* Variable: MINIMIZE
* Specifies the event name for minimize.
MINIMIZE: 'minimize',
* Variable: NORMALIZE
* Specifies the event name for normalize.
NORMALIZE: 'normalize',
* Variable: MAXIMIZE
* Specifies the event name for maximize.
MAXIMIZE: 'maximize',
* Variable: HIDE
* Specifies the event name for hide.
HIDE: 'hide',
* Variable: SHOW
* Specifies the event name for show.
SHOW: 'show',
* Variable: CLOSE
* Specifies the event name for close.
CLOSE: 'close',
* Variable: DESTROY
* Specifies the event name for destroy.
DESTROY: 'destroy',
* Variable: REFRESH
* Specifies the event name for refresh.
REFRESH: 'refresh',
* Variable: SIZE
* Specifies the event name for size.
SIZE: 'size',
* Variable: SELECT
* Specifies the event name for select.
SELECT: 'select',
* Variable: FIRED
* Specifies the event name for fired.
FIRED: 'fired',
* Specifies the event name for fireMouseEvent.
FIRE_MOUSE_EVENT: 'fireMouseEvent',
* Variable: GESTURE
* Specifies the event name for gesture.
GESTURE: 'gesture',
* Variable: TAP_AND_HOLD
* Specifies the event name for tapAndHold.
TAP_AND_HOLD: 'tapAndHold',
* Variable: GET
* Specifies the event name for get.
GET: 'get',
* Variable: RECEIVE
* Specifies the event name for receive.
RECEIVE: 'receive',
* Variable: CONNECT
* Specifies the event name for connect.
CONNECT: 'connect',
* Variable: DISCONNECT
* Specifies the event name for disconnect.
DISCONNECT: 'disconnect',
* Variable: SUSPEND
* Specifies the event name for suspend.
SUSPEND: 'suspend',
* Variable: RESUME
* Specifies the event name for suspend.
RESUME: 'resume',
* Variable: MARK
* Specifies the event name for mark.
MARK: 'mark',
* Variable: ROOT
* Specifies the event name for root.
ROOT: 'root',
* Variable: POST
* Specifies the event name for post.
POST: 'post',
* Variable: OPEN
* Specifies the event name for open.
OPEN: 'open',
* Variable: SAVE
* Specifies the event name for open.
SAVE: 'save',
* Specifies the event name for beforeAddVertex.
BEFORE_ADD_VERTEX: 'beforeAddVertex',
* Variable: ADD_VERTEX
* Specifies the event name for addVertex.
ADD_VERTEX: 'addVertex',
* Specifies the event name for afterAddVertex.
AFTER_ADD_VERTEX: 'afterAddVertex',
* Variable: DONE
* Specifies the event name for done.
DONE: 'done',
* Variable: EXECUTE
* Specifies the event name for execute.
EXECUTE: 'execute',
* Variable: EXECUTED
* Specifies the event name for executed.
EXECUTED: 'executed',
* Variable: BEGIN_UPDATE
* Specifies the event name for beginUpdate.
BEGIN_UPDATE: 'beginUpdate',
* Variable: START_EDIT
* Specifies the event name for startEdit.
START_EDIT: 'startEdit',
* Variable: END_UPDATE
* Specifies the event name for endUpdate.
END_UPDATE: 'endUpdate',
* Variable: END_EDIT
* Specifies the event name for endEdit.
END_EDIT: 'endEdit',
* Variable: BEFORE_UNDO
* Specifies the event name for beforeUndo.
BEFORE_UNDO: 'beforeUndo',
* Variable: UNDO
* Specifies the event name for undo.
UNDO: 'undo',
* Variable: REDO
* Specifies the event name for redo.
REDO: 'redo',
* Variable: CHANGE
* Specifies the event name for change.
CHANGE: 'change',
* Variable: NOTIFY
* Specifies the event name for notify.
NOTIFY: 'notify',
* Variable: LAYOUT_CELLS
* Specifies the event name for layoutCells.
LAYOUT_CELLS: 'layoutCells',
* Variable: CLICK
* Specifies the event name for click.
CLICK: 'click',
* Variable: SCALE
* Specifies the event name for scale.
SCALE: 'scale',
* Variable: TRANSLATE
* Specifies the event name for translate.
TRANSLATE: 'translate',
* Specifies the event name for scaleAndTranslate.
SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE: 'scaleAndTranslate',
* Variable: UP
* Specifies the event name for up.
UP: 'up',
* Variable: DOWN
* Specifies the event name for down.
DOWN: 'down',
* Variable: ADD
* Specifies the event name for add.
ADD: 'add',
* Variable: REMOVE
* Specifies the event name for remove.
REMOVE: 'remove',
* Variable: CLEAR
* Specifies the event name for clear.
CLEAR: 'clear',
* Variable: ADD_CELLS
* Specifies the event name for addCells.
ADD_CELLS: 'addCells',
* Variable: CELLS_ADDED
* Specifies the event name for cellsAdded.
CELLS_ADDED: 'cellsAdded',
* Variable: MOVE_CELLS
* Specifies the event name for moveCells.
MOVE_CELLS: 'moveCells',
* Variable: CELLS_MOVED
* Specifies the event name for cellsMoved.
CELLS_MOVED: 'cellsMoved',
* Variable: RESIZE_CELLS
* Specifies the event name for resizeCells.
RESIZE_CELLS: 'resizeCells',
* Specifies the event name for cellsResized.
CELLS_RESIZED: 'cellsResized',
* Variable: TOGGLE_CELLS
* Specifies the event name for toggleCells.
TOGGLE_CELLS: 'toggleCells',
* Specifies the event name for cellsToggled.
CELLS_TOGGLED: 'cellsToggled',
* Variable: ORDER_CELLS
* Specifies the event name for orderCells.
ORDER_CELLS: 'orderCells',
* Specifies the event name for cellsOrdered.
CELLS_ORDERED: 'cellsOrdered',
* Variable: REMOVE_CELLS
* Specifies the event name for removeCells.
REMOVE_CELLS: 'removeCells',
* Specifies the event name for cellsRemoved.
CELLS_REMOVED: 'cellsRemoved',
* Variable: GROUP_CELLS
* Specifies the event name for groupCells.
GROUP_CELLS: 'groupCells',
* Specifies the event name for ungroupCells.
UNGROUP_CELLS: 'ungroupCells',
* Specifies the event name for removeCellsFromParent.
REMOVE_CELLS_FROM_PARENT: 'removeCellsFromParent',
* Variable: FOLD_CELLS
* Specifies the event name for foldCells.
FOLD_CELLS: 'foldCells',
* Variable: CELLS_FOLDED
* Specifies the event name for cellsFolded.
CELLS_FOLDED: 'cellsFolded',
* Variable: ALIGN_CELLS
* Specifies the event name for alignCells.
ALIGN_CELLS: 'alignCells',
* Specifies the event name for labelChanged.
LABEL_CHANGED: 'labelChanged',
* Variable: CONNECT_CELL
* Specifies the event name for connectCell.
CONNECT_CELL: 'connectCell',
* Specifies the event name for cellConnected.
CELL_CONNECTED: 'cellConnected',
* Variable: SPLIT_EDGE
* Specifies the event name for splitEdge.
SPLIT_EDGE: 'splitEdge',
* Variable: FLIP_EDGE
* Specifies the event name for flipEdge.
FLIP_EDGE: 'flipEdge',
* Specifies the event name for startEditing.
START_EDITING: 'startEditing',
* Specifies the event name for editingStarted.
EDITING_STARTED: 'editingStarted',
* Specifies the event name for editingStopped.
EDITING_STOPPED: 'editingStopped',
* Variable: ADD_OVERLAY
* Specifies the event name for addOverlay.
ADD_OVERLAY: 'addOverlay',
* Specifies the event name for removeOverlay.
REMOVE_OVERLAY: 'removeOverlay',
* Specifies the event name for updateCellSize.
UPDATE_CELL_SIZE: 'updateCellSize',
* Variable: ESCAPE
* Specifies the event name for escape.
ESCAPE: 'escape',
* Variable: DOUBLE_CLICK
* Specifies the event name for doubleClick.
DOUBLE_CLICK: 'doubleClick',
* Variable: START
* Specifies the event name for start.
START: 'start',
* Variable: RESET
* Specifies the event name for reset.
RESET: 'reset',
* Threshold for pinch gestures to fire a mouse wheel event.
* Default value is 10.