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2023-05-12 10:20:28 +08:00
* Chart.js v3.9.1
* (c) 2022 Chart.js Contributors
* Released under the MIT License
!function (t, e) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : (t = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : t || self).Chart = e() }(this, (function () {
"use strict"; function t() { } const e = function () { let t = 0; return function () { return t++ } }(); function i(t) { return null == t } function s(t) { if (Array.isArray && Array.isArray(t)) return !0; const e =; return "[object" === e.slice(0, 7) && "Array]" === e.slice(-6) } function n(t) { return null !== t && "[object Object]" === } const o = t => ("number" == typeof t || t instanceof Number) && isFinite(+t); function a(t, e) { return o(t) ? t : e } function r(t, e) { return void 0 === t ? e : t } const l = (t, e) => "string" == typeof t && t.endsWith("%") ? parseFloat(t) / 100 : t / e, h = (t, e) => "string" == typeof t && t.endsWith("%") ? parseFloat(t) / 100 * e : +t; function c(t, e, i) { if (t && "function" == typeof return t.apply(i, e) } function d(t, e, i, o) { let a, r, l; if (s(t)) if (r = t.length, o) for (a = r - 1; a >= 0; a--), t[a], a); else for (a = 0; a < r; a++), t[a], a); else if (n(t)) for (l = Object.keys(t), r = l.length, a = 0; a < r; a++), t[l[a]], l[a]) } function u(t, e) { let i, s, n, o; if (!t || !e || t.length !== e.length) return !1; for (i = 0, s = t.length; i < s; ++i)if (n = t[i], o = e[i], n.datasetIndex !== o.datasetIndex || n.index !== o.index) return !1; return !0 } function f(t) { if (s(t)) return; if (n(t)) { const e = Object.create(null), i = Object.keys(t), s = i.length; let n = 0; for (; n < s; ++n)e[i[n]] = f(t[i[n]]); return e } return t } function g(t) { return -1 === ["__proto__", "prototype", "constructor"].indexOf(t) } function p(t, e, i, s) { if (!g(t)) return; const o = e[t], a = i[t]; n(o) && n(a) ? m(o, a, s) : e[t] = f(a) } function m(t, e, i) { const o = s(e) ? e : [e], a = o.length; if (!n(t)) return t; const r = (i = i || {}).merger || p; for (let s = 0; s < a; ++s) { if (!n(e = o[s])) continue; const a = Object.keys(e); for (let s = 0, n = a.length; s < n; ++s)r(a[s], t, e, i) } return t } function b(t, e) { return m(t, e, { merger: x }) } function x(t, e, i) { if (!g(t)) return; const s = e[t], o = i[t]; n(s) && n(o) ? b(s, o) :, t) || (e[t] = f(o)) } const _ = { "": t => t, x: t => t.x, y: t => t.y }; function y(t, e) { const i = _[e] || (_[e] = function (t) { const e = v(t); return t => { for (const i of e) { if ("" === i) break; t = t && t[i] } return t } }(e)); return i(t) } function v(t) { const e = t.split("."), i = []; let s = ""; for (const t of e) s += t, s.endsWith("\\") ? s = s.slice(0, -1) + "." : (i.push(s), s = ""); return i } function w(t) { return t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1) } const M = t => void 0 !== t, k = t => "function" == typeof t, S = (t, e) => { if (t.size !== e.size) return !1; for (const i of t) if (!e.has(i)) return !1; return !0 }; function P(t) { return "mouseup" === t.type || "click" === t.type || "contextmenu" === t.type } const D = Math.PI, O = 2 * D, C = O + D, A = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, T = D / 180, L = D / 2, E = D / 4, R = 2 * D / 3, I = Math.log10, z = Math.sign; function F(t) { const e = Math.round(t); t = N(t, e, t / 1e3) ? e : t; const i = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(I(t))), s = t / i; return (s <= 1 ? 1 : s <= 2 ? 2 : s <= 5 ? 5 : 10) * i } function V(t) { const e = [], i = Math.sqrt(t); let s; for (s = 1; s < i; s++)t % s == 0 && (e.push(s), e.push(t / s)); return i === (0 | i) && e.push(i), e.sort(((t, e) => t - e)).pop(), e } function B(t) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(t)) && isFinite(t) } function N(t, e, i) { return Math.abs(t - e) < i } function W(t, e) { const i = Math.round(t); return i - e <= t && i + e >= t } function j(t, e, i) { let s, n, o; for (s = 0, n = t.length; s < n; s++)o = t[s][i], isNaN(o) || (e.min = Math.min(e.min, o), e.max = Math.max(e.max, o)) } function H(t) { return t * (D / 180) } function $(t) { return t * (180 / D) } function Y(t) { if (!o(t)) return; let e = 1, i = 0; for (; Math.round(t * e) / e !== t;)e *= 10, i++; return i } function U(t, e) { const i = e.x - t.x, s = e.y - t.y, n = Math.sqrt(i * i + s * s); let o =
* @kurkle/color v0.2.1
* (c) 2022 Jukka Kurkela
* Released under the MIT License
*/function bt(t) { return t + .5 | 0 } const xt = (t, e, i) => Math.max(Math.min(t, i), e); function _t(t) { return xt(bt(2.55 * t), 0, 255) } function yt(t) { return xt(bt(255 * t), 0, 255) } function vt(t) { return xt(bt(t / 2.55) / 100, 0, 1) } function wt(t) { return xt(bt(100 * t), 0, 100) } const Mt = { 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9, A: 10, B: 11, C: 12, D: 13, E: 14, F: 15, a: 10, b: 11, c: 12, d: 13, e: 14, f: 15 }, kt = [..."0123456789ABCDEF"], St = t => kt[15 & t], Pt = t => kt[(240 & t) >> 4] + kt[15 & t], Dt = t => (240 & t) >> 4 == (15 & t); function Ot(t) { var e = (t => Dt(t.r) && Dt(t.g) && Dt(t.b) && Dt(t.a))(t) ? St : Pt; return t ? "#" + e(t.r) + e(t.g) + e(t.b) + ((t, e) => t < 255 ? e(t) : "")(t.a, e) : void 0 } const Ct = /^(hsla?|hwb|hsv)\(\s*([-+.e\d]+)(?:deg)?[\s,]+([-+.e\d]+)%[\s,]+([-+.e\d]+)%(?:[\s,]+([-+.e\d]+)(%)?)?\s*\)$/; function At(t, e, i) { const s = e * Math.min(i, 1 - i), n = (e, n = (e + t / 30) % 12) => i - s * Math.max(Math.min(n - 3, 9 - n, 1), -1); return [n(0), n(8), n(4)] } function Tt(t, e, i) { const s = (s, n = (s + t / 60) % 6) => i - i * e * Math.max(Math.min(n, 4 - n, 1), 0); return [s(5), s(3), s(1)] } function Lt(t, e, i) { const s = At(t, 1, .5); let n; for (e + i > 1 && (n = 1 / (e + i), e *= n, i *= n), n = 0; n < 3; n++)s[n] *= 1 - e - i, s[n] += e; return s } function Et(t) { const e = t.r / 255, i = t.g / 255, s = t.b / 255, n = Math.max(e, i, s), o = Math.min(e, i, s), a = (n + o) / 2; let r, l, h; return n !== o && (h = n - o, l = a > .5 ? h / (2 - n - o) : h / (n + o), r = function (t, e, i, s, n) { return t === n ? (e - i) / s + (e < i ? 6 : 0) : e === n ? (i - t) / s + 2 : (t - e) / s + 4 }(e, i, s, h, n), r = 60 * r + .5), [0 | r, l || 0, a] } function Rt(t, e, i, s) { return (Array.isArray(e) ? t(e[0], e[1], e[2]) : t(e, i, s)).map(yt) } function It(t, e, i) { return Rt(At, t, e, i) } function zt(t) { return (t % 360 + 360) % 360 } function Ft(t) { const e = Ct.exec(t); let i, s = 255; if (!e) return; e[5] !== i && (s = e[6] ? _t(+e[5]) : yt(+e[5])); const n = zt(+e[2]), o = +e[3] / 100, a = +e[4] / 100; return i = "hwb" === e[1] ? function (t, e, i) { return Rt(Lt, t, e, i) }(n, o, a) : "hsv" === e[1] ? function (t, e, i) { return Rt(Tt, t, e, i) }(n, o, a) : It(n, o, a), { r: i[0], g: i[1], b: i[2], a: s } } const Vt = { x: "dark", Z: "light", Y: "re", X: "blu", W: "gr", V: "medium", U: "slate", A: "ee", T: "ol", S: "or", B: "ra", C: "lateg", D: "ights", R: "in", Q: "turquois", E: "hi", P: "ro", O: "al", N: "le", M: "de", L: "yello", F: "en", K: "ch", G: "arks", H: "ea", I: "ightg", J: "wh" }, Bt = { OiceXe: "f0f8ff", antiquewEte: "faebd7", aqua: "ffff", aquamarRe: "7fffd4", azuY: "f0ffff", beige: "f5f5dc", bisque: "ffe4c4", black: "0", blanKedOmond: "ffebcd", Xe: "ff", XeviTet: "8a2be2", bPwn: "a52a2a", burlywood: "deb887", caMtXe: "5f9ea0", KartYuse: "7fff00", KocTate: "d2691e", cSO: "ff7f50", cSnflowerXe: "6495ed", cSnsilk: "fff8dc", crimson: "dc143c", cyan: "ffff", xXe: "8b", xcyan: "8b8b", xgTMnPd: "b8860b", xWay: "a9a9a9", xgYF: "6400", xgYy: "a9a9a9", xkhaki: "bdb76b", xmagFta: "8b008b", xTivegYF: "556b2f", xSange: "ff8c00", xScEd: "9932cc", xYd: "8b0000", xsOmon: "e9967a", xsHgYF: "8fbc8f", xUXe: "483d8b", xUWay: "2f4f4f", xUgYy: "2f4f4f", xQe: "ced1", xviTet: "9400d3", dAppRk: "ff1493", dApskyXe: "bfff", dimWay: "696969", dimgYy: "696969", dodgerXe: "1e90ff", fiYbrick: "b22222", flSOwEte: "fffaf0", foYstWAn: "228b22", fuKsia: "ff00ff", gaRsbSo: "dcdcdc", ghostwEte: "f8f8ff", gTd: "ffd700", gTMnPd: "daa520", Way: "808080", gYF: "8000", gYFLw: "adff2f", gYy: "808080", honeyMw: "f0fff0", hotpRk: "ff69b4", RdianYd: "cd5c5c", Rdigo: "4b0082", ivSy: "fffff0", khaki: "f0e68c", lavFMr: "e6e6fa", lavFMrXsh: "fff0f5", lawngYF: "7cfc00", NmoncEffon: "fffacd", ZXe: "add8e6", ZcSO: "f08080", Zcyan: "e0ffff", ZgTMnPdLw: "fafad2", ZWay: "d3d3d3", ZgYF: "90ee90", ZgYy: "d3d3d3", ZpRk: "ffb6c1", ZsOmon: "ffa07a", ZsHgYF: "20b2aa", ZskyXe: "87cefa", ZUWay: "778899", ZUgYy: "778899", ZstAlXe: "b0c4de", ZLw: "ffffe0", lime: "ff00", li