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2023-05-12 10:20:28 +08:00
* Copyright (c) 2006-2018, JGraph Ltd
* Copyright (c) 2006-2018, Gaudenz Alder
* Class: mxSwimlaneModel
* Internal model of a hierarchical graph. This model stores nodes and edges
* equivalent to the real graph nodes and edges, but also stores the rank of the
* cells, the order within the ranks and the new candidate locations of cells.
* The internal model also reverses edge direction were appropriate , ignores
* self-loop and groups parallels together under one edge object.
* Constructor: mxSwimlaneModel
* Creates an internal ordered graph model using the vertices passed in. If
* there are any, leftward edge need to be inverted in the internal model
* Arguments:
* graph - the facade describing the graph to be operated on
* vertices - the vertices for this hierarchy
* ordered - whether or not the vertices are already ordered
* deterministic - whether or not this layout should be deterministic on each
* tightenToSource - whether or not to tighten vertices towards the sources
* scanRanksFromSinks - Whether rank assignment is from the sinks or sources.
* usage
function mxSwimlaneModel(layout, vertices, roots, parent, tightenToSource)
var graph = layout.getGraph();
this.tightenToSource = tightenToSource;
this.roots = roots;
this.parent = parent;
// map of cells to internal cell needed for second run through
// to setup the sink of edges correctly
this.vertexMapper = new mxDictionary();
this.edgeMapper = new mxDictionary();
this.maxRank = 0;
var internalVertices = [];
if (vertices == null)
vertices = this.graph.getChildVertices(parent);
this.maxRank = this.SOURCESCANSTARTRANK;
// map of cells to internal cell needed for second run through
// to setup the sink of edges correctly. Guess size by number
// of edges is roughly same as number of vertices.
this.createInternalCells(layout, vertices, internalVertices);
// Go through edges set their sink values. Also check the
// ordering if and invert edges if necessary
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++)
var edges = internalVertices[i].connectsAsSource;
for (var j = 0; j < edges.length; j++)
var internalEdge = edges[j];
var realEdges = internalEdge.edges;
// Only need to process the first real edge, since
// all the edges connect to the same other vertex
if (realEdges != null && realEdges.length > 0)
var realEdge = realEdges[0];
var targetCell = layout.getVisibleTerminal(
realEdge, false);
var internalTargetCell = this.vertexMapper.get(targetCell);
if (internalVertices[i] == internalTargetCell)
// If there are parallel edges going between two vertices and not all are in the same direction
// you can have navigated across one direction when doing the cycle reversal that isn't the same
// direction as the first real edge in the array above. When that happens the if above catches
// that and we correct the target cell before continuing.
// This branch only detects this single case
targetCell = layout.getVisibleTerminal(
realEdge, true);
internalTargetCell = this.vertexMapper.get(targetCell);
if (internalTargetCell != null
&& internalVertices[i] != internalTargetCell)
{ = internalTargetCell;
if (internalTargetCell.connectsAsTarget.length == 0)
internalTargetCell.connectsAsTarget = [];
if (mxUtils.indexOf(internalTargetCell.connectsAsTarget, internalEdge) < 0)
// Use the temp variable in the internal nodes to mark this
// internal vertex as having been visited.
internalVertices[i].temp[0] = 1;
* Variable: maxRank
* Stores the largest rank number allocated
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.maxRank = null;
* Variable: vertexMapper
* Map from graph vertices to internal model nodes.
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.vertexMapper = null;
* Variable: edgeMapper
* Map from graph edges to internal model edges
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.edgeMapper = null;
* Variable: ranks
* Mapping from rank number to actual rank
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.ranks = null;
* Variable: roots
* Store of roots of this hierarchy model, these are real graph cells, not
* internal cells
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.roots = null;
* Variable: parent
* The parent cell whose children are being laid out
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.parent = null;
* Variable: dfsCount
* Count of the number of times the ancestor dfs has been used.
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.dfsCount = 0;
* High value to start source layering scan rank value from.
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.SOURCESCANSTARTRANK = 100000000;
* Variable: tightenToSource
* Whether or not to tighten the assigned ranks of vertices up towards
* the source cells.
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.tightenToSource = false;
* Variable: ranksPerGroup
* An array of the number of ranks within each swimlane
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.ranksPerGroup = null;
* Function: createInternalCells
* Creates all edges in the internal model
* Parameters:
* layout - Reference to the <mxHierarchicalLayout> algorithm.
* vertices - Array of <mxCells> that represent the vertices whom are to
* have an internal representation created.
* internalVertices - The array of <mxGraphHierarchyNodes> to have their
* information filled in using the real vertices.
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.createInternalCells = function(layout, vertices, internalVertices)
var graph = layout.getGraph();
var swimlanes = layout.swimlanes;
// Create internal edges
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++)
internalVertices[i] = new mxGraphHierarchyNode(vertices[i]);
this.vertexMapper.put(vertices[i], internalVertices[i]);
internalVertices[i].swimlaneIndex = -1;
for (var ii = 0; ii < swimlanes.length; ii++)
if (graph.model.getParent(vertices[i]) == swimlanes[ii])
internalVertices[i].swimlaneIndex = ii;
// If the layout is deterministic, order the cells
//List outgoingCells = graph.getNeighbours(vertices[i], deterministic);
var conns = layout.getEdges(vertices[i]);
internalVertices[i].connectsAsSource = [];
// Create internal edges, but don't do any rank assignment yet
// First use the information from the greedy cycle remover to
// invert the leftward edges internally
for (var j = 0; j < conns.length; j++)
var cell = layout.getVisibleTerminal(conns[j], false);
// Looking for outgoing edges only
if (cell != vertices[i] && layout.graph.model.isVertex(cell) &&
// We process all edge between this source and its targets
// If there are edges going both ways, we need to collect
// them all into one internal edges to avoid looping problems
// later. We assume this direction (source -> target) is the
// natural direction if at least half the edges are going in
// that direction.
// The check below for edges[0] being in the vertex mapper is
// in case we've processed this the other way around
// (target -> source) and the number of edges in each direction
// are the same. All the graph edges will have been assigned to
// an internal edge going the other way, so we don't want to
// process them again
var undirectedEdges = layout.getEdgesBetween(vertices[i],
cell, false);
var directedEdges = layout.getEdgesBetween(vertices[i],
cell, true);
if (undirectedEdges != null &&
undirectedEdges.length > 0 &&
this.edgeMapper.get(undirectedEdges[0]) == null &&
directedEdges.length * 2 >= undirectedEdges.length)
var internalEdge = new mxGraphHierarchyEdge(undirectedEdges);
for (var k = 0; k < undirectedEdges.length; k++)
var edge = undirectedEdges[k];
this.edgeMapper.put(edge, internalEdge);
// Resets all point on the edge and disables the edge style
// without deleting it from the cell style
if (layout.disableEdgeStyle)
layout.setEdgeStyleEnabled(edge, false);
internalEdge.source = internalVertices[i];
if (mxUtils.indexOf(internalVertices[i].connectsAsSource, internalEdge) < 0)
// Ensure temp variable is cleared from any previous use
internalVertices[i].temp[0] = 0;
* Function: initialRank
* Basic determination of minimum layer ranking by working from from sources
* or sinks and working through each node in the relevant edge direction.
* Starting at the sinks is basically a longest path layering algorithm.
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.initialRank = function()
this.ranksPerGroup = [];
var startNodes = [];
var seen = new Object();
if (this.roots != null)
for (var i = 0; i < this.roots.length; i++)
var internalNode = this.vertexMapper.get(this.roots[i]);
this.maxChainDfs(null, internalNode, null, seen, 0);
if (internalNode != null)
// Calculate the lower and upper rank bounds of each swimlane
var lowerRank = [];
var upperRank = [];
for (var i = this.ranksPerGroup.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (i == this.ranksPerGroup.length - 1)
lowerRank[i] = 0;
lowerRank[i] = upperRank[i+1] + 1;
upperRank[i] = lowerRank[i] + this.ranksPerGroup[i];
this.maxRank = upperRank[0];
var internalNodes = this.vertexMapper.getValues();
for (var i=0; i < internalNodes.length; i++)
// Mark the node as not having had a layer assigned
internalNodes[i].temp[0] = -1;
var startNodesCopy = startNodes.slice();
while (startNodes.length > 0)
var internalNode = startNodes[0];
var layerDeterminingEdges;
var edgesToBeMarked;
layerDeterminingEdges = internalNode.connectsAsTarget;
edgesToBeMarked = internalNode.connectsAsSource;
// flag to keep track of whether or not all layer determining
// edges have been scanned
var allEdgesScanned = true;
// Work out the layer of this node from the layer determining
// edges. The minimum layer number of any node connected by one of
// the layer determining edges variable
var minimumLayer = upperRank[0];
for (var i = 0; i < layerDeterminingEdges.length; i++)
var internalEdge = layerDeterminingEdges[i];
if (internalEdge.temp[0] == 5270620)
// This edge has been scanned, get the layer of the
// node on the other end
var otherNode = internalEdge.source;
minimumLayer = Math.min(minimumLayer, otherNode.temp[0] - 1);
allEdgesScanned = false;
// If all edge have been scanned, assign the layer, mark all
// edges in the other direction and remove from the nodes list
if (allEdgesScanned)
if (minimumLayer > upperRank[internalNode.swimlaneIndex])
minimumLayer = upperRank[internalNode.swimlaneIndex];
internalNode.temp[0] = minimumLayer;
if (edgesToBeMarked != null)
for (var i = 0; i < edgesToBeMarked.length; i++)
var internalEdge = edgesToBeMarked[i];
// Assign unique stamp ( y/m/d/h )
internalEdge.temp[0] = 5270620;
// Add node on other end of edge to LinkedList of
// nodes to be analysed
var otherNode =;
// Only add node if it hasn't been assigned a layer
if (otherNode.temp[0] == -1)
// Mark this other node as neither being
// unassigned nor assigned so it isn't
// added to this list again, but it's
// layer isn't used in any calculation.
otherNode.temp[0] = -2;
// Not all the edges have been scanned, get to the back of
// the class and put the dunces cap on
var removedCell = startNodes.shift();
if (removedCell == internalNode && startNodes.length == 1)
// This is an error condition, we can't get out of
// this loop. It could happen for more than one node
// but that's a lot harder to detect. Log the error
// TO DO make log comment
// Normalize the ranks down from their large starting value to place
// at least 1 sink on layer 0
// for (var key in this.vertexMapper)
// {
// var internalNode = this.vertexMapper[key];
// // Mark the node as not having had a layer assigned
// internalNode.temp[0] -= this.maxRank;
// }
// Tighten the rank 0 nodes as far as possible
// for ( var i = 0; i < startNodesCopy.length; i++)
// {
// var internalNode = startNodesCopy[i];
// var currentMaxLayer = 0;
// var layerDeterminingEdges = internalNode.connectsAsSource;
// for ( var j = 0; j < layerDeterminingEdges.length; j++)
// {
// var internalEdge = layerDeterminingEdges[j];
// var otherNode =;
// internalNode.temp[0] = Math.max(currentMaxLayer,
// otherNode.temp[0] + 1);
// currentMaxLayer = internalNode.temp[0];
// }
// }
* Function: maxChainDfs
* Performs a depth first search on the internal hierarchy model. This dfs
* extends the default version by keeping track of chains within groups.
* Any cycles should be removed prior to running, but previously seen cells
* are ignored.
* Parameters:
* parent - the parent internal node of the current internal node
* root - the current internal node
* connectingEdge - the internal edge connecting the internal node and the parent
* internal node, if any
* seen - a set of all nodes seen by this dfs
* chainCount - the number of edges in the chain of vertices going through
* the current swimlane
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.maxChainDfs = function(parent, root, connectingEdge, seen, chainCount)
if (root != null)
var rootId = mxCellPath.create(root.cell);
if (seen[rootId] == null)
seen[rootId] = root;
var slIndex = root.swimlaneIndex;
if (this.ranksPerGroup[slIndex] == null || this.ranksPerGroup[slIndex] < chainCount)
this.ranksPerGroup[slIndex] = chainCount;
// Copy the connects as source list so that visitors
// can change the original for edge direction inversions
var outgoingEdges = root.connectsAsSource.slice();
for (var i = 0; i < outgoingEdges.length; i++)
var internalEdge = outgoingEdges[i];
var targetNode =;
// Only navigate in source->target direction within the same
// swimlane, or from a lower index swimlane to a higher one
if (root.swimlaneIndex < targetNode.swimlaneIndex)
this.maxChainDfs(root, targetNode, internalEdge, mxUtils.clone(seen, null , true), 0);
else if (root.swimlaneIndex == targetNode.swimlaneIndex)
this.maxChainDfs(root, targetNode, internalEdge, mxUtils.clone(seen, null , true), chainCount + 1);
* Function: fixRanks
* Fixes the layer assignments to the values stored in the nodes. Also needs
* to create dummy nodes for edges that cross layers.
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.fixRanks = function()
var rankList = [];
this.ranks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.maxRank + 1; i++)
rankList[i] = [];
this.ranks[i] = rankList[i];
// Perform a DFS to obtain an initial ordering for each rank.
// Without doing this you would end up having to process
// crossings for a standard tree.
var rootsArray = null;
if (this.roots != null)
var oldRootsArray = this.roots;
rootsArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < oldRootsArray.length; i++)
var cell = oldRootsArray[i];
var internalNode = this.vertexMapper.get(cell);
rootsArray[i] = internalNode;
this.visit(function(parent, node, edge, layer, seen)
if (seen == 0 && node.maxRank < 0 && node.minRank < 0)
node.maxRank = node.temp[0];
node.minRank = node.temp[0];
// Set temp[0] to the nodes position in the rank
node.temp[0] = rankList[node.maxRank].length - 1;
if (parent != null && edge != null)
var parentToCellRankDifference = parent.maxRank - node.maxRank;
if (parentToCellRankDifference > 1)
// There are ranks in between the parent and current cell
edge.maxRank = parent.maxRank;
edge.minRank = node.maxRank;
edge.temp = [];
edge.x = [];
edge.y = [];
for (var i = edge.minRank + 1; i < edge.maxRank; i++)
// The connecting edge must be added to the
// appropriate ranks
edge.setGeneralPurposeVariable(i, rankList[i]
.length - 1);
}, rootsArray, false, null);
* Function: visit
* A depth first search through the internal heirarchy model.
* Parameters:
* visitor - The visitor function pattern to be called for each node.
* trackAncestors - Whether or not the search is to keep track all nodes
* directly above this one in the search path.
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.visit = function(visitor, dfsRoots, trackAncestors, seenNodes)
// Run dfs through on all roots
if (dfsRoots != null)
for (var i = 0; i < dfsRoots.length; i++)
var internalNode = dfsRoots[i];
if (internalNode != null)
if (seenNodes == null)
seenNodes = new Object();
if (trackAncestors)
// Set up hash code for root
internalNode.hashCode = [];
internalNode.hashCode[0] = this.dfsCount;
internalNode.hashCode[1] = i;
this.extendedDfs(null, internalNode, null, visitor, seenNodes,
internalNode.hashCode, i, 0);
this.dfs(null, internalNode, null, visitor, seenNodes, 0);
* Function: dfs
* Performs a depth first search on the internal hierarchy model
* Parameters:
* parent - the parent internal node of the current internal node
* root - the current internal node
* connectingEdge - the internal edge connecting the internal node and the parent
* internal node, if any
* visitor - the visitor pattern to be called for each node
* seen - a set of all nodes seen by this dfs a set of all of the
* ancestor node of the current node
* layer - the layer on the dfs tree ( not the same as the model ranks )
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.dfs = function(parent, root, connectingEdge, visitor, seen, layer)
if (root != null)
var rootId =;
if (seen[rootId] == null)
seen[rootId] = root;
visitor(parent, root, connectingEdge, layer, 0);
// Copy the connects as source list so that visitors
// can change the original for edge direction inversions
var outgoingEdges = root.connectsAsSource.slice();
for (var i = 0; i< outgoingEdges.length; i++)
var internalEdge = outgoingEdges[i];
var targetNode =;
// Root check is O(|roots|)
this.dfs(root, targetNode, internalEdge, visitor, seen,
layer + 1);
// Use the int field to indicate this node has been seen
visitor(parent, root, connectingEdge, layer, 1);
* Function: extendedDfs
* Performs a depth first search on the internal hierarchy model. This dfs
* extends the default version by keeping track of cells ancestors, but it
* should be only used when necessary because of it can be computationally
* intensive for deep searches.
* Parameters:
* parent - the parent internal node of the current internal node
* root - the current internal node
* connectingEdge - the internal edge connecting the internal node and the parent
* internal node, if any
* visitor - the visitor pattern to be called for each node
* seen - a set of all nodes seen by this dfs
* ancestors - the parent hash code
* childHash - the new hash code for this node
* layer - the layer on the dfs tree ( not the same as the model ranks )
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.extendedDfs = function(parent, root, connectingEdge, visitor, seen, ancestors, childHash, layer)
// Explanation of custom hash set. Previously, the ancestors variable
// was passed through the dfs as a HashSet. The ancestors were copied
// into a new HashSet and when the new child was processed it was also
// added to the set. If the current node was in its ancestor list it
// meant there is a cycle in the graph and this information is passed
// to the visitor.visit() in the seen parameter. The HashSet clone was
// very expensive on CPU so a custom hash was developed using primitive
// types. temp[] couldn't be used so hashCode[] was added to each node.
// Each new child adds another int to the array, copying the prefix
// from its parent. Child of the same parent add different ints (the
// limit is therefore 2^32 children per parent...). If a node has a
// child with the hashCode already set then the child code is compared
// to the same portion of the current nodes array. If they match there
// is a loop.
// Note that the basic mechanism would only allow for 1 use of this
// functionality, so the root nodes have two ints. The second int is
// incremented through each node root and the first is incremented
// through each run of the dfs algorithm (therefore the dfs is not
// thread safe). The hash code of each node is set if not already set,
// or if the first int does not match that of the current run.
if (root != null)
if (parent != null)
// Form this nodes hash code if necessary, that is, if the
// hashCode variable has not been initialized or if the
// start of the parent hash code does not equal the start of
// this nodes hash code, indicating the code was set on a
// previous run of this dfs.
if (root.hashCode == null ||
root.hashCode[0] != parent.hashCode[0])
var hashCodeLength = parent.hashCode.length + 1;
root.hashCode = parent.hashCode.slice();
root.hashCode[hashCodeLength - 1] = childHash;
var rootId =;
if (seen[rootId] == null)
seen[rootId] = root;
visitor(parent, root, connectingEdge, layer, 0);
// Copy the connects as source list so that visitors
// can change the original for edge direction inversions
var outgoingEdges = root.connectsAsSource.slice();
var incomingEdges = root.connectsAsTarget.slice();
for (var i = 0; i < outgoingEdges.length; i++)
var internalEdge = outgoingEdges[i];
var targetNode =;
// Only navigate in source->target direction within the same
// swimlane, or from a lower index swimlane to a higher one
if (root.swimlaneIndex <= targetNode.swimlaneIndex)
this.extendedDfs(root, targetNode, internalEdge, visitor, seen,
root.hashCode, i, layer + 1);
for (var i = 0; i < incomingEdges.length; i++)
var internalEdge = incomingEdges[i];
var targetNode = internalEdge.source;
// Only navigate in target->source direction from a lower index
// swimlane to a higher one
if (root.swimlaneIndex < targetNode.swimlaneIndex)
this.extendedDfs(root, targetNode, internalEdge, visitor, seen,
root.hashCode, i, layer + 1);
// Use the int field to indicate this node has been seen
visitor(parent, root, connectingEdge, layer, 1);