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2023-05-12 10:20:28 +08:00
* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, JGraph Ltd
* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, Gaudenz Alder
var mxPerimeter =
* Class: mxPerimeter
* Provides various perimeter functions to be used in a style
* as the value of <mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER>. Perimeters for
* rectangle, circle, rhombus and triangle are available.
* Example:
* (code)
* <add as="perimeter">mxPerimeter.RectanglePerimeter</add>
* (end)
* Or programmatically:
* (code)
* style[mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER] = mxPerimeter.RectanglePerimeter;
* (end)
* When adding new perimeter functions, it is recommended to use the
* mxPerimeter-namespace as follows:
* (code)
* mxPerimeter.CustomPerimeter = function (bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal)
* {
* var x = 0; // Calculate x-coordinate
* var y = 0; // Calculate y-coordainte
* return new mxPoint(x, y);
* }
* (end)
* The new perimeter should then be registered in the <mxStyleRegistry> as follows:
* (code)
* mxStyleRegistry.putValue('customPerimeter', mxPerimeter.CustomPerimeter);
* (end)
* The custom perimeter above can now be used in a specific vertex as follows:
* (code)
* model.setStyle(vertex, 'perimeter=customPerimeter');
* (end)
* Note that the key of the <mxStyleRegistry> entry for the function should
* be used in string values, unless <mxGraphView.allowEval> is true, in
* which case you can also use mxPerimeter.CustomPerimeter for the value in
* the cell style above.
* Or it can be used for all vertices in the graph as follows:
* (code)
* var style = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultVertexStyle();
* style[mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER] = mxPerimeter.CustomPerimeter;
* (end)
* Note that the object can be used directly when programmatically setting
* the value, but the key in the <mxStyleRegistry> should be used when
* setting the value via a key, value pair in a cell style.
* The parameters are explained in <RectanglePerimeter>.
* Function: RectanglePerimeter
* Describes a rectangular perimeter for the given bounds.
* Parameters:
* bounds - <mxRectangle> that represents the absolute bounds of the
* vertex.
* vertex - <mxCellState> that represents the vertex.
* next - <mxPoint> that represents the nearest neighbour point on the
* given edge.
* orthogonal - Boolean that specifies if the orthogonal projection onto
* the perimeter should be returned. If this is false then the intersection
* of the perimeter and the line between the next and the center point is
* returned.
RectanglePerimeter: function (bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal)
var cx = bounds.getCenterX();
var cy = bounds.getCenterY();
var dx = next.x - cx;
var dy = next.y - cy;
var alpha = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
var p = new mxPoint(0, 0);
var pi = Math.PI;
var pi2 = Math.PI/2;
var beta = pi2 - alpha;
var t = Math.atan2(bounds.height, bounds.width);
if (alpha < -pi + t || alpha > pi - t)
// Left edge
p.x = bounds.x;
p.y = cy - bounds.width * Math.tan(alpha) / 2;
else if (alpha < -t)
// Top Edge
p.y = bounds.y;
p.x = cx - bounds.height * Math.tan(beta) / 2;
else if (alpha < t)
// Right Edge
p.x = bounds.x + bounds.width;
p.y = cy + bounds.width * Math.tan(alpha) / 2;
// Bottom Edge
p.y = bounds.y + bounds.height;
p.x = cx + bounds.height * Math.tan(beta) / 2;
if (orthogonal)
if (next.x >= bounds.x &&
next.x <= bounds.x + bounds.width)
p.x = next.x;
else if (next.y >= bounds.y &&
next.y <= bounds.y + bounds.height)
p.y = next.y;
if (next.x < bounds.x)
p.x = bounds.x;
else if (next.x > bounds.x + bounds.width)
p.x = bounds.x + bounds.width;
if (next.y < bounds.y)
p.y = bounds.y;
else if (next.y > bounds.y + bounds.height)
p.y = bounds.y + bounds.height;
return p;
* Function: EllipsePerimeter
* Describes an elliptic perimeter. See <RectanglePerimeter>
* for a description of the parameters.
EllipsePerimeter: function (bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal)
var x = bounds.x;
var y = bounds.y;
var a = bounds.width / 2;
var b = bounds.height / 2;
var cx = x + a;
var cy = y + b;
var px = next.x;
var py = next.y;
// Calculates straight line equation through
// point and ellipse center y = d * x + h
var dx = parseInt(px - cx);
var dy = parseInt(py - cy);
if (dx == 0 && dy != 0)
return new mxPoint(cx, cy + b * dy / Math.abs(dy));
else if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
return new mxPoint(px, py);
if (orthogonal)
if (py >= y && py <= y + bounds.height)
var ty = py - cy;
var tx = Math.sqrt(a*a*(1-(ty*ty)/(b*b))) || 0;
if (px <= x)
tx = -tx;
return new mxPoint(cx+tx, py);
if (px >= x && px <= x + bounds.width)
var tx = px - cx;
var ty = Math.sqrt(b*b*(1-(tx*tx)/(a*a))) || 0;
if (py <= y)
ty = -ty;
return new mxPoint(px, cy+ty);
// Calculates intersection
var d = dy / dx;
var h = cy - d * cx;
var e = a * a * d * d + b * b;
var f = -2 * cx * e;
var g = a * a * d * d * cx * cx +
b * b * cx * cx -
a * a * b * b;
var det = Math.sqrt(f * f - 4 * e * g);
// Two solutions (perimeter points)
var xout1 = (-f + det) / (2 * e);
var xout2 = (-f - det) / (2 * e);
var yout1 = d * xout1 + h;
var yout2 = d * xout2 + h;
var dist1 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((xout1 - px), 2)
+ Math.pow((yout1 - py), 2));
var dist2 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((xout2 - px), 2)
+ Math.pow((yout2 - py), 2));
// Correct solution
var xout = 0;
var yout = 0;
if (dist1 < dist2)
xout = xout1;
yout = yout1;
xout = xout2;
yout = yout2;
return new mxPoint(xout, yout);
* Function: RhombusPerimeter
* Describes a rhombus (aka diamond) perimeter. See <RectanglePerimeter>
* for a description of the parameters.
RhombusPerimeter: function (bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal)
var x = bounds.x;
var y = bounds.y;
var w = bounds.width;
var h = bounds.height;
var cx = x + w / 2;
var cy = y + h / 2;
var px = next.x;
var py = next.y;
// Special case for intersecting the diamond's corners
if (cx == px)
if (cy > py)
return new mxPoint(cx, y); // top
return new mxPoint(cx, y + h); // bottom
else if (cy == py)
if (cx > px)
return new mxPoint(x, cy); // left
return new mxPoint(x + w, cy); // right
var tx = cx;
var ty = cy;
if (orthogonal)
if (px >= x && px <= x + w)
tx = px;
else if (py >= y && py <= y + h)
ty = py;
// In which quadrant will the intersection be?
// set the slope and offset of the border line accordingly
if (px < cx)
if (py < cy)
return mxUtils.intersection(px, py, tx, ty, cx, y, x, cy);
return mxUtils.intersection(px, py, tx, ty, cx, y + h, x, cy);
else if (py < cy)
return mxUtils.intersection(px, py, tx, ty, cx, y, x + w, cy);
return mxUtils.intersection(px, py, tx, ty, cx, y + h, x + w, cy);
* Function: TrianglePerimeter
* Describes a triangle perimeter. See <RectanglePerimeter>
* for a description of the parameters.
TrianglePerimeter: function (bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal)
var direction = (vertex != null) ?[mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION] : null;
var vertical = direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH ||
direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH;
var x = bounds.x;
var y = bounds.y;
var w = bounds.width;
var h = bounds.height;
var cx = x + w / 2;
var cy = y + h / 2;
var start = new mxPoint(x, y);
var corner = new mxPoint(x + w, cy);
var end = new mxPoint(x, y + h);
if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH)
start = end;
corner = new mxPoint(cx, y);
end = new mxPoint(x + w, y + h);
else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
corner = new mxPoint(cx, y + h);
end = new mxPoint(x + w, y);
else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST)
start = new mxPoint(x + w, y);
corner = new mxPoint(x, cy);
end = new mxPoint(x + w, y + h);
var dx = next.x - cx;
var dy = next.y - cy;
var alpha = (vertical) ? Math.atan2(dx, dy) : Math.atan2(dy, dx);
var t = (vertical) ? Math.atan2(w, h) : Math.atan2(h, w);
var base = false;
if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH ||
direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST)
base = alpha > -t && alpha < t;
base = alpha < -Math.PI + t || alpha > Math.PI - t;
var result = null;
if (base)
if (orthogonal && ((vertical && next.x >= start.x && next.x <= end.x) ||
(!vertical && next.y >= start.y && next.y <= end.y)))
if (vertical)
result = new mxPoint(next.x, start.y);
result = new mxPoint(start.x, next.y);
if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH)
result = new mxPoint(x + w / 2 + h * Math.tan(alpha) / 2,
y + h);
else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
result = new mxPoint(x + w / 2 - h * Math.tan(alpha) / 2,
else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST)
result = new mxPoint(x + w, y + h / 2 +
w * Math.tan(alpha) / 2);
result = new mxPoint(x, y + h / 2 -
w * Math.tan(alpha) / 2);
if (orthogonal)
var pt = new mxPoint(cx, cy);
if (next.y >= y && next.y <= y + h)
pt.x = (vertical) ? cx : (
(direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST) ?
x + w : x);
pt.y = next.y;
else if (next.x >= x && next.x <= x + w)
pt.x = next.x;
pt.y = (!vertical) ? cy : (
(direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH) ?
y + h : y);
// Compute angle
dx = next.x - pt.x;
dy = next.y - pt.y;
cx = pt.x;
cy = pt.y;
if ((vertical && next.x <= x + w / 2) ||
(!vertical && next.y <= y + h / 2))
result = mxUtils.intersection(next.x, next.y, cx, cy,
start.x, start.y, corner.x, corner.y);
result = mxUtils.intersection(next.x, next.y, cx, cy,
corner.x, corner.y, end.x, end.y);
if (result == null)
result = new mxPoint(cx, cy);
return result;
* Function: HexagonPerimeter
* Describes a hexagon perimeter. See <RectanglePerimeter>
* for a description of the parameters.
HexagonPerimeter: function (bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal)
var x = bounds.x;
var y = bounds.y;
var w = bounds.width;
var h = bounds.height;
var cx = bounds.getCenterX();
var cy = bounds.getCenterY();
var px = next.x;
var py = next.y;
var dx = px - cx;
var dy = py - cy;
var alpha = -Math.atan2(dy, dx);
var pi = Math.PI;
var pi2 = Math.PI / 2;
var result = new mxPoint(cx, cy);
var direction = (vertex != null) ? mxUtils.getValue(, mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION,
mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST) : mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST;
var vertical = direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH
|| direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH;
var a = new mxPoint();
var b = new mxPoint();
//Only consider corrects quadrants for the orthogonal case.
if ((px < x) && (py < y) || (px < x) && (py > y + h)
|| (px > x + w) && (py < y) || (px > x + w) && (py > y + h))
orthogonal = false;
if (orthogonal)
if (vertical)
//Special cases where intersects with hexagon corners
if (px == cx)
if (py <= y)
return new mxPoint(cx, y);
else if (py >= y + h)
return new mxPoint(cx, y + h);
else if (px < x)
if (py == y + h / 4)
return new mxPoint(x, y + h / 4);
else if (py == y + 3 * h / 4)
return new mxPoint(x, y + 3 * h / 4);
else if (px > x + w)
if (py == y + h / 4)
return new mxPoint(x + w, y + h / 4);
else if (py == y + 3 * h / 4)
return new mxPoint(x + w, y + 3 * h / 4);
else if (px == x)
if (py < cy)
return new mxPoint(x, y + h / 4);
else if (py > cy)
return new mxPoint(x, y + 3 * h / 4);
else if (px == x + w)
if (py < cy)
return new mxPoint(x + w, y + h / 4);
else if (py > cy)
return new mxPoint(x + w, y + 3 * h / 4);
if (py == y)
return new mxPoint(cx, y);
else if (py == y + h)
return new mxPoint(cx, y + h);
if (px < cx)
if ((py > y + h / 4) && (py < y + 3 * h / 4))
a = new mxPoint(x, y);
b = new mxPoint(x, y + h);
else if (py < y + h / 4)
a = new mxPoint(x - Math.floor(0.5 * w), y
+ Math.floor(0.5 * h));
b = new mxPoint(x + w, y - Math.floor(0.25 * h));
else if (py > y + 3 * h / 4)
a = new mxPoint(x - Math.floor(0.5 * w), y
+ Math.floor(0.5 * h));
b = new mxPoint(x + w, y + Math.floor(1.25 * h));
else if (px > cx)
if ((py > y + h / 4) && (py < y + 3 * h / 4))
a = new mxPoint(x + w, y);
b = new mxPoint(x + w, y + h);
else if (py < y + h / 4)
a = new mxPoint(x, y - Math.floor(0.25 * h));
b = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(1.5 * w), y
+ Math.floor(0.5 * h));
else if (py > y + 3 * h / 4)
a = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(1.5 * w), y
+ Math.floor(0.5 * h));
b = new mxPoint(x, y + Math.floor(1.25 * h));
//Special cases where intersects with hexagon corners
if (py == cy)
if (px <= x)
return new mxPoint(x, y + h / 2);
else if (px >= x + w)
return new mxPoint(x + w, y + h / 2);
else if (py < y)
if (px == x + w / 4)
return new mxPoint(x + w / 4, y);
else if (px == x + 3 * w / 4)
return new mxPoint(x + 3 * w / 4, y);
else if (py > y + h)
if (px == x + w / 4)
return new mxPoint(x + w / 4, y + h);
else if (px == x + 3 * w / 4)
return new mxPoint(x + 3 * w / 4, y + h);
else if (py == y)
if (px < cx)
return new mxPoint(x + w / 4, y);
else if (px > cx)
return new mxPoint(x + 3 * w / 4, y);
else if (py == y + h)
if (px < cx)
return new mxPoint(x + w / 4, y + h);
else if (py > cy)
return new mxPoint(x + 3 * w / 4, y + h);
if (px == x)
return new mxPoint(x, cy);
else if (px == x + w)
return new mxPoint(x + w, cy);
if (py < cy)
if ((px > x + w / 4) && (px < x + 3 * w / 4))
a = new mxPoint(x, y);
b = new mxPoint(x + w, y);
else if (px < x + w / 4)
a = new mxPoint(x - Math.floor(0.25 * w), y + h);
b = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(0.5 * w), y
- Math.floor(0.5 * h));
else if (px > x + 3 * w / 4)
a = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(0.5 * w), y
- Math.floor(0.5 * h));
b = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(1.25 * w), y + h);
else if (py > cy)
if ((px > x + w / 4) && (px < x + 3 * w / 4))
a = new mxPoint(x, y + h);
b = new mxPoint(x + w, y + h);
else if (px < x + w / 4)
a = new mxPoint(x - Math.floor(0.25 * w), y);
b = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(0.5 * w), y
+ Math.floor(1.5 * h));
else if (px > x + 3 * w / 4)
a = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(0.5 * w), y
+ Math.floor(1.5 * h));
b = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(1.25 * w), y);
var tx = cx;
var ty = cy;
if (px >= x && px <= x + w)
tx = px;
if (py < cy)
ty = y + h;
ty = y;
else if (py >= y && py <= y + h)
ty = py;
if (px < cx)
tx = x + w;
tx = x;
result = mxUtils.intersection(tx, ty, next.x, next.y, a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y);
if (vertical)
var beta = Math.atan2(h / 4, w / 2);
//Special cases where intersects with hexagon corners
if (alpha == beta)
return new mxPoint(x + w, y + Math.floor(0.25 * h));
else if (alpha == pi2)
return new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(0.5 * w), y);
else if (alpha == (pi - beta))
return new mxPoint(x, y + Math.floor(0.25 * h));
else if (alpha == -beta)
return new mxPoint(x + w, y + Math.floor(0.75 * h));
else if (alpha == (-pi2))
return new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(0.5 * w), y + h);
else if (alpha == (-pi + beta))
return new mxPoint(x, y + Math.floor(0.75 * h));
if ((alpha < beta) && (alpha > -beta))
a = new mxPoint(x + w, y);
b = new mxPoint(x + w, y + h);
else if ((alpha > beta) && (alpha < pi2))
a = new mxPoint(x, y - Math.floor(0.25 * h));
b = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(1.5 * w), y
+ Math.floor(0.5 * h));
else if ((alpha > pi2) && (alpha < (pi - beta)))
a = new mxPoint(x - Math.floor(0.5 * w), y
+ Math.floor(0.5 * h));
b = new mxPoint(x + w, y - Math.floor(0.25 * h));
else if (((alpha > (pi - beta)) && (alpha <= pi))
|| ((alpha < (-pi + beta)) && (alpha >= -pi)))
a = new mxPoint(x, y);
b = new mxPoint(x, y + h);
else if ((alpha < -beta) && (alpha > -pi2))
a = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(1.5 * w), y
+ Math.floor(0.5 * h));
b = new mxPoint(x, y + Math.floor(1.25 * h));
else if ((alpha < -pi2) && (alpha > (-pi + beta)))
a = new mxPoint(x - Math.floor(0.5 * w), y
+ Math.floor(0.5 * h));
b = new mxPoint(x + w, y + Math.floor(1.25 * h));
var beta = Math.atan2(h / 2, w / 4);
//Special cases where intersects with hexagon corners
if (alpha == beta)
return new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(0.75 * w), y);
else if (alpha == (pi - beta))
return new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(0.25 * w), y);
else if ((alpha == pi) || (alpha == -pi))
return new mxPoint(x, y + Math.floor(0.5 * h));
else if (alpha == 0)
return new mxPoint(x + w, y + Math.floor(0.5 * h));
else if (alpha == -beta)
return new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(0.75 * w), y + h);
else if (alpha == (-pi + beta))
return new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(0.25 * w), y + h);
if ((alpha > 0) && (alpha < beta))
a = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(0.5 * w), y
- Math.floor(0.5 * h));
b = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(1.25 * w), y + h);
else if ((alpha > beta) && (alpha < (pi - beta)))
a = new mxPoint(x, y);
b = new mxPoint(x + w, y);
else if ((alpha > (pi - beta)) && (alpha < pi))
a = new mxPoint(x - Math.floor(0.25 * w), y + h);
b = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(0.5 * w), y
- Math.floor(0.5 * h));
else if ((alpha < 0) && (alpha > -beta))
a = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(0.5 * w), y
+ Math.floor(1.5 * h));
b = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(1.25 * w), y);
else if ((alpha < -beta) && (alpha > (-pi + beta)))
a = new mxPoint(x, y + h);
b = new mxPoint(x + w, y + h);
else if ((alpha < (-pi + beta)) && (alpha > -pi))
a = new mxPoint(x - Math.floor(0.25 * w), y);
b = new mxPoint(x + Math.floor(0.5 * w), y
+ Math.floor(1.5 * h));
result = mxUtils.intersection(cx, cy, next.x, next.y, a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y);
if (result == null)
return new mxPoint(cx, cy);
return result;