326 lines
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326 lines
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** Views/Partial/LCA/BOM.cshtml is using this controller
['$scope', '$http', '$routeParams', 'MaterialFactory', 'LCADetailCacheService', 'MultiLanguageService', '$q','$filter',
function ($scope, $http, $routeParams, MaterialFactory, LCADetailCacheService, MultiLanguageService, $q ,$filter) {
var resource;
// set $scope.baseUrl
var baseUrl = $scope.baseUrl;
if (typeof (baseUrl) === 'undefined' || baseUrl == null) {
var arr = window.location.href.split("/");
if (arr[3].indexOf('app') == 0)
baseUrl = '';
baseUrl = '/' + arr[3];
$scope.baseUrl = baseUrl;
// This property controlls modal form, will be passed to table-edit-modal directive
$scope.modalFormOption = {};
$scope.modelFactory = MaterialFactory;
$scope.fileImportOption = {
show: false,
modelBuilder: $scope.modelFactory,
saveAsync: function (parsedList) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
for (var i = 0; i < parsedList.length; i++)
parsedList[i].MaterialType = 0;
LCADetailCacheService.updateMaterialsAsync(parsedList).then(function (result) {
angular.forEach(result, function (entry) {
return deferred.promise;
$scope.quoteOptions = {
queryDataAsyncFn: function (LCAID) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
LCADetailCacheService.getAllMaterialAsync(LCAID).then(function (result) {
var filtered = $filter('filter')(result, {MaterialType:0})
return deferred.promise;
saveAsyncFn: $scope.fileImportOption.saveAsync
$scope.quoteModal = {
show: false
$scope.createProcess = function () {
// New an object & select it
var toBeCreated = {};
toBeCreated.ID = 0;
toBeCreated.LCAID = $routeParams.LCAID;
toBeCreated.MaterialComposites = [];
toBeCreated.WeightUnit = 'kg';
toBeCreated.VolumeUnit = 'm3';
$scope.toBeEdit = toBeCreated;
$scope.modalFormOption.show = true;
$scope.modalFormOption.editable = true;
$scope.save = function () {
toBeCreated.MaterialType = 0;
.then(function (result) {
$scope.modalFormOption.show = false;
$scope.dataQualityOption = {};
$scope.dataQualityOption.data = {};
$scope.isEdit = false;
$scope.editProcess = function (selected) {
var local = $scope.toBeEdit = angular.copy(selected);
if ($scope.toBeEdit.WeightUnit == undefined || $scope.toBeEdit.WeightUnit == '')
$scope.toBeEdit.WeightUnit = 'kg';
if ($scope.toBeEdit.VolumeUnit == undefined || $scope.toBeEdit.VolumeUnit == '')
$scope.toBeEdit.VolumeUnit = 'm3';
local.MaterialType = 0;
$scope.modalFormOption.show = true;
$scope.modalFormOption.editable = true;
$scope.save = function () {
if (selected.ParameterValue && local.Scalar && local.Quantity) {
local.HighLevelAnalyzeResult = local.KgCO2e;
.then(function (result) {
angular.copy(local, selected);
$scope.modalFormOption.show = false;
$scope.dataQualityOption = {};
$scope.dataQualityOption.data = {};
$scope.isEdit = true;
$scope.dataQualityShow = function (selected) {
$http.get($scope.baseUrl+'/api/DataQualityLevel/GetByTableId/ProductLCAProductSurveyForm_Materials/' + selected.ID
).success(function (data) {
angular.copy(data, $scope.dataQualityOption.data);
$scope.dataQualityOption.data.Name = selected.Name;
$scope.dataQualityOption.data.LCAID = selected.LCAID;
//todo !!... load pre saved data
//$scope.dataQualityOption.Fi = 0.0123;//test only;
//todo !!... 還需要總碳排量才能算出 碳排量佔比
$scope.dataQualityOption.showSaveBtn = $scope.lcaDetail.Status == 1;
$scope.dataQualityOption.show = true;
}).error(function (data, status) {
//$scope.createChildProcess = function (selected) {
// // Do nothing, if the selected is child
// if (selected.isChild) return;
// var toBeCreated = {};
// toBeCreated.ID = 0;
// toBeCreated.ParentMaterialID = selected.ID;
// toBeCreated.LCAID = selected.LCAID
// toBeCreated.parentName = selected.Name;
// toBeCreated.isChild = true;
// $scope.toBeEdit = toBeCreated;
// $scope.modalFormOption.show = true;
// $scope.modalFormOption.editable = true;
// $scope.modalFormOption.onOkFn = function () {
// $http.post($scope.baseUrl+'/api/Material/SaveMaterial/' + $routeParams.LCAID + "/" + toBeCreated.ID, toBeCreated)
// .success(function (data) {
// data.show = true;
// selected.ChildMaterials.unshift(data)
// selected.expend = true;
// selected.expendable = true;
// $scope.modalFormOption.show = false;
// });
// };
$scope.selectSimaproProcess = function (selectedMaterial) {
$scope.simaproOption = {};
$scope.simaproOption.show = true;
$scope.simaproOption.filter = 37; // SimaproOption.Material 原料
$scope.simaproOption.onOk = function (selectedParameter) {
selectedMaterial.ParameterValue = selectedParameter.Value;
selectedMaterial.ParameterID = selectedParameter.ID;
selectedMaterial.KgCO2e = selectedParameter.Value * selectedMaterial.Scalar
selectedMaterial.localDisplayEncoding = selectedParameter.Encoding;
selectedMaterial.Unit = selectedParameter.Unit;
selectedMaterial.ParameterDescription =
selectedParameter.DisplayNameTW + ': ' + selectedParameter.Remark;
selectedMaterial.localDisplayParameterValue = selectedParameter.Value;
selectedMaterial.ParaSourceDesc = selectedParameter.Description;
$scope.selectSimaproProcess_Composition = function (selectedComposition) {
$scope.simaproOption = {};
$scope.simaproOption.show = true;
$scope.simaproOption.filter = 37; // SimaproOption.Material 原料
$scope.simaproOption.onOk = function (selectedParameter, selectedCategory) {
selectedComposition.parameterValue = selectedParameter.Value
selectedComposition.parameterDescription =
selectedParameter.DisplayNameTW + ': ' + selectedParameter.Remark;
selectedComposition.parameterUnit = selectedParameter.Unit;
$scope.deleteProcess = function (selected) {
var isConfirm = confirm(resource.DeleteItemMsg);
if (selected.ChildMaterials &&
selected.ChildMaterials.length != 0) {
alert("please delete all child first!")
if (!isConfirm) return;
$http.delete($scope.baseUrl+"/api/Material/DeleteMaterial/" + selected.LCAID + "/" + selected.ID)
.success(function () {
$scope.model.materials.splice($scope.model.materials.indexOf(selected), 1);
.then(function (response) {
resource = response;
}, function (error) {
// Get the materials and join parameter in local
$http.get($scope.baseUrl+'/api/BOM/GetSheetHeader/' + $routeParams.LCAID)])
.then(function (data) {
$scope.model = {
materials: $filter('filter')(data[0], { MaterialType: 0 })
var sheetHeader = data[1].data.SheetHeader ? data[1].data.SheetHeader : {};
// $scope.sheetHeader is parent's object
$scope.sheetHeader.SheetFillerName = sheetHeader.SheetFillerName;
$scope.sheetHeader.Phone = sheetHeader.Phone;
$scope.sheetHeader.Department = sheetHeader.Department;
$scope.reNumber = function (materialType) {
$http.post(baseUrl + '/api/Material/ReNumber/' + $routeParams.LCAID + '/0').success(function (data) {
console.log('reNumber', data);
}).error(function (data) {
console.log('error', data);
// 新增材質組成項目
$scope.addComposite = function () {
if ($scope.toBeEdit.MaterialComposites.length == 0) {
$scope.toBeEdit.ParameterDescription = '';
$scope.toBeEdit.Unit = '';
$scope.toBeEdit.MaterialComposites.push({ materialComposite: '', CASNo: '', compositePercentage: '', parameterValue: '', parameterUnit: '', parameterDescription: '' })
$scope.deleteComposite = function (index) {
$scope.toBeEdit.MaterialComposites.splice(index, 1)
$scope.updateScalar = function (num, mul) {
$scope.updateActivityIntensity = function () {
var weiMul = 1;
if ($scope.toBeEdit.WeightUnit == 'mg')
weiMul = 0.000001;
else if ($scope.toBeEdit.WeightUnit == 'g')
weiMul = 0.001;
else if ($scope.toBeEdit.WeightUnit == 't')
weiMul = 1000;
$scope.toBeEdit.ActivityIntensity_BOM = $scope.toBeEdit.Scalar * weiMul * $scope.toBeEdit.Quantity_BOM;
$scope.toBeEdit.ActivityIntensity = $scope.toBeEdit.Scalar * weiMul * $scope.toBeEdit.Quantity;
//$scope.toBeEdit.oriKgCO2e = $scope.toBeEdit.KgCO2e;
$scope.updateKgCO2e = function (selectedMaterial) {
selectedMaterial.KgCO2e = selectedMaterial.ActivityIntensity * selectedMaterial.ParameterValue;
selectedMaterial.KgCO2e_BOM = selectedMaterial.KgCO2e;
$scope.updateParameter = function () {
var total = 0;
m => total += m.parameterValue * m.compositePercentage / 100
$scope.toBeEdit.ParameterValue = total;
$scope.updateDensity = function () {
var volMul = 1;
if ($scope.toBeEdit.VolumeUnit == 'ml')
volMul = 0.000001;
else if ($scope.toBeEdit.VolumeUnit == 'L')
volMul = 0.001;
var weiMul = 1;
if ($scope.toBeEdit.WeightUnit == 'mg')
weiMul = 0.000001;
else if ($scope.toBeEdit.WeightUnit == 'g')
weiMul = 0.001;
else if ($scope.toBeEdit.WeightUnit == 't')
weiMul = 1000;
$scope.toBeEdit.Density = $scope.toBeEdit.Scalar * weiMul / ($scope.toBeEdit.Volume * volMul);
var calculateParentKgCO2e = function (material) {
var parentKgCO2e = 0;
if (material.isChild) return material.KgCO2e;
angular.forEach(material.ChildMaterials, function (childMaterial) {
parentKgCO2e += childMaterial.KgCO2e;
return parentKgCO2e;
$scope.calcTotalKgCO2e = function (){
$scope.materialsSumKgCO2e = 0;
angular.forEach($scope.model.materials, function (model) {
$scope.materialsSumKgCO2e += model.KgCO2e
}]); |