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* @license AngularJS v1.2.20
* (c) 2010-2014 Google, Inc.
* License: MIT
(function(window, angular, undefined) {'use strict';
var $resourceMinErr = angular.$$minErr('$resource');
// Helper functions and regex to lookup a dotted path on an object
// stopping at undefined/null. The path must be composed of ASCII
// identifiers (just like $parse)
var MEMBER_NAME_REGEX = /^(\.[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)+$/;
function isValidDottedPath(path) {
return (path != null && path !== '' && path !== 'hasOwnProperty' &&
MEMBER_NAME_REGEX.test('.' + path));
function lookupDottedPath(obj, path) {
if (!isValidDottedPath(path)) {
throw $resourceMinErr('badmember', 'Dotted member path "@{0}" is invalid.', path);
var keys = path.split('.');
for (var i = 0, ii = keys.length; i < ii && obj !== undefined; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
obj = (obj !== null) ? obj[key] : undefined;
return obj;
* Create a shallow copy of an object and clear other fields from the destination
function shallowClearAndCopy(src, dst) {
dst = dst || {};
angular.forEach(dst, function(value, key){
delete dst[key];
for (var key in src) {
if (src.hasOwnProperty(key) && !(key.charAt(0) === '$' && key.charAt(1) === '$')) {
dst[key] = src[key];
return dst;
* @ngdoc module
* @name ngResource
* @description
* # ngResource
* The `ngResource` module provides interaction support with RESTful services
* via the $resource service.
* <div doc-module-components="ngResource"></div>
* See {@link ngResource.$resource `$resource`} for usage.
* @ngdoc service
* @name $resource
* @requires $http
* @description
* A factory which creates a resource object that lets you interact with
* [RESTful]( server-side data sources.
* The returned resource object has action methods which provide high-level behaviors without
* the need to interact with the low level {@link ng.$http $http} service.
* Requires the {@link ngResource `ngResource`} module to be installed.
* @param {string} url A parametrized URL template with parameters prefixed by `:` as in
* `/user/:username`. If you are using a URL with a port number (e.g.
* ``), it will be respected.
* If you are using a url with a suffix, just add the suffix, like this:
* `$resource('')` or `$resource('')`
* or even `$resource('')`
* If the parameter before the suffix is empty, :resource_id in this case, then the `/.` will be
* collapsed down to a single `.`. If you need this sequence to appear and not collapse then you
* can escape it with `/\.`.
* @param {Object=} paramDefaults Default values for `url` parameters. These can be overridden in
* `actions` methods. If any of the parameter value is a function, it will be executed every time
* when a param value needs to be obtained for a request (unless the param was overridden).
* Each key value in the parameter object is first bound to url template if present and then any
* excess keys are appended to the url search query after the `?`.
* Given a template `/path/:verb` and parameter `{verb:'greet', salutation:'Hello'}` results in
* URL `/path/greet?salutation=Hello`.
* If the parameter value is prefixed with `@` then the value of that parameter will be taken
* from the corresponding key on the data object (useful for non-GET operations).
* @param {Object.<Object>=} actions Hash with declaration of custom action that should extend
* the default set of resource actions. The declaration should be created in the format of {@link
* ng.$http#usage_parameters $http.config}:
* {action1: {method:?, params:?, isArray:?, headers:?, ...},
* action2: {method:?, params:?, isArray:?, headers:?, ...},
* ...}
* Where:
* - **`action`** {string} The name of action. This name becomes the name of the method on
* your resource object.
* - **`method`** {string} HTTP request method. Valid methods are: `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`,
* `DELETE`, and `JSONP`.
* - **`params`** {Object=} Optional set of pre-bound parameters for this action. If any of
* the parameter value is a function, it will be executed every time when a param value needs to
* be obtained for a request (unless the param was overridden).
* - **`url`** {string} action specific `url` override. The url templating is supported just
* like for the resource-level urls.
* - **`isArray`** {boolean=} If true then the returned object for this action is an array,
* see `returns` section.
* - **`transformRequest`**
* `{function(data, headersGetter)|Array.<function(data, headersGetter)>}`
* transform function or an array of such functions. The transform function takes the http
* request body and headers and returns its transformed (typically serialized) version.
* - **`transformResponse`**
* `{function(data, headersGetter)|Array.<function(data, headersGetter)>}`
* transform function or an array of such functions. The transform function takes the http
* response body and headers and returns its transformed (typically deserialized) version.
* - **`cache`** `{boolean|Cache}` If true, a default $http cache will be used to cache the
* GET request, otherwise if a cache instance built with
* {@link ng.$cacheFactory $cacheFactory}, this cache will be used for
* caching.
* - **`timeout`** `{number|Promise}` timeout in milliseconds, or {@link ng.$q promise} that
* should abort the request when resolved.
* - **`withCredentials`** - `{boolean}` - whether to set the `withCredentials` flag on the
* XHR object. See
* [requests with credentials](
* for more information.
* - **`responseType`** - `{string}` - see
* [requestType](
* - **`interceptor`** - `{Object=}` - The interceptor object has two optional methods -
* `response` and `responseError`. Both `response` and `responseError` interceptors get called
* with `http response` object. See {@link ng.$http $http interceptors}.
* @returns {Object} A resource "class" object with methods for the default set of resource actions
* optionally extended with custom `actions`. The default set contains these actions:
* ```js
* { 'get': {method:'GET'},
* 'save': {method:'POST'},
* 'query': {method:'GET', isArray:true},
* 'remove': {method:'DELETE'},
* 'delete': {method:'DELETE'} };
* ```
* Calling these methods invoke an {@link ng.$http} with the specified http method,
* destination and parameters. When the data is returned from the server then the object is an
* instance of the resource class. The actions `save`, `remove` and `delete` are available on it
* as methods with the `$` prefix. This allows you to easily perform CRUD operations (create,
* read, update, delete) on server-side data like this:
* ```js
* var User = $resource('/user/:userId', {userId:'@id'});
* var user = User.get({userId:123}, function() {
* = true;
* user.$save();
* });
* ```
* It is important to realize that invoking a $resource object method immediately returns an
* empty reference (object or array depending on `isArray`). Once the data is returned from the
* server the existing reference is populated with the actual data. This is a useful trick since
* usually the resource is assigned to a model which is then rendered by the view. Having an empty
* object results in no rendering, once the data arrives from the server then the object is
* populated with the data and the view automatically re-renders itself showing the new data. This
* means that in most cases one never has to write a callback function for the action methods.
* The action methods on the class object or instance object can be invoked with the following
* parameters:
* - HTTP GET "class" actions: `Resource.action([parameters], [success], [error])`
* - non-GET "class" actions: `Resource.action([parameters], postData, [success], [error])`
* - non-GET instance actions: `instance.$action([parameters], [success], [error])`
* Success callback is called with (value, responseHeaders) arguments. Error callback is called
* with (httpResponse) argument.
* Class actions return empty instance (with additional properties below).
* Instance actions return promise of the action.
* The Resource instances and collection have these additional properties:
* - `$promise`: the {@link ng.$q promise} of the original server interaction that created this
* instance or collection.
* On success, the promise is resolved with the same resource instance or collection object,
* updated with data from server. This makes it easy to use in
* {@link ngRoute.$routeProvider resolve section of $routeProvider.when()} to defer view
* rendering until the resource(s) are loaded.
* On failure, the promise is resolved with the {@link ng.$http http response} object, without
* the `resource` property.
* If an interceptor object was provided, the promise will instead be resolved with the value
* returned by the interceptor.
* - `$resolved`: `true` after first server interaction is completed (either with success or
* rejection), `false` before that. Knowing if the Resource has been resolved is useful in
* data-binding.
* @example
* # Credit card resource
* ```js
// Define CreditCard class
var CreditCard = $resource('/user/:userId/card/:cardId',
{userId:123, cardId:'@id'}, {
charge: {method:'POST', params:{charge:true}}
// We can retrieve a collection from the server
var cards = CreditCard.query(function() {
// GET: /user/123/card
// server returns: [ {id:456, number:'1234', name:'Smith'} ];
var card = cards[0];
// each item is an instance of CreditCard
expect(card instanceof CreditCard).toEqual(true); = "J. Smith";
// non GET methods are mapped onto the instances
// POST: /user/123/card/456 {id:456, number:'1234', name:'J. Smith'}
// server returns: {id:456, number:'1234', name: 'J. Smith'};
// our custom method is mapped as well.
// POST: /user/123/card/456?amount=9.99&charge=true {id:456, number:'1234', name:'J. Smith'}
// we can create an instance as well
var newCard = new CreditCard({number:'0123'}); = "Mike Smith";
// POST: /user/123/card {number:'0123', name:'Mike Smith'}
// server returns: {id:789, number:'0123', name: 'Mike Smith'};
* ```
* The object returned from this function execution is a resource "class" which has "static" method
* for each action in the definition.
* Calling these methods invoke `$http` on the `url` template with the given `method`, `params` and
* `headers`.
* When the data is returned from the server then the object is an instance of the resource type and
* all of the non-GET methods are available with `$` prefix. This allows you to easily support CRUD
* operations (create, read, update, delete) on server-side data.
var User = $resource('/user/:userId', {userId:'@id'});
User.get({userId:123}, function(user) { = true;
* It's worth noting that the success callback for `get`, `query` and other methods gets passed
* in the response that came from the server as well as $http header getter function, so one
* could rewrite the above example and get access to http headers as:
var User = $resource('/user/:userId', {userId:'@id'});
User.get({userId:123}, function(u, getResponseHeaders){ = true;
u.$save(function(u, putResponseHeaders) {
//u => saved user object
//putResponseHeaders => $http header getter
* You can also access the raw `$http` promise via the `$promise` property on the object returned
var User = $resource('/user/:userId', {userId:'@id'});
.$promise.then(function(user) {
$scope.user = user;
* # Creating a custom 'PUT' request
* In this example we create a custom method on our resource to make a PUT request
* ```js
* var app = angular.module('app', ['ngResource', 'ngRoute']);
* // Some APIs expect a PUT request in the format URL/object/ID
* // Here we are creating an 'update' method
* app.factory('Notes', ['$resource', function($resource) {
* return $resource('/notes/:id', null,
* {
* 'update': { method:'PUT' }
* });
* }]);
* // In our controller we get the ID from the URL using ngRoute and $routeParams
* // We pass in $routeParams and our Notes factory along with $scope
* app.controller('NotesCtrl', ['$scope', '$routeParams', 'Notes',
function($scope, $routeParams, Notes) {
* // First get a note object from the factory
* var note = Notes.get({ id:$ });
* $id =;
* // Now call update passing in the ID first then the object you are updating
* Notes.update({ id:$id }, note);
* // This will PUT /notes/ID with the note object in the request payload
* }]);
* ```
angular.module('ngResource', ['ng']).
factory('$resource', ['$http', '$q', function($http, $q) {
'get': {method:'GET'},
'save': {method:'POST'},
'query': {method:'GET', isArray:true},
'remove': {method:'DELETE'},
'delete': {method:'DELETE'}
var noop = angular.noop,
forEach = angular.forEach,
extend = angular.extend,
copy = angular.copy,
isFunction = angular.isFunction;
* We need our custom method because encodeURIComponent is too aggressive and doesn't follow
* with regards to the character set (pchar) allowed in path
* segments:
* segment = *pchar
* pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
* pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
* unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
* sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
* / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
function encodeUriSegment(val) {
return encodeUriQuery(val, true).
replace(/%26/gi, '&').
replace(/%3D/gi, '=').
replace(/%2B/gi, '+');
* This method is intended for encoding *key* or *value* parts of query component. We need a
* custom method because encodeURIComponent is too aggressive and encodes stuff that doesn't
* have to be encoded per
* query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
* pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
* unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
* pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
* sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
* / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
function encodeUriQuery(val, pctEncodeSpaces) {
return encodeURIComponent(val).
replace(/%40/gi, '@').
replace(/%3A/gi, ':').
replace(/%24/g, '$').
replace(/%2C/gi, ',').
replace(/%20/g, (pctEncodeSpaces ? '%20' : '+'));
function Route(template, defaults) {
this.template = template;
this.defaults = defaults || {};
this.urlParams = {};
Route.prototype = {
setUrlParams: function(config, params, actionUrl) {
var self = this,
url = actionUrl || self.template,
var urlParams = self.urlParams = {};
forEach(url.split(/\W/), function(param){
if (param === 'hasOwnProperty') {
throw $resourceMinErr('badname', "hasOwnProperty is not a valid parameter name.");
if (!(new RegExp("^\\d+$").test(param)) && param &&
(new RegExp("(^|[^\\\\]):" + param + "(\\W|$)").test(url))) {
urlParams[param] = true;
url = url.replace(/\\:/g, ':');
params = params || {};
forEach(self.urlParams, function(_, urlParam){
val = params.hasOwnProperty(urlParam) ? params[urlParam] : self.defaults[urlParam];
if (angular.isDefined(val) && val !== null) {
encodedVal = encodeUriSegment(val);
url = url.replace(new RegExp(":" + urlParam + "(\\W|$)", "g"), function(match, p1) {
return encodedVal + p1;
} else {
url = url.replace(new RegExp("(\/?):" + urlParam + "(\\W|$)", "g"), function(match,
leadingSlashes, tail) {
if (tail.charAt(0) == '/') {
return tail;
} else {
return leadingSlashes + tail;
// strip trailing slashes and set the url
url = url.replace(/\/+$/, '') || '/';
// then replace collapse `/.` if found in the last URL path segment before the query
// E.g. `` becomes ``
url = url.replace(/\/\.(?=\w+($|\?))/, '.');
// replace escaped `/\.` with `/.`
config.url = url.replace(/\/\\\./, '/.');
// set params - delegate param encoding to $http
forEach(params, function(value, key){
if (!self.urlParams[key]) {
config.params = config.params || {};
config.params[key] = value;
function resourceFactory(url, paramDefaults, actions) {
var route = new Route(url);
actions = extend({}, DEFAULT_ACTIONS, actions);
function extractParams(data, actionParams){
var ids = {};
actionParams = extend({}, paramDefaults, actionParams);
forEach(actionParams, function(value, key){
if (isFunction(value)) { value = value(); }
ids[key] = value && value.charAt && value.charAt(0) == '@' ?
lookupDottedPath(data, value.substr(1)) : value;
return ids;
function defaultResponseInterceptor(response) {
return response.resource;
function Resource(value){
shallowClearAndCopy(value || {}, this);
forEach(actions, function(action, name) {
var hasBody = /^(POST|PUT|PATCH)$/i.test(action.method);
Resource[name] = function(a1, a2, a3, a4) {
var params = {}, data, success, error;
/* jshint -W086 */ /* (purposefully fall through case statements) */
switch(arguments.length) {
case 4:
error = a4;
success = a3;
case 3:
case 2:
if (isFunction(a2)) {
if (isFunction(a1)) {
success = a1;
error = a2;
success = a2;
error = a3;
} else {
params = a1;
data = a2;
success = a3;
case 1:
if (isFunction(a1)) success = a1;
else if (hasBody) data = a1;
else params = a1;
case 0: break;
throw $resourceMinErr('badargs',
"Expected up to 4 arguments [params, data, success, error], got {0} arguments",
/* jshint +W086 */ /* (purposefully fall through case statements) */
var isInstanceCall = this instanceof Resource;
var value = isInstanceCall ? data : (action.isArray ? [] : new Resource(data));
var httpConfig = {};
var responseInterceptor = action.interceptor && action.interceptor.response ||
var responseErrorInterceptor = action.interceptor && action.interceptor.responseError ||
forEach(action, function(value, key) {
if (key != 'params' && key != 'isArray' && key != 'interceptor') {
httpConfig[key] = copy(value);
if (hasBody) = data;
extend({}, extractParams(data, action.params || {}), params),
var promise = $http(httpConfig).then(function (response) {
var data =,
promise = value.$promise;
if (data) {
// Need to convert action.isArray to boolean in case it is undefined
// jshint -W018
if (angular.isArray(data) !== (!!action.isArray)) {
throw $resourceMinErr('badcfg',
'Error in resource configuration. Expected ' +
'response to contain an {0} but got an {1}',
action.isArray ? 'array' : 'object',
angular.isArray(data) ? 'array' : 'object');
// jshint +W018
if (action.isArray) {
value.length = 0;
forEach(data, function (item) {
if (typeof item === "object") {
value.push(new Resource(item));
} else {
// Valid JSON values may be string literals, and these should not be converted
// into objects. These items will not have access to the Resource prototype
// methods, but unfortunately there
} else {
shallowClearAndCopy(data, value);
value.$promise = promise;
value.$resolved = true;
response.resource = value;
return response;
}, function(response) {
value.$resolved = true;
return $q.reject(response);
promise = promise.then(
function(response) {
var value = responseInterceptor(response);
(success||noop)(value, response.headers);
return value;
if (!isInstanceCall) {
// we are creating instance / collection
// - set the initial promise
// - return the instance / collection
value.$promise = promise;
value.$resolved = false;
return value;
// instance call
return promise;
Resource.prototype['$' + name] = function(params, success, error) {
if (isFunction(params)) {
error = success; success = params; params = {};
var result = Resource[name].call(this, params, this, success, error);
return result.$promise || result;
Resource.bind = function(additionalParamDefaults){
return resourceFactory(url, extend({}, paramDefaults, additionalParamDefaults), actions);
return Resource;
return resourceFactory;
})(window, window.angular);