2023-05-12 10:20:28 +08:00

451 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2006-2016, JGraph Ltd
* Copyright (c) 2006-2016, Gaudenz Alder
var mxResources =
* Class: mxResources
* Implements internationalization. You can provide any number of
* resource files on the server using the following format for the
* filename: name[-en].properties. The en stands for any lowercase
* 2-character language shortcut (eg. de for german, fr for french).
* If the optional language extension is omitted, then the file is used as a
* default resource which is loaded in all cases. If a properties file for a
* specific language exists, then it is used to override the settings in the
* default resource. All entries in the file are of the form key=value. The
* values may then be accessed in code via <get>. Lines without
* equal signs in the properties files are ignored.
* Resource files may either be added programmatically using
* <add> or via a resource tag in the UI section of the
* editor configuration file, eg:
* (code)
* <mxEditor>
* <ui>
* <resource basename="examples/resources/mxWorkflow"/>
* (end)
* The above element will load examples/resources/ as well
* as the language specific file for the current language, if it exists.
* Values may contain placeholders of the form {1}...{n} where each placeholder
* is replaced with the value of the corresponding array element in the params
* argument passed to <mxResources.get>. The placeholder {1} maps to the first
* element in the array (at index 0).
* See <mxClient.language> for more information on specifying the default
* language or disabling all loading of resources.
* Lines that start with a # sign will be ignored.
* Special characters
* To use unicode characters, use the standard notation (eg. \u8fd1) or %u as a
* prefix (eg. %u20AC will display a Euro sign). For normal hex encoded strings,
* use % as a prefix, eg. %F6 will display a "o umlaut" (&ouml;).
* See <resourcesEncoded> to disable this. If you disable this, make sure that
* your files are UTF-8 encoded.
* Asynchronous loading
* By default, the core adds two resource files synchronously at load time.
* To load these files asynchronously, set <mxLoadResources> to false
* before loading mxClient.js and use <mxResources.loadResources> instead.
* Variable: resources
* Object that maps from keys to values.
resources: {},
* Variable: extension
* Specifies the extension used for language files. Default is <mxResourceExtension>.
extension: mxResourceExtension,
* Variable: resourcesEncoded
* Specifies whether or not values in resource files are encoded with \u or
* percentage. Default is false.
resourcesEncoded: false,
* Variable: loadDefaultBundle
* Specifies if the default file for a given basename should be loaded.
* Default is true.
loadDefaultBundle: true,
* Variable: loadDefaultBundle
* Specifies if the specific language file file for a given basename should
* be loaded. Default is true.
loadSpecialBundle: true,
* Function: isLanguageSupported
* Hook for subclassers to disable support for a given language. This
* implementation returns true if lan is in <mxClient.languages>.
* Parameters:
* lan - The current language.
isLanguageSupported: function(lan)
if (mxClient.languages != null)
return mxUtils.indexOf(mxClient.languages, lan) >= 0;
return true;
* Function: getDefaultBundle
* Hook for subclassers to return the URL for the special bundle. This
* implementation returns basename + <extension> or null if
* <loadDefaultBundle> is false.
* Parameters:
* basename - The basename for which the file should be loaded.
* lan - The current language.
getDefaultBundle: function(basename, lan)
if (mxResources.loadDefaultBundle || !mxResources.isLanguageSupported(lan))
return basename + mxResources.extension;
return null;
* Function: getSpecialBundle
* Hook for subclassers to return the URL for the special bundle. This
* implementation returns basename + '_' + lan + <extension> or null if
* <loadSpecialBundle> is false or lan equals <mxClient.defaultLanguage>.
* If <mxResources.languages> is not null and <mxClient.language> contains
* a dash, then this method checks if <isLanguageSupported> returns true
* for the full language (including the dash). If that returns false the
* first part of the language (up to the dash) will be tried as an extension.
* If <mxResources.language> is null then the first part of the language is
* used to maintain backwards compatibility.
* Parameters:
* basename - The basename for which the file should be loaded.
* lan - The language for which the file should be loaded.
getSpecialBundle: function(basename, lan)
if (mxClient.languages == null || !this.isLanguageSupported(lan))
var dash = lan.indexOf('-');
if (dash > 0)
lan = lan.substring(0, dash);
if (mxResources.loadSpecialBundle && mxResources.isLanguageSupported(lan) && lan != mxClient.defaultLanguage)
return basename + '_' + lan + mxResources.extension;
return null;
* Function: add
* Adds the default and current language properties file for the specified
* basename. Existing keys are overridden as new files are added. If no
* callback is used then the request is synchronous.
* Example:
* At application startup, additional resources may be
* added using the following code:
* (code)
* mxResources.add('resources/editor');
* (end)
* Parameters:
* basename - The basename for which the file should be loaded.
* lan - The language for which the file should be loaded.
* callback - Optional callback for asynchronous loading.
add: function(basename, lan, callback)
lan = (lan != null) ? lan : ((mxClient.language != null) ?
mxClient.language.toLowerCase() : mxConstants.NONE);
if (lan != mxConstants.NONE)
var defaultBundle = mxResources.getDefaultBundle(basename, lan);
var specialBundle = mxResources.getSpecialBundle(basename, lan);
var loadSpecialBundle = function()
if (specialBundle != null)
if (callback)
mxUtils.get(specialBundle, function(req)
}, function()
var req = mxUtils.load(specialBundle);
if (req.isReady())
catch (e)
// ignore
else if (callback != null)
if (defaultBundle != null)
if (callback)
mxUtils.get(defaultBundle, function(req)
}, function()
var req = mxUtils.load(defaultBundle);
if (req.isReady())
catch (e)
// ignore
// Overlays the language specific file (_lan-extension)
* Function: parse
* Parses the key, value pairs in the specified
* text and stores them as local resources.
parse: function(text)
if (text != null)
var lines = text.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
if (lines[i].charAt(0) != '#')
var index = lines[i].indexOf('=');
if (index > 0)
var key = lines[i].substring(0, index);
var idx = lines[i].length;
if (lines[i].charCodeAt(idx - 1) == 13)
var value = lines[i].substring(index + 1, idx);
if (this.resourcesEncoded)
value = value.replace(/\\(?=u[a-fA-F\d]{4})/g,"%");
mxResources.resources[key] = unescape(value);
mxResources.resources[key] = value;
* Function: get
* Returns the value for the specified resource key.
* Example:
* To read the value for 'welomeMessage', use the following:
* (code)
* var result = mxResources.get('welcomeMessage') || '';
* (end)
* This would require an entry of the following form in
* one of the English language resource files:
* (code)
* welcomeMessage=Welcome to mxGraph!
* (end)
* The part behind the || is the string value to be used if the given
* resource is not available.
* Parameters:
* key - String that represents the key of the resource to be returned.
* params - Array of the values for the placeholders of the form {1}...{n}
* to be replaced with in the resulting string.
* defaultValue - Optional string that specifies the default return value.
get: function(key, params, defaultValue)
var value = mxResources.resources[key];
// Applies the default value if no resource was found
if (value == null)
value = defaultValue;
// Replaces the placeholders with the values in the array
if (value != null && params != null)
value = mxResources.replacePlaceholders(value, params);
return value;
* Function: replacePlaceholders
* Replaces the given placeholders with the given parameters.
* Parameters:
* value - String that contains the placeholders.
* params - Array of the values for the placeholders of the form {1}...{n}
* to be replaced with in the resulting string.
replacePlaceholders: function(value, params)
var result = [];
var index = null;
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++)
var c = value.charAt(i);
if (c == '{')
index = '';
else if (index != null && c == '}')
index = parseInt(index)-1;
if (index >= 0 && index < params.length)
index = null;
else if (index != null)
index += c;
return result.join('');
* Function: loadResources
* Loads all required resources asynchronously. Use this to load the graph and
* editor resources if <mxLoadResources> is false.
* Parameters:
* callback - Callback function for asynchronous loading.
loadResources: function(callback)
mxResources.add(mxClient.basePath+'/resources/editor', null, function()
mxResources.add(mxClient.basePath+'/resources/graph', null, callback);