2023-05-12 10:20:28 +08:00

1950 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, JGraph Ltd
* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, Gaudenz Alder
* Class: mxSvgCanvas2D
* Extends <mxAbstractCanvas2D> to implement a canvas for SVG. This canvas writes all
* calls as SVG output to the given SVG root node.
* (code)
* var svgDoc = mxUtils.createXmlDocument();
* var root = (svgDoc.createElementNS != null) ?
* svgDoc.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'svg') : svgDoc.createElement('svg');
* if (svgDoc.createElementNS == null)
* {
* root.setAttribute('xmlns', mxConstants.NS_SVG);
* root.setAttribute('xmlns:xlink', mxConstants.NS_XLINK);
* }
* else
* {
* root.setAttributeNS('', 'xmlns:xlink', mxConstants.NS_XLINK);
* }
* var bounds = graph.getGraphBounds();
* root.setAttribute('width', (bounds.x + bounds.width + 4) + 'px');
* root.setAttribute('height', (bounds.y + bounds.height + 4) + 'px');
* root.setAttribute('version', '1.1');
* svgDoc.appendChild(root);
* var svgCanvas = new mxSvgCanvas2D(root);
* (end)
* A description of the public API is available in <mxXmlCanvas2D>.
* To disable anti-aliasing in the output, use the following code.
* (code)
* graph.view.canvas.ownerSVGElement.setAttribute('shape-rendering', 'crispEdges');
* (end)
* Or set the respective attribute in the SVG element directly.
* Constructor: mxSvgCanvas2D
* Constructs a new SVG canvas.
* Parameters:
* root - SVG container for the output.
* styleEnabled - Optional boolean that specifies if a style section should be
* added. The style section sets the default font-size, font-family and
* stroke-miterlimit globally. Default is false.
function mxSvgCanvas2D(root, styleEnabled)
* Variable: root
* Reference to the container for the SVG content.
this.root = root;
* Variable: gradients
* Local cache of gradients for quick lookups.
this.gradients = [];
* Variable: defs
* Reference to the defs section of the SVG document. Only for export.
this.defs = null;
* Variable: styleEnabled
* Stores the value of styleEnabled passed to the constructor.
this.styleEnabled = (styleEnabled != null) ? styleEnabled : false;
var svg = null;
// Adds optional defs section for export
if (root.ownerDocument != document)
var node = root;
// Finds owner SVG element in XML DOM
while (node != null && node.nodeName != 'svg')
node = node.parentNode;
svg = node;
if (svg != null)
// Tries to get existing defs section
var tmp = svg.getElementsByTagName('defs');
if (tmp.length > 0)
this.defs = svg.getElementsByTagName('defs')[0];
// Adds defs section if none exists
if (this.defs == null)
this.defs = this.createElement('defs');
if (svg.firstChild != null)
svg.insertBefore(this.defs, svg.firstChild);
// Adds stylesheet
if (this.styleEnabled)
* Extends mxAbstractCanvas2D
mxUtils.extend(mxSvgCanvas2D, mxAbstractCanvas2D);
* Capability check for DOM parser and checks if base tag is used.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.useDomParser = !mxClient.IS_IE && typeof DOMParser === 'function' && typeof XMLSerializer === 'function';
if (mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.useDomParser)
// Checks using a generic test text if the parsing actually works. This is a workaround
// for older browsers where the capability check returns true but the parsing fails.
var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString('test text', 'text/html');
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.useDomParser = doc != null;
catch (e)
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.useDomParser = false;
// Activates workaround for gradient ID resolution if base tag is used.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.useAbsoluteIds = !mxClient.IS_CHROMEAPP && !mxClient.IS_IE && !mxClient.IS_IE11 &&
!mxClient.IS_EDGE && document.getElementsByTagName('base').length > 0;
* Variable: path
* Holds the current DOM node.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.node = null;
* Variable: matchHtmlAlignment
* Specifies if plain text output should match the vertical HTML alignment.
* Defaul is true.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.matchHtmlAlignment = true;
* Variable: textEnabled
* Specifies if text output should be enabled. Default is true.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.textEnabled = true;
* Variable: foEnabled
* Specifies if use of foreignObject for HTML markup is allowed. Default is true.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.foEnabled = true;
* Variable: foAltText
* Specifies the fallback text for unsupported foreignObjects in exported
* documents. Default is '[Object]'. If this is set to null then no fallback
* text is added to the exported document.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.foAltText = '[Object]';
* Variable: foOffset
* Offset to be used for foreignObjects.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.foOffset = 0;
* Variable: textOffset
* Offset to be used for text elements.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.textOffset = 0;
* Variable: imageOffset
* Offset to be used for image elements.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.imageOffset = 0;
* Variable: strokeTolerance
* Adds transparent paths for strokes.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.strokeTolerance = 0;
* Variable: minStrokeWidth
* Minimum stroke width for output.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.minStrokeWidth = 1;
* Variable: refCount
* Local counter for references in SVG export.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.refCount = 0;
* Variable: lineHeightCorrection
* Correction factor for <mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT> in HTML output. Default is 1.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.lineHeightCorrection = 1;
* Variable: pointerEventsValue
* Default value for active pointer events. Default is all.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.pointerEventsValue = 'all';
* Variable: fontMetricsPadding
* Padding to be added for text that is not wrapped to account for differences
* in font metrics on different platforms in pixels. Default is 10.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.fontMetricsPadding = 10;
* Variable: cacheOffsetSize
* Specifies if offsetWidth and offsetHeight should be cached. Default is true.
* This is used to speed up repaint of text in <updateText>.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.cacheOffsetSize = true;
* Function: format
* Rounds all numbers to 2 decimal points.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.format = function(value)
return parseFloat(parseFloat(value).toFixed(2));
* Function: getBaseUrl
* Returns the URL of the page without the hash part. This needs to use href to
* include any search part with no params (ie question mark alone). This is a
* workaround for the fact that is empty if there is
* no search string behind the question mark.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.getBaseUrl = function()
var href = window.location.href;
var hash = href.lastIndexOf('#');
if (hash > 0)
href = href.substring(0, hash);
return href;
* Function: reset
* Returns any offsets for rendering pixels.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.reset = function()
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.reset.apply(this, arguments);
this.gradients = [];
* Function: createStyle
* Creates the optional style section.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createStyle = function(x)
var style = this.createElement('style');
style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
mxUtils.write(style, 'svg{font-family:' + mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY +
';font-size:' + mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSIZE +
return style;
* Function: createElement
* Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createElement = function(tagName, namespace)
if (this.root.ownerDocument.createElementNS != null)
return this.root.ownerDocument.createElementNS(namespace || mxConstants.NS_SVG, tagName);
var elt = this.root.ownerDocument.createElement(tagName);
if (namespace != null)
elt.setAttribute('xmlns', namespace);
return elt;
* Function: getAlternateText
* Returns the alternate text string for the given foreignObject.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.getAlternateText = function(fo, x, y, w, h, str, align, valign, wrap, format, overflow, clip, rotation)
return (str != null) ? this.foAltText : null;
* Function: getAlternateContent
* Returns the alternate content for the given foreignObject.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createAlternateContent = function(fo, x, y, w, h, str, align, valign, wrap, format, overflow, clip, rotation)
var text = this.getAlternateText(fo, x, y, w, h, str, align, valign, wrap, format, overflow, clip, rotation);
var s = this.state;
if (text != null && s.fontSize > 0)
var dy = (valign == mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP) ? 1 :
(valign == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM) ? 0 : 0.3;
var anchor = (align == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT) ? 'end' :
(align == mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT) ? 'start' :
var alt = this.createElement('text');
alt.setAttribute('x', Math.round(x + s.dx));
alt.setAttribute('y', Math.round(y + s.dy + dy * s.fontSize));
alt.setAttribute('fill', s.fontColor || 'black');
alt.setAttribute('font-family', s.fontFamily);
alt.setAttribute('font-size', Math.round(s.fontSize) + 'px');
// Text-anchor start is default in SVG
if (anchor != 'start')
alt.setAttribute('text-anchor', anchor);
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_BOLD) == mxConstants.FONT_BOLD)
alt.setAttribute('font-weight', 'bold');
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC) == mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC)
alt.setAttribute('font-style', 'italic');
var txtDecor = [];
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE) == mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE)
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH) == mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH)
if (txtDecor.length > 0)
alt.setAttribute('text-decoration', txtDecor.join(' '));
mxUtils.write(alt, text);
return alt;
return null;
* Function: createGradientId
* Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createGradientId = function(start, end, alpha1, alpha2, direction)
// Removes illegal characters from gradient ID
if (start.charAt(0) == '#')
start = start.substring(1);
if (end.charAt(0) == '#')
end = end.substring(1);
// Workaround for gradient IDs not working in Safari 5 / Chrome 6
// if they contain uppercase characters
start = start.toLowerCase() + '-' + alpha1;
end = end.toLowerCase() + '-' + alpha2;
// Wrong gradient directions possible?
var dir = null;
if (direction == null || direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
dir = 's';
else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST)
dir = 'e';
var tmp = start;
start = end;
end = tmp;
if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH)
dir = 's';
else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST)
dir = 'e';
return 'mx-gradient-' + start + '-' + end + '-' + dir;
* Function: getSvgGradient
* Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.getSvgGradient = function(start, end, alpha1, alpha2, direction)
var id = this.createGradientId(start, end, alpha1, alpha2, direction);
var gradient = this.gradients[id];
if (gradient == null)
var svg = this.root.ownerSVGElement;
var counter = 0;
var tmpId = id + '-' + counter;
if (svg != null)
gradient = svg.ownerDocument.getElementById(tmpId);
while (gradient != null && gradient.ownerSVGElement != svg)
tmpId = id + '-' + counter++;
gradient = svg.ownerDocument.getElementById(tmpId);
// Uses shorter IDs for export
tmpId = 'id' + (++this.refCount);
if (gradient == null)
gradient = this.createSvgGradient(start, end, alpha1, alpha2, direction);
gradient.setAttribute('id', tmpId);
if (this.defs != null)
this.gradients[id] = gradient;
return gradient.getAttribute('id');
* Function: createSvgGradient
* Creates the given SVG gradient.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createSvgGradient = function(start, end, alpha1, alpha2, direction)
var gradient = this.createElement('linearGradient');
gradient.setAttribute('x1', '0%');
gradient.setAttribute('y1', '0%');
gradient.setAttribute('x2', '0%');
gradient.setAttribute('y2', '0%');
if (direction == null || direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
gradient.setAttribute('y2', '100%');
else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST)
gradient.setAttribute('x2', '100%');
else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH)
gradient.setAttribute('y1', '100%');
else if (direction == mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST)
gradient.setAttribute('x1', '100%');
var op = (alpha1 < 1) ? ';stop-opacity:' + alpha1 : '';
var stop = this.createElement('stop');
stop.setAttribute('offset', '0%');
stop.setAttribute('style', 'stop-color:' + start + op);
op = (alpha2 < 1) ? ';stop-opacity:' + alpha2 : '';
stop = this.createElement('stop');
stop.setAttribute('offset', '100%');
stop.setAttribute('style', 'stop-color:' + end + op);
return gradient;
* Function: addNode
* Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.addNode = function(filled, stroked)
var node = this.node;
var s = this.state;
if (node != null)
if (node.nodeName == 'path')
// Checks if the path is not empty
if (this.path != null && this.path.length > 0)
node.setAttribute('d', this.path.join(' '));
if (filled && s.fillColor != null)
else if (!this.styleEnabled)
// Workaround for
if (node.nodeName == 'ellipse' && mxClient.IS_FF)
node.setAttribute('fill', 'transparent');
node.setAttribute('fill', 'none');
// Sets the actual filled state for stroke tolerance
filled = false;
if (stroked && s.strokeColor != null)
else if (!this.styleEnabled)
node.setAttribute('stroke', 'none');
if (s.transform != null && s.transform.length > 0)
node.setAttribute('transform', s.transform);
if (s.shadow)
// Adds stroke tolerance
if (this.strokeTolerance > 0 && !filled)
// Adds pointer events
if (this.pointerEvents)
node.setAttribute('pointer-events', this.pointerEventsValue);
// Enables clicks for nodes inside a link element
else if (!this.pointerEvents && this.originalRoot == null)
node.setAttribute('pointer-events', 'none');
// Removes invisible nodes from output if they don't handle events
if ((node.nodeName != 'rect' && node.nodeName != 'path' && node.nodeName != 'ellipse') ||
(node.getAttribute('fill') != 'none' && node.getAttribute('fill') != 'transparent') ||
node.getAttribute('stroke') != 'none' || node.getAttribute('pointer-events') != 'none')
// LATER: Update existing DOM for performance
this.node = null;
* Function: updateFill
* Transfers the stroke attributes from <state> to <node>.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.updateFill = function()
var s = this.state;
if (s.alpha < 1 || s.fillAlpha < 1)
this.node.setAttribute('fill-opacity', s.alpha * s.fillAlpha);
if (s.fillColor != null)
if (s.gradientColor != null)
var id = this.getSvgGradient(String(s.fillColor), String(s.gradientColor),
s.gradientFillAlpha, s.gradientAlpha, s.gradientDirection);
if (this.root.ownerDocument == document && this.useAbsoluteIds)
// Workaround for no fill with base tag in page (escape brackets)
var base = this.getBaseUrl().replace(/([\(\)])/g, '\\$1');
this.node.setAttribute('fill', 'url(' + base + '#' + id + ')');
this.node.setAttribute('fill', 'url(#' + id + ')');
this.node.setAttribute('fill', String(s.fillColor).toLowerCase());
* Function: getCurrentStrokeWidth
* Returns the current stroke width (>= 1), ie. max(1, this.format(this.state.strokeWidth * this.state.scale)).
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.getCurrentStrokeWidth = function()
return Math.max(this.minStrokeWidth, Math.max(0.01, this.format(this.state.strokeWidth * this.state.scale)));
* Function: updateStroke
* Transfers the stroke attributes from <state> to <node>.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.updateStroke = function()
var s = this.state;
this.node.setAttribute('stroke', String(s.strokeColor).toLowerCase());
if (s.alpha < 1 || s.strokeAlpha < 1)
this.node.setAttribute('stroke-opacity', s.alpha * s.strokeAlpha);
var sw = this.getCurrentStrokeWidth();
if (sw != 1)
this.node.setAttribute('stroke-width', sw);
if (this.node.nodeName == 'path')
if (s.dashed)
this.node.setAttribute('stroke-dasharray', this.createDashPattern(
((s.fixDash) ? 1 : s.strokeWidth) * s.scale));
* Function: updateStrokeAttributes
* Transfers the stroke attributes from <state> to <node>.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.updateStrokeAttributes = function()
var s = this.state;
// Linejoin miter is default in SVG
if (s.lineJoin != null && s.lineJoin != 'miter')
this.node.setAttribute('stroke-linejoin', s.lineJoin);
if (s.lineCap != null)
// flat is called butt in SVG
var value = s.lineCap;
if (value == 'flat')
value = 'butt';
// Linecap butt is default in SVG
if (value != 'butt')
this.node.setAttribute('stroke-linecap', value);
// Miterlimit 10 is default in our document
if (s.miterLimit != null && (!this.styleEnabled || s.miterLimit != 10))
this.node.setAttribute('stroke-miterlimit', s.miterLimit);
* Function: createDashPattern
* Creates the SVG dash pattern for the given state.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createDashPattern = function(scale)
var pat = [];
if (typeof(this.state.dashPattern) === 'string')
var dash = this.state.dashPattern.split(' ');
if (dash.length > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < dash.length; i++)
pat[i] = Number(dash[i]) * scale;
return pat.join(' ');
* Function: createTolerance
* Creates a hit detection tolerance shape for the given node.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createTolerance = function(node)
var tol = node.cloneNode(true);
var sw = parseFloat(tol.getAttribute('stroke-width') || 1) + this.strokeTolerance;
tol.setAttribute('pointer-events', 'stroke');
tol.setAttribute('visibility', 'hidden');
tol.setAttribute('stroke-width', sw);
tol.setAttribute('fill', 'none');
// Workaround for Opera ignoring the visiblity attribute above while
// other browsers need a stroke color to perform the hit-detection but
// do not ignore the visibility attribute. Side-effect is that Opera's
// hit detection for horizontal/vertical edges seems to ignore the tol.
tol.setAttribute('stroke', (mxClient.IS_OT) ? 'none' : 'white');
return tol;
* Function: createShadow
* Creates a shadow for the given node.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createShadow = function(node)
var shadow = node.cloneNode(true);
var s = this.state;
// Firefox uses transparent for no fill in ellipses
if (shadow.getAttribute('fill') != 'none' && (!mxClient.IS_FF || shadow.getAttribute('fill') != 'transparent'))
shadow.setAttribute('fill', s.shadowColor);
if (shadow.getAttribute('stroke') != 'none')
shadow.setAttribute('stroke', s.shadowColor);
shadow.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + this.format(s.shadowDx * s.scale) +
',' + this.format(s.shadowDy * s.scale) + ')' + (s.transform || ''));
shadow.setAttribute('opacity', s.shadowAlpha);
return shadow;
* Function: setLink
* Experimental implementation for hyperlinks.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.setLink = function(link)
if (link == null)
this.root = this.originalRoot;
this.originalRoot = this.root;
var node = this.createElement('a');
// Workaround for implicit namespace handling in HTML5 export, IE adds NS1 namespace so use code below
// in all IE versions except quirks mode. KNOWN: Adds xlink namespace to each image tag in output.
if (node.setAttributeNS == null || (this.root.ownerDocument != document && document.documentMode == null))
node.setAttribute('xlink:href', link);
node.setAttributeNS(mxConstants.NS_XLINK, 'xlink:href', link);
this.root = node;
* Function: rotate
* Sets the rotation of the canvas. Note that rotation cannot be concatenated.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.rotate = function(theta, flipH, flipV, cx, cy)
if (theta != 0 || flipH || flipV)
var s = this.state;
cx += s.dx;
cy += s.dy;
cx *= s.scale;
cy *= s.scale;
s.transform = s.transform || '';
// This implementation uses custom scale/translate and built-in rotation
// Rotation state is part of the AffineTransform in state.transform
if (flipH && flipV)
theta += 180;
else if (flipH != flipV)
var tx = (flipH) ? cx : 0;
var sx = (flipH) ? -1 : 1;
var ty = (flipV) ? cy : 0;
var sy = (flipV) ? -1 : 1;
s.transform += 'translate(' + this.format(tx) + ',' + this.format(ty) + ')' +
'scale(' + this.format(sx) + ',' + this.format(sy) + ')' +
'translate(' + this.format(-tx) + ',' + this.format(-ty) + ')';
if (flipH ? !flipV : flipV)
theta *= -1;
if (theta != 0)
s.transform += 'rotate(' + this.format(theta) + ',' + this.format(cx) + ',' + this.format(cy) + ')';
s.rotation = s.rotation + theta;
s.rotationCx = cx;
s.rotationCy = cy;
* Function: begin
* Extends superclass to create path.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.begin = function()
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.begin.apply(this, arguments);
this.node = this.createElement('path');
* Function: rect
* Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.rect = function(x, y, w, h)
var s = this.state;
var n = this.createElement('rect');
n.setAttribute('x', this.format((x + s.dx) * s.scale));
n.setAttribute('y', this.format((y + s.dy) * s.scale));
n.setAttribute('width', this.format(w * s.scale));
n.setAttribute('height', this.format(h * s.scale));
this.node = n;
* Function: roundrect
* Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.roundrect = function(x, y, w, h, dx, dy)
this.rect(x, y, w, h);
if (dx > 0)
this.node.setAttribute('rx', this.format(dx * this.state.scale));
if (dy > 0)
this.node.setAttribute('ry', this.format(dy * this.state.scale));
* Function: ellipse
* Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.ellipse = function(x, y, w, h)
var s = this.state;
var n = this.createElement('ellipse');
// No rounding for consistent output with 1.x
n.setAttribute('cx', this.format((x + w / 2 + s.dx) * s.scale));
n.setAttribute('cy', this.format((y + h / 2 + s.dy) * s.scale));
n.setAttribute('rx', w / 2 * s.scale);
n.setAttribute('ry', h / 2 * s.scale);
this.node = n;
* Function: image
* Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.image = function(x, y, w, h, src, aspect, flipH, flipV)
src = this.converter.convert(src);
// LATER: Add option for embedding images as base64.
aspect = (aspect != null) ? aspect : true;
flipH = (flipH != null) ? flipH : false;
flipV = (flipV != null) ? flipV : false;
var s = this.state;
x += s.dx;
y += s.dy;
var node = this.createElement('image');
node.setAttribute('x', this.format(x * s.scale) + this.imageOffset);
node.setAttribute('y', this.format(y * s.scale) + this.imageOffset);
node.setAttribute('width', this.format(w * s.scale));
node.setAttribute('height', this.format(h * s.scale));
// Workaround for missing namespace support
if (node.setAttributeNS == null)
node.setAttribute('xlink:href', src);
node.setAttributeNS(mxConstants.NS_XLINK, 'xlink:href', src);
if (!aspect)
node.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'none');
if (s.alpha < 1 || s.fillAlpha < 1)
node.setAttribute('opacity', s.alpha * s.fillAlpha);
var tr = this.state.transform || '';
if (flipH || flipV)
var sx = 1;
var sy = 1;
var dx = 0;
var dy = 0;
if (flipH)
sx = -1;
dx = -w - 2 * x;
if (flipV)
sy = -1;
dy = -h - 2 * y;
// Adds image tansformation to existing transform
tr += 'scale(' + sx + ',' + sy + ')translate(' + (dx * s.scale) + ',' + (dy * s.scale) + ')';
if (tr.length > 0)
node.setAttribute('transform', tr);
if (!this.pointerEvents)
node.setAttribute('pointer-events', 'none');
* Function: convertHtml
* Converts the given HTML string to XHTML.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.convertHtml = function(val)
if (this.useDomParser)
var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(val, 'text/html');
if (doc != null)
val = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(doc.body);
// Extracts body content from DOM
if (val.substring(0, 5) == '<body')
val = val.substring(val.indexOf('>', 5) + 1);
if (val.substring(val.length - 7, val.length) == '</body>')
val = val.substring(0, val.length - 7);
else if (document.implementation != null && document.implementation.createDocument != null)
var xd = document.implementation.createDocument('', 'html', null);
var xb = xd.createElement('body');
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = val;
var child = div.firstChild;
while (child != null)
var next = child.nextSibling;
child = next;
return xb.innerHTML;
var ta = document.createElement('textarea');
// Handles special HTML entities < and > and double escaping
// and converts unclosed br, hr and img tags to XHTML
// LATER: Convert all unclosed tags
ta.innerHTML = val.replace(/&amp;/g, '&amp;amp;').
replace(/&#60;/g, '&amp;lt;').replace(/&#62;/g, '&amp;gt;').
replace(/&lt;/g, '&amp;lt;').replace(/&gt;/g, '&amp;gt;').
replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
val = ta.value.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/&amp;lt;/g, '&lt;').
replace(/&amp;gt;/g, '&gt;').replace(/&amp;amp;/g, '&amp;').
replace(/<br>/g, '<br />').replace(/<hr>/g, '<hr />').
replace(/(<img[^>]+)>/gm, "$1 />");
return val;
* Function: createDiv
* Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createDiv = function(str)
var val = str;
if (!mxUtils.isNode(val))
val = '<div><div>' + this.convertHtml(val) + '</div></div>';
// IE uses this code for export as it cannot render foreignObjects
if (!mxClient.IS_IE && !mxClient.IS_IE11 && document.createElementNS)
var div = document.createElementNS('', 'div');
if (mxUtils.isNode(val))
var div2 = document.createElement('div');
var div3 = div2.cloneNode(false);
// Creates a copy for export
if (this.root.ownerDocument != document)
div.innerHTML = val;
return div;
if (mxUtils.isNode(val))
val = '<div><div>' + mxUtils.getXml(val) + '</div></div>';
val = '<div xmlns="">' + val + '</div>';
// NOTE: FF 3.6 crashes if content CSS contains "height:100%"
return mxUtils.parseXml(val).documentElement;
* Updates existing DOM nodes for text rendering. LATER: Merge common parts with text function below.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.updateText = function(x, y, w, h, align, valign, wrap, overflow, clip, rotation, node)
if (node != null && node.firstChild != null && node.firstChild.firstChild != null)
this.updateTextNodes(x, y, w, h, align, valign, wrap, overflow, clip, rotation, node.firstChild);
* Function: addForeignObject
* Creates a foreignObject for the given string and adds it to the given root.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.addForeignObject = function(x, y, w, h, str, align, valign, wrap, format, overflow, clip, rotation, dir, div, root)
var group = this.createElement('g');
var fo = this.createElement('foreignObject');
// Workarounds for print clipping and static position in Safari
fo.setAttribute('style', 'overflow: visible; text-align: left;');
fo.setAttribute('pointer-events', 'none');
// Import needed for older versions of IE
if (div.ownerDocument != document)
div = mxUtils.importNodeImplementation(fo.ownerDocument, div, true);
this.updateTextNodes(x, y, w, h, align, valign, wrap, overflow, clip, rotation, group);
// Alternate content if foreignObject not supported
if (this.root.ownerDocument != document)
var alt = this.createAlternateContent(fo, x, y, w, h, str, align, valign, wrap, format, overflow, clip, rotation);
if (alt != null)
fo.setAttribute('requiredFeatures', '');
var sw = this.createElement('switch');
* Updates existing DOM nodes for text rendering.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.updateTextNodes = function(x, y, w, h, align, valign, wrap, overflow, clip, rotation, g)
var s = this.state.scale;
mxSvgCanvas2D.createCss(w + 2, h, align, valign, wrap, overflow, clip,
(this.state.fontBackgroundColor != null) ? this.state.fontBackgroundColor : null,
(this.state.fontBorderColor != null) ? this.state.fontBorderColor : null,
'display: flex; align-items: unsafe ' +
((valign == mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP) ? 'flex-start' :
((valign == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM) ? 'flex-end' : 'center')) + '; ' +
'justify-content: unsafe ' + ((align == mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT) ? 'flex-start' :
((align == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT) ? 'flex-end' : 'center')) + '; ',
this.getTextCss(), s, mxUtils.bind(this, function(dx, dy, flex, item, block)
x += this.state.dx;
y += this.state.dy;
var fo = g.firstChild;
var div = fo.firstChild;
var box = div.firstChild;
var text = box.firstChild;
var r = ((this.rotateHtml) ? this.state.rotation : 0) + ((rotation != null) ? rotation : 0);
var t = ((this.foOffset != 0) ? 'translate(' + this.foOffset + ' ' + this.foOffset + ')' : '') +
((s != 1) ? 'scale(' + s + ')' : '');
text.setAttribute('style', block);
box.setAttribute('style', item);
// Workaround for clipping in Webkit with scrolling and zoom
fo.setAttribute('width', Math.ceil(1 / Math.min(1, s) * 100) + '%');
fo.setAttribute('height', Math.ceil(1 / Math.min(1, s) * 100) + '%');
var yp = Math.round(y + dy);
// Allows for negative values which are causing problems with
// transformed content where the top edge of the foreignObject
// limits the text box being moved further up in the diagram.
// KNOWN: Possible clipping problems with zoom and scrolling
// but this is normally not used with scrollbars as the
// coordinates are always positive with scrollbars.
// Margin-top is ignored in Safari and no negative values allowed
// for padding.
if (yp < 0)
fo.setAttribute('y', yp);
flex += 'padding-top: ' + yp + 'px; ';
div.setAttribute('style', flex + 'margin-left: ' + Math.round(x + dx) + 'px;');
t += ((r != 0) ? ('rotate(' + r + ' ' + x + ' ' + y + ')') : '');
// Output allows for reflow but Safari cannot use absolute position,
// transforms or opacity.
if (t != '')
g.setAttribute('transform', t);
if (this.state.alpha != 1)
g.setAttribute('opacity', this.state.alpha);
* Updates existing DOM nodes for text rendering.
mxSvgCanvas2D.createCss = function(w, h, align, valign, wrap, overflow, clip, bg, border, flex, block, s, callback)
var item = 'box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0; text-align: ' + ((align == mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT) ? 'left' :
((align == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT) ? 'right' : 'center')) + '; ';
var pt = mxUtils.getAlignmentAsPoint(align, valign);
var ofl = 'overflow: hidden; ';
var fw = 'width: 1px; ';
var fh = 'height: 1px; ';
var dx = pt.x * w;
var dy = pt.y * h;
if (clip)
fw = 'width: ' + Math.round(w) + 'px; ';
item += 'max-height: ' + Math.round(h) + 'px; ';
dy = 0;
else if (overflow == 'fill')
fw = 'width: ' + Math.round(w) + 'px; ';
fh = 'height: ' + Math.round(h) + 'px; ';
block += 'width: 100%; height: 100%; ';
item += fw + fh;
else if (overflow == 'width')
fw = 'width: ' + Math.round(w) + 'px; ';
block += 'width: 100%; ';
item += fw;
dy = 0;
if (h > 0)
item += 'max-height: ' + Math.round(h) + 'px; ';
ofl = '';
dy = 0;
var bgc = '';
if (bg != null)
bgc += 'background-color: ' + bg + '; ';
if (border != null)
bgc += 'border: 1px solid ' + border + '; ';
if (ofl == '' || clip)
block += bgc;
item += bgc;
if (wrap && w > 0)
block += 'white-space: normal; word-wrap: ' + mxConstants.WORD_WRAP + '; ';
fw = 'width: ' + Math.round(w) + 'px; ';
if (ofl != '' && overflow != 'fill')
dy = 0;
block += 'white-space: nowrap; ';
if (ofl == '')
dx = 0;
callback(dx, dy, flex + fw + fh, item + ofl, block, ofl);
* Function: getTextCss
* Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.getTextCss = function()
var s = this.state;
var lh = (mxConstants.ABSOLUTE_LINE_HEIGHT) ? (s.fontSize * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT) + 'px' :
(mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT * this.lineHeightCorrection);
var css = 'display: inline-block; font-size: ' + s.fontSize + 'px; ' +
'font-family: ' + s.fontFamily + '; color: ' + s.fontColor + '; line-height: ' + lh +
'; pointer-events: ' + ((this.pointerEvents) ? this.pointerEventsValue : 'none') + '; ';
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_BOLD) == mxConstants.FONT_BOLD)
css += 'font-weight: bold; ';
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC) == mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC)
css += 'font-style: italic; ';
var deco = [];
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE) == mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE)
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH) == mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH)
if (deco.length > 0)
css += 'text-decoration: ' + deco.join(' ') + '; ';
return css;
* Function: text
* Paints the given text. Possible values for format are empty string for plain
* text and html for HTML markup. Note that HTML markup is only supported if
* foreignObject is supported and <foEnabled> is true. (This means IE9 and later
* does currently not support HTML text as part of shapes.)
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.text = function(x, y, w, h, str, align, valign, wrap, format, overflow, clip, rotation, dir)
if (this.textEnabled && str != null)
rotation = (rotation != null) ? rotation : 0;
if (this.foEnabled && format == 'html')
var div = this.createDiv(str);
// Ignores invalid XHTML labels
if (div != null)
if (dir != null)
div.setAttribute('dir', dir);
this.addForeignObject(x, y, w, h, str, align, valign, wrap,
format, overflow, clip, rotation, dir, div, this.root);
this.plainText(x + this.state.dx, y + this.state.dy, w, h, str,
align, valign, wrap, overflow, clip, rotation, dir);
* Function: createClip
* Creates a clip for the given coordinates.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.createClip = function(x, y, w, h)
x = Math.round(x);
y = Math.round(y);
w = Math.round(w);
h = Math.round(h);
var id = 'mx-clip-' + x + '-' + y + '-' + w + '-' + h;
var counter = 0;
var tmp = id + '-' + counter;
// Resolves ID conflicts
while (document.getElementById(tmp) != null)
tmp = id + '-' + (++counter);
clip = this.createElement('clipPath');
clip.setAttribute('id', tmp);
var rect = this.createElement('rect');
rect.setAttribute('x', x);
rect.setAttribute('y', y);
rect.setAttribute('width', w);
rect.setAttribute('height', h);
return clip;
* Function: plainText
* Paints the given text. Possible values for format are empty string for
* plain text and html for HTML markup.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.plainText = function(x, y, w, h, str, align, valign, wrap, overflow, clip, rotation, dir)
rotation = (rotation != null) ? rotation : 0;
var s = this.state;
var size = s.fontSize;
var node = this.createElement('g');
var tr = s.transform || '';
// Ignores pointer events
if (!this.pointerEvents && this.originalRoot == null)
node.setAttribute('pointer-events', 'none');
// Non-rotated text
if (rotation != 0)
tr += 'rotate(' + rotation + ',' + this.format(x * s.scale) + ',' + this.format(y * s.scale) + ')';
if (dir != null)
node.setAttribute('direction', dir);
if (clip && w > 0 && h > 0)
var cx = x;
var cy = y;
if (align == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER)
cx -= w / 2;
else if (align == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT)
cx -= w;
if (overflow != 'fill')
if (valign == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE)
cy -= h / 2;
else if (valign == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM)
cy -= h;
// LATER: Remove spacing from clip rectangle
var c = this.createClip(cx * s.scale - 2, cy * s.scale - 2, w * s.scale + 4, h * s.scale + 4);
if (this.defs != null)
// Makes sure clip is removed with referencing node
if (!mxClient.IS_CHROMEAPP && !mxClient.IS_IE && !mxClient.IS_IE11 &&
!mxClient.IS_EDGE && this.root.ownerDocument == document)
// Workaround for potential base tag
var base = this.getBaseUrl().replace(/([\(\)])/g, '\\$1');
node.setAttribute('clip-path', 'url(' + base + '#' + c.getAttribute('id') + ')');
node.setAttribute('clip-path', 'url(#' + c.getAttribute('id') + ')');
// Default is left
var anchor = (align == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT) ? 'end' :
(align == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER) ? 'middle' :
// Text-anchor start is default in SVG
if (anchor != 'start')
node.setAttribute('text-anchor', anchor);
if (!this.styleEnabled || size != mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSIZE)
node.setAttribute('font-size', (size * s.scale) + 'px');
if (tr.length > 0)
node.setAttribute('transform', tr);
if (s.alpha < 1)
node.setAttribute('opacity', s.alpha);
var lines = str.split('\n');
var lh = Math.round(size * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT);
var textHeight = size + (lines.length - 1) * lh;
var cy = y + size - 1;
if (valign == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE)
if (overflow == 'fill')
cy -= h / 2;
var dy = ((this.matchHtmlAlignment && clip && h > 0) ? Math.min(textHeight, h) : textHeight) / 2;
cy -= dy;
else if (valign == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM)
if (overflow == 'fill')
cy -= h;
var dy = (this.matchHtmlAlignment && clip && h > 0) ? Math.min(textHeight, h) : textHeight;
cy -= dy + 1;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
// Workaround for bounding box of empty lines and spaces
if (lines[i].length > 0 && mxUtils.trim(lines[i]).length > 0)
var text = this.createElement('text');
// LATER: Match horizontal HTML alignment
text.setAttribute('x', this.format(x * s.scale) + this.textOffset);
text.setAttribute('y', this.format(cy * s.scale) + this.textOffset);
mxUtils.write(text, lines[i]);
cy += lh;
this.addTextBackground(node, str, x, y, w, (overflow == 'fill') ? h : textHeight, align, valign, overflow);
* Function: updateFont
* Updates the text properties for the given node. (NOTE: For this to work in
* IE, the given node must be a text or tspan element.)
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.updateFont = function(node)
var s = this.state;
node.setAttribute('fill', s.fontColor);
if (!this.styleEnabled || s.fontFamily != mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTFAMILY)
node.setAttribute('font-family', s.fontFamily);
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_BOLD) == mxConstants.FONT_BOLD)
node.setAttribute('font-weight', 'bold');
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC) == mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC)
node.setAttribute('font-style', 'italic');
var txtDecor = [];
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE) == mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE)
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH) == mxConstants.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH)
if (txtDecor.length > 0)
node.setAttribute('text-decoration', txtDecor.join(' '));
* Function: addTextBackground
* Background color and border
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.addTextBackground = function(node, str, x, y, w, h, align, valign, overflow)
var s = this.state;
if (s.fontBackgroundColor != null || s.fontBorderColor != null)
var bbox = null;
if (overflow == 'fill' || overflow == 'width')
if (align == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER)
x -= w / 2;
else if (align == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT)
x -= w;
if (valign == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE)
y -= h / 2;
else if (valign == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM)
y -= h;
bbox = new mxRectangle((x + 1) * s.scale, y * s.scale, (w - 2) * s.scale, (h + 2) * s.scale);
else if (node.getBBox != null && this.root.ownerDocument == document)
// Uses getBBox only if inside document for correct size
bbox = node.getBBox();
var ie = mxClient.IS_IE && mxClient.IS_SVG;
bbox = new mxRectangle(bbox.x, bbox.y + ((ie) ? 0 : 1), bbox.width, bbox.height + ((ie) ? 1 : 0));
catch (e)
// Ignores NS_ERROR_FAILURE in FF if container display is none.
if (bbox == null || bbox.width == 0 || bbox.height == 0)
// Computes size if not in document or no getBBox available
var div = document.createElement('div');
// Wrapping and clipping can be ignored here = (mxConstants.ABSOLUTE_LINE_HEIGHT) ? (s.fontSize * mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT) + 'px' : mxConstants.LINE_HEIGHT; = s.fontSize + 'px'; = s.fontFamily; = 'nowrap'; = 'absolute'; = 'hidden'; = (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) ? 'inline' : 'inline-block'; = '1';
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_BOLD) == mxConstants.FONT_BOLD)
{ = 'bold';
if ((s.fontStyle & mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC) == mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC)
{ = 'italic';
str = mxUtils.htmlEntities(str, false);
div.innerHTML = str.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
var w = div.offsetWidth;
var h = div.offsetHeight;
if (align == mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER)
x -= w / 2;
else if (align == mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT)
x -= w;
if (valign == mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE)
y -= h / 2;
else if (valign == mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM)
y -= h;
bbox = new mxRectangle((x + 1) * s.scale, (y + 2) * s.scale, w * s.scale, (h + 1) * s.scale);
if (bbox != null)
var n = this.createElement('rect');
n.setAttribute('fill', s.fontBackgroundColor || 'none');
n.setAttribute('stroke', s.fontBorderColor || 'none');
n.setAttribute('x', Math.floor(bbox.x - 1));
n.setAttribute('y', Math.floor(bbox.y - 1));
n.setAttribute('width', Math.ceil(bbox.width + 2));
n.setAttribute('height', Math.ceil(bbox.height));
var sw = (s.fontBorderColor != null) ? Math.max(1, this.format(s.scale)) : 0;
n.setAttribute('stroke-width', sw);
// Workaround for crisp rendering - only required if not exporting
if (this.root.ownerDocument == document && mxUtils.mod(sw, 2) == 1)
n.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(0.5, 0.5)');
node.insertBefore(n, node.firstChild);
* Function: stroke
* Paints the outline of the current path.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.stroke = function()
this.addNode(false, true);
* Function: fill
* Fills the current path.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.fill = function()
this.addNode(true, false);
* Function: fillAndStroke
* Fills and paints the outline of the current path.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.fillAndStroke = function()
this.addNode(true, true);