2023-05-12 10:20:28 +08:00

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* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, JGraph Ltd
* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, Gaudenz Alder
* Class: mxToolbar
* Creates a toolbar inside a given DOM node. The toolbar may contain icons,
* buttons and combo boxes.
* Event: mxEvent.SELECT
* Fires when an item was selected in the toolbar. The <code>function</code>
* property contains the function that was selected in <selectMode>.
* Constructor: mxToolbar
* Constructs a toolbar in the specified container.
* Parameters:
* container - DOM node that contains the toolbar.
function mxToolbar(container)
this.container = container;
* Extends mxEventSource.
mxToolbar.prototype = new mxEventSource();
mxToolbar.prototype.constructor = mxToolbar;
* Variable: container
* Reference to the DOM nodes that contains the toolbar.
mxToolbar.prototype.container = null;
* Variable: enabled
* Specifies if events are handled. Default is true.
mxToolbar.prototype.enabled = true;
* Variable: noReset
* Specifies if <resetMode> requires a forced flag of true for resetting
* the current mode in the toolbar. Default is false. This is set to true
* if the toolbar item is double clicked to avoid a reset after a single
* use of the item.
mxToolbar.prototype.noReset = false;
* Variable: updateDefaultMode
* Boolean indicating if the default mode should be the last selected
* switch mode or the first inserted switch mode. Default is true, that
* is the last selected switch mode is the default mode. The default mode
* is the mode to be selected after a reset of the toolbar. If this is
* false, then the default mode is the first inserted mode item regardless
* of what was last selected. Otherwise, the selected item after a reset is
* the previously selected item.
mxToolbar.prototype.updateDefaultMode = true;
* Function: addItem
* Adds the given function as an image with the specified title and icon
* and returns the new image node.
* Parameters:
* title - Optional string that is used as the tooltip.
* icon - Optional URL of the image to be used. If no URL is given, then a
* button is created.
* funct - Function to execute on a mouse click.
* pressedIcon - Optional URL of the pressed image. Default is a gray
* background.
* style - Optional style classname. Default is mxToolbarItem.
* factoryMethod - Optional factory method for popup menu, eg.
* function(menu, evt, cell) { menu.addItem('Hello, World!'); }
mxToolbar.prototype.addItem = function(title, icon, funct, pressedIcon, style, factoryMethod)
var img = document.createElement((icon != null) ? 'img' : 'button');
var initialClassName = style || ((factoryMethod != null) ?
'mxToolbarMode' : 'mxToolbarItem');
img.className = initialClassName;
img.setAttribute('src', icon);
if (title != null)
if (icon != null)
img.setAttribute('title', title);
mxUtils.write(img, title);
// Invokes the function on a click on the toolbar item
if (funct != null)
mxEvent.addListener(img, 'click', funct);
if (mxClient.IS_TOUCH)
mxEvent.addListener(img, 'touchend', funct);
var mouseHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
if (pressedIcon != null)
img.setAttribute('src', icon);
{ = '';
// Highlights the toolbar item with a gray background
// while it is being clicked with the mouse
mxEvent.addGestureListeners(img, mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
if (pressedIcon != null)
img.setAttribute('src', pressedIcon);
{ = 'gray';
// Popup Menu
if (factoryMethod != null)
if ( == null)
{ = new mxPopupMenu();;
var last = this.currentImg;
if (
if (last != img)
// Redirects factory method to local factory method
this.currentImg = img; = factoryMethod;
var point = new mxPoint(
img.offsetTop + img.offsetHeight);, point.y, null, evt);
// Sets and overrides to restore classname
if (
img.className = initialClassName + 'Selected'; = function()
img.className = initialClassName;
this.currentImg = null;
}), null, mouseHandler);
mxEvent.addListener(img, 'mouseout', mouseHandler);
return img;
* Function: addCombo
* Adds and returns a new SELECT element using the given style. The element
* is placed inside a DIV with the mxToolbarComboContainer style classname.
* Parameters:
* style - Optional style classname. Default is mxToolbarCombo.
mxToolbar.prototype.addCombo = function(style)
var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'inline';
div.className = 'mxToolbarComboContainer';
var select = document.createElement('select');
select.className = style || 'mxToolbarCombo';
return select;
* Function: addActionCombo
* Adds and returns a new SELECT element using the given title as the
* default element. The selection is reset to this element after each
* change.
* Parameters:
* title - String that specifies the title of the default element.
* style - Optional style classname. Default is mxToolbarCombo.
mxToolbar.prototype.addActionCombo = function(title, style)
var select = document.createElement('select');
select.className = style || 'mxToolbarCombo';
this.addOption(select, title, null);
mxEvent.addListener(select, 'change', function(evt)
var value = select.options[select.selectedIndex];
select.selectedIndex = 0;
if (value.funct != null)
return select;
* Function: addOption
* Adds and returns a new OPTION element inside the given SELECT element.
* If the given value is a function then it is stored in the option's funct
* field.
* Parameters:
* combo - SELECT element that will contain the new entry.
* title - String that specifies the title of the option.
* value - Specifies the value associated with this option.
mxToolbar.prototype.addOption = function(combo, title, value)
var option = document.createElement('option');
mxUtils.writeln(option, title);
if (typeof(value) == 'function')
option.funct = value;
option.setAttribute('value', value);
return option;
* Function: addSwitchMode
* Adds a new selectable item to the toolbar. Only one switch mode item may
* be selected at a time. The currently selected item is the default item
* after a reset of the toolbar.
mxToolbar.prototype.addSwitchMode = function(title, icon, funct, pressedIcon, style)
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.initialClassName = style || 'mxToolbarMode';
img.className = img.initialClassName;
img.setAttribute('src', icon);
img.altIcon = pressedIcon;
if (title != null)
img.setAttribute('title', title);
mxEvent.addListener(img, 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
var tmp = this.selectedMode.altIcon;
if (tmp != null)
this.selectedMode.altIcon = this.selectedMode.getAttribute('src');
this.selectedMode.setAttribute('src', tmp);
this.selectedMode.className = this.selectedMode.initialClassName;
if (this.updateDefaultMode)
this.defaultMode = img;
this.selectedMode = img;
var tmp = img.altIcon;
if (tmp != null)
img.altIcon = img.getAttribute('src');
img.setAttribute('src', tmp);
img.className = img.initialClassName+'Selected';
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.SELECT));
if (this.defaultMode == null)
this.defaultMode = img;
// Function should fire only once so
// do not pass it with the select event
return img;
* Function: addMode
* Adds a new item to the toolbar. The selection is typically reset after
* the item has been consumed, for example by adding a new vertex to the
* graph. The reset is not carried out if the item is double clicked.
* The function argument uses the following signature: funct(evt, cell) where
* evt is the native mouse event and cell is the cell under the mouse.
mxToolbar.prototype.addMode = function(title, icon, funct, pressedIcon, style, toggle)
toggle = (toggle != null) ? toggle : true;
var img = document.createElement((icon != null) ? 'img' : 'button');
img.initialClassName = style || 'mxToolbarMode';
img.className = img.initialClassName;
img.setAttribute('src', icon);
img.altIcon = pressedIcon;
if (title != null)
img.setAttribute('title', title);
if (this.enabled && toggle)
mxEvent.addListener(img, 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
this.selectMode(img, funct);
this.noReset = false;
mxEvent.addListener(img, 'dblclick', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
this.selectMode(img, funct);
this.noReset = true;
if (this.defaultMode == null)
this.defaultMode = img;
this.defaultFunction = funct;
this.selectMode(img, funct);
return img;
* Function: selectMode
* Resets the state of the previously selected mode and displays the given
* DOM node as selected. This function fires a select event with the given
* function as a parameter.
mxToolbar.prototype.selectMode = function(domNode, funct)
if (this.selectedMode != domNode)
if (this.selectedMode != null)
var tmp = this.selectedMode.altIcon;
if (tmp != null)
this.selectedMode.altIcon = this.selectedMode.getAttribute('src');
this.selectedMode.setAttribute('src', tmp);
this.selectedMode.className = this.selectedMode.initialClassName;
this.selectedMode = domNode;
var tmp = this.selectedMode.altIcon;
if (tmp != null)
this.selectedMode.altIcon = this.selectedMode.getAttribute('src');
this.selectedMode.setAttribute('src', tmp);
this.selectedMode.className = this.selectedMode.initialClassName+'Selected';
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject(mxEvent.SELECT, "function", funct));
* Function: resetMode
* Selects the default mode and resets the state of the previously selected
* mode.
mxToolbar.prototype.resetMode = function(forced)
if ((forced || !this.noReset) && this.selectedMode != this.defaultMode)
// The last selected switch mode will be activated
// so the function was already executed and is
// no longer required here
this.selectMode(this.defaultMode, this.defaultFunction);
* Function: addSeparator
* Adds the specifies image as a separator.
* Parameters:
* icon - URL of the separator icon.
mxToolbar.prototype.addSeparator = function(icon)
return this.addItem(null, icon, null);
* Function: addBreak
* Adds a break to the container.
mxToolbar.prototype.addBreak = function()
* Function: addLine
* Adds a horizontal line to the container.
mxToolbar.prototype.addLine = function()
var hr = document.createElement('hr'); = '6px';
hr.setAttribute('size', '1');
* Function: destroy
* Removes the toolbar and all its associated resources.
mxToolbar.prototype.destroy = function ()
this.container = null;
this.defaultMode = null;
this.defaultFunction = null;
this.selectedMode = null;
if ( != null)