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* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, JGraph Ltd
* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, Gaudenz Alder
* Class: mxStylesheet
* Defines the appearance of the cells in a graph. See <putCellStyle> for an
* example of creating a new cell style. It is recommended to use objects, not
* arrays for holding cell styles. Existing styles can be cloned using
* <mxUtils.clone> and turned into a string for debugging using
* <mxUtils.toString>.
* Default Styles:
* The stylesheet contains two built-in styles, which are used if no style is
* defined for a cell:
* defaultVertex - Default style for vertices
* defaultEdge - Default style for edges
* Example:
* (code)
* var vertexStyle = stylesheet.getDefaultVertexStyle();
* vertexStyle[mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED] = true;
* var edgeStyle = stylesheet.getDefaultEdgeStyle();
* edgeStyle[mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE] = mxEdgeStyle.EntityRelation;
* (end)
* Modifies the built-in default styles.
* To avoid the default style for a cell, add a leading semicolon
* to the style definition, eg.
* (code)
* ;shadow=1
* (end)
* Removing keys:
* For removing a key in a cell style of the form [stylename;|key=value;] the
* special value none can be used, eg. highlight;fillColor=none
* See also the helper methods in mxUtils to modify strings of this format,
* namely <mxUtils.setStyle>, <mxUtils.indexOfStylename>,
* <mxUtils.addStylename>, <mxUtils.removeStylename>,
* <mxUtils.removeAllStylenames> and <mxUtils.setStyleFlag>.
* Constructor: mxStylesheet
* Constructs a new stylesheet and assigns default styles.
function mxStylesheet()
this.styles = new Object();
* Function: styles
* Maps from names to cell styles. Each cell style is a map of key,
* value pairs.
* Function: createDefaultVertexStyle
* Creates and returns the default vertex style.
mxStylesheet.prototype.createDefaultVertexStyle = function()
var style = new Object();
style[mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE] = mxConstants.SHAPE_RECTANGLE;
style[mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER] = mxPerimeter.RectanglePerimeter;
style[mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN] = mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
style[mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN] = mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER;
style[mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR] = '#C3D9FF';
style[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR] = '#6482B9';
style[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR] = '#774400';
return style;
* Function: createDefaultEdgeStyle
* Creates and returns the default edge style.
mxStylesheet.prototype.createDefaultEdgeStyle = function()
var style = new Object();
style[mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE] = mxConstants.SHAPE_CONNECTOR;
style[mxConstants.STYLE_ENDARROW] = mxConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC;
style[mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN] = mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
style[mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN] = mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER;
style[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR] = '#6482B9';
style[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR] = '#446299';
return style;
* Function: putDefaultVertexStyle
* Sets the default style for vertices using defaultVertex as the
* stylename.
* Parameters:
* style - Key, value pairs that define the style.
mxStylesheet.prototype.putDefaultVertexStyle = function(style)
this.putCellStyle('defaultVertex', style);
* Function: putDefaultEdgeStyle
* Sets the default style for edges using defaultEdge as the stylename.
mxStylesheet.prototype.putDefaultEdgeStyle = function(style)
this.putCellStyle('defaultEdge', style);
* Function: getDefaultVertexStyle
* Returns the default style for vertices.
mxStylesheet.prototype.getDefaultVertexStyle = function()
return this.styles['defaultVertex'];
* Function: getDefaultEdgeStyle
* Sets the default style for edges.
mxStylesheet.prototype.getDefaultEdgeStyle = function()
return this.styles['defaultEdge'];
* Function: putCellStyle
* Stores the given map of key, value pairs under the given name in
* <styles>.
* Example:
* The following example adds a new style called 'rounded' into an
* existing stylesheet:
* (code)
* var style = new Object();
* style[mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE] = mxConstants.SHAPE_RECTANGLE;
* style[mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER] = mxPerimeter.RectanglePerimeter;
* style[mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED] = true;
* graph.getStylesheet().putCellStyle('rounded', style);
* (end)
* In the above example, the new style is an object. The possible keys of
* the object are all the constants in <mxConstants> that start with STYLE
* and the values are either JavaScript objects, such as
* <mxPerimeter.RightAngleRectanglePerimeter> (which is in fact a function)
* or expressions, such as true. Note that not all keys will be
* interpreted by all shapes (eg. the line shape ignores the fill color).
* The final call to this method associates the style with a name in the
* stylesheet. The style is used in a cell with the following code:
* (code)
* model.setStyle(cell, 'rounded');
* (end)
* Parameters:
* name - Name for the style to be stored.
* style - Key, value pairs that define the style.
mxStylesheet.prototype.putCellStyle = function(name, style)
this.styles[name] = style;
* Function: getCellStyle
* Returns the cell style for the specified stylename or the given
* defaultStyle if no style can be found for the given stylename.
* Parameters:
* name - String of the form [(stylename|key=value);] that represents the
* style.
* defaultStyle - Default style to be returned if no style can be found.
mxStylesheet.prototype.getCellStyle = function(name, defaultStyle)
var style = defaultStyle;
if (name != null && name.length > 0)
var pairs = name.split(';');
if (style != null &&
name.charAt(0) != ';')
style = mxUtils.clone(style);
style = new Object();
// Parses each key, value pair into the existing style
for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++)
var tmp = pairs[i];
var pos = tmp.indexOf('=');
if (pos >= 0)
var key = tmp.substring(0, pos);
var value = tmp.substring(pos + 1);
if (value == mxConstants.NONE)
delete style[key];
else if (mxUtils.isNumeric(value))
style[key] = parseFloat(value);
style[key] = value;
// Merges the entries from a named style
var tmpStyle = this.styles[tmp];
if (tmpStyle != null)
for (var key in tmpStyle)
style[key] = tmpStyle[key];
return style;